Deliberate Display - five erotic voyeur and exhibitionist stories (3 page)

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Authors: Lucy Felthouse,Sommer Marsden,John McKeown,Marlene Yong,Abigail Thornton

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Vanessa paused in her narrative. Her cheeks glowed red with arousal at the memory and her pleasure in recounting it. Below the surface of the table I too was spending. Her account on its own would not have brought me to an orgasm in a restaurant, but knowing what I did, what she was hiding, drove me over the top. I had to grit my teeth to conceal evidence of the ripples running through my cunt at that moment. Fortunately, Vanessa, engrossed in her own reverie, noticed nothing.

‘And then …?’ I asked once I’d slowed my breathing back down again.

‘That was it! I told Phil I didn’t want Ed to come home and find us like that and I coaxed him out of the house. He asked if we might repeat our … er … encounter … and I said I’d think about it. Maybe I will.’ Her eyes went misty for a moment, then she giggled. ‘Oh, Dympna, I wish you’d been there! You’d have loved it.’

She peered at the Rolex on her wrist. ‘Anyway, must fly. Ed’s expecting me. You pick up the tab, would you, love? It’s on me next time, I promise.’

Moments later, she was on the other side of the hotel restaurant’s revolving glass door, waving goodbye.

She wished I’d been there? I chuckled and sipped the last of my coffee, now lukewarm.

As I said, we are all voyeurs. Ed certainly is. And he’d delighted in every contortion of Vanessa’s body as she’d seduced Phil. He’d had a perfect view of every inch of their flesh through the expensive two-way mirror he’d installed in a tiny room adjoining the lounge. He’d gawked, just as he’d done on countless other occasions when Vanessa – a born exhibitionist – had brought her one-night stands back to their home. And he’d watched, of course, with her knowledge and connivance.

But, as he’d ogled Vanessa’s gymnastics with Phil, he’d climaxed as he’d never climaxed before. His body had shaken with pleasure as his balls emptied in an orgasm which seemed to go on for ever.

How do I know all this?

I know, because the reason Ed was ejecting such copious jets of sperm was because, at that moment, he was also receiving the blowjob of a lifetime – a blowjob he would never forget!

Going Native
by John McKeown

The couple fell onto the bed tearing at each other’s evening dress like the wild animals they were.

The male bit at the female’s pearl-strung neck hanging back over the edge of the bed, pulling her shiny black skirt up to her waist at the same time. Her fishnet stocking-clad thighs spread wide. She leaned up, a lipstick-smeared grin on her face as the male tugged at the zip of his trousers. And tugged some more, to no effect. The female pushed his hands away and, giggling, pulled down the zip, reached a hand in and drew out his long, thick, stiff penis.

The audience leaned forward, rapt. Gasps of fascinated repulsion escaping a few of them.

A few laughingly shielded their eyes, others leaned further forward with exaggerated inquisitive irony as the image swung into close-up to show the male pushing his penis past the gauze-thin panties he held aside with one finger, and into the glistening moistness of the female’s vagina. She clasped him tightly with her thighs, one stocking bearing a hole revealing an oval of white flesh which, despite the furious pumping action he concentrated on the female, the male’s fingers found and tore open. This seemed to redouble the fury with which he rammed himself between her splayed-open legs.

Hera looked at the light from the holo-image playing across the faces of the audience surrounding it. An outraged superiority, a disgust, on some of them, rib-digging hilarity on others, but no echo anywhere of the hot arousal, the envy, the hunger for such direct, brutally joyous physicality anywhere among them.

The female’s wild pleadings for more from the red-faced, rampaging male, filled the theatre, and Hera turned away in disgust. Those humans might well be inferior to themselves in many ways, but she still felt like an interloper, an intruder. Animals should be allowed their privacy too!

The female gasped in orgasm, half-hanging off the bed, as the male pumped the last of his semen deep inside her. Then he collapsed onto her.

The image changed then. There was an older male with grey hair on his chest and two blonde females. One female was sucking at his erect penis while he sucked the breasts of the other and played with her vagina and buttocks. Then it changed again and there was a whole group of the humans in various states of undress, locked together in various intricate ways.

The gasps and groans of disbelief from the audience became more uninhibited. Some even left the theatre. Eventually, the image widened, panning out to show the whole of the huge hotel, transparent to their gaze, awrithe with copulating bodies. Hera could take no more and left it to her co-tour guide to take audience questions and requests for closer views of any particular scene.

She drifted dejectedly to the nearest viewing deck and looked out at the majestic blue-green, cloud-whipped planet they’d soon be leaving for the next leg of their safari among the primitive races. Primitive they may be, she thought, but they’re alive in a way our frigid civilization has forgotten.

