Death Loved A Woman (Happy Holloway Mystery Book 2) (13 page)

BOOK: Death Loved A Woman (Happy Holloway Mystery Book 2)
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Chapter Twenty

nnie stepped
out the back door of her house and paused. She gazed around the yard, drenched with sunlight rather than shadows this time. A sense of peace washed over her that the case was closed. The police arrested Mark Witman and Percy Kelley.

In retrospect, she thought she had lost her mind jumping in front of a gun the way she did. Annie wasn’t a daredevil by any means, even if she did like to have adventures in her life. All she knew was when Flynn was in danger she wanted to protect him.

She stepped off the deck and started across the lawn. “It’s a miracle I’m alive.”

“You can say that again.”

She stopped and spun around. Flynn stood at the side of the house, obviously having walked around to the back. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m your boyfriend. Can’t I visit my girlfriend?”

She blushed. “Sounds like you get a kick out of saying it.”

“Nope, just making it plain.” He grinned, and she smirked at him.

Annie shook her head. She tried to play it cool, but Flynn’s attitude tickled her something fierce. She wished she were brave enough to toss the terms around of what they were to each other, but she wasn’t ready yet.

Baby steps.

“You said you had something to take care of when I called earlier,” she said. Annie recognized jealousy in her tone and didn’t like it. “Was it Barbara Jean?”

He appeared surprised. “No. If it was her, I would have told you. I got a call from her two days ago saying she was leaving.”


He shrugged. “Traveling or something. I got the feeling she found someone to fund the venture, but I didn’t ask. No, what I was doing was following up on something I heard on the scanner.”

“Flynn, you’re still listening to that police scanner? I think you like trouble. Here I was standing here loving the peace we have. I like adventures, but the less dangerous kind.”

“Are you sure?”

She squinted at him with suspicion as he walked over to her. Annie’s heartbeat kicked up a few notches when he neared. He brushed her cheek.

“What are you up to?”

“Nothing. I’ll talk to you another time about it. But as far as the scanner thing, Sheriff Appleton’s men found the minister’s body. He was murdered. I had hoped Kelley just bribed him to disappear or something, but no dice.”

“Oh no. Well, he confessed to the role he played in trying to help Mark get the inheritance. Do you think Mr. Witman will try to use his influence to get Mark off?”

“He might. Doesn’t look good for Kelley though. Never mind about that. What are you doing out here?”

Annie recalled and turned to continue across the yard. “Look at this. I stumbled across this wall that night when Kelvin put Shadow to sleep.”

“You didn’t know it was here?” He stooped and brushed his hand over the dirty bricks and pulled a few weeds so he could see better. Annie winced. “It looks like it’s leading into your neighbor’s yard.”

“Looks that way to me, too.” She strode across to the edge of her property and stopped. “I checked the old records. My family’s land used to be much bigger. We owned half that property there and a quarter on each side. In fact, we gave up some to make up Stacy’s street.”

He gaped at her. “Just how rich were you guys?”

“We weren’t. Not in my lifetime, but we did have the house. I never knew there was more to it previously. Remember the diary I told you about?”

He nodded. “You think the symbol you’re looking for is a part of your neighbor’s property?”

“If it is, and there’s buried treasure, I don’t suppose it’s mine anymore.”

He chuckled. “Annie, I doubt there’s buried treasure.”

“You don’t know, but half the fun is finding out.”

He stood. “So you’re going to go ring a few doorbells and ask to dig in the back yard?”

“I just might. So there.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised.”

She raised her chin and marched back toward the house. “Well, whatever I do regarding the treasure can wait until another day. First, I have to head over to Stacy’s and solve her mystery.”

“What mystery is that?”

“I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.” She looked back at him. “Dinner later?”

His gaze warmed. “Yes, and maybe I’ll stay the night.”

About the Author

Coming soon: More Happy Holloway is coming! Keep up with what’s happening in my world by signing up for my newsletter at:
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I would like to thank you for reading my book. If you enjoyed it, please take a moment to review it and to let a friend know about me. A good review can help a new author, like me reach more people, and others will take a chance like you did. Thank you for your help, and happy reading.

- Audrey Claire

Also by Audrey Claire

Happy Holloway Mystery

Death Wore Brown Shorts

Death Loved A Woman

Death Wore A Scream (coming soon)

Margot and Odds Cozy Mystery

Odds and Ends

Odds Against

Odds Ball

A Libby Grace Mystery

How to Be a Ghost

How to Blackmail a Ghost

How to Kill a Ghost

A Makayla Rose Mystery

Depth of Field

Multiple Exposures

Distortion Control

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