Demons Prefer Blondes (9 page)

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Authors: Sidney Ayers

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Paranormal

BOOK: Demons Prefer Blondes
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“Even ones that don’t swing that way?” she asked, pushing Josh away. “Sorry Josh, but you’re marrying Larissa. She’s so sweet, and I won’t let you break her heart.”

“Larissa who?”

Lucy swiveled her body and flashed Kalli a concerned gaze. “Do something!”

Kalli nodded, closed her eyes and spoke in her Greek language. She lifted her arms and threw a bolt of energy at Josh, then two more at Frankie and Gerardo. Josh let out a loud gasp and slumped against a counter. He rubbed his head. “Wh… Where am I?” He looked around. “Lucia? What’s going on?”

Kalli snapped her fingers.

“I came to say thank you for the offer to assist Larissa and her bridesmaids.” He rubbed his head some more. “What a horrible headache.”

Lucy arched a brow at Kalli, whose lips spread into a wide grin.
Thanks, I owe you
, she mouthed to her and turned back to Josh. “Would you like some ibuprofen?”

Josh nodded. “Yes, please.”

“Kalli will go get you some. Right, Kalli?”

Kalli shrugged. “If you say so.”

Gerardo and Frankie slumped down on the waiting room seats too, their heads in their hands. Frankie moaned softly.

Gerardo groaned. “Something’s in the air.”

Serah sidled up next to Lucy. “Something in the air alright,” she whispered. “Pheromone freak.”

Rafe shrugged. “Perhaps.”

Kalli arched a brow. “Glad I brought the entire bottle,” she said, shaking the Advil.

She padded around the seating area, handing out pills and little paper cups filled with water. All that was missing was her nurse hat. Naughty nurse, maybe. Lucy stifled a chuckle.

She stopped in front of Josh, a spark of amethyst in her gaze. She scrunched her brow in consternation and her lip straightened. “Here you go,
.” She thrust the Advil and a cup of water into his hands.

“Thank you, Kalliope.” He placed the pills in his mouth and tipped his cup before downing the contents. Just like Josh to insist on calling someone by their given name. He still insisted on calling Frankie Francis, much to Frankie’s chagrin. Judging from Kalli’s faraway expression, however, she seemed to enjoy it. Now that was odd.

“I hate to stop in and go, but I need to get to work.” Standing, Josh turned to Kalli. “Nice meeting you, Kalli and Rafael.” He nodded at Gerardo and Frankie and flashed Lucy a smile. “Larissa will be stopping by later to make arrangements.” His gaze grew warm. “I appreciate it. My mother was so pleased with her hair the other day.”

Lucy stifled the chuckle. After all, it was Rafe he should thank. Not her. “Sure thing, Joshua. Come by some time for a trim.”

He turned to flash Kalli a surreptitious gaze. As if they all wouldn’t notice. “I certainly will.” With that, he left, the door jangling with his wake.

Scratching her head, Kalli turned to face Lucy. “We need to talk… Your
has the scent of succubus on him.”

Rafe lifted his head from his magazine, instantly attuned to the conversation. He threw down the magazine and rose, taking quick steps toward them. “This private conversation of yours involves me too.”

“Whatever,” Lucy said. “Knock yourself out, buddy.”

“Is he truly your ex?” Kalli’s expression remained deathly serious.

A flash of something lit in Rafe’s eyes. He clenched his jaw. You’d almost think he was jealous.

“Yes, I haven’t slept with him—or anyone else—in over five years.”

So don’t get your boxers in a knot, Rafe.
Oh that’s right, he went commando. She did her best to hide the blush as she remembered the flying buttons and the glimpse of his excitement beneath the black leather.

“Maybe it’s left-over energy?”

“Perhaps,” Kalli said. “From the way he attached himself to you, I see no reason to doubt that assumption.”

“Which means you’re strong, Lucy. Stronger than we realized.” Rafe’s intense gaze left her stunned, as if she’d been slammed against the wall. “We need to take care of the chest, so we can get you to Lilu.”

