Deliriously Happy (5 page)

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Authors: Larry Doyle

BOOK: Deliriously Happy
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Yeah, I'll have the lobster bisque, and then the lobster stuffed with steak, and do you still have that champagne, the cute one? I'll have a bottle of that, thanks.

Oh, and could I also get a lobster to go? My kitty, Fluffer, loves lobster and if I come home and he smells it on me and I don't have one for him, look out! And better put another bottle of champagne in the bag, too.

Not that hungry, huh? I am starving. I mean, after the day I had today.

You don't mind me talking about work, do you? Today was completely out of control. We had this new sound guy, and at lunch the director's going over all the stuff we did in the morning, and the boom (that's the microphone) is in every shot! In this one shot, it's in
my hair
! So unprofessional! We had to shoot every scene over again! Which sucked, because I always do my best work in the morning. After lunch I'm basically worthless.

Plus it was with Dom. Dom Juan. The “Destroyer”? He wishes. Anyway, I don't like working with him.

Because he's inconsiderate. Those guys always are. I shouldn't be telling you this, it's supposed to be a secret. But Dom is… F… B… I. Everybody knows it. He's part of some big undercover sting operation. You'd think after six years he'd have undercovered something. I mean, what's left to infiltrate? He infiltrated me!

eeHaw eeHaw eeHaw

Anyway, I ended up making an extra $1,300 because they shot something they weren't supposed to.

Just something that wasn't in the contract. If it's not in the contract, and you do it and they shoot it, they have to pay you extra. Although there's some stuff that's not in the contract that I don't do, ever, not even by accident. I've got to protect the J. B. Daniels brand.

Oh, I just picked it. According to the union, your porn star name is supposed to be the name of the pet you had as a kid and then the name of the street you grew up on. But mine, Prince Charles, was already taken and not very indicative of what I do, so I went with J. B. Daniels. It's sort of in honor of my dad.

This is the best champagne.

So, what do you do?

That is
so cool
. I always wanted to be a doctor. I was going to be an anesthesiologist, because I thought it would be nice to
take away
people's pain, you know what I mean? Or I guess I could just be one of those doctors who prescribe pain pills. But that's like eight years of college, and I'd have to get my GED first.

You don't prescribe pain pills, do you?

The weather? You're a weatherman? Then why'd you say you were a doctor?
. I was wondering where my meteor was.

eeHAW eeHAW eeeeeHAW eeeeehee

No, ma'am, I will
quiet down. I am here, having some enjoyable conversation with my date, who paid, like, $8,000, and so if he says something funny, I'm going to laugh, okay? Honestly, I don't give a shit what anniversary you're having.

Oh, look, now she's going to the manager. DON'T FORGET TO TELL HIM HOW YOU'VE BEEN FARTING ALL NIGHT! I mean, talk about affecting the quality of everybody's meal.

I am never going back there again, and you shouldn't either. They completely disrespected you. Listen, you can drop me here. I can't have guys knowing exactly where I live. You understand.

I had a great time, too, the with-you part. And thank you again; that was so generous of you to bid so much for me. But it's for a good cause. Sick kids, right? I'm doing a PSA for them that's going in the front of all my DVDs.

So I guess this is “good night.” But don't think I'm getting out of this car without a hug!

. I love hugs.

They feel real, don't they?


Brynne Scavullo and Sean Martini hooked up at a party two weeks ago. Ms. Scavullo and Mr. Martini hooked up again at a party the following weekend. When they failed to hook up at a party this past Saturday, Ms. Scavullo lamented that it was the end of what could have been a beautiful arrangement.

Alysa Maguire and Dustin Canfield met at a church pancake breakfast on January 9. They agreed to separate earlier this month, based on Ms. Maguire's unwillingness to try specific new things. Mr. Canfield has agreed to find a new congregation, his fifth in the past two years.

Tracy Hanky and Jerome Panke began dating last November based on a shared amusement at the thought of their potential hyphenated surname. In late February, Ms. Hanky extended the riff to include “having a little Hanky-Panke,” at which point Mr. Panke felt the joke had played itself out.

Cyndra Pettibone's two-year office flirtation with Stanley Bendix came to an abrupt end last week when Mr. Bendix's cubicle, adjacent to the women's restroom, was moved as part of a legal settlement.

Gwynne Weidner and Ian Buckman met on March 5 at the Hole, a local pub. Mr. Buckman proposed shortly before 1 a.m., and Ms. Weidner accepted. Mr. Buckman rescinded the proposal at approximately 4 a.m., at which point Ms. Weidner allegedly assaulted Mr. Buckman with his five-hundred-dollar Bose clock radio, according to police reports. Charges are pending, but both parties agree the relationship is probably over.

Lara Bernard and Evan Farquar began an online romance in July 2010 after Ms. Bernard purchased a first edition of
The Lost Princess of Oz
on eBay and discovered the beautiful inscription Mr. Farquar had written to a previous girlfriend. A shared interest in the beloved characters of L. Frank Baum blossomed into online fantasy role-playing, with Ms. Bernard as Dorothy and Mr. Farquar as the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion, the Mayor of Munchkin Land, a flying monkey, or any combination thereof; and vice versa. When Ms. Bernard and Mr. Farquar finally met f2f at the Chittenango, New York, Oz-Stravaganza earlier this month, it became apparent there had been dissembling on both sides. Ms. Bernard and Mr. Farquar agreed to fornicate and part.

