Demon Mine (Karmic Lust) (5 page)

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Authors: Nikki Prince

BOOK: Demon Mine (Karmic Lust)
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"You're not in your country, Clay." She rolled her eyes, her hands moving to her hips. She would have made some other retort, but Samael interrupted.

"Aw look, the gangs all here." Liliana giggled at Samael's words, and Eva once again rolled her eyes and gave an unladylike snort. Samael wrapped his arms about Liliana's waist from behind and kissed her softly on the neck.

"Can I buy you a drink, Eva?" Caught off guard yet again, she turned from looking at Samael and Liliana back to Clay.

“Um, I guess, why not?” Hell, the drink would help her deal with the touchy feely shit from Lil and Samael. She had to stand on her tiptoes to tell him that, making sure she whispered in his ear. His hand automatically encircled her waist as he leaned down. Her hands spontaneously pressed against his chest to steady herself, and it was like an electric current shocked her. She stood back quickly.

"Why so skittish?" The look in his eyes spoke volumes. He knew exactly what his touch did to her. Was she imagining it or were his fingers making her feel all sorts of naughty?

"Never you mind. I have a table if you’re still buying that drink." With a quick turn on red designer heels, she turned back to the table she had vacated, expecting him to follow. She heard him chuckle behind her, and then he was grabbing her hand and pulling her towards him.

"Oh no, my dear. I will lead, and you will follow."

She was speechless but found herself following Clay Quinones to the table.


"Well, that went well." Liliana chuckled and gave Samael a jab in the ribs at his teasing.

"She was fascinated by him. I could at least tell that."

"Oh yeah, she wants him; that much was obvious. But … he doesn't fit her profile of the kind of man she wants."

"You mean rich?" Liliana covered her mouth, trying to stop the laughter that bubbled forth.

"Hmm, my baby has claws." She nodded her head to his statement, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the small dance floor

"Come dance with me.
he night is young, and I want to spend it in your arms." Once on the dance floor, she had her arms about his neck and pressed herself fully against him, placing her face into his neck. She felt his strong arms wrap about her as he pulled her close, and they began to dance slowly to a hauntingly beautiful love song.

She curled her fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck, sighing softly as his arms wrapped around her.

"Haven't we been here before?"
he murmured against his neck. He pulled back slightly and looked down at her, though he didn't miss a step as they continued to dance.

"You mean here at Diego's?"

"Yes and no. I mean like this, holding one another, being with one another in all ways. It feels like we have done this over and over again, in another time, another life.” She sighed again and laid her head on his shoulder.

"This, meaning the dancing we are doing right now, Lili?” She could feel him probing as if there was something else he wanted to ask, to say.
et at the same time, it felt as if he were being evasive. She arched back to look into his eyes.

"No, it's more than that, as I have always said. It's as if we know one another. It's as if we have known one another before, in the past; it’s like Déjà vu. Don't you see it, Samael? Tell me you see it, not only that, you feel it."

He pressed his lips to hers, hungrily; it seemed to be the only answer to her question. Not just a kiss filled with lust, but one that not only curled her toes but also warmed her heart. He ended the kiss, only to kiss her again repeatedly, seeking entrance into her mouth as he slid his tongue along the crease of her lips. She groaned and drew him into her mouth, tasting him with her own tongue. She felt her heart flutter in her chest and sighed when he stopped, her eyes holding his for long moments.

"It's times like this I know I knew you before. When I sense I've loved you just as strongly as I love you now. I feel like I need to remember something, but it seems foggy and too late to do so." His strong hand cupped her chin, and he caressed it softly. Peering into her eyes, he smiled, and speaking softly to her, he said, "Some love is timeless, like our love for one another.”

So caught up in the beauty of the moment and mesmerized by his eyes, Liliana didn't notice Eva standing there until she was tapped on the shoulder. She groaned and turned to look over her shoulder.

"Okay, how long are you going to leave me with that infuriating man?"

"You mean Clay?"

"Yes, Clay. He is exasperating. I refuse to be left with him any longer."

Liliana exhaled noisily and then looked to Samael. "Hold on, baby, let me take her to the bathroom to get calmed down. Please go over and talk with Clay?"

Samael nodded and leaned down to kiss her quickly, giving a nip to her bottom lip. She squeaked and pushed him towards the table that Clay was sitting at and then grabbed Eva's arm, pulling her along towards the women's restroom.

Once in the small bathroom with its pristine white walls, she made sure that no one else was in there before she turned to look at Eva. "Okay, what gives? I can tell you are attracted to him. Tell me what the hell he did to have you so pissed."

“He’s forceful.” The look on her sister’s face was almost comical. Since when did Eva pout?

“Um, come again? Forceful? How do you mean? Did he hit you?” She knew that couldn’t possibly be it, but why else would her sister have her panties in a bunch over someone she was obviously attracted to?

“No. He hasn’t hit me. But he is domineering.” When Liliana laughed, Eva rolled her eyes at her and glared. “What the hell is so funny?”

“So he is forceful and domineering because you finally have a man that won’t do what you want him to?” Liliana grinned at Eva as her sister continued to scowl at her.

“Oh! You would never understand because you follow Samael like a puppy dog!” She threw her hands up in the air, still standing there glowering.

“If you don’t want him, I am sure there are plenty who will, E.” Liliana watched as Eva’s frown deepened. “Hmm, I can see you don’t like the thought of that. Go back out there and have fun. Let him take care of everything if he wants. It will be a nice change for you. Clay is a very nice man. I knew you would be attracted to him. That’s why I invited him here tonight to meet you.”

