Dazzle her: Laws of Seduction Book 3 (9 page)

BOOK: Dazzle her: Laws of Seduction Book 3
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“James,” I say with exasperation. “We were not all that careful. Maybe she saw me getting out of your car or at a restaurant together. Who knows?””

“I guess it’s plausible, but you still don’t have any proof.”

I look back out the window at the rows of skyscrapers spread out in front of me. James combs his fingers through my hair, and I tilt my head back to look at him. Resting his hand on the back of my head, he pulls me closer. “Thank you for not believing that I was hooking up with Elizabeth at the same time I was going out with you.””

I lower my eyes to look at his tie, because I had believed exactly that for a little while at least. Nodding my head, I rest my head on his chest and breathe him in. I could understand why these women went crazy over him. He was irresistible.



After work, we stop at the police station to show the note I received at the gala to Bryce Cheney, a police detective who James knew. I hadn’t wanted to ruin our Sunday by spending it in a police station, and James had finally agreed that we could wait until Monday. The meeting with the detective is anticlimactic. We give him all the pertinent information, and he sends us on our way.

“I didn’t think corporate lawyers had much to do with police detectives.”

“You would be surprised. We met a few years ago when I was a junior associate. Whenever I need something from the department, I can usually depend on Bryce.”

It is still early enough to go for a run. We stop at my apartment so that I can pack a few things for the night before heading over to James’s apartment to change. We decide to run south to the Battery. The summer air is sultry and humid, but cooler than it had been earlier. When we are almost to the Freedom Tower, we veer right onto the pedestrian Esplanade that runs along Battery Park City, one of the more exclusive Manhattan neighborhoods. Battery Park City is filled with grassy parks and new, environmentally friendly apartment buildings. It is later, and there are not many commuters left taking the ferries that dock there back to New Jersey. Instead we see residents out walking their dogs and families out enjoying the August evening. As we near Battery Park, we enjoy the magnificent view of the sun setting over the Statue of Liberty.

I am in good shape, but it is a challenge to keep up with James. When we are back at his apartment, I am ready for a shower, but James decides to go to the building’s gym to lift weights. The cool shower is refreshing, and I put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt after stepping out. I decide not to dry my hair, and I head out to the living room. James is just getting back from the gym.

“The takeout menus are in that drawer,” James says, indicating a drawer next to the stove. “Can you pick something and call it in while I’’m in the shower?”

“Sure.” I go through the menus and decide that Chinese looks good. James’s phone, which is lying on the kitchen island, starts to ring. I see from the display that it is Rex. After considering for a moment, I pick up the phone and slide my finger across the surface to accept the call. “Hi Rex, it’s Lainey.”

“Lainey, how are you?”

“I’m good. Listen, if you are trying to reach James, I can have him call you back. He’s in the shower.”

“Glad to know I didn’t interrupt anything.”

Even though he cannot see, I roll my eyes. “We just got back from working out. We went for a run,” I add hastily to avoid any misunderstanding.

“You guys sure are turning into a boring couple.”

“Sorry, we can’t tantalize you with anything exciting. You will just have to go out and make your own fun.”

“Speaking of fun, did you know that James’s birthday is coming up?”

“What?” I practically shriek into the phone. Restraining myself, I ask in a lower tone. “When?”

“August 31

I cringe inside. “You’re kidding me?”

“Nope. Huh, that’s exactly a week from today.”

“Ugh,” I groan in dismay. Alright, I can come up with something in a week. It’s better than if he had said it was tomorrow. ““I’ll tell James you called.”

Disconnecting, I dial in the Chinese food.

I am wracking my brain the next day trying to think of an appropriate birthday gift for James, but my mind keeps returning to the night before, when James had joined me shirtless and his hair still damp from the shower. That memory alone could provide me with fantasy material for a very long time. The food had come and we had played silly games feeding each other Kung Pao chicken. I had ended up spread out across the gray shag area rug while James had his wicked way with me. I am definitely developing a fondness for that rug. Suddenly I am struck by inspiration. Doesn’t every boyfriend want provocative pictures of his girlfriend? I had the perfect photographer in mind too. After I have everything arranged, I send James a text.