*               *               *

Still almost reeling with her own daring, Hera dropped the few feet from the pod into a dark alley in the centre of the city. She programmed it to return to the same location in 48 Earth hours. But would 48 hours be long enough? Or far too long? She had no idea how she was going to react when she found what she was after, or indeed, if she was able to react at all. Like every other member of her race she’d had her hormone neutralization treatment when a young girl, and though she was genetically and anatomically almost the same as a human woman there was no guarantee that her body would be amenable to intercourse. As she’d heard so many humans say, was she really able to be “turned on” by a man, or, as her curiosity knew few limits, a woman?

But that’s what she had jumped ship to find out.

When she left the alley the full force of the night city hit her. Traffic roared, full of humans –
, she had to start regarding them as people – hanging out of the windows. A wild medley of neon signs and advertisements assaulted her attention above shops and bars choked with people, mostly black men and women, shaking with loud music. And it was all real, inescapably real, not something that was being watched on a holo image from hundreds of miles out in space.

She began to walk down the street as naturally as possible, but already she could feel astonished eyes, and soon voices, trained upon her. As she walked on, amid a rising cacophony of whistling and baying, she felt hands reaching out to touch and grab. But what were they shouting? She adjusted the tiny translator in her ear.

‘Whooo! Man, that is one stun-

‘Heyay! She may be white but that is one
black butt – fo’ shizzle!’

‘Black, white – fuck the colour, man, I wanna piece of it. Who’s in?’

‘Me first, bro!’

‘Yo’ dick won’t last a second in her,
! We’ll leave you the leftovers.’

A gang of black youths was following her. Without slowing her pace or looking round, she turned a corner of the main thoroughfare on to a quieter street. Suddenly they had her surrounded, grinning in a pack, but not daring as yet to get closer.

‘Hey, don’t you know you rollin’ yo’ ass in our ’hood? You gotta pay the toll, bitch.’

‘I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Do you mean some kind of pecuniary remuneration?’

‘You bein’ funny, bitch?’

‘Perhaps, unintentionally, yes. I’m a stranger in town.’

‘This ain’t getting’ us nowhere, asshats – here!’ The biggest of them made a grab for Hera.

Instantly he was dangling three feet off the pavement, with Hera’s hand closed around his throat. They fell silent, mouths fell open, most of them backed off down the street, then ran as Hera shook their friend like a rag doll before putting him down.

‘I’m sorry, but that’s no way to treat a lady.’

As soon as his feet were on concrete he ran off in a rain of incomprehensible expletives. Two youths remained. Very promising material.

‘I’m sorry, I don’t want to hurt anyone. I’m new in town and I want someone to … to show me the ropes – I mean, I want to have some fun, a lot of fun. Understand?’

‘Ropes? Yeah, we understand. Stick with us, er …’


‘Hera today, here tomorrow. Let’s go!’

They bought “booze” and picked up a beautiful “chick” in a bar. Hera checked them into a room in a “serious” hotel, quieting the deskman’s alarm with a thousand-dollar bill. She’d had the foresight to print off a roll of currency on board before leaving.

Hera had no idea what to do next, but the boys were happy, swigging the bottle of brandy and tossing crushed beer cans into the wastebasket from the bed. The girl eventually dimmed the lights and started dancing slowly and seductively, stripping off her tight clothes as the boys, one on either side of Hera, watched and applauded. The girl had a beautiful body and as she gyrated, fully naked, in increasingly provocative attitudes, Hera began to appreciate the boys’ appreciation of her. And then she could see their appreciation, as the “flies” of their pants rose and the unmistakable outlines of their large penises became apparent.

Xavier took his T-shirt off, unfastened the top button of his jeans, and began caressing his groin. Hera could feel her heart beating at an unprecedented, alarming rate. As she watched him watching the girl, his fingers slipping down to his swelling, she started having difficulty catching her breath. She would surely choke!

‘Is this what it’s like? This fear? It’s terrible!’

Tyler turned to her suddenly and gave her a kiss on the cheek. ‘No stress, babe, enjoy the show. Drink.’

She took the bottle and nearly did choke on the fiery liquid, but it seemed to ease her.

Tyler took his shirt off too, and Hera felt it would be polite to show some of her flesh also. She pulled her zip down over her breasts. The one in the middle now lay fully exposed, while those on either side were half-visible. The girl screamed. The boys’ heads came together above Hera’s treble buxomness.

‘Looks like we hit gravy tonight, Ty.’

‘Hera, would you mind if I just … It’s the firs’ time I have … ever … ever …’

Xavier’s fingers gently pulled the zip the rest of the way down to her thighs, the ultra-soft, superfine material falling aside like cast-off snakeskin.

‘A feast for the eyes, and the tongue – if that’s cool, Hera?’

‘Of course.’

Her breath was coming thick and fast now, her breasts heaving, and she could feel all restraint melting under the alcohol and the hot appreciation of the two young men. But she felt herself almost burst into flame when Xavier’s velvet-soft lips closed around the stiffened nipple of the middle breast and began kissing and sucking, while Tyler took the right breast and sucked greedily at its equally hard nipple.

