Dead Man Running: Book Two - Supernatural Bounty Hunter Romance Novellas (3 page)

BOOK: Dead Man Running: Book Two - Supernatural Bounty Hunter Romance Novellas
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Chapter Three


The four bounty hunters ensconced in Carly’s car,
or, at least, the two hunters and the two wannabe hunters
, avidly watched Everhard.

“Two more minutes and I’m going in!” declared Jackson grumpily.

He’d been fine until Carly decided they had to cool down their antics.  Lost in the moment, he’d been trying to work his hand into her panties.  She’d soon put a stop to that.  No way was she letting him bring her to orgasm in front of the other two shifters!  She did have some principles! 
Although admittedly, not as many as she had before meeting Jackson.

Since she poured cold water on his ardor, he’d been exceptionally grouchy, and, starting at fifteen minutes, had been telling them he was going in with every minute that passed.

“Oh, thank god,” muttered Logan, as he spied Marcus’ BMW pull up.

Jackson harrumphed but didn’t say anything.  Logan unpacked his massive frame from the car and stretched, groaning at his aching muscles.  He reflected that Corollas weren’t really built for seven foot bear shifters.  Jackson and Carly untangled themselves from the front seat, and Noah got out from the back.

They were surprised when Alma hopped out of Marcus’ car.  Noah practically drooled; she looked spectacular.  Carly frowned looking down at her own rounded body, what she wouldn’t give for Alma’s lithe frame.  She sneaked a glance at Jackson to see whether he was impressed by the leggy witch.  She was pleased to find he just looked pissed off.  She snuggled into his chest and, automatically, his arm slid round her waist, giving her a squeeze. 
Yep, curves all the way for this wolf.

Alma strode toward them with Marcus strolling behind in a black jogging suit.  Everything he wore was black.  Carly couldn’t imagine him in colors, if anything that might make him more terrifying. 
She didn’t like snakes.

“Is it me, or are they walking in slow motion?” asked Noah dreamily.

Carly sniggered.  “I think they just got lost on the way to the Matrix.” 

Alma flashed them a predatory grin.  “So, boys and girl, where is he?”

Unobtrusively, Logan nodded toward the window of Noir.  Covertly, the witch and the snake glanced at the vampire.

Alma motioned to the door of the restaurant.  “Shall we?” 

Marcus hesitated for a second before his upper lip twitched.  Marcus was pretty hard to read, but the shifters knew that a lip twitch meant he was annoyed… or hungry, they couldn’t really differentiate between the two. 
However, he could be annoyed because he was hungry

Marcus let out a breath.  “Okay.  Logan, Jackson, and Noah
be ready with the chains.  When I give the signal, you wrap him up.” 

Alma’s deep red lips curled upwards.  “Carly stand back, if this vamp comes toward you make sure you hide behind Jackson.  Let the vampire take Jackson down while you escape, okay?”  Alma liked Carly; she was funny and pissed Jackson off no end.

Jackson scowled at the witch
, although, to be fair that’s exactly what he would have told Carly to do, too. 

Alma raked her fingers through her hair.  “Now or never, slick.”

Marcus nodded and followed her into the restaurant, several steps behind.  Carly and Noah watched in awe as the witch sauntered up to the vampire.  The vampire immediately noticed her, and his eyes dilated with lust. 
Vampires preferred witches, their magic-infused blood tasted sweeter

The four shifters watched as
Everhard sidled up to Alma.  He said something, and Alma raised an eyebrow at him, smiling seductively.  The shifters couldn’t hear what was going on, so Carly and Noah decided to improvise.

“Oh, Mr.
Everhard, you do go on!”  Carly said suddenly, in a high-pitched voice.

“Say, that’s a pretty neck you have there,” replied Noah, deepening his voice.

Carly giggled as they watched Everhard ghost his fingers over Alma’s arm.  “Oh, this old thing?  I’ve had it for years.”

settled his hand on Alma’s waist.  Logan chuckled at the fox shifters, while Jackson groaned and muttered about staying focused.

“Did you wash it before you came out tonight?” asked Noah.