Kym Wrona and Douglas Pasternak struck up a conversation February 22 at the Pink Tiger, Ms. Wrona's place of employment. Their budding relationship hit an impasse on March 3 when Ms. Wrona learned that Mr. Pasternak is married and has four children, all under the age of six. Mr. Pasternak is hoping for reconciliation, and has been tipping accordingly.

In October 2010, Sierra Duplaines and Hank Russell “met cute” at an antiabortion rally organized by Mr. Russell outside the Moline Women's Health Co-Op, which is run by Dr. Duplaines. Contrary to their expectations of a screwball romance in the
Adam's Rib
mold, what followed was eleven months of soul-crushing ugliness occasionally relieved by only slightly better-than-average sex. Dr. Duplaines is now reading all the available literature on lesbianism and Mr. Russell is spearheading an effort to pass a constitutional amendment taking away a woman's right to talk.

Ivy Wheeler has declared her torrid six-year affair with Kyle Brindley to be all a figment of Mr. Brindley's fevered imagination. Mr. Brindley responds that Ms. Wheeler is simply angry about his recent fling with the cast of

Paige Mellon and Serge Handler began dating at Ms. Mellon's sister's wedding in August 1999. They dated until February 2007 and again from October 2007 until last month. On February 14 of this year, Ms. Mellon suggested it was time for Mr. Handler “to shit or get off the pot.” Mr. Handler responded that if Ms. Mellon thought of herself as a toilet, perhaps she had some personal work to do before being ready for a serious relationship. Mr. Handler is now engaged to some girl right out of high school.

Harley Wozniak and Peter May met in January at Discotyke, where they had brought their children from previous marriages. On March 7, Ms. Wozniak expressed reservations with continuing to see Mr. May, arguing that Mr. May had not left his previous marriage behind. Mr. May argued that yes he had left his previous marriage behind and that it was Ms. Wozniak who had called her ex-husband on her cell phone 112 times in the past month. Ms. Wozniak immediately ended the relationship and demanded that Mr. May hand back her daughter. Ms. Wozniak's girlfriends have since pointed out that Mr. May's theft of her garbage was evidence that he was no longer obsessed with his ex-wife. Ms. Wozniak's and Mr. May's four-year-old daughters have also become close, which is a factor. Ms. Wozniak is unsure what she will do when she sees Mr. May at their daughters' Dirty Dancing class on Saturday.

Lynda Schmeltzer and Geoff Punt began dating in November, ending Ms. Schmeltzer's long string of unhealthy relationships with assholes. Mr. Punt is now an asshole.

Life Without Leann: A Newsletter

By the time you receive this, it will have been more than five hundred days and nearly seventy-five weeks since Leann and I broke up, and, while I cannot proclaim our long ordeal ended, I am pleased to report some encouraging developments in that direction.


Kudos (and a two-year subscription to LWL) for Warren, of Evanston, Ill., who so eloquently and informatively captures a brief encounter he had with Leann on Nov. 13.

“Leann has lost some weight,” Warren writes, “but she is no less beautiful for it. She says she has been exercising, taking classes, doing this, doing that. It appeared to me that she was struggling to fill some void. Your name didn't come up, but it wasn't so much what she said, as what she didn't say.”


If only it could all be such good news. But unfortunately, OPERATION: TERRIBLE MISTAKE has not been the success we anticipated, and I'm afraid we may have to rethink our strategy.

As you may recall (LWL #57), the operation's objectives were to: (1) apply societal pressure; (2) foster emotional uncertainty; (3) precipitate re-evaluation; and ideally, (4) achieve reconciliation.

The following conversation starter was suggested:


Unfortunately, a number of well-meaning individuals took this suggestion rather more literally than intended, and repeated it verbatim to Leann, creating a cumulative effect other than the one desired.

I have now received word through an intermediary that Leann requests I “call off the zombies.” I will honor her wishes, as always, though I must emphasize I cannot be held responsible for the behavior of individuals acting on their own initiative.


In our first meeting at Gatsby's, the bartender, Ted, graciously accommodated us by closing off the back room and supplying extra folding chairs. All in attendance praised the wisdom of moving these mutual support sessions from my apartment, which some had complained was not neutral territory, and which had become quite cramped in any case. (On a related matter, Ted told me privately that while he appreciates our patronage, he'd prefer in the future we try not to monopolize the jukebox, or at least play a variety of songs. He says if he doesn't see some improvement the Cowboy Junkies selections will have to go.)

We ordered a round, and at Tom's suggestion, dispensed with the reading of the minutes. We proceeded immediately to old business, continuing debate on Leann's eyes and whether they are a turbulent sea green or a sand-flecked moon blue. It appeared there could be no middle ground on the issue, until Dick stood up and declared, “To paraphrase Elton John, ‘Who cares if they're blue or if they're green, those are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen.'”

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