Deadly Adventure (Hardy Brothers Security Book 19) (6 page)

BOOK: Deadly Adventure (Hardy Brothers Security Book 19)
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“Oh, so cute,” Mandy said, rubbing her nose against James’ cheek. “Now I really promise not to risk gross food.”

“That’s all I ask, wife. That’s all I ask.”


can’t believe
this is our last night here,” Mandy said Friday evening, slipping her hand into James’ as they approached the ticket window at the wax museum. “I’m a little sad.”

“We’ll come back,” James said. “We’ll pick a time in the summer when we’re assured of better weather, though. Some days it was nice and other days it was … not.”

Mandy smirked. “Next time we can make it a longer trip and go to Scotland and Ireland, too. We won’t be hampered by my schedule in a few months.”

James squeezed Mandy’s hand before releasing it and reaching for his wallet. “How do you feel about that? Are you still going to quit in September?”

It was a pointed question and the worry associated with it wasn’t lost on Mandy. “I’ve already mentally checked out of that place, James,” she said. “I don’t want to be there any longer. I will finish up my tenure, though. It’s only a few months. After that we’ll be free.”

James wrinkled his nose as he lowered his mouth to Mandy’s and offered her a sweet kiss. “I love you, baby. I want you happy more than anything else. I can’t wait until you’re out of that courthouse, though.”

“Oh, really? You could’ve fooled me. I’m dumbfounded that’s the case,” Mandy deadpanned.

“You’re lucky you’re cute, wife,” James said, shaking his head as he headed for the door. “Okay … ground rules.”

Mandy stilled, surprised as James cut off her access to the building. “Ground rules?”

“Yes. I don’t suppose you remember the last time we were in a wax museum, do you?”

Mandy knew exactly where her husband was going with this conversation and yet feigned innocence all the same. “Yes. It was in New Orleans. It was a very cool museum, even though you and Grady spent half your time there checking to see if the figures were anatomically correct.”

“We did that for five minutes,” James countered. “You’re also leaving out the most important part of the story. Do you remember the guys who isolated you in that horror room? They turned out to be bad and I almost got in a fight.”

“I remember. You were very sexy.”

“Oh, you can’t con me with that look, wife,” James chided. “You can, however, con me with it when we get back to the hotel room. For now, you are to remain at my side. You are not to wander off. In fact, I would prefer it if you held my hand the entire time.”

“Perhaps I want to hold something else,” Mandy suggested.

“Ugh. You’re killing me with the innuendo,” James muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Okay. I’m going to romance the crap out of you when we get back to the hotel. I need you to promise to stick close to me, though. I … just promise.”

“I promise,” Mandy said, squeezing his hand. “I was just messing with you. I have no inclination to wander off without you. It’s more fun being with you that being away from you.”

“Yes, now you just doubled your romance quotient for the evening,” James said, smacking a quick kiss on Mandy’s lips. “Do your thing. Enjoy yourself. Don’t cause me to have a heart attack, though. It’s never fun.”

“It is when we’re sweaty and I’m the shark.”

“Oh, woman. You really are the best thing that ever happened to me.”

is neat
,” Mandy said, excitedly running her hand over a horror tableau in the museum’s basement. “It’s like a feast of heads.”

James knit his eyebrows together as he studied the rectangular table and gruesome display of decapitated heads. He would never understand Mandy’s fascination with horror movies. He didn’t hate them, although he would’ve preferred it if she at least pretended to be frightened and climbed onto his lap while watching them. Usually she rooted for the killer, which was beyond odd in his book.

“You and Grady love this stuff,” James said. “I’m starting to wonder if you wish you’d married him instead. He gets these … things. I don’t.”

“I could never live with Grady,” Mandy said, her eyes flashing as she faked being scandalized. “You’re much more handsome.”

“That’s a good answer,” James said. “Make sure you tell it to Grady when we see him Sunday.”

“We’re seeing them right away?” Mandy asked, surprised. “I thought we would have the day alone before going back to work and get together as a family the following weekend.”

