DefeatedbyLove (14 page)

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Authors: Samantha Kane

BOOK: DefeatedbyLove
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Chapter Seventeen


Daniel knew he ought to stop this. It wasn’t going to solve
his problems. As a matter of fact, it was a complication of horrendous
proportions. But he just couldn’t give a damn with whiskey in his veins and
Harry’s hands on him. He wanted him so badly. He was a fool for him, but
knowing that didn’t make his need any less. For so long he’d thought him
forever out of reach, and in his darkest moments he’d imagined Harry dead. And
now he was here, very much alive and reaching for Daniel. Daniel was only a
man. How was he to resist that?

Harry gave him time to pull away, slowly lowering his lips
to Daniel’s. But though every ounce of common sense told him to, he didn’t. And
when those well-remembered lips met his he was so terribly glad he hadn’t. He
choked back a sigh that would have trembled, he was sure. He wouldn’t show that
weakness. This wasn’t a beginning, or a resuscitation of something that died
long ago. This was about need and want and the dark night and the whiskey.
Daniel had been here before.

Harry made short work of the belt on Daniel’s dressing gown
and then he shoved it to the floor. Wearing just their pants, they were dressed
alike now, equals. For some reason that was important. Perhaps because Daniel
had come here and let the dark night and Harry’s calm acceptance of his words
loosen his tongue until he’d shared more than he meant to. It had always been
like that with Harry. He was the only one Daniel had ever really opened up to.
Not even Simon knew his deepest, darkest secrets. But Harry did. If he ran
again, he’d take them with him. Perhaps that was the allure. It was like
talking to the wind. His confessions would have no repercussions when Harry
left. He could do anything, say anything, and Harry wouldn’t judge him for it.
He never had. Perhaps it was the alcohol giving him false courage—he’d had
quite a bit of it—but Harry—the same one he’d been dreaming of—was here, and he
still wanted Daniel.

Daniel stumbled over his dressing gown when Harry pulled him
forward. Without taking his lips from Daniel’s Harry caught him and then
Daniel’s back was shoved none too gently against the wall and Harry was pressed
against him. There was nothing gentle about this embrace. How had Harry known
that was what he needed? There was a ferocity and desperation in Harry’s kiss
that Daniel matched. Their lips bruised, and when Daniel opened his mouth their
teeth clashed at first, but the awkwardness in no way diminished how bloody
good it was. Daniel drove his tongue into Harry’s mouth and the dance between
them there was as rough as the rest of their embrace. Harry’s hands were
gripping his shoulders while Daniel’s arms were wrapped around Harry’s waist,
his fingertips clenched into Harry’s back. He wanted to leave his mark there,
and he knew Harry would do the same.

His head was spinning from an onslaught of lust made worse
by drink. Instead of fighting it Daniel threw himself into the lightheaded
feeling and let Harry hold him up as the world fell out from under his feet. It
was insane to let his guard down, to invite what he knew was coming. But Harry
tasted utterly divine, hot and sharp like aged whiskey. Daniel worked his arm
out from under Harry’s and then threw it about his neck, his fingers driving
into Harry’s thick, dark hair until he encountered the leather strap holding
his eye patch on. It shocked him, and he closed his fist around a handful of
hair and yanked his mouth away. He had to breathe. He had to get his wits back.

“Don’t think,” Harry ordered roughly. “Let me have you,
Daniel. God, I must have you.” He pressed his hips in and Daniel felt the hard
ridge of his thick cock against his stomach. All rational thought fled. He
groaned and Harry leaned down and bit his shoulder before nibbling and licking
his way up Daniel’s neck. He bit into Daniel’s earlobe with a hungry, throaty
growl than made Daniel’s knees buckle.

