Demons Prefer Blondes (13 page)

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Authors: Sidney Ayers

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Paranormal

BOOK: Demons Prefer Blondes
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Chapter 13

What sort of trickery was this?

Rafael’s jaw twitched. Two hundred years of repressed memories threatened to rise to the surface. She’d died; he’d felt her soul leave her body.

“She’s my ex-boyfriend’s fiancée,” he heard Lucy say through the myriad memories wreaking havoc in his mind. “Aren’t succubi supposed to be… you know… sexy?”

Rafael spun around to face Lucy. “She is… was a beautiful woman.”

Lucy gnawed her lower lip—a rather delightful quirk. He stiffened. How could he dwell on Lucy when the woman he thought he killed had come back to haunt him? Then again, maybe he deserved it, as punishment for his attraction to Lucy.

“Sorry, Rafe. I didn’t mean she’s not beautiful.” Lucy balled her hands into tight fists and paced in front of her shiny shampoo bowls. “I mean, she’s not the most outgoing of people. From what Josh says, she’s not that adventurous, if you get my drift.”

“Oh, she’s an adventuress, that’s for sure. At least she was.” Lilith stretched out her long supple legs, stilettos scratching across tile. “Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, Rafe, but your prim and proper Regency miss wasn’t that prim and proper.”

Lunging at Lilith, Rafael leaned over her and grabbed her shoulders. “What do you mean?”

“She’s one of Lamia’s now.” Lilith spoke the name as if it contained venom. “She’s always been under that traitorous bitch’s spell, even when she was a mortal.”

Rafael turned to Kalli, who stood there with stony silence. “Am I as weak as the Fore-Demons seem to think?”

Kalli shook her head. “No, but remember why they sent you there in the first place.”

“They believed it was an incubus attack.”

Lilith nodded. “Miss Newell was bait.”

“For me? Why? I’m nobody.” Why did Lamia have to hold a grudge?

He angled his head toward Lucy, who winced and shook her head. “Oh, shut up. You are somebody.”

“You weren’t the prey originally.” Lilith pulled at her sweater to readjust it. “You’ve improved your grip over the years.” She lounged back and crossed a long leg over the other. “Now where was I? Oh, yeah. They were trying to trap my brother.”

“King Lilu?”

Kalli nodded. “The one and only.”

“Lamia?” Lucy blew out a deep sigh. “More demons for me to remember?”

“I suppose you didn’t tell Lucy about her?” Kalli smirked. “And before you ask, yes, the Sexubis have an affinity for names starting with the letter L.”

Lucy shrugged. “I didn’t pick my name.”

“But you aren’t complaining either, are you?” Lilith punctuated her question with a chuckle.

“I was named after my father. Dr. Louis Gregory.” She crossed her arms, a defiant spark in her hazel eyes. “So I’m very proud of it.”

He allowed his lips to curve upward. She’d give Lilith a run for her money. Rafael hid his smirk. It was about time someone put Lilu’s sister in her place. And from what he’d seen, Lucy would be more than happy to do it.

Sisters. How could he forget Coby? His own sister lay at the mercy of Belial’s men. Belial was becoming stronger. He’d been able to journey to Earth. He’d seen Lucy. He’d be back. Rafael wouldn’t put another death on his conscience.


She shook her head. Mrs. Sex-a-lot was the king’s sister? Interesting. Then again, with the arrogance she possessed, she should’ve known better. Lucy steepled her fingers as devious thoughts of comeuppance raced through her mind. She would enjoy knocking the woman down a few notches.

She glanced up at Rafe. His grin had once again straightened and the sparks in his silver eyes faded. His hands balled at his side. What had she done now? Talk about hot and cold.

She had enough. “What the hell is your problem? Do I disgust you that much?” With as much force as she could muster—more than she realized she possessed—she grabbed Rafe’s arms and wrenched him to face her. “Well?” Sure she wasn’t as pretty as Larissa-slash-Amanda-slash-stupid bitch, but she sure as hell wasn’t boring. Her dad always told her she was extraordinary. He even called her his little demon. Maybe he knew something no one else did. He was a smart one, her dad.

She heaved a huge sigh. All the pain came back threefold. Anger, despair, and worst of all, guilt. She always blamed herself for her father’s death. And now to find out he might not even be her father? The pain gripped her heart and twisted. God, how she missed him. Especially in winter. Not because of the holidays, but the kick-ass snowball fights.

“Oh dad,” she muttered under her breath. “I’m so sorry.”

She picked a wonderful time to go all emotional. She refused to cry in front of everyone. Her tears had since dried up. Where’d all this emotion come from? Rafe?