“Ally insisted,” James explained. “She’s demanding a barbecue because she missed us. Personally, I think she just wants all her loot. When I suggested that, though, I was accused of being a bad brother.”

“You’re a good brother,” Mandy countered. “You’re just a little overprotective.”

“Yes, well, the women in my life are masters at finding trouble,” James said, studying the heads in jars in the wall alcoves. “I can’t help myself from wanting to keep them safe. This is seriously sick.”

“I like it,” Mandy said, moving to his side and tilting her head. “It reminds me of
The Walking Dead
and all those heads in the fish tanks.”

“You’re sick, too,” James said. “I’m already in love with you, though, so that’s all that matters. I like your sick mind.”

“That’s good, because I have an idea.”

James briefly pressed his eyes shut. “Those words send chills through my body, baby. This won’t end well.”

“You don’t know that.”

“I know that you are the prettiest and smartest woman in the world,” James said. “Your ideas often blow up in your beautiful face, though.”

“I’m pretty sure that’s an exaggeration,” Mandy said. “Not the beautiful part, mind you. The other stuff.”

James grinned. He loved it when she was in a playful mood. “What’s your idea?”

“I think you should invite Jesse to come back with us – or at least put in two weeks notice here and then leave – and offer him a job with you.”

James’ mouth dropped open as stunned disbelief washed over him. “That’s what you were thinking? You never cease to amaze me, wife.”

“What did you think I was thinking?”

James shrugged. “I thought you were going to suggest some weird bonding ritual … or double date … or even a new shark game for the hot tub. I was looking forward to the possibility of that last one.”

“I do have a new idea about a shark game,” Mandy conceded. “I’ve been thinking about Jesse, though. He doesn’t seem happy here, James. In fact, well, he seems a little lost.”

“Oh, see, I was wrong,” James teased. “This is about your incessant need to fix everyone’s lives. Continue.”

“I don’t feel the need to fix everyone’s lives,” Mandy said. “I just … he seems sad. I don’t think he has a lot of friends over here. You could use more help at the office. You were just saying that two weeks ago. You already know Jesse and what he can do. It might be a good fit.”

James rubbed his chin as he considered the suggestion. “No offense, Mandy, but I didn’t get the feeling you liked Jesse all that much.”

“I didn’t like him the first night,” Mandy admitted. “I thought he was kind of rude, and it always bugs me when people think the only way I could’ve made you love me is by getting pregnant. I’m used to it, though.”

“Baby, that was about me, not you,” James said, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. “I was … different … back then. Jesse wasn’t exaggerating when he said I had no intention of ever getting married. You changed my whole life.”

“For the better, right?” Mandy adopted a teasing tone, but James knew she needed to hear a truthful answer.

“I don’t think life could ever be better than it already is,” James said. “I didn’t know it was possible to love as purely … or as deeply … or as completely as I love you. Getting that love in return is the most fulfilling thing I’ve ever experienced.”

“I didn’t need you to rip your heart out and give it to me,” Mandy said, instinctively reaching forward to hug him. “Thank you, though.”

James ran his hands down her slight back, sighing as she melded herself to him. “Jesse is wowed by you,” he said. “He thinks you’re something special. Maybe you’re right about him wanting more.”

“I think you’re exaggerating about the ‘something special’ thing, but I do think he’s unhappy here,” Mandy said. “He’s meeting us for dinner tonight. Why don’t you give it some thought while I’m enjoying the gross things. It might be a good thing for everyone.”

“I’ll consider it,” James said, kissing her forehead. “Now … gross me out, wife.”

“I thought you didn’t like the gross stuff.”

“I don’t, but it turns you on,” James said. “It’s our last night here and I’m going to want to play a lot of games. This works out to my advantage.”

“Be still my heart. Oh, look, there’s an actual heart on that plate.”

“And let the grossness begin!”

that night
was a festive occasion, Mandy excitedly enjoying the offerings at a Chinese restaurant – both of the Hardys were tired of heavy food – and James and Jesse chatting as if it might be the last time they would ever see each other.

