Dead of Winter (51 page)

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Authors: P. J. Parrish

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller

BOOK: Dead of Winter
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Think. Think. Think about the man. Think like he thinks.

Even if Jesse had turned he couldn’t see Gibralter killing him. It was more logical that he do something to intimidate Jesse until he could win back his loyalty. But what? Gibralter had always used people’s weaknesses to control them -- Cole’s fear of abuse, Louis’s need for justice, Zoe’s fear of being alone. Gibralter controlled Jesse all his life. How would he do it now?

The cruiser rumbled over one last set of rocks and hit pavement. The black road stretched out into the night.

Louis closed his eyes. Gibralter would take Jesse to a place that instilled fear, a feeling that if he didn’t come around he would die. It would also be a place where Gibralter could return to, once again playing the role of savior.

Louis stared out the fogged window as the lake came into view. He wiped away the condensation with his sleeve. There was a faint pink glow in the eastern sky, dawn. Out on the dark expanse of the lake he saw a soft glow. A lantern, someone firing up a fishing shanty.

His eyes swung to the mesh screen that separated him from the two troopers.

Louis put a hand on the screen.

Lockhart glanced back. “What are you doing?” he asked.

Louis looked back at the lake. He knew. God, he knew.

“Turn here. Turn left up here,” Louis said.


“I said turn left. Here!” Louis shouted.

Lockhart cruised on past the snowy side road. “Where?”

Louis hit the screen with his palm. “Stop! Jesus Christ, turn around. Turn around now!”

Lockhart backed up, swung the cruiser around and started down the narrow road.

“There,” Louis said, “at the end, by the shore. That green house. Pull in there.”

The cruiser edged closer, bogged down by the deep drifts.

“We’re going to get stuck,” Lockhart warned.

“Fuck it,” Louis said. He moved to open the door but realized he couldn’t. It only opened from the outside. “Let me out. Come on, let me out!”

Lockhart stopped the car and jerked open the back door. Louis jumped from the cruiser and ran through the snow. He fell, scrambled up and rushed on.

When he hit the porch of Lovejoy’s cabin he tore off the yellow crime-scene seal on the door and pushed. It was locked.

“Goddamn it!” he shouted. He kicked at the door then kicked again. Using his full weight, he shoved at the door with his shoulder and it sprang open.

He stumbled through the dark living room, grappling for lights. The walls were like ice, the air so cold it burned his lungs. He tripped on a small table and kicked it aside. He hurried through the darkness, shoving open the bedroom door at the end of the dark hall.

His hand shot to the switch and he slapped at it, flooding the room in light. His heart stopped.

Jesse was in the dog cage, both wrists handcuffed to the wire, his head resting against the cage, the dog blanket across his legs. His face was covered with a light frost, his lips were purple and there was a thin line of dried blood on his cheek.

Louis dropped to his knees, stuck his hand through the wire and pressed two fingers against Jesse’s neck. A pulse. He could feel a pulse.

“Jesus Christ,” Lockhart whispered from behind him.

Louis threw out his hand. “Give me your cuff key.”








A rush of warm air greeted Louis as he pushed through the double glass doors of the hospital. Seeing his police parka, the woman at the reception desk nodded at him, and he hurried to the elevator.

Only nine hours had passed since he had pulled the trigger on the shotgun and only a little less than that since he had carried Jesse’s half-frozen body out of Lovejoy’s cabin. But it felt like a lifetime had passed, as if the world had been tilted onto a new off-balance axis.

Early that morning, he had checked Jesse into the hospital then gone to the station to write his report for Steele. The report had stretched to seven pages. He had left it in a sealed envelope, not wanting the mob of reporters to get wind of it before it was necessary.

At home, he had tried to sleep. But finally he had given up, showered and put on a fresh uniform. He thought of going to Zoe. Someone, another man in a uniform, had already been to see her that morning, to tell her about her husband. He wondered if they told her how he died. He wondered if they told her who had killed him. He knew he would have to face her soon. He just didn’t know how.

Finally, not knowing where else to go, he had come to the hospital. He wanted to be at Jesse’s side when he woke up.

Louis punched the elevator button and waited.


Louis didn’t turn at the sound of Delp’s voice coming from behind him.

“I knew you’d show up here,” Delp said. “I’ve been waiting.”

“What do you want, Delp?” He punched the button again.

“A quote I can print.”

“I can’t talk about anything yet. It’s still under investigation.”

“But you shot Gibralter, right?”

The door opened and Louis got in. Delp followed.

“Did you shoot Lacey, too?”

Louis wouldn’t’ look at him.

“Come on, man,” Delp pressed. “You promised me the story.”

The door opened and Louis stepped out. Down the hall, he saw a trooper standing outside Cole Lacey’s room, talking to a tall man in black. It was Steele. Steele looked up at the sound of the elevator, staring down the hall at Louis.

Louis hesitated then walked slowly toward him. Steele saw Delp trailing behind and shot him a contemptuous look.

“Leave us alone, please,” he said to Delp.

“I’ve got a right to —- ”

“Get lost,” Steele hissed.

With a frown, Delp moved away. Steele waited until Delp retreated behind the window of a waiting room.

“I read your report,” he said. “I also spoke to Cole Lacey. Your stories don’t jibe.”


“Cole says you both took him from Read Oak, that you held him down while Gibralter threatened to sodomize him with a branch and that you held his father while Gibralter shot him.”

Louis shook his head slowly.

“He also says you talked him into throwing down his weapon then shot him.”

“He’s lying.”

“Ballistics showed your gun fired both the bullets we dug out of Cole and his father.”

“I told you, Gibralter had my gun.”