Can’t make dinner tonight after all. Something has come up. XX

It will take some extraordinary planning on my part, but I am sure I can pull it off. I rush through my work with the intention of leaving the office at six on the dot. It is almost time to go when I remember to check my messages. I have one from James.

In a meeting now. Will call you later tonight.

Excited to put my plan in motion, I head out. After stopping at my apartment to pick up a few things, I take a taxi to an address in Brooklyn. Davis is waiting for me when I arrive. He proudly shows me the newest additions to his studio before getting down to business. After telling him what I have in mind, Davis suggests some background and outfits.

We start with me in the black lingerie I had worn the night of the gala. Sadly, Davis does not have a gray rug, but I decide that the white bearskin rug he has will work just as well. Time flies as Davis snaps pictures while cracking out directives. In my previous experience with Davis, he had been laidback and easygoing, exuding Down Under charm.

“I had no idea you could be so bossy.” I tell him.

“I take photography seriously, and I expect my models to as well.”

I could respect that. “I can see why you are in such demand.”

“That’s good. Now move your arm a little higher. I knew you would make a fantastic model. The camera loves you.”

“Really? I hope the pictures turn out well.”

“With me taking them? How can you doubt it?”

“And so modest. I’m getting to know a whole new side of you,” I tease before turning serious. “Davis, I appreciate this so much. I think James will love the photos.”

“Sounds like things are getting pretty serious with you and Mr. hotshot lawyer.”

I feel heat flood my cheeks. “Maybe.”

Davis stops and looks at me over the camera lens. “Lainey, you are too cute sometimes.”

Davis sends me off to change, and when I come back, I am wearing a cream colored lace bra with matching lace panties and light stockings held up by a garter belt.

“Virginal, yet sexy. Nice.” Davis tries a few background props until finally settling on a white rattan chair. When he has me positioned to his satisfaction, he steps back and begins taking pictures.

“Are you seeing anyone?” I ask.

“Lie your head back so your hair flows down the back of the chair. Yes, that’s it.” I hear the click of the camera in the background. ““I’ve been out a couple of times with a model I met on my last shoot.”

“The shoot in Canada?”

“Yea, how did you know about that?”


“Ah, right. Now spread your legs out a bit. Perfect.”

“What’s her name?”

“Whose name?”

“The model from the Canadian shoot.”

“Daphne, why?”

“Just wondering. I guess Selene will be disappointed.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Come on, Davis. You have to know she’s into you. I saw her the other night, by the way, and she couldn’t stop talking about you.”” Men could be so clueless sometimes. “Please don’t tell me you didn’t know she has a thing for you.””

I see Davis’s careless shrug from the corner of my eye. I hear my phone ringing from inside my bag, and Davis pauses. “Do you want to get that?”

“No, I’ll just let it go to voicemail.”

Davis brings up the photos on his laptop after we are finished shooting. “Davis, these are amazing.”

“It’s easy when the model looks like you.”

“Don’t be so modest. I don’t think anyone else could have made me look like that.” I point to a photo taken from my side with me on my stomach, topless. The photo just hints at the curve of my breast. My lips are slightly parted and my bare skin seems to glow. Davis has captured a sultry look on my face that I can’t believe is me. Thinking back, I recall that at that moment we had just been talking about James. Is this what the thought of that man does to me?

I choose my favorites, and Davis promises to have them ready by the weekend. Davis, I realize, is turning out to be a good friend, despite the way I treated him at the beginning of our relationship. To thank him, I insist on taking him out to dinner, and by the time I get home it is past midnight. Knowing I will be running on a sleep deficit in the morning, I rush through my nightly routine and throw myself into bed.