“I need to go to the restroom,” Mandy said, poking James in the ribs to get him to move.

“You’re not sick, are you?” James was momentarily worried.

“No. I did drink a bunch of wine and water, though. You do other things besides throw up in the bathroom.”

“I forgot,” James teased, kissing her nose. “I’ll go with you to make sure you’re safe.”

Mandy rolled her eyes and made a disgusted sound in the back of her throat. “The bathroom is right there.” She pointed to a hallway directly behind their booth. “I’ll be fine. You don’t want to leave Jesse alone anyway. Those women at the bar have been eyeing him and they might undress him if we’re not careful. We have to save him from that horrible fate.”

“Cute, wife,” James said, smirking as Jesse shifted his eyes to the bar and lowering his voice. “I know what you’re doing. Be careful.”

“I’m always careful.”

“Be more careful than that.”

James let her out of the booth and watched until she entered the bathroom before sitting again. Now that it was just the two of them he was unsure how to proceed.

“So … um … Mandy had an idea.”

Jesse jerked his eyes back to James. “What kind of idea? Is this some weird shark fetish thing? If so, the chick is odd.”

“She’s definitely odd,” James agreed, nodding. “That’s one of the reasons I love her more than anything. She doesn’t fit into a mold. She’s a mold all on her own.”

“You’re so lovesick it makes me want to puke,” Jesse said. “It also makes me a little jealous. I’ve never seen you so happy. I didn’t think it was possible to be as happy as you are.”

“I didn’t either,” James admitted. “Mandy changed that. I think her suggestion might be able to change that for you, too.”

“Okay, I’m listening,” Jesse said, flashing James a tepid smile. “What’s this suggestion?”

“She thinks you should come back to the U.S. and work for me.”

“I … what?” Jesse narrowed his eyes. “Are you serious?”

“I am,” James confirmed. “I’ve been thinking about adding another body. This would give you a steady gig and a way to work on high profile jobs while you save money to start your own business. You don’t have to stay in Michigan after the fact, but you might find you like it.”

“I … don’t know what to say,” Jesse said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I would be lying if I said the idea of going back home wasn’t appealing. I just don’t know, though.”

“You have time to think about it,” James said. “You don’t have to make any decisions now.”

“Can I ask why Mandy wants this so much?” Jesse asked. “I didn’t think she liked me.”

“She’s not a fan of you suggesting she got pregnant to trick me into marrying her, but she likes you okay now that you’ve calmed down a bit,” James said. “She’s worried you’re unhappy. Because she’s a woman, she feels the need to fix that.”

Jesse snorted. “I don’t know if I want to deal with that on a regular basis. Still, she’s kind of sweet.”

“She’s extremely sweet,” James said. “Just … think about it. You don’t have to decide now. We’re leaving first thing in the morning, but you have my number. You might decide once we’re gone that this is the best plan for you.”

“It’s definitely tempting,” Jesse said, flashing a smile as Mandy returned to the table. “And look, your wife made it back all on her own. You didn’t even have to go looking for her.”

“It is a good day,” James said, tickling Mandy’s ribs as she sat.

“Did you ask him?” Mandy prodded.

James scowled. “You have no tact sometimes. I did ask him, though. He’s going to think about it.”

Mandy turned to Jesse. “I think you should do it. We have a great group of friends and you would be back home. I hope you really do consider it.”

“I will,” Jesse said. “Now that I’ve met you, I’m dying to meet the other women who have tamed the unruly Hardy brothers. That’s bound to be entertaining.”

Mandy smiled. “You have no idea what you’re missing.”


’m so
happy to see you,” Ally gushed the next afternoon, throwing open the front door to James and Mandy’s house and pulling Mandy in for a tight hug despite the fact that the weary blonde was still laden with luggage. “What did you bring me?”