“Why do you ask?” retorted Carly with mock suspicion.

“No reason, no reason.  Say, just out of interest, what is your blood type?”

The shifters guffawed but then sobered when they saw Alma whisper something to Everhard.  The vampire’s eyes widened, and then he snarled.  Alma stepped back quickly as the vampire moved to strike her.  Before he could, an enormous boa constrictor wrapped itself around him tightly.

Alma’s eyes shone as she started throwing stunning spells at the vampire. 
Everhard struggled frantically with the giant snake, but his motions slowed under the barrage of magic being leveled at him.

The other diners in the restaurant looked a little fearful of what was happening, but, interestingly, didn’t stop eating their food or try to leave. 
Apparently, the food really was that good

After ten minutes Alma was looking a little weary, but not half as weary as the vampire.  With the snake still wrapped around him, Alma used magic to lead
Everhard outside.  She stopped to apologize to the maître d before stepping out to triumphantly face the shifters.

gave them a smug grin.  “See, Jackson, it is actually possible to catch someone without causing massive property damage.”

Jackson sneered as he helped Logan tighten the chains around
Everhard, allowing Marcus to slither off and shift to his human form.

Carly giggled at Marcus’ naked body, and a growling Jackson slapped his hand over her eyes. 
She wasn’t allowed to look at any nude men other than him.

“Spoilsport!” she griped.

Marcus found a spare pair of pants in the trunk of his car and slipped them on.    Jackson let go of a snickering Carly.

The vampire let out a woozy groan and swayed between Logan and Noah’s steadying hands.  “Get him in my car,” ordered Marcus.

The assembled party froze as a Cadillac sped towards them and screeched to a halt.  Viktor hopped out of the driving seat and sprinted to them.  Alma shot Marcus a look of disgust before smirking.

“I’m here!”  He looked between the surprised faces of the shifters, the unsteady vampire and Alma’s maddeningly smug smile.

“You snooze you lose, Vik.  We already got the job done.”  Alma told him proudly.

Viktor grunted.  “So I see Al.  You should have waited for me.  It could have been dangerous.”

Alma’s tone turned even chillier.  “Look vampy, we were catching undead skips long before you came on the scene.  We don’t need your help.  We manage just fine.”

Viktor rolled his eyes.  “Please!”  He gestured to
Everhard.  “This one’s barely a century old.  Even Jackson could have handled this one.”

Jackson roared furiously and made a move toward the vampire, but Carly kept hold of him and stroked his chest.

Viktor looked with interest between the red and white foxes.  “New recruits?” he asked Marcus.

Marcus nodded.  “That’s Noah, he’s training to be a hunter, and that’s Carly, she’s working in the office.  This is Viktor; he works for us occasionally.”

Noah squeaked that it was nice to meet him.  Viktor replied with a toothy grin.

“Actually, I’d like to train to be a bounty hu
nter, too,” said Carly, stepping toward Viktor with her hand raised. 

Jackson pulled her back into his arms before Viktor could touch her.  “Mine!” he snarled.

Carly rolled her eyes as Viktor chuckled.  “Indeed,” he said smoothly.

Alma took out her lipstick and applied another coat.  “Well, as much as I’m enjoying this, I actually have a date.”

Viktor crossed his arms and scowled at her.  “Really?”

“Really.  Oh look, there he is now.”  Alma waved at a tall alligator shifter who was clambering out of a Lexus.  “Sweet of him to pick me up from here, wasn’t it?  Well, goodnight, children.”

With that Alma walked over to the alligator, hips swinging enticingly.  Crossly, Viktor watched them leave.  
Fucking alligators, all teeth and bad body odor

Marcus told Logan and Noah to put the captured vampire in his car, and sit either side of him, to box him in.  The snake advised Jackson to take Carly home.  The wolf wasn’t pleased at first, but Carly whispered something in his ear that soon had him looking excited. 
He couldn’t get out of there fast enough!

Viktor stared in the direction Alma, and her asshole date
, had left in.  “You’re supposed to keep her safe.”  The vampire ground out through gritted teeth.

