Demon Mine (Karmic Lust) (8 page)

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Authors: Nikki Prince

BOOK: Demon Mine (Karmic Lust)
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It was such a beautiful day, and she hoped that it wouldn't turn ugly with arguing and fighting when she spoke with Eva. One never knew with Eva what she would get mad at or take offense to.

She smiled as Eva announced she was there by calling out from downstairs. They both had keys to each other's homes and often just stopped by unannounced. Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm her nerves just before she went down the stairs to greet Eva in the entryway.

"Eva, thank you for coming on such short notice. I appreciate it."

"Mhmm, if you appreciate it, you will help me take these things upstairs so I can get ready for my date while you tell me what was so important it couldn't wait." Eva held up a red makeup case, heels and garment bag that looked filled to the brim. Liliana chuckled, grabbed the garment bag, and turned to head back up the stairs to the second bedroom.

"Come on, girl. The spare bedroom awaits you." She heard Eva chuckle behind her.

The bedroom door was already open so she moved through easily and hooked the bag on the back of the adjoining bathroom door. Eva entered and placed her shoes down near the small cherry wood makeup table along with her makeup case.

Moving over to the large queen-sized bed with its golden colored comforter and brown throw pillows, she sat on it, curling her legs up under her. Eva slipped out of the jeans and t-shirt she was wearing and in only her red demi-cup bra and matching panties, settled into the chair at the dressing table and began looking through her makeup case.

"Now tell me what was so important, Lil, that you couldn't wait?"

Liliana sighed as she tried to think of what she wanted to say. She had spent all day thinking about it, but now when it came down to it, she couldn't form the words as easily. Eva looked briefly at Liliana then turned back to readying herself.

"Well, lately I've been having dreams. The dreams involve you, Samael and me."

"Okay, why's that significant? Everyone has dreams, Lili, and you're around Samael and me all the time. So you're bound to dream about us both." Eva sounded exasperated.

There was a pregnant pause as Eva, who was involved in putting lotion on her body, looked over at her. “Because the dreams feel real to me, Eva, real as in what I was dreaming happened before. They seem to be snapshots of the past." That was when she heard the laughter from Eva.

"Oh my god, you're serious? You called me over here because you feel like the dreams you're having are real. Basically, you’re saying you believe in the mumbo jumbo called reincarnation?"

Liliana had to hold back the anger she was feeling because Eva was laughing at what she'd said. She had to remind herself that this was something she had expected. Most people would think she was nuts, though it hurt a bit more that it was actually her sister who was laughing in disbelief.

"Eva, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't laugh about this."

"Well shit, you're serious." Eva looked incredulous.

"Yes, Eva. I’m as serious as a heart attack. I wouldn't joke about something like this. It’s taken me a while to come to you. So please, just listen to what I have to say and don't judge me." Her eyes met Eva's in the mirror.

"Okay, I’m sorry, Lili, but do you realize how crazy that sounds? You believe that the dreams you are having are things that happened before?"

"Yes, but hear me out. It started a few weeks ago. At first, it would just be me dreaming as if I were back in time. On the other hand, in the dreams, I honestly knew that the women, even if they didn't look like me, were me. Samael never changed for the most part. I mean you and I went through various name changes, but they were always some form of Eva or Liliana. Our looks changed as well, though that never stopped me from knowing who we were. Samael has always been the same throughout."

"So what is it you want from me, Lili?" Eva had begun to put makeup on while they talked.

"I want to know if you've had dreams like this. If you ever felt you've been somewhere before. I need to know that I have your support no matter what, Eva."

"Lili, I love you. You should know that. You have to understand how crazy this sounds. You shouldn't have to ask if I support you."

"I have to ask because you seem to think I'm joking."

"I'm sorry for laughing. It isn't every day that my sister comes to me to tell me she believes she's reincarnated."

"No, it isn't." Liliana stood and began pacing back and forth.

Turning towards her, Eva put down her makeup brush. "This is really bothering you, isn't it?"

"Yes, Eva. I have always felt I knew Samael before and now with these dreams, I know I wasn't wrong. I do know him, and I feel like I have loved him forever."

"Lili, you know how I feel about him. So trying to convince me otherwise about how right he is for you isn't going to help that." Eva turned back to the mirror and began brushing her long dark locks.

Liliana stopped pacing for a moment, her eyes meeting Eva's in the mirror again. She knew she looked on the verge of tears. "I am done convincing you of that, Eva. I love him, and you can't change that. I'm trying to convince you that there's more happening here. I know we're sisters, but think about our connection. How we've always been there for one another and usually know how the other is feeling. It's almost a twin thing going on. Where we know what the other is feeling and thinking. In the dreams, no matter what era we were in, we were still in each other's lives. I know you're going to ask if we were still sisters. The answer to that is no. We weren't always sisters, but the commonality was that we've always been in each other’s lives."

Seemingly satisfied with her hair now, Eva stood and moved off towards the garment bag. Opening it, she pulled out a red sheath and began dressing. "Lili, even if I wanted to believe we were from some other time, why does it matter now?"

"I don't know about you, but I've always felt a bit empty, like something was missing in my life."

"Everyone feels empty, Lili. It doesn't mean we lived another life."

"I think I am supposed to remember something, Eva. I feel like there is something I've done or something that was done to me, and I need to solve it."

"What do that you want me to say, Lili? Or even do for that matter?" Eva had settled back down on the chair and was slipping into the red stilettos.

"I want you to help me remember. I mean, you know me better than anyone else does, besides Samael. There has to be a reason for all of this."

