Dearly Departed (23 page)

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Authors: Georgina Walker

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BOOK: Dearly Departed
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You are finally starting to acknowledge and open your senses to a new way of communicating with Spirit.

Craig and Tania were waiting for the traffic lights to change, when they both felt an icy cold feeling enter the car. They looked at each other, frightened, when Craig sighted out of the corner of his eye the cemetery where Tania’s grandfather had been buried several months before. They felt sure it was his way of communicating.

Passing over to the other side becomes a new learning field for your dearly departed as well. Recall how the astronauts had to learn to walk in space with no gravitational pull; eventually a new style and method was developed so they could walk on the moon.

They needed to adjust and train to become attuned to a new way of acting, moving and thinking in their unfamiliar new environment. So this is true for your loved one on the other side.

A question I’m repeatedly asked in my sessions is, ‘Is he with me, looking after me all the time?’ You may not like the answer.

It is yes and no. Most certainly your loved one has the desire to assist and be with you as much as possible; however, just as you are reading this book, some of your friends and family are off doing their own activities. Your loved one will at times be with other important people in their lives on the other side. Wouldn’t you want the best and most loving care to be given to those in need?

Sometimes spirit communicates in dramatic ways. My son, Andrew, while working in the UK, scored a temporary nightclub manager’s position. One particular evening, a patron was under the influence of what appeared to be alcohol and drugs. Needing to separate him from the other patrons, Andrew coaxed him towards his office. Unfortunately, none of the staff were aware of what was happening. Suddenly the customer grabbed a bottle, smashed it against the wall and took it to my son’s throat. It was a life and death situation.

My deceased father manifested in front of Andrew, telling him to say the words: ‘What would it prove?’ Over and over, my father continued to tell Andrew what else to say to get control of the situation.

Gradually the man withdrew the bottle and calmed down.

Relieved he had escaped with his life, but emotional after his experience, Andrew tried to call me but was unable to reach me, so he rang my mother. He told his nan, ‘Pa just came and saved me.’

Divine protection from beyond the grave came through that day. However, we are often misled, believing that those we love in the afterlife are watching over us 24/7. This is not the case; they have free will and sometimes there are greater challenges and victories they are to perform.

Sometimes people get a lot of messages from Spirit, sometimes not. My dad has been gone nearly twelve years and to this day, I have only seen him six times since his death, and my mum has seen him about the same number of times. So even having an established gift doesn’t necessarily mean we are more privileged than others to have access to the individuals we cherish. We realise my dad is doing what he needs to do. His visit to Andrew gave us comfort that he is still carrying out his mission of family protector, be it from another dimension. It is comforting to realise that our ancestors are often our guides.

A word of caution here—don’t do foolish things thinking that your loved one will stop you making mistakes or protect you in dangerous situations. You’ve been given free will and the ability to make your own decisions and choices. Your loved one can see your blueprint of the soul, and knows quite definitely what lies ahead for you now they are back in Spirit. But sometimes they can’t stop lessons and circumstances from happening.

As a loving soul they have to step back and allow you to continue on your mission in this life, just as a parent sees the struggle of their crawling baby learning to pull himself up on furniture to try and take his first steps at independence only to fall and perhaps hurt himself. They know if they continually rush to their baby’s aid, he will never confidently be able to learn to walk by himself. So they stand back, and cheer and clap with much love as he struggles, knowing ultimately the end result will be achieved.

You can feel confident and know that Spirit is replicating the same love; however, they know ‘the bigger picture’ ahead for you, and that some things are well and truly out of their control. It is your karmic path!

Dream power

Millions of spiritual creatures walk this earth unseen, both when we sleep and when we are awake.

John Milton

errie was very close to her grandmother, and when she passed over she left her antique wrought iron bed as a legacy to remember their times together reading stories and sharing experiences. It was not uncommon for Kerrie to have visits in her dreams from Grandma reminding her of cherished moments they shared. One such dream wasn’t so comforting though—it left Kerrie confused and questioning what it meant.

