Deadly Adventure (Hardy Brothers Security Book 19) (15 page)

BOOK: Deadly Adventure (Hardy Brothers Security Book 19)
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“Oh, baby,” James gasped, the speed of her movement taking him by surprise. “I wanted to make it special.”

“We’ve got all night, James. It will be special.”

James let Mandy pick the rhythm, pressing his thumb against her sensitive nerve bundle as he drew a nipple into his mouth. Mandy groaned, tossing her head back as she rode him. “James!”

It didn’t take long for her to tumble over the edge. Emotional upheaval and desire built throughout the afternoon, and both of them needed the release before they could relax and truly enjoy the night.

James waited until he was sure she was finished before following her over the edge, gripping her close as she came down from her high and their hearts beat in tandem.

“I love you, Mandy,” James whispered. “I love you so much.”

“I love you, too,” Mandy said, resting her head against James’ shoulder as he hugged her. “Take a few minutes to regroup. Then we need to do that again.”

“Well, it is our anniversary and you are the love of my life,” James said. “Your wish is my command tonight … and forever.”


ames woke
to something warm and wonderful and knew immediately it was Mandy’s mouth. He groaned as he felt her engulf him, resting his hand on her head beneath the covers as the early morning light filtered through their bedroom window.

“You’re going to kill me, wife,” he murmured, shifting his hips to give her better access.

They made love all night, only stopping for brief respites before going again. James had a feeling they both needed the tactile contact after so many days apart. Even though he was sensitive and sore – in a wonderful way – he had no inclination to stop her.

After so much time together, Mandy knew everything James loved and she ran her tongue over the underside of his throbbing erection and cupped him as she moved her head. James bucked his hips up, exploding after a few minutes.

When Mandy emerged from beneath the covers, she had a self-satisfied smirk on her face as she rested her head against his shoulder. “I love waking up before you,” she said. “It rarely happens, but when it does I always take advantage.”

“Yes, wife,” James agreed, petting the back of her head. “You always take advantage and drive me wild.”

Mandy’s eyes fluttered shut as she enjoyed the morning cuddle. It had only been a few days since they woke up together in their bed, but it felt like a lifetime. “I missed you so much.”

James tightened his arm around Mandy’s waist as he pulled her close. “I won’t let you miss me again. I had no idea how much I missed you. I’m sorry.”

“Stop apologizing,” Mandy admonished him. “It’s over. I don’t want to keep thinking about it.”

“Fine,” James said. “What do you want to think about?”

“Well, we still have no food,” Mandy said. “I thought we could shower and go to breakfast. Then I need a new car.”

“Yeah, we’re going to talk about that accident,” James said. “You crushed my spirit when you called Grady instead of me.”

“I was angry.”

“I know,” James said. “You still should’ve called me. Grady thinks the accident was deliberate. I’m going to see if I can get a gander at those security cameras tomorrow. I refuse to ruin the rest of our weekend, though, so instead I’m going to keep you close and give you whatever you want.”

Mandy cocked a challenging eyebrow. “Whatever I want?”

James grinned as he flipped her over to her back and smoothly rolled on top of her. Her hair was a mess from the hot tub and rampant sex, and he had a feeling his wasn’t much better. She was still the most beautiful thing he’d ever laid eyes on. “I’m going to give you things you didn’t even know you wanted,” he said, kissing the side of her exposed breast.

“Like what?”

James flattened his tongue and licked the soft skin between her breasts. She tasted vaguely like salt from their shared perspiration and chlorine from the hot tub. “Prepare yourself, wife. Here it comes.”

James disappeared under the covers, causing Mandy to giggle as he stopped at her belly button long enough to give it a good lick. He delighted in the sound, love washing over him. He would be forever happy if she laughed like that for the rest of their lives. He rubbed his thumbs against her thighs, exhaling a warm breath on her open center before burying his face in the cleft and licking her entire length.

Mandy squealed at the sudden invasion, and then groaned as he enthusiastically licked her. James knew Mandy’s body as well as she knew his and he had her panting within minutes, and then crying out his name as orgasm claimed her.

He crawled back up her body and slammed his mouth into hers as he nudged his recovered member between her thighs.

“Prepare to be wowed, baby,” James said. “It’s going to be a long day for you.”

“Bring it on.”

James made a face as he regarded his wife’s annoyed expression.

“It’s what I want,” Mandy said, crossing her arms over her chest.

“But, baby, it’s the exact same thing,” James argued. “Don’t you want to spice it up?”

“I guess I like it boring.”

