Death to Tyrants! (53 page)

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Authors: David Teegarden

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Nineteen different regions contained at least one city governed by an oligarchy: Achaia, Akarnania, Syria to the Pillars of Herakles, Makedonia, Ionia, Phokis, Elis, the Adriatic, Karia, Megaris-Korinthia-Sikyonia, the Aegean, Aiolis and Southwestern Mysia, Thessalia, Italia and Kampania, Spain and France, Lesbos, Argolis, Rhodos, Sikelia. Thus 49 percent of the regions contained at least one city that was governed by an oligarchy.


Thirty-two cities are known to have experienced tyranny: Abydos, Agyrion, Antissa, Apollonia, Assos, Atarneus, Engyon, Eresos, Eretria, Halikarnassos, Herakleia (Pontica), Histiaia/Oreos, Kardia, Katane, Kentoripa, Kindye, Kios, Klazomenai, Krannon, Lampsakos, Lokroi, Methymna, Miletos, Mylasa, Myrleia, Mytilene, Pellene, Pherai, Sigeion, Syrakousai, Tauromenion, Zankle/Messana. Thus 29 percent of the cites for which there is regime-type information experienced a tyranny.

Thirteen different regions contained at least one city governed by a tyranny: Troas, Sikelia, Lesbos, Aiolis and Southwestern Mysia, Karia, Black Sea Area, Euboia, Thracian Chersonesos, Propontic Coast of Asia Minor, Ionia, Thessalia, Italia and Kampania, Achaia. Thus 33 percent of the regions contained at least one city governed by a tyranny.


Thirteen cities are known to have been governed by a king: Aiane, Amathous, Idalion, Kourion, Lapethos, Marion, Pantikapaion/Bosporos, Paphos, Phanagoria, Salamis, Soloi, Theodosia, Tyritake. Thus 12 percent of the cities for which there is regime-type information were governed by a king.

Three regions contained at least one city governed by a king: Makedonia, Cyprus, Black Sea Area. Thus 8 percent of the regions contained at least one city governed by a king.


Fifty-two cities are known to have experienced democracy: Ambrakia, Amphipolis, Antissa, Aphytis, Apollonia, Argos, Athenai, Byzantion, Chalkis, Chersonesos, Chios, Ephesos, Epidauros, Eresos, Eretria, Erythrai, Histiaia/Oreos, Iasos, Ilion, Kalchedon, Kios, Klazomenai, Knidos, Kolophon, Kos, Kyme, Kyrene, Kyzikos, Lampsakos, Lokroi, Magnesia, Megara, Messene/Ithome, Methymna, Miletos, Mylasa, Mytilene, Nasos, Neapolis (in Italia), Olbia/Borysthenes, Paros, Pellene, Priene, Rhodos, Sinope, Siphnos, Soloi, Syrakousai, Taras, Thebai, Thourioi, Zeleia. Thus 46 percent of the cities for which we have regime-type information experienced a democracy.

Twenty-four different regions contained at least one democratically governed city: Akarnania, Thrace (Axios-to-Strymon), Lesbos, the Adriatic, Argolis, Attika, Propontic Thrace, Euboia, the Black Sea Area, Ionia, Karia, Troas, the Propontic Coast of Asia Minor, the Aegean, Aiolis and Southwestern Mysia, Syria to the Pillars of Herakles, Italia and Kampania, Megaris-Korinthia-Sikyonia, Messenia, Achaia, Rhodos, South Coast of Asia Minor, Sikelia, Boiotia. Thus 62 percent of the regions had at least one city that experienced democracy.

The thirty-nine regions: Achaia, the Adriatic, the Aegean, Aiolis and Southwestern Mysia, Akarnania, Argolis, Arkadia, South Coast of Asia Minor, Attika, Black Sea Area, Boiotia, Crete, Cyprus, Elis, Euboia, Ionia, Italia and Kampania, Karia, Lakedaimon, Lesbos, East Lokris, West Lokris, Makedonia, Megaris-Korinthia-Sikyonia, Messenia, Phokis, Propontic Coast of Asia Minor, Rhodos, the Saronic Gulf, Sikelia, Spain and France, Syria to the Pillars of Herakles, Thessalia, Thrace (Axios to Strymon), Thrace (Nestos to Hebron), Thrace (Strymon to Nestos), Propontic Thrace, Thracian Chersonesos, Troas.


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