She crossed her arms and raised her chin. There was no way she’d let them take her away from the shop, especially when the place they wanted to take her to was Hell. “I don’t think so. I’m not leaving. Send the king of kink here.”

Kalli shook her head. “Lilu will not walk Earth. As if things could just be this simple. We wouldn’t be here otherwise.”

“Doesn’t he need to feed?” Serah asked, plopping into a pedicure massage chair. She picked up the controller, pushed some buttons, and relaxed. “Mmm.”

“No,” Rafe paced back and forth. “He absorbs the energy from his subjects. When the Sexubi split, it weakened him. He has not stepped on Earth since.”

So a long distance orgy, Lucy guessed. Kinky. But then again, not being able to walk the Earth must’ve sucked. After all, Hell was… umm… hell? She really felt for this Lilu dude.

“Poor guy, not being able to visit Earth and all.”

Kalli shrugged. “He made the decision on his own.”

“What a king, to forgo his pleasure for his kingdom.” If only some of the world’s leaders would do the same.

“What are you all going on about over there?” Gerardo demanded, stomping over to them.

Crap! In her excitement, she forgot her employees were in the same room. She had to be honest with them. They were loyal and she could trust them with her life. They deserved the truth—as fucked-up as it sounded.

She turned around and motioned Frankie to join them. Always the dutiful employee, he bounded from his chair and loped across the salon to stand next to Gerardo. “What’s going on, Lucy?”

“Frankie… Gerardo…” With a sigh, she sought out the right words. “Ahh… you better sit down.” Jeez, she sounded like she was about to close the shop. Not on her life!

Guessing from their stricken expressions, that was what they thought she was about to do. “Oh, don’t worry. The salon’s fine. It’s about me.”

“Oh no!” Frankie clutched his chest. Melodrama was his forte. “Tell me you ain’t dying!”

Lucy snorted out a laugh. “No.” She bit back more giggles. Immortality more than likely was included with her succubus powers. “Umm… I’m healthier than ever. Check out the new makeover.”

“I was going to say,” Gerardo replied. “You’re smokin’ hot. So can I take your picture now?”

“No.” It was bad enough dealing with a small crowd of men. Imagine what would happen if she went international. She cringed.

Serah cleared her throat and took the blunt approach. “Lucy’s a succubus.”

Thanks, Serah. Now all hell would break loose.

Chapter 9

“A what?” Gasping for breath, Gerardo threw his head back. Laughter rose from his throat and filled the salon. With a feminine fanning of his hand, he succumbed to a fit of giggles.

Frankie rolled his eyes. “Very funny, Lucy, but we…” He prodded his friend. “…we aren’t buying it.”

Rafe crossed his arms and strode to the sofa where they sat. His silvery gaze intense, he leaned down to face the two. “She speaks the truth.”

Gerardo’s dark eyes flashed and he raised his chin. “Why should I believe you? You waltz into the shop and act like you own us.” He blew out a breath of air. “I recognize you from yesterday. Love your hair.”

“Thanks, I think,” Rafe mumbled.

Lucy rose from the sofa and pulled Rafe to the side. “Does he remember you trying to kill him?”

“I did not try to kill your friend,” he said through gritted teeth. “And, no, he doesn’t remember. The only thing he recalls is to ask for permission.”

“Mind control. Cool.”

Rafe’s eyes flashed. “We do not control thoughts. We alter perception. Infernati are the ones who misuse mortal minds.”

“Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to offend. I’m a newbie, you know.”

Rafe’s expression softened. “No offense taken.”

Smiling, she glanced up at him. Beautiful dark hair danced around his face and silver eyes sparked at her perusal. She laid a gentle hand on his gloriously ripped chest, reveling in the feel of hard muscle pressed against the tight cotton T-shirt he wore. If only they were alone and… ahh… naked. Perhaps she should close shop and send everyone home. Everyone except Rafe.

The thudding of his heart increased, yet his gaze remained steady. Talk about control. Could she ever break through? From the way his heart raced, he had to feel something.