Marcus surveyed him with interest.  “No, that’s your job.  I have no control over Alma.”

Viktor closed his eyes, and his shoulders slumped.  “I’m trying…”

Marcus softened slightly.  “Well, it’s not working.  Every day that passes, she’s just going to find new and stupider ways to prove to you how tough she is.  You might want to think about that.”

The snake shifter slapped the vampire on the back in a friendly fashion, before getting in his car and driving away.

Viktor sighed. 
Why did the witch have to make everything so hard?

Chapter Four


Alma unlocked her apartment door, shielding the entrance with her body.  “Well, thanks for a lovely evening.”

The alligator, whose name was Lyle, grinned at her.  “Do you mind if I come in for a minute to use your bathroom?”

Ummmm, I usually don’t let men into my place after the first date.” 
Or the second, or a third, or even a fourth if they got that far.

Lyle leaned against the door frame.  “Please, I’ll be real quick.  That beer went straight through me.”

Mmmm, sexy
.  “Okay, but just for a minute.”

She let him in and switched on the light.  “Down the hall, to the right.”

“Thanks, babe.”  He sauntered through her apartment like he owned the place.

Ugh ‘babe’
.  Alma groaned and slipped off her heels.  Her apartment sure was dark tonight.  She flipped on the kitchen lights.  She couldn’t remember shutting all the curtains… 
That could only mean one thing.

She found Viktor sitting on her couch, leafing through her Magical Monthly magazine.

“What are you doing here?” Alma whispered furiously.

Viktor eyed her with irritation.  “Making sure that reptile keeps his scaly hands to himself,” he replied silkily, not even bothering to lower his voice.

She grunted in annoyance.  “He can’t see you here.”

Viktor looked at her coldly.  “Why did you let him into your apartment?”

The toilet flushed.  Alma really didn’t feel like dealing with Viktor’s jealousy right at that moment.  “Hide before he sees you.”

“Did he touch you?  Has that animal tried to kiss you?  If he has, I will turn that fucker into a pair of boots and a purse!”

Alma opened her mouth to respond, but stopped when she heard Lyle walking towards her.  She looked back to see her couch was now empty. 
Slippery vampire

“All better?” she asked, plastering a fake smile on her face. 

She was keen to get him out of her apartment, and not just because Viktor was there.  As dates went, it had been tedious.  The Tex Mex restaurant hadn’t been great, and Lyle had spent the entire evening alternately complaining about his ex-wives (all six of them), trying to grab her leg under the table, and generally just telling her how important and rich he was. 
He’d need money to support all those disgruntled wives.

Alma walked over to the door, trying to usher him out. 

Lyle’s eyes dilated with desire.  “No reason the date has to end here, though…”

The alligator swooped in for a kiss, and Alma adeptly dodged him.  He made contact with an unflattering photo of her late father instead.

Alma could see Viktor standing about five feet behind the alligator with a murderous look on his face.  He was making throat slitting gestures.  She scowled at him.

“I’m afraid there is, I have an early start tomorrow.  And to be clear, I’m not the kind of woman who does that on a first date.”

Lyle sneered at her.  “No wonder you’re still single at your age.  I wondered why a hot woman like you was alone, it’s because you’re a stuck up bitch.”

Dark fury blazed in Viktor’s eyes, and he moved toward the alligator.

“You need to go.  Now!”  Alma grabbed Lyle and pushed him out the door slamming it behind him.  She rolled her eyes as she heard the alligator call her a bitch again and stomp away.

Viktor snarled.  “I should kill him.  How dare he talk to you that way

Alma placed her hands on his chest.  “Easy baby, that doesn’t even make my list of top ten bad dates.”

Viktor stared at the door, muscles quivering.  “I don’t like you spending time with men like him.”

Alma placed a soft kiss into the open V of his shirt.  “If I remember correctly, it was you who said I should date other men.”

Viktor relaxed slightly under her ministrations.  “Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”  He took her arms and pulled her away from him.  “And I’m mad at you.”  Her eyes were hooded with desire as she smiled smugly.  “Don’t give me those sexy eyes.  You should never have gone after that vampire tonight.”