Ally’s boyfriend Jake stood behind her and shook his head as he met James’ steady gaze. He looked exasperated … and completely enamored with his irrepressible brunette. “How was your trip?”

“It was good until we came home and found our house full of people,” James replied, dropping the suitcases he carried on the floor and relieving Mandy of her heavy bags. “Don’t smother her, Ally. I have plans for her later. She’s going to need to breathe for them.”

Ally ignored her brother as she pulled back and beamed. “I missed you.”

“Thank you,” James replied. “I guess I … kind of missed you, too.”

The corners of Ally’s mouth tipped down. “I was talking to Mandy.”

“I know,” James said, grabbing Ally’s cheek and giving it a good pinch as he grinned. “I really did miss messing with you, baby sister.”

Ally jerked her head away and slapped James’ hand for good measure. “I didn’t miss you at all,” she said, her dark eyes fiery as she scorched her brother with a defiant look. “I missed Mandy tons, though. Did you miss me?”

Mandy smiled as she watched the interplay and it took her a moment to realize Ally was talking to her. “Oh, um … .”

“That’s a no,” Grady said, chuckling as he joined everyone in the foyer. “We got steaks and Finn is out grilling them right now. We put them on the minute we saw you guys pull into the driveway.”

“How come you didn’t miss me?” Ally whined, jutting her lower lip out. “Everyone always misses me when they go out of town.”

miss you,” Mandy clarified. “I just had such a good time that I didn’t really think about it. Now that I see you I totally missed you.”

“That doesn’t make me feel better,” Ally sniffed.

“Oh, give it a rest, Ally,” James said, brushing past his sister and grabbing Mandy around the waist so he could lift her out of Ally’s orbit. “We weren’t expecting you guys until later. We’re still muddled from the plane ride. That’s a long trip.”

Ally narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. “What did you get me?”

“Nothing,” James said, smirking as Grady flicked the tip of Ally’s nose for good measure. The Hardy brothers were experts at annoying the lone female sibling in the family. “We were so caught up with each other we didn’t have time to even think about you.”

James didn’t miss the expression on Jake’s face as the man pressed his lips together to keep from laughing. Jake knew darned well that Mandy would never return to town without a gift for Ally. Still, since Jake was the one who often had to put up with Ally’s moods, he enjoyed watching her brothers mess with her.

“You … suck,” Ally muttered.

“James … .” Mandy shot him a dark look. “I bought you several gifts, Ally. They’re in the suitcases, though, and if you want them you’re going to have to wait until we have time to unpack.”

Ally brightened considerably. “I’ll unpack for you. That would save you guys time and let you rest after your long trip.”

Mandy stilled. She hated domestic tasks like dishes … and laundry … and vacuuming … and especially unpacking. “On one condition,” she cautioned. “Every gift you find in there you have to bring to me so I can dole them out. I got gifts for everyone.”

“Yay!” Ally hopped up and down. “I’ll do it while dinner is cooking.” She turned to Jake with an expectant look. “You need to carry the suitcases upstairs for me.”

Jake didn’t appear thrilled at the prospect. “Why me? I don’t care about your gifts, angel.”

“Do you want to have sex tonight?’

James groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Ally!” He wasn’t unaware of his sister’s sexual relationship with Jake – and he considered the man one of his best friends – but he hated hearing about it.

“Let me grab those suitcases,” Jake said, making his decision on the spot and maneuvering around James. “You’re unpacking them yourself, though. I’m afraid of finding something … weird.”

“Like what?” Ally asked, genuinely curious.

“I don’t know,” Jake replied. “They might have weird shark porn or something for all I know. I can’t see that. I’ll be traumatized for life.”

James slung an arm around Mandy’s shoulders as they watched the couple chat during their trek up the stairs. “I’m surprised you let her do that, wife,” he said. “You know she’s going to go through everyone’s gifts, right?”

Mandy shrugged, unperturbed. “Yes, but now we don’t have to unpack which means we can go straight to the hot tub once the family leaves.”