Just as I had predicted, the following morning finds me staring blearily at my computer screen. I had nearly overslept, but Sam’s habit of blasting music while getting ready had wakened me. I chuckle to myself as I remember the morning. With the music pounding and her back to me, Sam had not heard me come into the kitchen. I recall watching the orange juice carton she held in one hand fly up into the air and come down in a giant splat on the kitchen floor, showering us both. My smile fades as I recall the nightmare of cleaning up the sticky mess.

After a series of conference calls for the suit I have pending for Karl Rothschild, I am exhausted. Deciding it is time for a coffee break, I dial Alex’s extension. I haven’t spoken to him since Bethany’s birthday party in the conference room last Thursday, and I want to make sure we are alright. I don’t let Alex’s cold tone on the other end of the line put me off. With a little perseverance, I convince him to meet me at the coffee shop down the block. I arrive first, and since I know what Alex likes, I order for both of us. He comes in a few minutes later looking harried. “Sorry, I couldn’t get away from Lewis.”

“No problem.” I smile with understanding. Lewis is one of the more talkative senior partners. “I ordered for you.”

“Thanks.” Alex takes the coffee, not meeting my eyes.

There is a lot of activity near the cash registers, so we move to the back, where we find an unoccupied table for two. Alex sits in his chair with his arms crossed in front of him. His body language is sending me a clear message. I eye him warily. “Are you mad at me?”

“What do you think?” He asks scathingly. “I feel like such an idiot.”

His last statement confuses me. “Why? I don’t think you’re an idiot.”

“Lainey, I thought I had a chance with you, and this whole time you’ve been living it up with the playboy of the year.”

I quirk my eyebrow at him. “Playboy of the year? That’s a new one.”

Alex gives me a disgruntled look. Okay, he’s not ready to laugh about it yet.

“Come on Alex, we’ve always been friends. I don’t want to lose you over this. Besides, James and I haven’t been together that long. It’s actually pretty new. I was hesitant to tell the office because I didn’t want anyone thinking I was getting any kind of extra perks because of who I was dating.”

Alex mumbles under his breath, but I hear it anyway. “I know who’s getting the perks.”

“Excuse me?”

Realizing that he is about to cross a line, he backtracks. “Understandable, I guess,” Alex admits begrudgingly. “It’s just that you didn’t trust me enough not to tell anyone.”

“Maybe I should have told you,” I concede.

“You were getting out of his car the other day, weren’t you?”

“Yes, I wasn’t sure if you knew it was James’s car or not.”

“No, I only saw the driver.”

I nod my head in understanding. “Alex, you are one of my best friends, and I would be devastated if you let this ruin our friendship.”

“Okay, Lainey. I just need some time.”

Knowing that I cannot ask for more than that, I change the conversation to more lighthearted subjects. We finish our coffees and walk the block back to the office in the hot, muggy August heat. As we enter our building and walk to the elevators, I tell about the orange juice incident from this morning, getting a laugh out of Alex. This makes me think that he may forgive me sooner rather than later, and it is a load off my mind. In my relief I flash him a blinding smile. I hear the ping of an elevator opening into the lobby, and out of the corner of my eye I see a dark suit. When I look up, James is before me, looking at us with a cold, impassive expression on his face. Without acknowledging me at all, he turns to a man, who must be a client, and continues on to the doors leading to the street with him. Utter shock keeps me rooted to my spot, until Alex gives me a slight nudge with his elbow. “Trouble in paradise?”

Ignoring him, I march onto the elevator and punch the button for my floor. My confusion mounts as the elevator car ascends. I review my last interaction with James, searching for an explanation for his strange behavior. Was it my text from the day before, in which I cancelled our plans? I cannot disguise my distraction when Alex mumbles a quick goodbye. I pull out my phone to see if it has any answers. I panic as I see several missed calls and texts messages from James. Oh, shit. This cannot be good.

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