Deliberate Display - five erotic voyeur and exhibitionist stories (5 page)

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Authors: Lucy Felthouse,Sommer Marsden,John McKeown,Marlene Yong,Abigail Thornton

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Private Performance
by Lucy Felthouse

It wasn’t at all surprising that Robyn’s hormones were in overdrive. She was watching London’s most popular male dance troupe, after all. As well as being incredibly talented, they were also super-sexy. They had rabid fans that followed them everywhere, battling for front-row seats, screaming and waving throughout the show, then dashing outside afterwards, hoping to catch the men leaving so they could beg for autographs and photos. They were as obsessive as the fans of any boy band, maybe more so. Robyn got it, totally, but she wasn’t quite in that league. Not outwardly, anyway.

She, too, followed the group everywhere she possibly could, spending her hard-earned cash on the best tickets money could buy. For once, she was glad to be a City banker, meaning she could afford it without having to worry about paying her bills and mortgage.

What made her different, though, was her behaviour post-performance. She didn’t head backstage or outside, hoping to see the boys. Instead, she dashed straight home and masturbated herself into blissful oblivion over thoughts of a single member of the group. Sean Rudd. She’d lost count of the number of orgasms she’d had while fantasising about him.

Her feelings for him could definitely be counted as obsessive. Ever since she’d first seen the group – after being dragged along unwillingly by some work friends – she’d been hooked on Sean. She wasn’t even sure why. He wasn’t the best-looking of the guys, though of course he was far from ugly. There was just something about him, and given that she’d never been that close – no closer than the front row, anyway – to him, let alone spoken to him, she couldn’t put her finger on it.

The way he moved was undoubtedly a huge turn-on; she’d always had a thing for men that could dance and, in the absence of Justin Timberlake, Sean took the number one fantasy spot. But then, all five of the troupe could dance brilliantly. And they were all good-looking with great bodies. So why Sean?

The thought bugged Robyn on and off throughout the show. She studied each man in turn, then allowed her gaze to remain on her personal favourite. Their perfectly choreographed moves brought them close to the front of the stage. He caught her eye and winked. She was grateful that the spotlights weren’t on her, because she felt an intense heat wash over her face, then zip straight down her body and to her groin. It was then that she got it. The reason that – for her, at least – Sean stood out.

It was all in the attitude. He had raw sex appeal. The other guys, although good, looked as though to them it was just a job. They had no massive love for what they were doing and were probably just trying to earn enough money to get them through university. Sean, however, was a bit older than the others. Perhaps he, too, had started dancing to pay for an education but had discovered he liked it so much that he didn’t want to leave. Whatever the reason, Robyn was incredibly glad he was there.

She stared unashamedly at him as he moved around the stage, muscles flexing, bum wiggling, and a big grin on his face. He looked damn good, and he also looked like he was having the time of his life. Provocative steps as part of the routine had the crowd screaming – heaven knows what would happen if the boys took any more clothes off – and Sean loved it. Loved the attention, the adoration. He lapped it all up like a cat with a bowl of the finest cream.

The idea of lapping, and cream, sent Robyn’s mind into the gutter. Thoughts of Sean spreading her legs and eating her eager pussy filled her mind to the point that everything else faded away. The screaming women, the thumping music, the electric atmosphere. It was all gone, except for him. She continued to watch him bopping around the stage, getting mildly irritated when any of the other guys got in her way. Soon, though, she had the most perfect view – better than she could ever have hoped for.

He was right in front of her. And just when their routine became particularly sexed-up, too. Robyn thought she’d died and gone to heaven, especially when he started thrusting his hips in her direction. She was vaguely aware of the screams of the women around her growing louder, and, if it was even possible, shriller. She resisted the temptation to cover her ears.

Her mouth grew drier by the second as she watched him. She felt like a starving woman at a buffet as she drank in the sight before her eyes; his grinning face, mischievous blue eyes, sweat-slicked dark hair, delicious torso, smooth but for the slim line of hair running from his belly button and down into the waistband of his tiny shorts. Her gaze didn’t go any further than his shorts, however; the bulging crotch in front of her face did a damn good job of keeping her attention. That was until, suddenly, his face was in the area she’d been gawping at. He was crouching down and beckoning to her.