“You’re wise and beautiful, baby. I never should’ve doubted you.”

tell me absolutely everything,” Ally prodded after dinner, admiring her loot as it rested on the outside table and everyone relaxed under the dwindling daylight. “Did you get to see Stonehenge?”

“I sent you photos,” Mandy said. “I also emailed you several updates.”

“I know,” Ally said. “You sent like a hundred photos, though, and since I wasn’t in them I lost interest after about two photos. They’re just big rocks.”

“Hey! They’re magical rocks.”

Avery Hardy gurgled on his mother’s lap as Mandy raised her voice and offered the excitable blonde a smile. He was still tiny, although he made a bevy of adorable facial expressions now and was responsible for holding his own head up. He continued to develop a unique personality all his own with every passing day.

“I think he grew a foot while we were gone,” Mandy said, smiling at the baby. “He’s getting more hair, too.”

“I think he’s a genius,” Ally said, shifting her eyes to her nephew. “I took him for a walk the other day and he pointed at a bird and mimicked it. He said ‘caw’ and everything.”

James snorted. “He probably had gas. The kid is cute, but he’s a gas factory.”

“You don’t know,” Ally said, shaking her head and causing her long brown waves to brush against the top of her shoulders. “I was there. I saw it. He’s a genius.”

a genius,” Emma agreed, cuddling her son closer. “He’s going to do great things one day.”

“Yes, I’m thinking it’s going to be a ton of women,” James said, earning a playful swat from Emma. “What? He’s a Hardy man. Women are drawn to us. They can’t help it.”

“Very cute,” Mandy said, shaking her head.

“What else did you do?” Grady asked. “I can’t believe you guys finally went on a vacation and didn’t have anything horrible happen. I think it’s an anniversary miracle.”

“Well … ,” Mandy hedged, unsure how to answer.

“Uh-oh.” Sophie Lane, Grady’s girlfriend, shook her head. “I’m almost afraid to ask.”

“It was nothing big,” Mandy supplied hurriedly.

“What happened?” Finn asked, shifting his arms to take Avery so Emma could get his bottle ready. “No one was kidnapped, right? You would’ve called us if something like that happened.”

“No one was kidnapped,” James said. “Someone did try to steal Mandy’s purse at the Roman Baths.”

“Oh, well, that’s not great, but it’s not the worst thing to ever happen,” Jake said. “I’m sure thieves stake out those touristy locations because they think the people there will be easier to rob. Did you catch the guy?”

“I did not,” James replied. “I was in the bathroom when it happened.”

“Oh, no,” Ally said, making a face. “Did he cuff you to him for the rest of the trip, Mandy?”

“We didn’t have much time left, but he stuck close,” Mandy replied. “Thankfully Jesse was there to fight the guy off so it wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been.”

“Jesse?” Grady knit his eyebrows together. “Are you talking about Jesse Tanner?”

James bobbed his head. “We ran into him at a pub one night. He works over there. He went to Stonehenge and the Roman Baths with us.”

“Who is Jesse Tanner?” Sophie asked, sipping her wine.

“We served together overseas when I was in the military,” James answered. “I hadn’t seen him in a long time, so when I ran into him it was quite the surprise.”

“How did that go?” Finn asked. “I remember him being something of a wild man.”

“He’s still kind of wild,” James said, exchanging a quick look with Mandy. “He and Mandy didn’t exactly click right away, but they found some even footing once Jesse calmed down a little bit.”

“What does that mean?” Ally asked, making a face. “How come I’ve never heard about this guy?”

“There was never a need for you to meet him,” James explained. “I hung out with a lot of guys overseas. Jesse was one of them. He’s a good guy and he knows what he’s doing in the security field. I offered him a job if he ever wants to move back across the pond.”

Ally lifted her eyebrows, surprised. “You still haven’t answered my question,” she prodded. “How come Mandy doesn’t like him? For the record, if she doesn’t like him, I don’t either.”

James made an exaggerated face that caused his brothers to snicker and Mandy to lower her eyes. “I said they didn’t click at first. They were fine after getting to know one another.”