“It’s not your fault, Lucy.” Rafe’s tender voice soothed and comforted. His strong arms wrapped around and pulled her closer to his heated chest. Whoa! Here they went again on the wild roller coaster ride that was Rafe.

She rubbed her eyes. “I just want to get out of here for a while.” She wanted to go somewhere she’d dreaded going for over ten years—her mom’s. If this whole sex demon thing was true, then one thing was certain, her mom felt guilty too. Maybe that’s why she was so overly enthused earlier?

Her decision made, Lucy raised her chin and stalked to the coat rack. With a determined yank, she pulled the coat off the hanger. “I’m going to my mom’s. She needs me.”

“How far is it?” Rafe grabbed her arm, sending shivers of heat racing through her. If he kept it up, she’d be taking him to the privacy of her own home instead.

“Three blocks from my house,” she said, zipping her coat. Living in a small town, it was virtually impossible to avoid family completely. Yeah, she could’ve moved, but then she wouldn’t have the salon, or Frankie, Gerardo, and Serah to harass. She didn’t want it any other way. Besides, her house had a key. She could always lock her mom out.

“You aren’t going alone.” Even though she just met Rafe, there was no mistaking his succinct tone. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. “I’ll go with you.”

Time with Rafe? Yummy! Her internal naughty girl reared her now not-so ugly head. “Fine with me.”

Lilith wrung her hands and gazed around the room. Another person—uhh—demon hiding something? Not surprising in the least. She paced the ceramic tiled floor, tracing a finger along a silver-plated flat iron. How she was supposed to slay a demon with that would remain a mystery to her.

Lilith shrugged then arched her lips in a knowing grin. “Sizzle and burn.”

Did these women enjoy rubbing their demonic talents in her face? Would she ever learn hers? Did she even have any to boast of?

Lucy rolled her eyes. Just what she wanted, all these demons knowing her deep and dark fantasies. Heck, the way Kalli looked like she was ready to burst into chuckles, she already knew.

“Reading thoughts is overrated,” Kalli said, flashing her apparent nemesis a sidelong glare. “I’d rather have the kung fu moves I heard you used on Belial any day.”

“It’s not that I’m jealous or anything.” She bit a fingernail. “It kind of violates my privacy.” Then again,
kind of
was a big understatement.

“It’s easier to be instructed by someone who isn’t afflicted. Someone like…” She scratched her head, a devious grin spreading across her face. “Rafe.”

Yeah right! She angled a surreptitious gaze his way. He stood ramrod straight, with his lips taut. Any tighter, and he’d pull a muscle in his jaw. It looked like Rafe would rather undergo a root canal than spend any alone time with her.

Lilith blew out a breath. “How exactly are you planning to get there?” she asked, her eyes narrowing. “As I was patrolling the area, I noticed your friend drive off in your car.”

Crap! In all the excitement, she forgot that she lent her car to Serah. Glancing at the clock on the far wall, she grumbled. From what she’d said earlier, it’d be a while.

Grabbing her cell phone from her pocket, Lucy punched Serah’s speed dial. One… two… three… four… voice mail.

“Hello, you reached Serah SanGermano. Leave your message at the tone.” Not even bothering to leave a message, Lucy hung up. Must’ve been an important meeting. Serah never missed her calls. That’s what made her a great friend.

“Here, take mine,” Gerardo said, stuffing his keys in her hand.

Lucy cringed, recalling the last time she borrowed Gerardo’s car. Mounds of wrappers, cups, and plastic bags filled nearly every recess of his vehicle. It amazed her how he stayed as skinny as he did.

Noticing her cringe, he smiled. “Don’t worry. I just had it detailed.”

“Thanks, Ger. You’re a lifesaver.” She gave him a big ole bear hug. “Just so you know, I would’ve taken the car either way.” She had to see her mom.

“Is it safe to be traveling in public, where any of Belial’s goons may be lingering?” Lilith ran a hand through her shiny brunette tresses.

“I’ll judo chop them,” Lucy said, posing like the boy from
The Karate Kid
movie—the old school version. “Rafe will be protected.”

Lilith and Kalli broke out in simultaneous snickers. Catching their faux pas, they snorted—again in unison. With a huff, Kalli crossed her arms and tapped her toe.

Lilith, on the other hand, plopped back down on the seat, crossed her leg, and flipped her hair over her shoulder. Each avoided the other’s gaze like she had the plague. What was the deal with those two?

Rafe pulled on his leather coat and zipped up. “I don’t need no stinkin’ protection.”

