Day, Xondra - Menage on the Prairie (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (3 page)

BOOK: Day, Xondra - Menage on the Prairie (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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They shook hands. Joe introduced himself and then went on to give Ryan a tour around the farm.

They planted and worked hard from daylight till dusk to get the job done, and when it was, they both sat back, pleased with all their hard work and sweat.

“It’s all worth it in the end isn’t it,” said Ryan, standing back, looking over the vast expanse of what they had just finished. “Just to know that come late summer, early autumn this field will be full and ready to harvest. It’s amazing when you sit and think about it.”

In the past few months, Joe had come to learn that Ryan was of a different sort. He wasn’t much like the men he was used to. Ryan was quiet, yet the guy could be downright funny at times with an odd sense of humor. And work, he would never be outdone by anyone. He soon found he liked having Ryan around, and by harvest he’d decided to make him an equal partner in the farm.

“I can’t take you up on that Joe,” said Ryan adamantly the night when it was first proposed. Ryan paced the cabin, a look of disbelief splashed across his face. “This is yours. It’s what your father started. I have no right or claim to any of it.”

Joe sighed and threw both arms up in the air. “Without your help, I would have sunk. You know it, and I know it. The bank would have taken this place like that.” He snapped his fingers to emphasize his point. “I’m doing what I think is right. Stop being so stubborn and just say yes to it. I can’t run it without you.”

Together they both sat in front of the fireplace. Outside, it was nippy, but inside they were comfortable, both staring into the flickering flames. Joe sat in the stuffed chair while Ryan sat on the floor, his legs pulled up to his chin. “I’ll need some time to think. I’m not sure if I even want to stay. I might move right on down the road once the harvest is over.”

“What? Why would you do that? I need you. I just said that.” The fact was, there was a whole lot more to it, and Joe’s heart skipped a beat thinking about Ryan leaving him. Why, he didn’t quite know.

“It might be best for the both of us, Joe.”

“Don’t say that.” He didn’t know what Ryan was trying to say, it made no sense.

Ryan was up and on his feet again, standing there, again his eyes in the flames. “I just did,” he muttered.

Now he was on his feet, and in one fast gesture he grabbed Ryan by the arm, his grip firm. “I won’t let you leave, I won’t allow it.”

Ryan turned to face him. “You won’t allow me? If I want to go, I’ll go. And there won’t be any stopping me.”

Joe knew this was true. He stepped in close to Ryan, their gazes meeting, locking on to one another. And when Ryan kissed him gently, he didn’t dare pull away.

For a moment they both leaned onto one another, staying in that position, each breathing hard. Joe rested his head on Ryan’s shoulder. “I didn’t expect that,” he said, his voice breathy.

“Neither did I,” replied Ryan. “I’ve wanted to do that for so long.”

Joe released him from his embrace, leading him to the back of the cabin into his bedroom. It felt right.

Face-to-face, chest-to-chest, they embraced again.

For so long he’d been alone. He wasn’t even sure what to do but figured it would all come back to him. But hell, he was excited and it showed as Ryan pressed his leg against him.

Ryan’s fingers fumbled with the buttons on Joe’s shirt. He was trembling. Come to think of it, Joe was, too.

Slipping out of his shirt, he fell back onto the bed and pulled Ryan down on top of him. He grinned, looking up at the guy. “I never thought the day would end like this,” he said, with a light chuckle.

Ryan’s eyes lit up, the little flecks of green held within the brown shining in the glow of the moon beaming in through the window. “Neither did I. So many nights I lay in the other room, wishing that I could come in here and sleep next to you.”

“I never knew.” Ryan’s hands slid across his bare chest and traced down over his abdomen. When they stopped, they rested on his crotch. It had been ages since anyone had touched him there.

“I want to make you feel good, Joe.” Ryan unbuttoned his trousers.
gasped when Ryan’s hand pulled him free and started to jack his cock up and down. “How does that feel?” asked Ryan, licking his lips. “That’s one heck of a cock you have, mister.” Ryan grinned. “I have to taste you.”

Joe let out a deep groan when he felt Ryan’s tongue sliding across the tip of his cock. He reached down and grasped the back of Ryan’s head, guiding him along as Ryan swallowed him down, taking him deep inside his hot, wet mouth.

Ryan looked up at him. “Man, you are so hot. Let’s get you out of those trousers. I want to see you naked, all of you.”

“You too,” ordered Joe, his mind reeling with possibilities.

Joe placed both hands behind his bed as he watched Ryan standing beside the bed, first pulling off his shirt over his head, revealing a tanned, muscular chest lightly sprinkled with dark hair which trailed down into his tight-fitting trousers. His eyes then moved lower, to the impressive bulge that now stood prominent.

He’d never been with another man before, and the thought of what was contained within the constraints of those trousers excited the hell out him. He reached down and started to stroke himself as he watched Ryan remove the rest of his clothing. And when the trousers came off, he licked his lips at the sight of the thick cock that throbbed in front of him.

Both men, now naked as they day they were born, slid under the bedclothes and came together, each one’s warmth permeating into the other. Outside, the wind blew cold against the windowpanes, but inside the heat was on.

Intertwined together, they covered each other in a myriad of hot, passionate kisses, their tongues exploring each other’s most intimate places.

