Dead Mountain: The Untold True Story of the Dyatlov Pass Incident (38 page)

BOOK: Dead Mountain: The Untold True Story of the Dyatlov Pass Incident
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family of
final day of life of
personality of
photos ofin Sector 41
in Vizhay
Slobodin, Vladimir
Slobtsov, Boris
Sogrin, Sergey
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander
Stalin, Joseph
Straus, Christopher
Strelnikov, Vladimir
Suvorov, Boris
Sverdlovsk. SEE Yekaterinburg
Symphony in Gold
“Taos Hum”
Taranenko, Olga
Tempalov, Vasily
tent (Dyatlov group’s)
condition of
contents of
discovery of
location of
photos of
view from
Thibault-Brignoles, Nikolay (Kolya)
autopsy of
brief description of
cause of death of
diary entries of
discovery of body of
final day of life of
funeral for
personality of
photos of
previous hiking trips of
in Sector 41
in Vizhay
Thompson, Jason
of the hikers
of the investigation
Trans-Siberian Railway
Tremper, Bruce
Tunguska meteor event
Tutinkov, Anatoly
Ufimtsev, Valery
Ural Polytechnic Institute (Ural State Technical University)
Velikyavichus, Stanislav (Grandpa Slava)
Venediktov, Yevgeny (Boroda/Beard)
Vishera River
von Kármán, Theodore
Voroshchuk, Dmitri
Vostryakov, Andrey
Vozrozhdyonny, Aleksey
weapons testing “Windsor Hum”
Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk)
author’s first visit to (2010)
author’s second visit to (2012)
graves in
hikers’ departure from
history of
location of
naming of
population of
train station of
Yeltsin, Boris
Yesenin, Sergei
Yudin, Yuri
at Boot Rock
brief description of
diary entries of
after the Dyatlov tragedy
final farewell of, to friends
first interview with
health problems of
identification of tent contents by
photos of
physical appearance of
political views of
return of
second interview with
in Sector 41
as sole survivor
theory of
tracking down
trip preparations and
in Vizhay
Yurchak, Alexei
Zaostrovsky, O.
Zavorotny, Valery
Zina. SEE Kolmogorova, Zinaida
Zolotaryov, Alexander (Sasha)
autopsy of
brief description of
cause of death of
discovery of body of
final day of life of
funeral for
photos of
physical appearance of
in Serov
on the train


DONNIE EICHAR is a Florida native brought up among a family of storytellers. He’s an acclaimed director and producer of film and television who recently produced MTV’s groundbreaking documentary series
The Buried Life
. He lives in Malibu, California.

J.C. GABEL is the founding editor and publisher of
Stop Smiling
magazine and of
The Chicagoan
, a Midwestern literary organization. He lives in Los Angeles, California.

NOVA JACOBS is an award-winning writer and screenwriter, and is a Nicholl Fellow with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. She lives in Los Angeles, California.

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