“Ugh!”  Alma pursed her lips and wriggled out of his grasp.  Walking past him, she stood in the
living room, hands on her hips.  “I can take care of myself.”

Viktor raised an eyebrow.  “My darling, there’s taking care of yourself and then there’s being deliberately suicidal.”

Alma sighed.  “I’m just so sick of this.  I’m so sick of having to be apart.”

Viktor rushed forward and enveloped his mate in his arms.  “I know, my darling, I know.”

Relaxing his grip, he tilted her chin towards his and pulled her into a toe curling kiss.  His tongue gently invaded her mouth, teasing and tangling with hers.  She moaned into his mouth, and her fingers curled into his shirt.

Viktor moved his hands down to her ass and dragged her flush against his body, grinding her sex against his growing erection.  His fingers reached down to the hem of her dress and fluidly slipped it over her head, their lips only parting for the briefest of moments.  He dropped the dress to the floor and left her mouth; his lips traveling down her body. 

He licked and kissed her smooth neck, smiling as he thought of the mark he would place there.  He flicked her bra open and freed her perfect breasts.  He took a second to admire them before sucking each soft orb into his mouth, circling the nubs with his tongue.  Alma clutched his head to her body as she whimpered in pleasure.  She felt her release quickly gain momentum. 

Viktor made his way down her flat stomach, licking her navel.  Hooking his fingers into her thong, he slid the wispy material down her slim legs.  Carefully sweeping her legs open, he kissed and blew cool air on her sex.  She fluttered at the sensation, her fingers almost painfully digging into his head.  She shrieked as he thrust his tongue into her tight channel.  He groaned at the delicious taste of her weeping honey, twirling his tongue inside her, before pulling out and pushing two fingers inside her.  He plunged them in and out as he suckled at her clit, nibbling and laving the tender nub. 

“Yesssss,” Alma hissed, as she rocked her hips against him.

Viktor sped up his movements, and Alma threw back her head, screaming as the glorious pressure inside exploded.  He held her up as her legs weakened and almost collapsed at the delicious onslaught.

Standing, he unbuckled his pants and allowed them to drop to the floor.  His throbbing cock strained towards her.  Effortlessly he picked her up and impaled her on this thick length.  Having already come, her core was slick and eager for him.  Alma cried out as he filled her to the hilt in one powerful thrust; holding still, he enjoyed the feel of her inner muscles gripping and pulsing around him.

Growling lustily Viktor bounced her up and down on his steely manhood.  She threw her arms round his shoulders, moaning gleefully each time he drove inside her.  Each rough thrust rubbed against her clit, and she found a fresh orgasmic fire igniting.  She dug her nails into his flesh, and he groaned in delight, driving himself inside her with more enthusiasm.  Dropping his head, he smothered his tongue over her neck.

With one last furious thrust, Viktor roared and burst inside her.  His eyes were pure black as he excitedly sunk his fangs into her willing flesh. The sharp pain quickly faded to intoxicating ecstasy as her release cascaded through her body.  Howling his name, she clutched and tightened around him as he ardently swallowed her nectarous blood.

Reluctantly, he pulled away from her neck.  She tasted so divine, if he weren't careful he might just take too much.  He sealed the wound and proudly gazed at the mark he had given his mate. 
.  But seeing it saddened him.  Before he left her that night he would give her a few drops of his blood, to ensure it healed. 
It would be as if he were never there

Sated, Alma rested her head on his shoulder.  Her body still quivered from her terrific release, and she delighted at feeling him slowly softening inside her.  “That was wonderful,” she breathed.

Viktor nuzzled her neck.  “You’re wonderful, my darling.”

“True.”  She giggled.

Carefully stepping out of his shoes and trousers, he carried her to the bedroom.

“Can you stay?” she asked hopefully.

“For a couple of hours.”

Hmmmm, good enough.” 


BOOK: Dead Man Running: Book Two - Supernatural Bounty Hunter Romance Novellas
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