Deception (9 page)

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Authors: Lillian Duncan

Tags: #Christian Fiction

BOOK: Deception
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She met Carter’s gaze. “Fine, I’ll go with them.”

Fifteen minutes later, the nurse came to tell them Anna was in her room and they could visit.

When Patti walked in, Anna looked tired and pale. “Sabrina?” But she didn’t need to answer because Patti showed her Sabrina, now sleeping on her shoulder.

Anna gave a weak grin. “She is safe.”

“Carter stopped the man from taking Sabrina.”

“What did the man want? Why...”

“I can’t tell you, Anna.” Holding her hand, Marcus flashed his badge.

“FBI.” Anna’s gaze turned panicked. “I thought you were a businessman.”

“I know. I’m sorry we deceived you, but Jamie didn’t want you to know how dangerous her job was. She didn’t want you worried and upset every time she left, because Sabrina might pick up on it. Her goal was to let Sabrina have as normal a life as possible.”

Anna bit her lip

“Are you in pain, Anna? Should I call the nurse?” Patti asked.

“No, just tired.”

“Well, you get your rest. Sabrina and Patti are staying with you. There’s an armed guard outside. No one’s going to hurt any of you again,” Carter assured her.

Anna’s eyes fluttered and a moment later, her breathing relaxed.

Carter turned toward Marcus. “Can you take me back to my car?”

“Sure thing. I’ll go get the car and pick you up by the emergency room.”

After Marcus left, Carter took Patti’s hand in his own and led her away from Anna’s bed. “Are you all right?”

She refused to cry. “I can’t tell you how grateful I am for you helping us. I can’t imagine what might have happened if you hadn’t been there.”

He moved closer and put his arms on her shoulders. “Don’t think all the things that could have happened. Stay focused on the fact you’re all safe. I’m glad I’ve been there for all of you.”

All of us, except Jamie.

His arms moved around her. She leaned against him, gaining strength.

After a moment, he broke the connection. “You’re safe here. There are two guards outside the door. If you need anything, one will get it while the other stays with you. I hate to leave you, but...”

“It’s OK, Carter. We’re safe and we’re together.”

“Is there anything I can get you before I come back?”

“Maybe some of Sabrina’s toys, if you want.”

He grinned and her heart melted.

He might be one of the bravest men she’d ever known.







Sabrina sat with arms folded across her chest. “Me don’t want to go. I want Mommy.”

Patti smiled. This little girl knew a thing or two about getting her own way.

“Now, pumpkin face, you know Mommy has to go on trips for work,” Marcus said patiently.

“She didn’t say goodbye.” Her lower lip poked out in a pout.

Patti had become very familiar with that pout over the past few days.

Sabrina knew how to manipulate others. But it was so adorable, it was hard to resist.

“That’s because she told me to tell you goodbye,” Marcus told her.

Sabrina buried her face in Marcus’s neck and sobbed.

Patti’s heart broke for the little girl. She really wanted her sister back home with her and Sabrina.

Anna was being discharged that day, and it was time to move to a safe house.

Thanks to the posted guards, there’d been no incidents at the hospital.

Sabrina lifted her head and looked at Marcus. “Where’s Mister Tarter? Me want Mister Tarter. He saved me from the mean man.” Over the past two days, Sabrina had developed a case of hero worship.

Patti couldn’t really blame her niece.

During their confinement in the hospital, he’d brought them food, toys, books, and magazines.

Patti couldn’t have survived without his visits or his smile.

“Yes, he did, pumpkin face, and he’ll be here any minute. He wanted to say goodbye before you go on your trip.”

A few minutes later, the door opened.

When Carter walked in Sabrina launched herself at him. He caught her and twirled her around.

“If it isn’t Sabrina Ballerina. You look mighty beautiful today.”

She giggled. “You wook mi...mi..mighty beautiful today.”

“Me, beautiful. You must have me mistaken for someone else.”

Another twirl and she giggled more.

Even Anna laughed, holding her stomach as she did.

“I need to talk with Patti. We’ll be out in a minute.”

Marcus nodded.

Anna and Sabrina left with Marcus, leaving Patti and Carter alone.