Eva’s eyes widened, and Liliana could tell that her words had fully penetrated her artificial anger. “You did what?”

“I invited Clay here to meet you. He’s a very nice guy, and you, my dear sister, are single and need some distraction.” She held up a hand as Eva began to protest. “No. Go out there and have fun. If you don’t want anything to do with him after this you don’t have to see him again.” With a grin, she turned, leaving her sister there to either stay or follow.

"Lili, you can't do this to me."

She continued walking as Eva rushed up to her side as they walked back towards their table. As usual, the patrons filled the place to the brim, so occasionally they would have to wait for people to move to keep going.

"Can't do what, m
ake sure that you have some fun for a change?
You spend excessive amounts of time worrying about me. This is your time. Enjoy." With that said, Liliana hurried on, smiling as she spotted the men still at the table nursing beers and chatting. When she stopped at the table, Liliana grinned and winked at Samael then looked to Clay.

"Clay, Eva told me that she would really love to dance. Care to take her out for a spin around the dance floor?" Eva gasped behind her, but Liliana did not turn around.
he just settled in her seat next to Samael.

"Dancing sounds like a plan. Come, sweet Eva.”
e held out his hand, and with one last fleeting look at Liliana, Eva placed her hand in his and moved off with him towards the dance floor.



Chapter Four


Samael stood on a hill overlooking the city, the very city that held the love of his life, Liliana. The sun was out but not at its highest point. There was still some hustle and bustle that could be seen going on down at the city level. It was early yet, not time to go for his nightly visit to Liliana. Being the type of demon he was had its uses; he could be anywhere at any time. Though it was days like these that made him feel it wasn't worth it. Eva trapped them in a never-ending cycle. Captured by a curse set so long ago that he himself had almost forgotten the reasons for the curse Eva put into place. To think this was all because of Eva’s insecurities and jealousy. His mind turned back to centuries before when it had all begun


Somewhere Near the

He pulled her close to him, wrapping his arms around her as she sat just as naked as he was on the lambskins. They'd settled at their encampment after a small supper of fish, fruit and bread next to the beautiful
. The sound of the water was as pleasing as it was musical as they whispered softly to one another and enjoyed each other's company.

Samael stroked his fingers gently through Lilith's hair, the dark locks so thick.
e loved how it felt against his skin. He had been in love with her since the moment he had seen her there in the Garden, but she hadn't been his to take. The love he shared with Lilith was forbidden. She’d been made to be with Adam. It wasn’t until she’d left Adam that she truly became his.

"Samael, what if today is the day my judgment comes? I have not only defied Adam but I also changed the way things were supposed to be.
He has already made a substitute in your place. She will be all that you could not be for Adam. We have spoken of this before. He has his other half. Do not worry that he will come looking for you or that you have to go back. You and I were meant to be."

"You're right.
t has been a long while since I have been gone. If he had wanted to find me, he could have."

Samael nodded, bringing his lips to hers, kissing her soundly as his arms wrapped around her naked torso, pulling her fully across him as he lay down on the lambskins.

"You're mine, forever, Lilith."

"Yes, I am yours, forever, Samael. This is where I belong, here with you." His lips took hers, at first gently, and then there was the need to mark her as his own. He nipped and tugged on her bottom lip with his teeth. She groaned and pressed her full breasts to his chest. Her nipples were hard nubs pressed into his flesh, filling him with a yearning to taste them, her touch burning into his memory.

"I love you, Lilith. I would risk everything to be with you." She smiled down at him.

"I love you too, Samael. You have given up so much for me."

"And he is about to give up so much more." With a gasp, they both pulled apart and stared up at Eve who was standing there with her arms across her chest.

"Who's this female, Samael?"

"I’m Adam's new wife, Eve. And you must be this Lilith he cannot stop talking about." Eve spoke before Samael could.

"Eve, what are you doing here? Why aren't you back in
with Adam?" Samael grabbed his robe that he had discarded earlier and covered them both with the cream colored cloth, hiding their bodies from Eve's gaze.

"Making sure you both get what you deserve." Liliana frowned and looked from the other woman back to Samael.

"What we deserve? Why are you speaking such foolishness? Leave us be, and go back to the Garden of Eden."

"Oh, I will be going back, but not before I do what I came here to do. That would be imparting a gift to you that will ensure my happiness and give me much pleasure."

"Eve, stop before things get out of hand." Samael's words were spoken softly, yet they held an underlying warning that came across loud and clear.

"What will you do, Fallen? That’s right, Samael, you will not do anything. You've been left bereft of your power for the choices you've made. So what'll you do?" Eve's head went back as she laughed, her dark eyes filled with what Samael recognized as anger.

"I curse you both." Lilith gasped and buried her face into Samael's neck. "I curse you, Samael, to be doomed to walk this Earth with knowledge of who you were and the awareness of the love you have for Lilith."

"Is that all, Eve? That isn't a curse; it's what's already in place."

"Oh, don't rush me. I've only just begun." The smile on her face did not show in her eyes.

Samael heard Lilith whimper and whisper his name against his neck. He held her even tighter against his chest, trying to soothe her; he knew he was failing miserably.

"Now let's see. Where was I? Oh, yes. You, Samael, will know Lilith and love Lilith throughout eternity. All the same, she will never know you. You can't remind her either. The knowledge of what she has done has to come from her." She giggled and then looked directly at Lilith.

"And you, dear, get the worst of it. You will not know who you are, and Samael can't tell you. You will die, and every time you die, you will come back and be that much further from the truth. This curse will last until you remember your name and what you did to me."

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