James pinched the bridge of his nose and glared at the black Ford Focus Mandy lovingly petted in the lot of the car dealership. “Baby, have you considered that the car is bad luck?” he asked, trying a different tactic. “The first one blew up and the second one was slammed into a brick wall. Why don’t we consider something a little … bigger?”

“Well, I do like big things,” Mandy said, winking as James grinned. “I like this car, though. I like how it handles and it gets great gas mileage. I don’t want something bigger.”

James groaned. “If you got an SUV I would be less likely to worry about you,” he said. “No one would be able to force you off the road in that. We’re still going to talk about that, by the way. I need to know if you’ve ticked anyone off.”

“Just Jesse.”

James stilled. “You don’t think it was him, do you?”

“Of course not,” Mandy said, hurriedly shaking her head. “I was just being mean. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize,” James said, rubbing his hand over the back of her head as he considered the possibility. He discarded it almost immediately. Jesse was immature and manipulative. He would never purposely hurt Mandy, though. Well, at least not physically, he silently acknowledged. “I don’t like it. Even if we do buy this car today – and I’m not saying we are because seeing this thing in the driveway is going to bug the crap out of me – I’m driving you to work until we figure out exactly what happened.”

Mandy blew out a dramatic sigh. “You’re so bossy.”

“Hey, you bossed me all over that bedroom this morning,” James argued. “I will not risk your safety. Not for anything.”

“Fine,” Mandy said. “You can be my chauffeur and service all my needs until you figure it out. Are you happy?”

“I love your dirty mind, wife,” James said, pulling her in for a hug. He absentmindedly rubbed the back of her neck as he studied the car. “Will you please consider a bigger vehicle? For me?”


“Baby, you’re killing me,” James muttered. “Please?”

“I want this car,” Mandy said. “I will consider letting you drive me when we get home, though.”

“You drive a hard bargain, woman,” James said, shaking his head as the salesman approached. “Let’s get this over with.”

“Can I help you with something?” the man asked. “Would you like a test drive?”

“No,” James answered, resigned to his fate. “We’ll take this one. Can we hurry the paperwork, though? I have something else I want to drive when we’re done here.”

take the garbage out,” James said shortly after six, pinching the bridge of his nose as he stared up at the ceiling. Mandy was naked and cuddled next to him on the couch, some terrible shark movie on the television. “Don’t let me forget to take it out.”

“I have a better idea,” Mandy suggested, kissing his neck. They’d spent the majority of the day nude and frolicking after returning early from the car lot. They left the paperwork with the salesman and promised to return to pick up the vehicle the following day. “If you order the pizza I will drag the garbage out.”

“Not like that you’re not,” James said, tweaking her nipple. “I’ll take the garbage out. You can place the pizza order naked. I don’t want you dressed.”

“I can put my shorts and a tank top on and then strip when I get back,” Mandy offered. “I don’t feel like talking to anyone and you have that app to order the pizza on your phone.”

“Fine,” James said. “What do you want?”

“Onions, ham, tomatoes, and mushrooms on the pizza,” Mandy answered, reaching for her discarded shorts. “I want wings with bleu cheese dressing and breadsticks, too.”

James quirked an eyebrow. “Did you work up an appetite today, wife?”

“You have no idea,” Mandy said, tugging her tank top over her head. James immediately wanted to strip her bare again. He couldn’t get enough of her. “Make sure you get the biggest pizza they have.”

“While you drive a tiny car and make me insane,” James intoned as he reached for his phone. “We have to finish filling out the paperwork on that thing tomorrow, by the way. That guy knew why we made up an excuse and rushed out before finishing up. You had sex written all over your face.”

“Don’t be a baby,” Mandy said, brushing a quick kiss against his cheek. “You had as much fun as I did on the way home. It’s not like I can drive that car until you figure out what happened to the last one. It will be fine. I’ll be back in two minutes. Time me.”

“You’ll be naked in two and a half minutes,” James shot back. “Time me. I think we can beat the delivery guy.”

“Oh, you’re so romantic.”

Mandy was still smiling a few minutes later as she dragged the garbage containers to the curb. Her earlier unease and anger with James was a memory, and she felt as close to him as she ever had. She pulled up short when she turned, frowning when Jesse stepped in her path and held up his hands.

“I come in peace,” Jesse said. “I’m not here to fight.”

“That’s probably a good thing,” Mandy said, purposely keeping her distance. She wasn’t afraid of Jesse, but she certainly didn’t trust him. His approach was … odd. “What are you doing here? James is going to want to fight if you don’t leave.”