Harry ground his cock against him again, but this time he
bent his knees so that the hot length raked over Daniel’s own cock, as hard as
Harry’s and hungry to be let loose. He gasped, and his breathing grew ragged.
Harry leaned over farther and pressed kisses along Daniel’s chest until he took
his nipple between his teeth and bit down. Daniel came up on his toes with a
whimper of surrender that would have been embarrassing if he weren’t so busy
being aroused. He didn’t give Harry the satisfaction of answering him. Instead
he gripped the back of Harry’s head and held him there. Harry let go with his
teeth but sucked deeply on the little nub and then licked it lightly. The hair
on Daniel’s neck rose and he shivered. It had been so long since he’d been with
a man like this. The last few years had been rough and impersonal fucks. Half
the time he hadn’t even bothered to get undressed. But the way Harry was
kissing and licking each inch of skin he could reach was devastatingly
personal. Daniel wanted to shove him away as much as he wanted to hold him

“I need to get inside you so badly,” Harry whispered,
kissing Daniel’s stomach as he kneeled in front of him. Without warning
Daniel’s pants fell down around his ankles. Before Daniel could say no Harry
had engulfed his cock in his hot, wet mouth and Daniel saw stars. When Harry
hummed around his cock as if it were the sweetest thing he’d ever tasted Daniel
let a small cry escape on a wavering breath. The pull of Daniel’s mouth was
divine. Daniel fucked those lips and that tongue without reservation. He
dropped his head back against the wall, closed his eyes and concentrated on how
amazing it felt. He couldn’t remember anyone else’s mouth feeling like this, so
hot it nearly burned him, so soft and wet it was a joy to fuck into. With each
suck Harry pulled him deeper into his throat and scooted closer, until Daniel
was buried to the hilt and Harry’s knees were between his feet. Harry’s hands
were gripping his thighs so tightly they ached, but it was a welcome pain.
Daniel had a handful of Harry’s hair again and he pulled it as Harry’s head
moved up and down. He wasn’t going to let go until he’d come. He needed to come
in Harry’s mouth right now more than he needed to breathe.

He stifled a cry as he felt the heat of his release climb
from his stones to his cock and then the utter relief of climax burst through
him. It was euphoric and he rode the pleasure as he pressed his cock deep in
Harry’s throat. Harry swallowed around him, breathing heavily and he groaned as
Daniel’s hips jerked involuntarily, fucking into his mouth again as the final
throes of release shook him.

He collapsed against the wall and Harry kneeled there before
him, staring up at him, his chest heaving. With the eye patch he looked even
more predatory and dangerous and Daniel knew he was going to get fucked hard
and long and he wanted it so much he trembled, though he’d just come harder
than he had in years. He literally ached with the need to be filled with
Harry’s cock all night.

He didn’t think, just as Harry had ordered. He simply stood
there and waited on Harry’s pleasure, anticipating his own. It was freeing,
this feeling of being out of control, of handing that control over to Harry
again, who had always dominated their encounters. He wanted to be dominated by
Harry, to be mounted and ridden and fucked and owned. This was why he’d come
here tonight. This.

Harry rose slowly and he towered over Daniel, or at least it
seemed that way. He slowly undid the fall of his trousers and then pushed them
down and kicked them away. He was gloriously naked, his flesh gleaming in the
candlelight. His chest had more hair than he’d had ten years ago. Daniel
reached out a trembling hand and ran it over him. The hair was soft and dark
and swirled over his pectorals and around his brown nipples. It had been all
Daniel could do not to touch him like this yesterday at the tailor’s. But here,
tonight, he could. Because tomorrow this would all be a dream and he’d walk

He stepped close and pressed his cheek to Harry’s chest,
rubbed against the soft hair there. He rubbed his nose in it and sniffed the
scents of lavender and sweat that clung to Harry. It was spicy, manly,
enticing. He let the tip of his tongue trace a line down the center of Harry’s

“I’m going to fuck you.” Harry wasn’t asking. He was
telling. Daniel just nodded.

Harry took his arm and led him over to the bed where he
tossed Daniel down onto the sheets and climbed on after him, straddling him.
Daniel felt a rush of fear and excitement race through his veins and he
instinctively slithered backward on the bed, trying to get away from Harry.
Harry followed, falling onto his hands and knees and crawling right along with
him, never letting him out from between his imprisoning legs. Daniel’s heart
raced and his breaths were harsh gusts in the silence of the room. Harry’s
light-gray eye glittered in the candlelight. He seemed as out of control as
Daniel, and Daniel had never felt more wary or more aroused. He felt as if he
were going mad, the opposing emotions battling inside him.