Ryan guided Joe toward his cock and encouraged him to take it inside his mouth, to suck it, lick it, worship it until he was on the verge of coming. But he could not and would not allow that to happen yet.

“I want you in me,” murmured Ryan.

“What?” asked Joe, not sure he quite understood what the guy was saying. Then, feeling stupid, he kissed Ryan on the cheek. “Ah. Mmmm

I can do that.” Damn, he could burst just thinking about sliding his hard cock between those lily-white muscular globes.

Ryan shimmied himself into place on the bed, lifting his butt slightly in the air.

“Are you sure you want this? It may hurt.” Joe spit on two fingers and reached down to grease up Ryan’s tight hole. “Have you ever?”

“Long story, but you’re the first for a long time

Taking aim, Joe pressed into him.
The tightness was overwhelming. He winced slightly, doing his best to proceed. Ryan let out a deep, guttural moan. Was he in pain?

“I’m hurting you,” said Joe.

“No, no. Don’t stop now. Just ease in slowly, like you’re doing.”

Joe balanced himself with one hand while reaching up with the other to run his fingers through Ryan’s curls. “Man, it feels so good. I’m in there now. Every inch of me is inside you.”

“Oh, yeah

Joe, fuck me nice and deep. I want to feel your balls against mine.”

Joe bit down on his lower lip. The feeling was incredible. He withdrew slightly and then slid his cock back to the hilt.

Together they moved as one, bucking back and forth, the sweat from Joe’s chest coating Ryan’s back.

“I’m going to come,” whispered Joe. He plunged deep within Ryan’s ass and could feel the fire rise deep inside his loins.

“Just do it, all over my butt. I want to feel your hot cum all over my ass.”

Joe grinned. Hell, he’d been grinning the whole damned evening since this started. He withdrew his cock, looking downward at Ryan’s quivering hole, his sweaty ass cheeks shining in the dark. With one hand now on his cock, jacking, he knew in less than a minute he’d be covering those cheeks in molten-hot cum.

He yelled out into the dark and closed his eyes as cum spurted from the head of his cock in streams, and for a tiny minuscule of a second he felt as if he’d pass out from sheer, unbridled pleasure. “Fuck!”

He collapsed next to Ryan in a heap. When the guy turned over, he kissed Joe hard, their tongues merging together. Ryan brought his hand up, flashing a wry smile. “You fucked the cum right out of me. That was beyond amazing.”

Joe felt Ryan’s hand grasp his now softening cock. “Already?” he chuckled.

“It’s a perfect cock,” answered Ryan. “I just want to hold it for a while.”

And that’s how it was from that night onward. They worked together during the day and at night shared each other’s bed. In Ryan, Joe had found the one thing that had been missing from his life—love. The fact that it took shape in the form of another man didn’t bother him. Sure, at first it had been unexpected, but he embraced it and everything that Ryan offered him.

Coming back to reality, Joe fired a rock into the river and looked across to the hill that lay in the distance. Many times he came to this spot to think, to ponder about life.

He shoved his hands into his trouser pockets and squinted up to the setting sun. It really was beautiful here, even if it was desolate, unforgiving country.

That was what had brought his father to it. He’d wanted his freedom and the chance to be indebted to no one, unfortunately for him it didn’t work out so well. It was at times like this he missed his father and his mother. They’d always been good to him. But that was the past and none of it could ever be undone.

With a sigh, he turned and began to walk back to the house. Tomorrow he’d marry, making Kate his wife. In time he’d grow to love her. And Ryan, he’d never stop loving him.

Chapter Three

Kate woke early the next morning. She yawned, stretched, and for a moment she couldn’t remember where she was. Then it came to her

Joe, Ryan, the small house, and today was the day she was to marry.

She heard movement in the other room and then the smell, the glorious scent of bacon frying and fresh coffee. Her stomach rumbled in response. It had been almost a whole day since she’d last eaten and she’d be darned if she wasn’t famished now.

Rummaging through her bags, Kate picked her best dress and was quick in preparing herself for the day. She stood in front of a mirror that hung on one wall, examining her appearance before making her entrance into the other room. She let out a small sigh, silently wishing for a bath. Perhaps she’d mention that later, just to see what was available at Cottonwood.

“My, that smells delicious,” she said, entering the other room.

Joe stood at the stove with a huge cast-iron skillet in hand. Ryan already had taken his place at the small table.

“Sit.” Joe motioned to the table. “You must be hungry.”

She watched as he piled a plate high with bacon, scrambled eggs, and fresh toasted bread. When he placed it in front of her with a hot cup of coffee, she thanked him graciously.

She looked to Ryan, who sat to her left with his head down and quickly forked in one mouthful of food after another.

“Preacher Dan will see us at nine,” explained Joe, taking his seat to her right, his own plate in hand. “It’s just a simple service, nothing fancy, and then we’ll be done. Ryan will be our witness.”

“It’s rather simple, isn’t it? Back where I come from, weddings are large affairs that often take a year or more to plan.” Taking a sip of coffee, Kate remembered when her best friend, Alexandra Whitley, married. The whole affair had cost a fortune and had almost sent her friend to the insane asylum. Everything had to be perfect, from the invitations down to the place settings for the reception afterward.

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