They stood facing each other.

“I know this isn’t what you expected.“

“Jamie’s my sister.” Patti cut him off. “And stop apologizing. If it hadn’t been for you...” Her mind flashed to the man holding a knife to Sabrina. “If it hadn’t been for you, Sabrina could have been hurt. You kept her safe.”

“But not Anna.”

“Anna’s alive. That’s all that matters.”

He nodded. “Keep praying. Don’t forget God’s in control.”

“I just…so much has happened. This whole thing is so…unbelievable.”

Carter wrapped his arms around her.

After a moment, Patti took a few steps away from him. She smiled, but inside all she felt was sadness. How she wished she’d met him under different circumstances.

“I promise I’m going to do everything I can to find Jamie.” He paused. “But I can’t promise...”

She understood the unspoken words.

“We won’t be able to talk while you’re in the safe house. You’ll have to rely on the FBI agents to call me if you need something from me.”

He was still trying to take care of them.

“I sure had you pegged wrong the first day I met you.”

“How exactly did you peg me, if I might ask?”

Her mouth opened but she closed it as she searched for something to say without admitting what she’d thought. “Never mind.”

“Mmm. Very interesting. I won’t pursue this line of questioning at the moment, ma’am, but we are not done with this conversation.”

Giving a hint of a smile, she realized she might find herself admitting more to him than she cared to.

They walked out to the car in a sweet silence.

Carter sat in the front seat while Marcus drove.

Not wanting to alarm Sabrina, Patti sang songs with her in the back seat.

Anna sat beside Patti staring out the window.

Behind them the other agents followed in a second car.

Marcus’s cell phone shattered the silence, making both Patti and Anna jump. The phone call lasted all of ten seconds.

Marcus flipped the phone shut and looked over at Carter. “We’ve got company.”

“What’s going on?” Patti asked.

“Someone’s following us.”

Anna muttered something in Spanish and crossed herself.

“What are we going to do?” Patti’s heart raced and she wiped sweaty palms on her jeans. She fought the urge to turn around.

“Let’s go to police headquarters.”

“What are you guys talking about?”

Carter patted her hand resting on the back of the seat. His calmness lessened her jitters.

“We’re going to drive to headquarters and go into the underground parking. It’s impossible for them to follow us in there. We’re going to switch cars and as we leave several other cars are going to come out with us.”

“I don’t get it.”

“They can’t follow all of us. You’re going to hide so they have to pick one car to follow. If we’re lucky, they won’t pick the right one. Once they choose the wrong car, it’s free sailing for us and we’ll have another car stop them. And if we’re lucky, put an end to this nightmare.”

“What if they pick the car we are in?”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” Marcus told her.

Once they were in the underground parking lot, Carter ran upstairs.

In five minutes, three more officers appeared with keys in their hands.

They spent another ten minutes debating on which cars to make the decoy cars, which car would be the real getaway vehicle.

In the end, they decided Marcus, Patti, and her group would be in one of the officers’ vehicles, an SUV, so Anna could be somewhat comfortable while laying down.

Marcus, Patti, and Sabrina scrunched down in the backseat so they wouldn’t be seen.

Carter took a squad car.

Sabrina slept through the vehicle switch.

Thirty minutes later, Patti’s leg cramped from being scrunched on the floor. She tapped Marcus on the shoulder and whispered. “I’ve got to move my leg.”

“It’s OK. You can get up. They aren’t anywhere around. They followed Caldwell.” The driver of the truck announced.

Marcus lifted himself off the floor while the women situated themselves.

The ruse worked, but the car had evaded the police and escaped.

They were no closer to figuring out who was after them.




Marcus hurried them out of the truck and towards the entrance.

Patti stared at the old apartment building.
This was it?
A knot in her stomach formed. The placed didn’t look all that safe.

Once inside, Marcus herded them to a waiting elevator and hit the fifth floor button.

Anna’s gaze met Patti’s as if they had the same thought.

How could a simple apartment building like this keep Sabrina safe when Jamie’s elaborate security system, with an on-site security force, hadn’t?

The elevator bumped to a stop and the door slid open.