The door chimes jingled, announcing the arrival of their first customer. Alas, alone time with Rafe wasn’t meant to be—for now.

“Lucia!” Her mom’s frantic voice grated in her ears. “Please help me.”

Not now! She wasn’t ready to foist this woman onto some poor unsuspecting demons. She couldn’t spring the news of her demonic destiny to her either. If her shop was bad after she opened the chest, she didn’t want to see the fury of mommy dearest.

Her mother scanned the shop. “I love what you’ve done here. Business must be doing well.”

Props to Kalli for that. The only time her mom had been impressed by anything regarding her job, and it wasn’t she who’d done it. At least she’d gotten somewhat of a compliment.

“Uhh… thanks Mom.” She replied lamely. “What do you need help with?”

Her mother’s eyes widened with panic. “Tammy overbooked. I need my hair done for the Christmas party tonight.”

Not the family Christmas party. It would take a small miracle to get out of this one. “Oh.”

“Don’t tell me you forgot!”

Lucy cleared her throat. “Not exactly, but we’re busy tonight. Holidays and all.”

Her mom huffed. “You have four employees. Surely you can take off early.”

“I’m not an employee,” Rafe stated firmly. “I’m a customer.”

Thank you Rafe

“I’ve come to get my hair cut.” He scrubbed his silky locks. “It’s getting too long.”

Never mind. She took back that thank-you. No way in whatever they called the underworld would she cut those gorgeous locks. “Gerardo, take care of Mom.” She flashed Kalli an apologetic smile.
Sorry, Kalli.
She preferred to keep her mother’s head intact—for now. She turned to Rafe and flashed him a smile. “To the shampoo bowl, sir.”

“Lucia!” her mom demanded. “I want
to do it.”

What the hell? Why all of a sudden did she want her to do her hair? She’d never shown an interest in her job in the past five years. Lucy wasn’t ready to hear her fuss when she wasn’t satisfied. “Sorry, Mr. Deleon has an appointment. Gerardo is one of the best stylists in the River City region. You’re in excellent hands.”

“I need you.”

She leaned into Rafe. “Now would be a good time to do your rapture thing.”

Kalli arched a brow and joined the little powwow. “It’s not working.”

Rafe squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his fists. “Bloody hell. Your mother has a demon’s protection. And since I can’t break through the barrier, it’s a strong demon.”

“Maybe that’s why the thing didn’t work on me the other day.”

Rafe shook his head. “If that was the case, you wouldn’t have been able to open the chest.”

“Oh.” Leave it to Rafe to deflate her hopes of getting out of this succubus thing. The idea of screwing the life out of a guy wasn’t how she planned on spending the rest of her days.

“Lucia, please, I’m begging you.” Her mom’s pleading voice, although five years too late, tugged at her heart. Whatever inspired her was big, and she wouldn’t stop until Lucy agreed.

“Fine,” Lucy said with an exasperated sigh. Not because she had to bond with her mom, but because she was losing the chance to run her hands through Rafe’s water-soaked hair. Ah, hell, it was probably a good thing. Going orgasmic in front of her mom wasn’t something she wanted. She turned to the walking art display. “Kalli, please give Rafe a trim.” Emphasis on the word

Gerardo sighed. “I wanted to cut his hair.”

“What can we do?” Frankie asked, coming to stand next to his partner in crime.

“Clean the foot spa.” Lucy replied with a wink. “Just kidding.” With Kalli’s fine detail, there wasn’t any need. “Watch the phones.”

“Aye, aye, captain.” Gerardo replied with a salute. Gerardo marched to the reception desk and stood poised and confident, Frankie following with equally confident strides.

Kalli grinned and tossed the same rag she was reading earlier onto the table. “Interesting title, crappy literature. A haircut would be a welcome change. Like I care about Jessica Simpson’s new rack.”

“Inquiring minds want to know,” Frankie said, his hands defensively on his hips.