“I came to talk to you,” Jesse replied. “I was hoping you would take pity on me and talk James into forgiving me.”

Mandy snorted. “Why would I do that? You said some terrible things to me, and what you told me that night when I called James’ phone and you picked up was unforgivable.”

“So you poisoned one of my best friends against me?” Jesse challenged, his tone taking on a dark quality. “That’s what you did, right?”

“I didn’t do anything,” Mandy shot back. “James makes his own decisions. If it’s any consolation, though, I have no intention of getting between you guys. There’s no need for you and me to even interact.”

“You’re pretty full of yourself, aren’t you?” Jesse said, his eyes flashing. “You think James is going to choose you no matter what. What happens if that’s not the case?”

“Perhaps you should ask James,” Mandy suggested, giving Jesse a wide berth as she circled him and headed back in the direction of the house. “I don’t want to deal with you, Jesse. Your business is with James. It’s not with me.”

“Don’t walk away from me,” Jesse said, grabbing Mandy’s arm and spinning her around. “I’m talking to you. Show me some respect.”

“I don’t respect you,” Mandy spat, worry crawling up her spine. Jesse appeared out of control. She didn’t like the change in the man’s demeanor. “You’ve gone out of your way to put a wedge between James and me. It worked for a few days, so congratulations. It’s over now, though. You won’t be able to do it again.”

“Why? Because James is so in love with you?”

“Is that what’s really bothering you?” Mandy asked. “Are you jealous because James loves me?”

“He doesn’t love you,” Jesse scoffed. “He settled down because he figured it was time and you were the first woman he came across. Don’t kid yourself.”

“I feel sorry for you,” Mandy said, opting for honesty. “As long as you have this attitude about love and commitment you’re never going to be happy. You’re miserable … and perhaps a little lost. I get that. Leave me out of your unhappiness, though. I don’t want to be a part of it.”

Mandy swiveled back toward the house and gasped when Jesse roughly grabbed her arm again.


“Shut up,” Jesse hissed. “I’m going to … .” He didn’t get a chance to finish because James picked that moment to swoop in. The eldest Hardy brother’s nostrils flared as he grabbed the front of Jesse’s shirt and tossed him down the driveway like a rag doll. He was dressed in nothing but boxer shorts, but he was a terrifying sight.

“Don’t you ever touch my wife,” James snarled.

“I … it was an accident,” Jesse argued, rubbing his sore elbow as he stared James down warily. “I just wanted to talk to her. I know she’s been poisoning your mind where I’m concerned and I wanted the chance to explain myself.”

“She hasn’t said anything about you,” James said, keeping one eye on Jesse as he gently reached for Mandy’s arm. The burns from the accident were mostly gone, but if James saw anything that resembled a bruise appearing on his wife’s body he knew he would lose it and beat Jesse to within an inch of his life. “She even encouraged me to remain friends with you.”

“She did not,” Jesse said, furrowing his brow. “You’re making up stories to protect her.”

“I don’t need to make up stories to protect her,” James shot back. “She’s the best person I know. She didn’t want me to lose a friend. I explained to her that you’re not my friend, though. A friend wouldn’t do what you’ve done. A friend wouldn’t attack my wife in my driveway!”

“James.” Mandy pressed a warning hand to his chest. “Don’t freak out.”

James breathed in deeply and then exhaled, gripping Mandy’s hand before bringing it to his lips and giving her fingertips a kiss. “I’m okay, baby,” he said. “I’m not going to do anything to ruin the rest of our day.”

“Yes, you win again,” Jesse said, rolling his eyes. “Do you have a magic vagina or something? That must be it.”

“Get off my property!” James howled, frowning when Mandy jolted at the anger wafting off of him. “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to frighten you.” He pulled her in for a hug and kissed her forehead.

“Good grief,” Jesse said, pushing himself to his feet and making a disgusted face. “She’s completely pussified you. How did you let this happen?”

“I gladly chose this life because her love is the best thing that ever happened to me,” James said, tightening his arm around Mandy’s waist. “Now leave right now or I’ll call the police.”

“Fine,” Jesse said, dusting off the seat of his pants. “We’ll talk at the office tomorrow.”

“No, we won’t,” James countered. “I told you not to come back to this house. You did the opposite and ambushed my wife while she was taking the garbage out. The friendship was already over, but now the working relationship is, too. You’re fired.

“Grady will cut a check tomorrow for two weeks severance,” he continued. “We’ll send it to your hotel. Don’t go back to that office and don’t you ever consider returning to this house.”

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