‘Room for one more! Get your ass over here, Wanda!’

Wanda, full of trepidation, but fascinated, came over and sat next to Xavier.

‘This’s some kinda crazy movie, right?’

‘Right. And you’re up for an Oscar. Now give the lady some pleasure.’

Wanda straddled Hera with an obedient sigh and soon was avidly sucking and biting at the nipple of the vacated middle breast.

Hera closed her eyes. It was as though life was being blown into her from the mouths of these three humans. Her breasts were living things! Churning with life! She squeezed them as the three mouths sucked, devoured. She felt fingers stroking her flesh, which responded with uncontainable tremors, stroking her down to her belly, pushing her suit down her legs to her ankles and stripping it off. She lay completely naked with other creatures for the first time in her life. The fear was still there, but it was overwhelmed by a pleasure that kept steadily mounting.

She felt something tickling the lips of her vagina. She shuddered at this unknown sensation, but the tickling became more intense, and something was parting the lips, entering. She felt her whole body tightly clamping against the intrusion, but then soothing voices conspired to relax her, and she sucked eagerly at the brandy bottle held to her mouth. But she still shuddered as Wanda’s tongue licked and probed and pushed ever inward, evoking an increasing sluice of moisture as its flickering movements continued. Hera was startled by a deep groan, a voice she didn’t recognise. And then she realised – it was herself! Another, deeper, escaped her, and momentarily she felt like a bystander, a watcher of her own situation. But as the tongue gave way to something far larger harder and thicker, this brief objectivity was swept away in a tidal wave of sweet, gargantuan pleasure tinged with pain as Xavier’s penis slid in, opening an unfamiliar depth of space inside her and slowly filling it with itself in one assured, gliding movement.

Hera knelt on all fours on the ruffled hotel bed. Wanda lay beneath, sucking at her triple breasts. Both were shaking as Xavier’s muscular body penetrated Hera from behind. Lying flat on the bed, with his head between Xavier’s legs, Tyler was assiduously licking Wanda’s vagina, exposed to his dexterous tongue between splayed thighs. The contrast between the dark skin of the three humans and Hera’s lunar whiteness was startling.

Captain Pythis, watching, though unmoved by the performance, was not blind to the crude aesthetics of the threesome. Callidora, his second-in-command sat next to him, the performance in the holo-image bathing her inscrutable profile.

‘I can’t believe you let her go, Captain.’

‘And why? I’m still in control. I could see it coming anyway. Occasionally, perhaps because of some flaw in the tour company’s vetting procedure, someone overly susceptible like Hera gets through.’

‘But I don’t see how she can do all this, with these … these
. Even if her desexing programming was inadequate, how could she stoop so low?’

Despite her apparent disgust, Callidora couldn’t tear her eyes from the scene before her.

The black girl was holding her arms tight as, flat on the bed, Hera let out a continual groaning interspersed with pleadings as the black man, matted to her buttocks and back, drove himself into her.

Pythis laughed.

‘My dear, a penis is a penis, wherever it appears. We have the cursed things too.’

He visualized the shrunken piece of flaccidity flush between his legs. Did it really bear any relation to the huge “pork sword”, as he’d heard the humans refer to it, that the other black man toyed with, as he watched his friend’s frenzied performance?

‘Besides, too much exposure to this stuff –’ he gave a dismissive brush at the holo-image ‘– seems able to overcome any amount of desexing. The sight of human animals and other primitive races “fucking” seems to have a kind of raw power that can stir up long-dormant desires.’

‘So why are we endangering ourselves now, Captain?’

‘We’re in no danger. And besides, I have to check the quality of Hera’s performance. I do hope there’s more to come.’

‘What do you mean, Captain?’

‘I mean, Lieutenant, that there’s a market for this stuff back home, believe it or not.’

Callidora looked curiously at Pythis before turning back to the screen, to see Hera and her “lover” bouncing off the bed in startlingly perfect unison – the black man cursing, Hera’s arms clasping him frantically to her.

Sex With Aliens
is one of the company’s extra lines – comic-pornography under the guise of “education”. It’s quite profitable. I’ll cut you in for a share, if you like – a Lieutenant’s salary isn’t much better than a Captain’s.’

Callidora, though familiar with Pythis’s cynicism, was a little scandalised.

‘Unfortunately, though, much of the stuff we sell sooner or later finds its way into the hands of the Radicals who use it to try and get their misguided followers breeding again. They plan to breed an army to overthrow the Authority, can you believe that?’

‘But aren’t you and the company helping them by selling this stuff?’

‘As our sportive humans say, my dear, “A buck is a buck.” But don’t worry, our holo-tapes are designed to dissolve after just a few viewings. Though, worryingly, the Radicals’ scientists are working on a way to override the fail-safe mechanism.’

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