“Cole says that after you shot him, you fired on Gibralter for no reason at all.”

“Jesus Christ, Steele, does that make any sense to you?”

Steele just stared at him.

Louis ran a hand over his eyes. “Look, I went along with Gibralter’s plan but when I knew it was getting out of hand I tried to stop it. When Gibralter told me he killed Pryce, I knew he was going to kill Cole, too. I went along to stop him. I tried –- ”

He stopped, seeing the disdain on Steele’s face. He leaned back against the wall. “It’s all in the damn report.”

Steele was silent, studying his face. “Kincaid, your fellow officers tell me you and Gibralter didn’t like each other. I saw your personnel file, the reports Gibralter wrote up on you. You yourself tried to tell me he was dirty. I think this was more personal than what is in that report.”

Louis stared at him. Had he found out about Zoe? If that came out, no one would believe him. Everyone would think he killed Gibralter because of her.

“Steele, listen,” Louis said. “I am a cop, a good cop, whether you want to believe it or not. Gibralter was crazy. I shot him to save a sixteen-year-old punk who didn’t deserve to die. I’m not sorry.”

Louis pushed himself off the wall. “I’m going to see Harrison.”

Steele caught his arm. “Out of professional courtesy, I will give you a few minutes with your partner then one of my men will arrest you.”

“On what charges?”

“Obstruction of justice, attempted sexual assault on a prisoner, conspiracy, excessive force and anything else I can think of. And unless that kid changes his story, I’ll add homicide.”

Louis jerked away and started down the hall to Jesse’s room. He paused, watching Steele disappear into the elevator. Damn it, he wasn’t going to let this happen without a fight. He backtracked to Cole’s room.

Cole’s eyes snapped up as the door opened. When he saw Louis he looked back at the television.

“I want to talk to you,” Louis said.

“No way, man.”

Louis moved into Cole’s line of vision. “I saved your life. Why didn’t you tell Steele that?”

“Why should I?”

“Because it’s the truth. And it’s about time someone started telling the truth.”

“Yeah, like you guys know something about telling the truth. They’re dead, they’re all dead because of you.” He paused. “Even my fucking old man.”

“There was nothing I could do about your father, Cole.”

“What about the rest of it? You didn’t have to take me out of Red Oak! You didn’t have to stand there while he hit me with that tree! You didn’t have to...fuck. Just forget it.”

Louis grabbed the remote from Cole’s hand and clicked it off. “I didn’t have to kill a cop to save you either.”

Louis tossed the remote onto the bed. Cole’s eyes went to it, staying there.

Louis moved closer to the bed. “Look, my life is in your hands, Cole. I’m asking you for help. I’m asking you to tell Steel what happened out there last night.”

“Fuck you,” Cole murmured.

“All I’m asking you to do is tell the truth!”

“Someone has to pay!” Cole shot back.

“For what? For Johnny, for Angela? Christ, Cole, I wasn’t even there! Why are you trying to bury me?”

“Because you’re a cop. Someone has to pay.”

Louis shook his head in disgust. “Justice, huh? Is that what you want? Is that what this is all about? Let me tell you about justice. If you don’t tell what happened, the man who shot Angela will be buried with honors. The man who beat your brother to death will go on being a cop. And me, the man who saved your ass, will go to prison. And will go back to Red Oak for five more years.”

Cole was staring at him.

“Your anger will eat you up, you’ll end up in jail,” Louis went on, “and ten years from now someone will kill you with a shiv in the shower at Marquette and you’ll be buried in a prison cemetery.”

Louis shook his head. “That isn’t justice, Cole, that’s stupidity.”

Cole’s eyes glistened with tears but before they could fall he looked away.

“Cole, tell the truth,” Louis said. “Forget about me. You owe it to your brother and sister. If you don’t tell the truth, no one will ever know what really happened. Tell the truth about five years ago and about last night.”

“Who am I supposed to tell?” Cole spat out. “That asshole in the suit? He’s a cop. I ain’t talking to no more cops.”

“Okay. How about a reporter?”

Cole frowned. “What? Like on TV?”

“Newspapers,” Louis said.

“He’ll write down what I tell him?”

“If it’s the truth.”

“Will Harrison go to jail?”

“I don’t know. That will be up to a judge.”

Cole wiped at his eyes, looking up at Louis. “But people will know, right? They’ll know about Johnny, they’ll know he wasn’t really bad? They’ll know Angela didn’t do anything wrong? They’ll know, right?”


“And they’ll know I was too scared to do anything that night?”

Louis imagined the frightened eleven-year-old, huddled in the closet of the Eden cabin. “Yes, they’ll know,” he said.

Cole’s eyes fell. He picked at the edge of the blanket. “All right. I’ll tell him.”

Louis stepped out into the hall. The trooper had found a chair nearby and was deep into his magazine. Louis saw Delp sitting in the waiting room. He waved, catching his attention and motioning him down. Delp hurried down the hall.

“Get out your notebook,” Louis said. “You’re going to get the biggest story of your life.”




“You’re awake.”

Jesse looked up to see Louis standing at the door.

“Yeah, on and off.”

With a grimace, Jesse tried to sit up straighter in the bed. Louis came forward and slipped an arm behind his back, helping him.

“Thanks.” Jesse held up his bandaged hands. “Doc says I might lose a finger, maybe a toe.”

“I’m sorry,” Louis said.

Jesse shrugged, his gaze dropping to the bed. Louis let out a breath, not knowing where to start.

“I know what happened,” Jesse said. “Dale was here earlier and told me what he knew.”

“He told you I shot Gibralter?”

Jesse nodded.

Louis hesitated. “I’m sorry for what I said when you came to my cabin to talk. I was wrong.”

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