She shook her head; there was no way she wanted to be dragged up onto the stage. It just wasn’t her style. But then, it wasn’t the group’s style, either. She’d certainly never seen them do it before, not even for hen parties. He waved at her again, more urgently this time. After grabbing her glass of wine and taking a large gulp for courage, she slid out of her seat and took a couple of steps forward to the edge of the stage. A security guard watched her from two feet away, clearly making sure she wasn’t going to go crazy on Sean and jump on him or something. When she was close enough, he put his fingers on her chin and gently turned her head before whispering something into her ear. Then he gave her a little shove back to her seat so he could get on with his job.

By the time Robyn reached her chair, she was about ready to collapse into it. She could hardly believe what he’d said. Looking at the glasses on the table, she wondered if she might have consumed enough wine that she was drunk and therefore imagining the whole thing. She wasn’t – she was still on her first glass and only a little over halfway through it.

So he had said what she thought he’d said – hadn’t he? Because she thought he’d asked her to come to his dressing room after the show. She shook her head in disbelief and looked back up to where the show continued. The next time her gaze met Sean’s, he winked again and gave her a smile that reached from ear to ear, and then a couple of extra hip thrusts. She gasped. So she hadn’t imagined it.

Backstage after the show it was, then. To his dressing room, no less.


The rest of the routine passed in a blur of gleaming muscles and flashing lights. As the guys left the stage after their encore, Sean was last. He turned to look at Robyn, gestured towards the door that led backstage and gave her a thumbs-up. He was gone before she could react.

*               *               *

Soon afterwards, the lights came up and people started filing out of the room. The avid fans were hurrying to the back door of the building and the rest, presumably, were going home or heading on to a bar or something. That left Robyn, sitting at the front of the room, all by herself. The security guard that had eyeballed her earlier when Sean gave her the message cleared his throat, startling her.

Giving him a wry smile, she downed the rest of her wine and grabbed her stuff, then forced herself to put one foot in front of the other and go in search of Sean. She felt a lot like a giddy teenager going on her first date, or anticipating her first kiss. Possibly both.

Emerging into a dimly-lit corridor, she made her way down it, looking at each door as she passed. The boys weren’t exactly A-listers, so their names were written on pieces of A4 paper stuck to the relevant dressing room doors. Glamorous it was not, but Robyn didn’t care. All she was bothered about at that particular moment was the fact she was about to meet the man she’d been lusting over for the past few months. She could hardly believe it, and part of her wanted to turn and run, and not stop until she was back at home with the door locked firmly behind her. Of course, if she did that she’d regret it until her dying day, so she found the door with Sean’s name on it, and knocked.

‘Come in!’

Pausing to smooth her hair and attempt to stop the tremble in her hands, Robyn opened the door and stepped inside. Sean turned from where he was packing things into a small suitcase and smiled at her. He’d changed out of his stagewear and thrown on tracksuit bottoms and a T-shirt. Presumably, he planned to shower at home, wherever that was. She wondered if she was going to find out.

‘Hey,’ he said, crossing the room towards her. He pushed the door closed then turned to face her. ‘I’m glad you came. I didn’t know if you would.’

‘Y-yes, I’m here.’ Talk about stating the bloody obvious. She needed to suck her nerves up before she made a complete and utter fool of herself in front of Sean.

He laughed softly. ‘So, are you going to tell me your name, then?’

‘Oh! Sorry, I’m Robyn.’ She offered him her hand. He took it but then, instead of shaking it, he pressed a kiss to her knuckles. Robyn giggled girlishly.

‘Nice to meet you, Robyn. But now, you must excuse my forwardness. The minibus will be leaving in about 20 minutes. I asked you here because I’ve noticed that you’ve been at nearly all of our shows in London and, unless I’m quite mistaken, you’ve been watching me in particular. Josh and Mike are usually the ones who have the ladies’ attention but you don’t seem to look at them nearly as much as you look at me. And what I want to know is,

Robyn opened her mouth, then closed it again. She wasn’t quite sure how to word what she wanted to say without sounding like a crazy stalker. But then, she wasn’t the one that hung around outside the stage doors after each show. So maybe she wasn’t as stalkerish as the other women. Certainly, Sean wouldn’t have invited her back here if he thought she was some kind of threat. Figuring she had nothing to lose, except perhaps a bit of pride, she decided to bite the bullet.