“That still wasn’t an answer,” Ally said, expectantly turning to Mandy. “What’s wrong with him? Is he a tool?”

“No,” Mandy answered, shaking her head. “He was merely surprised James settled down and got married. He thought James was messing with him at first.”

“Oh,” Ally said, making a face. “I’m sure when James knew him he was young, dumb, and running through women at a fantastic rate. Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

“Oh, bite me, Ally,” James muttered. “I
have a different outlook on life back then. I explained to Jesse that things changed and I love my wife more than anything. By the end of the trip, I think he loved Mandy a little, too.”

“I wouldn’t go that far,” Mandy clarified. “He seemed intrigued by the idea of dating a woman more than three times, though. I think he’s probably a good guy who is simply not ready to settle down yet.”

“I can’t believe you offered him a job, though,” Ally pressed. “What did he say?”

“He said he was going to think about it, but I’m guessing it’s going to be one of those things that never comes to fruition,” James replied. “Now that we’re gone he’ll go back to his hellish life of multiple women while I bask in the euphoria of my one woman.”

“Smooth,” Jake said, chuckling.

“I try.” James brushed a kiss against Mandy’s temple. “I told him to think about it. I wouldn’t worry about it, though. The odds of him coming here are slim. I probably won’t ever see him again.”

, baby,” James ordered from the hot tub an hour later, reclining with his arms draped over the top walls and watching as Mandy scurried from the house with a bottle of wine in her hand. “I was starting to think you forgot about me.”

“I’m sorry,” Mandy said, setting two glasses and the wine bottle on the pavement before stripping out of her robe. She was naked and James’ eyes roamed her body as she quickly descended into the warm water. “Oh … wow.”

“I like those little sighing noises you make when you get in the water,” James said, moving forward and grabbing Mandy around the waist so he could kiss her. “They turn me on. Watching you strip outside turns me on, too.”

“I think everything turns you on.”

“Where you’re concerned, that’s definitely true,” James said, kissing her again. The steamy water felt heavenly as he pressed Mandy’s body flush against his. “I feel the need to romance you, wife.”

Mandy bit her lip to keep from laughing. “Oh, yeah? I thought you got all of that out of your system while we were in London.”

“Oh, baby, that’s never going to be out of my system,” James said, nipping at her neck. “Besides, that was vacation sex. This is welcome home sex. They’re vastly different animals.”

Mandy cocked a challenging eyebrow. “How so?”

“Vacation sex is romantic and sensual,” James answered. “Welcome home sex is … naughtier.”

Mandy giggled, enjoying his cocksure attitude. “How naughty are we talking?”

“Well … .” James sucked Mandy’s lower lip into his mouth and grabbed her rounded bottom with both hands so he could give it a good squeeze as he rotated his pelvis against her warm core. “I’m thinking pretty naughty, wife.” His whisper was sexy enough to cause chills to careen through Mandy’s body.

“Well, then I guess it’s good we’re in water,” Mandy said, moving her hands over the strong planes of James’ back before trailing them over his shoulders and running them down his chest.

James sucked in a breath when he felt her small hand wrap around his ready length. They knew each other’s bodies inside and out now and could tease and taunt each other to gasping pleasure without thinking twice about it. Mandy did just that when she dragged her fingernails over James’ erection.

“Oh, baby,” James groaned, pressing his eyes shut. “If you keep that up this isn’t going to last long.”

“Didn’t you tell me that we were going to last forever?” Mandy challenged.

“Oh, we’re lasting forever,” James said. “What’s about to happen is going to be brief and brutal if you’re not careful, though. You’re pressing every button … and you know it.”

“I’m okay with that,” Mandy said, licking James’ neck and internally crowing when she saw the goose pimples appear on his shoulders. “It’s only the first round, after all.”

“I love the way you’re mind works, baby,” James said, claiming his wife’s mouth with insistent need as she rubbed himself against her body. “Welcome home, baby.”

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