Laughter filled the entire salon. Newsflash! Rafael Deleon, Paladin Demon, had finally found his sense of humor. Perhaps the time he’d spent with Squeaky did him some good.

Rafe shrugged, the muscles rippling against the leather of his jacket. He rolled his eyes. “I can be funny when I want to be.”

“Better late than never, I guess,” Kalli muttered. “I have no qualms with you taking Lucy to check on her mother. Sometimes in times of distress, having your family close by can be a blessing.”

Groaning, Lilith shook her head. “I’m not so sure that’s a good idea.”

Heads turned to Lilith. Every band of heroes always had a naysayer. Leave it to Mrs. Sex-o-holic to be the one. Fancy that—Lucy imagined it would’ve been Rafe. Then again, he seemed to be rather supportive since he returned.

“She may be a target.” Lilith rubbed her fingertips together. “A trap to set Lucy up.”

Rafe turned to face Lilith, his jaw firm. “If it’s a trap, then her mother is in danger. We are going.” The finality in his tone was unmistakable.

It unnerved her, the way she could read this man. She never had such a connection with any man. And the way his gaze burned, she knew he felt it too.

“Guess it’s three to one.” She smiled and blew Lilith a kiss. “Sorry, toots.”

Frankie giggled. “Hey, that’s my line.”

“It’s a catchy line, you know?” She gave Frankie a hug and turned to Gerardo, who’d remained abnormally quiet. “What’s up?”

Shrugging, Gerardo flipped his fingers through his hair. His gaze lowered to the floor; he let out a deep sigh. “I am responsible. I let that
into the salon.” He shook his head. “I should’ve known better.”

Lucy sucked in a deep breath and took Gerardo into her arms. “It isn’t your fault, Ger. From what I’ve been told about Belial, he’s very strong.”

mi mamá
always warned me about evil. I should’ve known.”

She swatted Gerardo on the arm. “Hey, he almost got me, so it’s my fault too.”

Lilith blew a deep breath out her nose. “It’s true. Belial is one of Hell’s strongest kings.” She brushed her fingernails with the pad of her thumb. “He almost got me at one time.”

Lucy arched a brow. Lilith didn’t seem the type to broadcast such a failure.

Her lips arched into a sheepish grin. “I’ve been around over two thousand years. I wasn’t always so talented, you know.”

“I heard about the whole flood incident. Fortunately for you, God took the blame,” Kalli muttered. “It pays being the king’s sister, doesn’t it?”

Lilith bolted from the sofa and lunged at Kalli. Her nails extending into long claws, she wrapped her hands around Kalli’s neck. “Get over it,” she hissed out.

“No,” Kalli seethed, squeezing her nails into Lilith’s fingers as she pried them from her neck. With a deafening snap, she twisted Lilith’s wrists and held firm. Her amethyst eyes flickered and sparked. Fangs poked from her mouth. Where’d she been hiding those?

As if Lucy had just turned on the nightly WWE program, the women sized each other up like two professional wrestlers. Thank goodness there wasn’t any mud! If these women kept it up, she’d have another disaster to clean up in her salon. It wasn’t time for a catfight.

Lucy puffed out her chest and stomped toward the two. Planting herself in between the two raging demonesses, she spread her arms, pushing them both apart. Lilith went hurtling against the wall, a large crack resounding throughout the room. Now that had to hurt.

In a just as loud clanking and clattering, Kalli flew into Gerardo’s station. Combs, shears, and curling irons lay askew on the floor. Double the pain, double the destruction. Demolition was now her middle name.

“There’s more where that came from,” she said, hands on hips.

¡Madre de Dios!
” Gerardo flailed his hands. “My station’s ruined.”

“Nothing that can’t be cleaned up, right Kalli?”

“I suppose.” Kalli crossed their arm and huffed, angling a defiant glare at Lilith.
What the hell?
Were these women reliving their grade school years?

“Can’t we all just get along?” Frankie asked. His thick southern accent wafted through the air like an angel’s herald. Amen, Frankie.

Lilith threw up her arms and rolled her eyes. “Fine. For now.”

Kalli’s gaze darted around the room, then reluctantly focused on Lilith. “I suppose.”

“Kiss and make up,” Gerardo chimed in.

Rafe snorted. “You do realize the two spent time on a Greek island together.”

Aha! From the way these women acted like two wild minotaurs, she knew which one. “Crete?”

“No.” Rafe tugged at his luxurious locks.

She scratched her chin, channeling her high school geography class. Her teacher had been a huge ancient Greece fan. “Rhodes?”

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