Harry lowered himself one inch at a time, watching Daniel
every second. The anticipation was excruciating, until Daniel arched his neck
to avoid his stare and cried out in frustration. Harry laughed darkly and fell
atop him then, and the heat of his skin and his mouth on Daniel’s throat was a
relief and a curse. Daniel’s head was spinning. Nothing, nothing, had ever felt
as good as Harry did at that moment. Harry sucked on his neck and Daniel knew
he was making yet another mark. It thrilled him beyond measure. When he saw it
tomorrow it would arouse him again, he knew it. But right now he couldn’t care about

The hair on Harry’s chest abraded Daniel’s nipples
deliciously and he squirmed under Harry’s weight, wrapping one leg around
Harry’s and rubbing against him like a cat in heat. Harry growled and Daniel
was amazed to realize he was hard again. “Do it,” he whispered eagerly.

“Oh no,” Harry said, his voice rough and low. “Not until I’m
ready. I’ve waited a very, very long time for this.”

“So have I,” Daniel snapped. “Too long.”

Harry bit his earlobe and Daniel cried out and arched his
back, pulling Harry closer with his legs and arms. “Don’t go back to the past,”
he whispered in Daniel’s ear. “Stay here, with me, now.”

Daniel let the madness that had led him here in the first
place take over again. He nodded and wrapped his arms around Harry’s neck.
“Fuck me, Harry,” he whispered, not caring how desperate he sounded. “Please.”

“I will, darling,” Harry said with a soft kiss on his cheek.
“I will.”

Harry rolled over onto his back, taking Daniel with him, and
then he kissed him. He palmed the back of Daniel’s head tenderly and kissed him
as if they had all the time in the world. Daniel fell into the fantasy, kissing
him back with an aroused languor he hadn’t ever felt before. It was as soothing
as it was arousing. Their tongues languidly glided against one another, tasting
and teasing. Harry sucked on his lower lip and Daniel felt it in his cock, just
as it had felt not long ago. Daniel moved away from Harry’s mouth when the kiss
became too intense. He kissed Harry’s neck, moving slowly down to his chest. He
teased and tasted Harry as he’d dreamed of doing for years. Harry cried out
beneath him and bucked against him, but he didn’t stop Daniel from exploring.

There were quite a few scars. One on his shoulder, another
on his side, and what looked like a burn mark on his thigh. Daniel kissed each
one, tasted them as if he could learn Harry’s history from his skin. When he
finally moved to take Harry’s cock into his mouth Harry stopped him. “I can’t,”
he gasped. “I don’t want to come in your mouth. I want to come when I fuck

Everything clenched hard in Daniel at Harry’s declaration.
Yes, that was what he wanted too. Before he could say so, Harry rolled him over
again, onto his back beside him. Harry turned away and fumbled with something
on the table and Daniel used the opportunity to explore his back. His shoulders
were insanely broad. Daniel ran his hands across them and plastered his chest
to Harry’s back and kissed the nape of his neck. He humped his hard cock
against Harry’s rump and Harry groaned.

When Harry turned back to face him he took Daniel’s mouth in
a hungry, rough kiss. Daniel fell back on the bed and Harry followed him down,
never letting go of the kiss. Then Daniel felt Harry’s hand between his legs
and he spread them apart, surrendering without a fight. Harry found the hole he
wanted and pushed his finger in, something smooth and silky easing his way. The
smell hit him then, some sort of spicy, oriental scent. Harry must have
acquired some exotic oil in his travels. Daniel moaned as Harry’s finger delved
deeper and fucked in and out of him. So good. It felt so good. Daniel fucked
him back without an ounce of shame. He spread his legs more and Harry crawled
between them again.

Another finger slid into Daniel’s arse and Daniel cried out.
He grabbed Harry’s wrist and held his hand tight against him, his palm on
Daniel’s balls and his fingers as deep as they could go. He rubbed against that
hand with a growling purr and Harry laughed.

“You still love it,” Harry whispered. “God, I missed fucking

Daniel forced himself not to focus on Harry’s words, but
instead on the fingers making him feel so good. “Cock,” he ground out between
clenched teeth.

“Want it, do you?” Harry asked, all teasing gone. He pulled
his hand from beneath Daniel’s. He sat up and yanked on Daniel’s thighs,
pulling him closer until he could slide his arms under Daniel’s knees and hold
his legs high and spread. Daniel looked down and avidly watched as Harry flexed
his hips and rubbed the tip of his cock on Daniel’s hole. He could feel it
clench and release, eager to take Harry inside. He whimpered and bit his lip.
“Say it,” Harry demanded.

“I want it,” Daniel said without an ounce of shame. “I want
you to fuck me. Now.”

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