“Wrong tabloid, Frank,” Serah replied. She let out an exhausted sigh. “I suppose I’m on chimp duty?”

“Nope.” Squeaky popped out from underneath the desk. “I’m on Rafe duty. You’re dismissed.

Her mom gasped, eyes wide with amazement. “Is that a chimpanzee?”

“No, it’s a kid dressed as a chimp,” Lucy quipped.
Wow! Mom knew her primates!

Lucy snuck a glance at Squeaky who was equally impressed.

Her mom nodded. “Ahh… That explains the talking. I thought I’d have to call my therapist there for a second.” She smiled at Squeaky. “Great costume.”

“Umm…” Was there something her mother wasn’t telling her? “Yeah, well…” she turned to glance at Rafe, whose eyes had narrowed into silver slits.

“This is impossible. I need to talk to the council.”

Kalli nodded. “Maybe it’s the solstice?”

Not this again. Eclipses, solstices. What’s next? Halley’s Comet?
“Don’t ask me. I failed geography and astronomy.” She contemplated a smartass comment, like she mistook it for astrology, but, taking in their dire expressions, refrained.

“No.” Rafe shook his head. “I don’t think so. This is strange. Two mortals who can communicate with lower imps?”

Kalli shrugged. “It’s obvious her mother had a connection with a strong Sexubi.” She turned to Serah who sat on the sofa, scratching Squeaky’s head. Lucky—or unlucky—for Serah, Squeaky warmed up to her and murmured contentedly.

“Hello, Lucia dear. Hair?” Her mom tapped her toe.

“Yes, Mom, be right there.” It amazed her how calm she remained. Perhaps it was her mother’s new enthusiasm. This situation, despite the bizarreness, was real. Direness clouded Rafe’s expression. “Don’t feel obligated to stay here and protect me. I’ve got Kalli and my new tools at my defense.”

“You’re only part demon, Lucy.” He said it like she was a freak of nature. Then again, she probably was. She wasn’t quite human, and not quite demon. She was… Well, she didn’t know what she was. She didn’t like it one bit.

“Thanks for the vote of confidence, Rafe.” With a turn of her heels, she stalked to her mother. Her graying dark blonde hair hung limp around her head, her ocean blue eyes wide and pleading. If there was one thing her mom was good at, it was the puppy-dog look.

“Quit the dramatic, Mom. I’ll do your hair.”

She crossed her arms and pouted. “Lucia…”

“Fine. I’ll do your makeup too.” She pointed a finger. “But that’s it.” Why did her mother have to care so much about her appearance? She didn’t need any help. She was fifty and didn’t look a day over forty. Lucy could only hope to be so lucky. She snuck a gaze to Rafe and Kalli, who whispered in the corner. Never mind that, she was that lucky… or maybe unlucky. She had yet to find out.

Rafael sat in the chair next to Lucy’s mother, amazed at the resemblance. Both women had beautiful dark blonde hair, delicate cheekbones and delightful clefts in their chins. The only thing besides age that set them apart was their eyes, each woman’s beautiful in its own unique way. Where Mrs. Gregory’s were the color of a placid ocean, Lucy’s were a mixture of lush greens and exotic amber—breathtaking. Her enchantment became too much. Even the presence of her mother did little to slake his desire. He needed to speak to the council, and he needed to speak to them soon—before winter officially rolled in. Kalli had mentioned the solstice. How could he have forgotten? Keeping himself isolated in Limbo had faded his knowledge of the Earth and its cosmic proportions. When the Earth ceased to revolve, the underworld would still exist. It was immortal, after all.

“Stop staring at them, Rafe,” Kalli said as she leaned in and snipped a few hairs. “You’re making her mother uncomfortable.”

Rafael grumbled. “I understand, but something’s amiss. Two Pure-Bloods within the same city limits?” He shook his head. “Not bloody likely.”

“What makes you think they’re Pure-Bloods?” Kalli ran a comb through his hair and snipped.