"All of what, Lili? I mean, you have a few dreams that you think are real and all of a sudden you don't know who you are?"

"Yes, all of this." She gave a wave of her hands then placed them on her hips. "I have to believe I am having the dreams for a reason. The dreams are in a recognizable sequence, so there has to be more to it than just because I've thought a lot about my relationship with Samael."

"I can't help you with these dreams, Lili." She glanced at the bedroom clock and then glanced back at Liliana. "I am going to be late. The only thing I can suggest is that if these dreams bother you, you need to go and see about getting some past life regression therapy or see a psychic."

Her breath caught, and she looked at Eva with a grin, moving over quickly to hug her. "Hey! You're going to smear my makeup and mess up my hair!"

"Why didn't I think of that?" she exclaimed with a grin.

"What, that you're messing up my makeup?"

"No girl, a psychic or the regression!" Eva rolled her eyes and sighed as she began putting her makeup back into the case.

"Hrmph, well at least I could help with something," Eva said.

"Yes, you've helped. Now go ahead and go on your date with Clay. You can pick up everything later if you like."

Eva grinned over at her. "If I have my way that is exactly what's going to happen tonight."

"You look beautiful, sis. Clay is going to go nuts when he sees you."

"Well, that's the plan after all. Glad to know I succeeded."

"And see, I got you out of here earlier than you thought." She winked at Eva as they made their way down to the front door. Holding it open for her, she gave her one more hug and then pushed her out the door.



Chapter Seven


"It's working," Samael said with a satisfied smile as he looked at Remie and Clay. "Her memories have begun to weave the tale of her past together for her. Every day she wonders more and more about what's happening, and soon she will remember." The other two males nodded in unison, and Remie spoke up.

"Then I suppose the nightly visits are done, eh?" the pale angel asked as they all sat at a table at the bar having a few afternoon beers. The bar wasn't busy, which made it much easier for them to talk freely.

"I think that the nightly visits are done, yes. Even so, that doesn't mean you have to go. She has decided that she'll be going to a past life therapist."

"Ah, yes, if he or she is good enough, they can continue the work I've started. There truly isn't anything for me to stay here for, though I could use a bit of a vacation from everything else." He glanced skyward and gave them a silly grin. All three laughed in unison.

"We would welcome having you here.
esides, you might find something or someone of worth to stay around for," Clay said to Remie. Remie just smiled at that and turned to look at Samael as he spoke to Clay.

"That reminds me, I need to thank you for keeping Eva preoccupied."

"It hasn't been easy, but so worth it. Once this is over, she and I can work on us."

"Even after all this time, you still love her, don't you?" He looked over at Clay.

"Yes, even with everything she has done. I love her. Nevertheless, it'll take some time to convince her. I am prepared. I've had a lot of practice with patience." Clay chuckled.

Remie chimed in. "
thers have been making bets on whether this will be a victory or if we go back to the drawing board.”

"I hope this will end well for all concerned," Samael said with a bit of hope.

"Yes, brother, you have to believe that. Otherwise, it will all be for nothing." Clay spoke up quickly as they all thanked the server for the beers she brought them. Silence settled over them as the server cleared their glasses and gave them the drinks. When the woman left, they began talking again. The one thing they didn't wish to do was have someone overhear what they were talking about. They had to blend in with the humans, as their presence, though known by a few, would cause the population as a whole to think the world was ending. It was, but not at this very moment. Secrecy was necessary and always followed at all times unless there was a reason otherwise.

"Lili told me she spoke to Eva about the visions and thoughts she's been having and that Eva has chosen not to believe her." Samael popped a few of the peanuts that were in a dish on their table into his mouth, chewing and then taking a swallow of his beer. He loved the liquid burn of the alcohol as it slid down his throat. He couldn't get drunk, but the taste was pleasurable and as a fallen, he was all about the pleasures of the flesh.

"I think it’s a matter of her having gotten comfortable with Lili not remembering. Besides the added distraction I've been providing." Clay grinned and winked at the other two. "So hopefully she'll keep thinking Lili won't remember."

"You're doing a great job with that. Just keep doing what you're doing, and we won't have any issues with Eva, Clay. I owe you big time, seriously." Clay waved him off, telling him it was nothing, and took a swig of his beer as they all settled into a comfortable silence. Samael could not help but think how much of a blessing it was that Clay could keep Eva in line. He knew that without his interference this probably wouldn't be going as smoothly. When Eva got something in her head, she didn't let it go. Clay was an added distraction that tipped the scales in his and Lili's favor, and he was definitely going to use it.


"That's right, Liliana. I need you to relax yourself. Close your eyes and take some deep breaths. Remember the techniques that I've taught you."

The smell of frankincense and myrrh filled the room, as did music from a CD called
. Liliana sighed as she let herself relax as Dr. Bhatia instructed. This was her fourth time at a past life regression session, and she was finding that she was remembering more and more of who she had been. Settled among soft pillows on the floor with her legs crossed and her hands palms up in her lap, she inhaled deeply and then exhaled slowly. Dr. Bhatia had told her that her time as a victim was over. Due to victimization in her past lives, she had fallen into the same cycle, and now was the time to put a stop to it. The karmic cycle needed mending so that she could gain a more fulfilling life and have peace.

"That's it; let the frankincense and myrrh take you to another place, another life and another you. Close your eyes and continue to unwind and breathe deeply. Let go and move into a place of mindfulness. Release any stress and any tension that you may be feeling. Push out all the negative thoughts and pull in the positive." The doctor sat across from her in a chair with his long legs crossed and his hands clasped together. He pushed his glasses up on his nose as he watched her deep breathing technique.

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