Two agents stood in front of the elevator. Each faced the opposite direction as if they were bookends.

Seeing their guns drawn made Patti queasy. She pressed Sabrina’s head against her chest, hoping to keep her from noticing the weapons.

They stopped in front of a door with 507 in big black letters on it.

The lead agent opened the door and herded the group in.

Patti set Sabrina down and her stomach unknotted somewhat.

There was a square living room with a simple sofa and matching chair. A coffee table, end tables and a TV against the opposite wall rounded out the ordinary furnishings.

A small dinette sat behind the sofa in front of the sole window. To the right was a kitchen. A hallway led to what Patti guessed were the bedrooms and bathroom.

The whole apartment could fit into Jamie’s front room.

“It’s not much but...” Marcus walked in behind them. “At least you’ll be safe.”

“How do you know?” Patti wasn’t convinced. “It seems like it would be easy—”

“It’s not. Trust me. You’ll be fine.”

“I felt safer at the hospital than here.”

Anna looked at the two of them and grabbed Sabrina’s hand, leading her towards the back of the apartment. “Let’s go look at the rest of the apartment,

“Patti, you’re safe.” Marcus’ voice was patient.

“The way Jamie was safe at Dolphin Cove?” She stomped off to look out the one window in the apartment. She’d feel safer if Carter was here.

A moment later, Marcus put a hand on her shoulder.

She turned. “Are you going to stay with us?”

“I can’t. I’m going to lead the search for Jamie.”

“Maybe I’d feel safer if Carter stayed with us? After all, he’s proven himself more than once.”

“I’ll see what I can do, but in the meantime you’re out of harm’s way. We’ve got two guards posted outside the apartment at all times.” He pointed at the window. “As you can see no one is going to come in from that direction. I’ve got to get going but I want to say goodbye to Sabrina.” Marcus left, then walked back carrying Sabrina.

“I want to stay with you.” Sabrina clung to Marcus.

Patti’s heart cracked. She’d been through so much. It was obvious she was terrified.

“I love you. I will see you soon.” Marcus said, as he set her down. “You be a good little girl for Anna and Aunt Patti.”

"I not a little girl. I a big girl," Sabrina said with hands on her tiny hips.

"Of course, Sabrina, that's what I meant. You are a big girl." Marcus chuckled and gave her another hug. Over Sabrina’s head, he looked at the two women. “I’ll call the minute I know anything.”

The moment he was gone, Anna threw up her hands. “I cannot believe this. Mr. Marcus and Miss Jamie working for the FBI. I did not know any of this. Miss Jamie must be in
danger.” Tears trickled from Anna’s eyes. “I should have known.”

“Jamie was trying to protect you.”

“Miss Patti. I have something for you. I hope you will not be mad at me. I am sorry I didn’t deliver it to you sooner, but Jamie told me to give it to you if something ever happened to her. I didn’t want to do it in front of the policeman, or Mr. Marcus. And then I got hurt and couldn’t give it to you.” Anna handed over an envelope.

When Patti touched the envelope she shivered as if someone had walked over a grave. Not her grave. Jamie’s.

The little energy she had seeped out of her. Sitting down on the sofa, she opened the envelope and found a slip of paper and a key.

Her heart fluttered as she looked at her sister’s handwriting.

2057 Southern-Abby Lane #411.

Nothing more on the paper. There wasn’t a city or state, but it had to be important.

The key could go to an apartment or house that Jamie lived in when she was out of town. Excitement surged through Patti. If she could discover where Jamie lived, maybe she could find Jamie.

A sense of futility came over Patti. She would never be able to find Jamie on her own. She didn’t know the first thing about finding missing people. She was a counselor at a high school, not a private detective.

But Carter would know what to do.







The next morning, Patti was up long before Anna or Sabrina. Too many things were on her mind to allow sleep. The address changed everything. Giving it to Marcus wasn’t an option.

Carter would help her. He’d promised.

When Sabrina stumbled into the room hand-in-hand with Anna, Patti already had sausage and pancakes cooking.

Sabrina ran over to Patti and gave her a hug. “Good morning, Aunt Patti.”

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