‘Er, well, it’s because I love to watch you. Dancing, I mean. It’s so sexy and it makes me really hot. The other guys are good, of course, but you’re just in a whole other league.’ She shrugged, as if her words were no big deal.

Sean took a step closer to her, until he was right in her personal space. The scent of fresh sweat and cologne invaded Robyn’s nostrils and sent a zing of arousal rushing to her groin. ‘So,’ he said, ‘why don’t you wait outside like the other women? They throw themselves at us, feel us up when we agree to have photos taken with them and all sorts.’

Robyn shook her head, then blushed when she realised what she’d have to confess if she were to tell him the truth. She decided to go for it – after all, you only live once. She gave him a tight smile, then forced the words out before she lost her nerve. ‘I don’t wait outside because I always rush home and, um, touch myself while thinking of you.’ She dropped her gaze to the floor, not wanting to see his reaction.

‘Touch yourself?’ He put his fingers beneath her jaw and lifted her head, forcing her to look at him. ‘Touch yourself how?’

Robyn’s cheeks flamed. As if it hadn’t been bad enough telling him in the first place – now he wanted all the sordid details! She felt like a rabbit in the headlights as he stared at her, waiting for an answer. Her lips appeared to be stuck together. She couldn’t open them, never mind get any words to come out.

Then, Sean removed the need for her to speak. He kept her head up, then moved his other hand beneath her skirt and touched her pussy through her underwear. ‘Like this?’ he said, cupping her mound and pressing the heel of his hand to her clit.

She couldn’t nod, because he was still holding her chin. So she – barely – managed to whisper, ‘Y-yes.’ Then she gasped, because Sean started to rub his palm against her.

‘Do you do this, too?’

This time she nodded, because he’d moved his hand from her chin and wrapped his arm around her back, pulling her up against him. Their chests pressed together, and she could feel his breath tickling through her hair. Deftly, he pushed the crotch of her rapidly-dampening thong to one side and touched her bare skin. She groaned, and immediately Sean traced his fingers up and down her slit, not dipping between the folds so much as grazing against her clit. Robyn rolled her hips forward, yearning for him to stroke her nub or to slip his fingers inside her.

He teased her for a little longer, until it appeared that he, too, couldn’t wait any more. Manoeuvring his hand so his thumb pressed against the sensitive bundle of nerve endings at the apex of her vulva, he pushed a thick finger inside her saturated channel. Their combined moans filled the space around them, and Robyn grabbed Sean’s biceps, purely for something to hold on to.

‘Good idea,’ he said. ‘Hold on tight, babe, because I’m going to make you come.’

With that, he pushed a second finger into her and curved them so their tips pressed against her G-spot. Gasping, she craned her neck to watch what he was doing. Watch those talented digits as they pleasured her, teased her to orgasm. She couldn’t see much, of course, mainly the inside of his wrist, the heel of his hand and part of his thumb. But it was enough. When he moved a little, she saw the shine of liquid on his palm. Her juices. That, coupled with the squishing sounds that were coming from her pussy, helped Robyn to picture a very erotic image, one that grew increasingly vivid as she got closer to a climax.

And she was getting very close indeed. Her thighs stiffened and a tremble ran through her body as the delicious pressure grew in her abdomen. Its intensity increased, making her feel like a balloon – air continuing to pump into her, stretching her, until she was ready to pop.

Tingles combined with the pressure, and she dug her nails into Sean’s arms as she teetered on the very edge, continuing to observe the busy hand between her legs. Then, with a flick of his wrist and his thumb, she plummeted over the precipice. The trembles grew into shakes, and she arched her back as the most delicious pleasure overtook her body, then let out a scream, not caring who heard her.

Sean removed his hand and wrapped his other arm around her, pulling her into a hug and pressing a kiss to her head as she came down from her climax. He murmured sweet nothings into her hair and stroked her back; very intimate gestures for such a random encounter. But Robyn didn’t care. It was nice. She snuggled into his embrace as she came back to herself, and felt the flames of her arousal building up once more. She was just about to disentangle herself from Sean and drop to her knees in order to repay the favour when a knock came at the door.

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