Not that he worried about how much she’d cut, it’d grow back in a matter of an hour, regardless. Such the luck for an immortal. Only the strongest of demons could change their appearances. Not that he wasn’t strong, he just happened to like his hair. And Lucy liked it too. What in the deities? Where had that come from? Stupid enchantment. He had to speak to the council. He’d waited too long.

“Do you have any other brilliant suggestions?”

“There haven’t been any Pure-Bloods in twenty-five years. The Infernati wiped them out.” She set the scissors down. “The last one was burned alive in her home.”


Kalli scratched beneath one of her rough locks. “Chicago.”

“That’s not far from here.” Rafael knew he grasped at straws, but his options dwindled.

“True, but Lucy’s mom had carnal relations with an incubus. What’s not to say that that incubus simply gave her his protection?”

Chuckling, he leaned back in his chair. “An incubus protecting his victim? You’re losing your touch.”

“It’s time you realized I had a touch to begin with.” She thrust him the mirror and turned him around to examine his back. “You like?”

With a quick nod, he swiveled the chair back to stare his friend in the eye. “Good job.” Sure, he and Kalli didn’t agree on things, but he still admired her. She was the best damned cleaner the Paladins had, and she was the best stylist they had too. There wasn’t anything the demoness couldn’t do. “I can’t take any more chances. I need to speak to the council.” Something didn’t add up.

“There is more than the possibility of the Pure-Bloods that concerns you,” Kalli leaned in to whisper. “I sense it.” Kalli’s lips spread into a devious grin. “You’re attracted to her, aren’t you?”

Was it that obvious?
With that information, Kalli could bring him down. Not that she would. But— “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m a Paladin. We’re immune to succubi.”

“All right then. Sorry I suggested it.” Kalli snickered. “Demons have needs too, you know.” She twirled a purple dreadlock in her finger. “Even me.”

Yes, he may have needs, but he wouldn’t let his needs fail the Paladins. Too much was at stake. “I don’t want to discuss your needs, Kalli.” Brushing snips of hair from his shoulders and chest, he rose from the chair and turned to lock gazes with Lucy.

Her hazel eyes glinted in disappointment and a small frown curved her lips. Perhaps Kalli hadn’t done that great of a job. “Wow,” she muttered. There was no masking the disappointment that cracked in her voice.

Kalli scrubbed her fingers through her thick mane. “I didn’t think it was that bad.” She snorted in laughter. “Never mind. I did
good of a job.” She knelt to the floor and scooped up some of his discarded hair. Swinging a dark lock in her fingers, she shook her head. “I forgot she said
. She’ll be pleasantly surprised in a few hours when you have a full head of hair again.” She flung the hair to the floor.

¡Ay caray!
You chopped it off.” Gerardo pranced their way. Reaching down, he snagged a piece of snipped hair.

¡Madre de Dios!
” Gerardo waved his reddened hand frantically. What used to be Rafael’s hair crumbled in the effeminate man’s hand and blew away in a cloud of dust.

Rafael drew in a long breath of air. “See why you must ask for permission first, Gerardo?”

With a downturned gaze, Gerardo nodded. “Talk about ‘killer hair.’”

Apparently, Lucy’s smartass sense of humor was contagious. Didn’t surprise him one bloody bit. Tossing him a stern glare, Kalli reached down and grabbed Gerardo’s hand, drawing her fingertips over his singed palm. “Any better?”

“Wow, that’s awesome! What you got in those hands? Aloe vera?”

“Something like that,” Kalli muttered. “I’ll take care of the hair. Go handle the client who just walked in.”

He clapped his hands with excitement. “You’re a regular Florence Nightingale.” Gerardo turned and flashed a friendly smile and swished toward the desk to greet the customer. Rafael shuddered. Never in his four hundred and fifty-five years had he seen a man move his hips in such a way.

With a quick scrub of his recently shorn hair, Rafael shook his head. Humans were bizarre. Then again, here he was saddled with an
anzee. He sidled a gaze toward Squeaky, who sat snuggled in Serah’s arms. How bloody strange.

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