Kerrie and I met through our seven-year-old sons. Although the boys were now nearing their 21st birthdays, we still spoke nearly every day on the phone. It was during one of these calls that Kerrie told about her grandma’s visit and the subsequent dream.

In it, she showed Kerrie a tree that had little birds frozen in what looked like plastic bags. Grandma took one plastic bag off the tree and allowed it to thaw next to a pond with fish swimming in it.

‘I just can’t work this one out, can you Georgina?’

‘Kerrie—it’s a pregnancy dream. She’s indicating the fish are the sperm and the frozen bird is an egg.’

Kerrie laughed. At 42, pregnancy was the last thing on her mind.

‘Impossible,’ she said.

Months passed, and I returned from overseas to hear that Kerrie had taken ill at a conference interstate. On her return home, her doctor took blood tests for further investigation. The phone rang, and it was her doctor.

‘I need to see you immediately—you’re at least six weeks pregnant.’

In shock, Kerrie and her partner rushed to see the doctor. The scan not only revealed she was pregnant, but five months pregnant.

Grandma’s visit to Kerrie was telling her she was pregnant.

Four months later, Olivia-Charlotte entered the world. Her conception heralded by her great-grandmother in Spirit and—we believe—divinely sent!

Many such dreams come in the period between sleep and wakefulness. Perhaps this is a porthole between the busyness of the mind and sleep; a time when you’re more receptive to a message.

Yes, some dreams can be replays of the day’s activities, fears and problems you are going over in your subconscious mind. You may wake feeling drained, unsure of what you have experienced in your dream state. However, a prophetic or dearly departed dream has clarity, is often seen in colour and is recalled with some degree of ease of experience.

Some people say it feels as though they were awake and having a conversation or witnessing an event first-hand, or they may be given a literal image or phrase in their dream, one that will jog their memory recall. Lindy dreamt of the Easter bunny calling out, ‘Holiday, holiday!’ You may well think as Lindy did that the dream was telling her to have a holiday during the Easter break. Later that week, down at the local shops, she saw someone dressed in a bunny suit handing out brochures for a holiday.

It occurred just as she had dreamt it. If only one aspect of her dream later transpires in real life, like seeing someone dressed as the Easter bunny or hearing someone call out ‘Holiday, holiday!’, then her dream qualifies as a literal dream (one that is so clear and concise in detail the message is obvious). Some dreams, like Kerrie’s, use symbols that are open to interpretation.

There is a great array of dream interpretation books in the marketplace. On comparison, you will note that sometimes they differ with interpretation of symbols. I suggest, as I have done over the years, you start to record your dreams on the computer or in an exercise book. Leave space for additions as you start to unravel your own symbolism and interpretation. The use of symbols is very personal. Try contemplating any previous association with that image or feeling.

I find that writing down what you have seen or felt can activate your own divine intuition and more interpretations can flow from this exercise. Dreams can be guide posts to events in your life.

However, be wary of trying to manipulate or force the interpretation to fit what you would like to see happen. On the other hand, if you take an attitude of denial and try to push away the message you don’t want to acknowledge, your inner wisdom will keeping drawing you back to look at a more obvious choice.

Symbols are Spirit’s shortcuts to message imprinting. When you learn your own unique Language of Spirit through symbols, you will have no doubt or confusion as to what the dream means to you. By using this technique, I have discovered—with much surprise—that every time I dream of Arnold Schwarzenegger from
, for example, there’s a significant change in my future.

You may recall the theme from this series of movies was about a robot that could change the course of the future. So for me, that’s what Arnie stands for, while for someone else he may signify strength.

I wouldn’t have seen the thread linking these random dreams together unless I had noted what was occurring in my life at that time. If you have a trusted friend, sharing the dream, as Kerrie did with me, may assist in deciphering the cryptic clues. A friend may have a greater understanding and a more objective viewpoint of where you stand in your life and your circumstances at a given time.

