Dead Mountain: The Untold True Story of the Dyatlov Pass Incident (37 page)

BOOK: Dead Mountain: The Untold True Story of the Dyatlov Pass Incident
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personality of
photos of
previous hiking trips of
in Vizhay
Dubinin, Alexander
Dubinin, Igor
Dubinina, Lyudmila (Lyuda)
autopsy of
brief description of
cause of death of
discovery of body of
final day of life of
funeral for
missing tongue of
personality of
photos of
in Sector 41
on the train
Dyatlov, Igor
autopsy of
brief description of
cause of death of
corpse of
diary entries of
discovery of body of
family of
final day of life of
leadership of
personality of
photos of
photos taken by
physical appearance of
previous hiking trips of
in Sector 41
trip preparations and
in Vizhay
Dyatlov, Slava
Dyatlova, Rufina
Dyatlova, Tatiana
Dyatlov Foundation
Dyatlov group. SEE ALSO Dyatlov Pass incident; tent;
individual hikers
in abandoned settlement
autopsies of
on the bus
causes of death of
discovery of bodies of
final day of lives of
footprints of
funerals for
graves of
group photos of
hiking certification of
in Ivdel
along the Lozva and Auspiya rivers
music and
personalities of
radiation found on
romantic relationships among
in Sector 41
in Serov
timeline of
on the train
trip preparations of
in Vizhay
Dyatlov Pass incident
avalanches and
case file for
central mystery of
infrasound and
orb sightings and
proposed theories for
re-creation of
weather conditions and
Gatezhenko, Captain
Gavreau, Vladimir
Georges, Thomas
Georgy. SEE Krivonishchenko, Yuri
Gibraltar, Rock of
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gordo, Lev
Gorodnitsky, Alexander
Gulag labor camps
Gushchin, Anatoly
Heiss Land
Hitler, Adolf
Holatchahl mountain (Dead Mountain)
access barred to
author’s expedition to
camp set up on
infrasound and
naming of
photos of
shape of
Igor. SEE Dyatlov, Igor
Ivanov, Lev
apology of
appointment of, as prosecutor
brief description of
daughter of
final report of
investigation by
motto of
personality of
photo archive of
photos of
theories of
Ivanovskoye Cemetery
Karelin, Vladislav
Kármán vortex street
Kazyr River
Khalezov, Valery
Kholat-Syakhyl. SEE Holatchahl mountain
Khrushchev, Nikita
Kikoin, Abram
Klinov, Nikolay
Koestler, Arthur
Kola Peninsula
Kolevatov, Alexander
autopsy of
brief description of
on the bus
cause of death of
diary entries of
discovery of body of
final day of life of
funeral for
nicotine addiction of
personality of
photos of
in Vizhay
Kolevatova, Rimma
Kolmogorova, Zinaida (Zina)
autopsy of
brief description of
cause of death of
diary entries of
discovery of body of
final day of life of
in Ivdel
personality of
photos of
physical appearance of
previous hiking trips of
in Sector
in Serov
in Vizhay
Koltsovo International Airport
Kolya. SEE Thibault-Brignoles, Nikolay
Koptelov, Yuri
Korochkin, V.
Krivonishchenko, Aleksey
Krivonishchenko, Yuri (Georgy)
autopsy of
brief description of
on the bus
cause of death of
diary entries of
discovery of body of
final day of life of
funeral for
grave of
last exposure on camera of
mandolin of
personality of
photos of
poem by
in Serov
in Vizhay
Kuntsevich, Olga
Kuntsevich, Yuri
apartment of
brief description of
case files provided by
commemoration plaque conceived by
first visit with (2010)
at the funerals
initial contact with
leadership of
personality of
physical appearance of
preparing for expedition
second visit with (2012)
in Serov
theory of
on the train
at the train station
in Ushma
Kurikov, Stepan
Kuzminov, Nikolay
Laptev, Ivan
Lelyushenko, Colonel General
Lenin, Vladimir
Lozva River
Lyuda. SEE Dubinina, Lyudmila
hikers and
language of
number of
sacred sites of
search efforts by
as suspects
symbols of
villages of
Marshak, Samuil
Maslennikov, Yevgeny
Mikhaylovskoye Cemetery
Moiseyev, Nikolay
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Nevolin, Igor
Nicholas II (czar of Russia)
Nixon, Richard
Novaya Zemlya
Novocherkassk massacre
orb sightings
Ortyukov, Colonel George
Otorten Mountain
Pashin, Ivan
Peter the Great
Poloyanov, Volodya
Popov, Nikolay
Powers, Gary
Putin, Vladimir
radiation-related tests
radios, shortwave
Rempel, Ivan
rocket tests
Romanov family
Rustik. SEE Slobodin, Rustem (Rustik)
Ryazhnev, Georgy
Sasha. SEE Zolotaryov, Alexander
Sayan Mountains
School #41 (Serov)
Sector 41
Severnaya Toshemka River
Sharavin, Mikhail
Shavkunov, Vladimir
Sheskin, Konstantin
Siunov, N.
Slobodin, Rustem (Rustik)
autopsy of
brief description of
discovery of body of

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