Prophetic dreams foretell an event to come. I recall dreaming that I was speaking to two men of different nationalities, and they both turned to me and said: ‘If you put your resume in, we’ll give you the job’. I’d been thinking about applying for a job the previous week, but concluded I didn’t have all the essential and desirable attributes to score an interview. Yet the dream gave me confidence to try.

I had one day to retype my resume and apply for the position.

I was interviewed, and offered the position! It was that very job that led to me uncovering corruption years later that in turn led to me working as a full-time psychic. If I hadn’t had that initial dream and followed it through, I may not be writing this book right now!

Higher wisdom through dreams

There’s a practical technique I teach in my psychic development workshops whereby students can learn to program their subconscious minds prior to sleep. It’s easy and has great results. Just as you’re about to go to bed, make sure you have your note book and pen at your bedside. Now think of a question you’d like answered.

It must be one question only, and not, ‘Tell me the Lotto numbers for next week, what should I spend the money on and when do you think I should purchase the new house?’ This exercise is about training yourself and your spirit guides to work in unison. It’s not about confusing both worlds. A suitable question would be, ‘When should I purchase a new house?’

Write the question on a piece of paper. The question should be the last thing on your mind when you hop into bed.

A word of caution—I don’t want to create disharmony in the marital bed, so you may need to explain to your partner that you’re unavailable as you’re working on a spiritual practice. As you get comfortable in your bed, think over again the question you’ve just written down. Now spell in your mind or aloud the word ‘dream’— you must spell not say it—i.e. D—R—E—A—M, and keep up this mantra until you fall asleep. It’s much like counting sheep.

Upon waking, whether it’s during the night or in the morning, note any feelings you have—good, bad, happy, sad, etc.—and note any visions, sounds or information that may have come to you during the night. Record all this information on your computer or in an exercise book. No matter how trivial the information seems, keep a record. Spirit may give you many clues each night, like a puzzle.

If you get an answer the first night, you’re very lucky! Don’t be disheartened if you don’t, or if you haven’t remembered any.

This is all about training yourself. Remember how hard it was to learn how to drive a car or use a computer—you thought you’d never get the hang of it, but now you operate almost on autopilot.

The same is to be said about this exercise. Continue for seven nights, of course to be abandoned if you receive your answer beforehand.

After seven nights without a significant result, put the exercise aside for a week and recommence the exercise with a different question. Some prayers are not answered, as divine timing and divine selection are part of our karmic experience. With enough dedication and practice, you will be able to retrieve higher wisdom and answers to your questions. Can you recall a time when you rang to speak to a particular friend or family member, only to have someone else pick up the receiver armed with the answer you were seeking?

Spirit operates in the same way. You issue a prayer, a demand or a request for a particular loved one to give you guidance, but in the wisdom of Spirit, the request may be diverted to someone more proficient, wise or appropriate. I call this divine wisdom. So don’t be disheartened if you ask to receive a message from someone special, only to have it substituted with another guide or more relevant source. Trust that you are being divinely inspired and guided.

Wisdom of the inner voice Wisdom of the inner voice

Where there is no vision, the people perish.

The Bible
, Proverbs, Chapter 29, Verse 18

our vivid and prophetic dreams just don’t happen during the night; the short catnap you take in the afternoon can produce startling insights. Many of the world’s research scientists, physicists, film directors, composers, writers and artists have developed inventions and concepts while they daydreamed. They have tapped into a hidden source of power and wisdom— the inner voice.

Thoughts that pop into your head

Helen was engrossed in her daily data entry work when suddenly thoughts of her son Michael flashed into her head. She imagined him lying on the lounge doubled up in pain. There was no reason to have this thought—it was school holidays and Michael was a trustworthy fifteen-year-old who always consulted her if there was a problem. Besides, he wasn’t sick that morning when she left, and he hadn’t rung to say he was feeling ill.

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