Descended (29 page)

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Authors: Debra Miller

BOOK: Descended
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Chapter 18



Carter woke up to the alarm blaring in his ear and was eager to start the day. Gabriel had told him to meet him down at the stables so they could begin their first session. Gabe had spent all evening with Vie getting filled in on the details of their “date” and all she had learned about the boy. He insisted on staying the night so he could watch over her while she got some much needed sleep. When she woke, it was Gabe’s turn to bring her up to speed on the events that had occurred with Carter the night before when they were visiting the Stone’s ranch.

He told Vie how Carter had seen him lifting the plow and discussed what happened with
leg. Vie was upset that he had broken the rules and interfered with the humans by saving
leg and his life. Gabriel explained what really happened out there at the ranch before Vie and the other members of the Stone family had arrived.

“Vie, I didn’t interfere,” he stated emphatically.

“This is what happened,” and he began to explain the events. “
was trapped and
I lifted the plow to free him. I looked and no one was around and
was in great agony. Then, out of nowhere, Carter appeared with his jaw hanging open. It really was quite a surprise for both of us. I have to admit, I expected his reaction to be much different than it was. I mean sure, he was shocked and that was obvious, but it wasn’t a total shock to him. It felt to me like he was waiting for something extraordinary to happen in his life and when it did he let it all in with no questions asked. But that’s not the best part Vie.  What happened next was unbelievable.”

He continued.  “After Carter pulled
out and saw that his leg was severed and his life was hanging in the balance, he asked me to help him. Vie it was like he knew I could. In that moment I knew something had clicked in that boy, something big, and he was ready to accept his gift. I took his hand and put it on
leg and walked with him through the darkness, but Vie I swear I didn’t heal
….Carter did,” he said excitedly.

“Carter did? 
But how?
Does he know he healed him?” she asked.

“No he doesn’t, well at least I don’t think he does. I’m pretty sure he thinks it was me,” Gabe said almost sure.

“So we know Carter can save a life without even batting an eye. Can you imagine what he can do when he can actually channel all of his powers?” Vie said thrilled.

“Yes, I can and so can Lucian. Just like his presence at the tower Vie, he has ways to get to both of you and he is getting closer by the minute. Vie it is more important now than ever to prepare Carter for what is to come because trust me, Lucian is coming… and soon,” Gabe said with complete absolution.

“Hey Gabe, I know this is totally off topic but can I ask you something?” she said still wondering about what she was feeling for Carter and hoping Vivian was not involved.

“Sure Vie, you know you can ask me anything,” he replied.

“Well…ugh,” she said not knowing how to ask.

“Vie come on, it’s me here.  Just spit it out,” he said encouraging her to say what was on her mind.

“How do these…feelings work here?” she started.

“What do you mean Vie? What feelings?” he asked.

“Well, I mean all of the feelings I have
here. Like with Henry and Sarah and Jeremy and…” she paused.

“And Carter?” he said inquisitively.

“Yes, and Carter.
I mean are these really my feelings or hers?” she asked hoping to hear the answer she wanted.

“Her who?” he asked confused.

“Vivian…you know the vessel I’m borrowing!” she shouted at him.

Vie,” Gabe said.  He could see his friend was in need of a shoulder.

“What you’re feeling here, for everyone you have made contact with, is real. You are still you Vie, your soul is still your soul and it is definitely in control. Now what’s really bothering you Vie? You can tell me.” He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes and she shyly looked away from him, knowing he would be able to see right through her. She didn’t want to feel naked in front of her friend right now since she was still trying to figure out her feelings for herself.

ever since I arrived here I’ve been feeling things…new things…things I have never felt before. I have all of these feelings and emotions swirling around inside me and I don’t know what to do with them,” Vie said feeling stressed about everything going on.

Gabriel could quickly see what was happening with Vie. He had warned her about the risks of getting to close to the humans but she insisted she could handle it, that she was ready for anything.

“Vie,” Gabe sat next to her on the bed feeling empathy for the beautiful guardian, “We talked about this. These feelings will only be with you while you are here in this human vessel. Once our mission is over and we return home, they will be gone and everything will be as it was.” Gabe explained how it worked again.

“But,” she stopped knowing Gabriel would not want to hear that these feelings she had, especially the ones she had for Carter,
did not want to forget. Vie felt alive inside for the very first time and she could not imagine letting them go…letting him go.

“Just forget it,” she said walking away, “you wouldn’t understand.”
She felt
lost and alone.

“I understand feelings more than you know Vie, just try me?” he said knowing it was the truth because he himself buried his feelings for someone close to him deep in his soul a long time ago. Gabriel had very strong feelings for one of the Guardians and her name was Violet.

“Okay,” she said figuring she would feel him out.

“I can’t explain it really with words but what I can tell you is that what I feel for Carter is absolutely magical. It is something I have never felt for anyone, ever. I feel like when we are together nothing can stop us. It’s like we are one instead of two separate souls. And when I’m not with him, all I do is think about the next time we’ll be together. And when he touches me, my soul ignites and….”

“Okay, okay, okay….I get it Vie,” Gabriel shouted, not wanting to hear about her passion for Carter Stone.

Vie stood stunned by the tone of Gabe’s voice. He sounded almost distressed. The only time Gabriel shouted was to command the Gate Keepers. It was a strong and powerful voice that stopped the Guardian’s cold in their tracks when he spoke to them in that way. Immediately Vie knew she should have kept her mouth shut. Gabriel may have been her best friend but now he was her leader and falling in love with the subject was not part of the plan.

“I’m sorry. I knew I shouldn’t have said anything. I’ll work out these feelings, don’t worry Gabe,” she said ashamed of her confession.

“Vie, do you think you are the only Guardian to have feelings? I too have felt what you described,” he said.  

Shocked by this revelation, she said, “You Gabe?  Impossible, I don’t believe it.”

“It’s true. I also understand you want to run with them and never look back. But we are Guardians and we are here for one reason and one reason only and that is to free Carter from the darkness and secure the gates. That is our mission now can you do this or do I need to send for Fallon?” he asked.

“No” she said immediately needing to prove herself to the guardians and especially to Fallon. “I can handle it!” she stated forcefully.

“I promise you Vie, these feelings won’t last forever. Once we get home you’ll be back to your old controlling self in no time.” Gabe said smiling at her.

“But what about Carter?
What will happen to his feelings…for me?” she said embarrassed about them.

“Vie, you really do have an empathy problem don’t you? Carter is a warrior, like us, and he is stronger than you think trust me I saw a glimpse into his soul, he will survive this you’ll see.” He said then adding a personal after thought. “God help him just as I do…the boy will survive” Gabriel said as a whisper to himself silently mourning his unrequited feelings for Vie.

“Best advise Vie, from your mentor…Live in the moment. Enjoy everything you can while you are here but get the job done so we can all get back to where we belong and everything will be as it should. Ok?” he asked.

“Ok” Vie said not thoroughly as convinced that she wanted the same things as her friend. Returning things to the way they were seemed like an impossible task one that Vie was not sure she wanted any longer. She tried but couldn’t imagine an existence without Carter now. She already couldn’t bear being separated from Carter for hours how in the world was she going to return home and separate from him forever.

Gabriel was having his own worries about the information he received from Vie about her connection to Carter. He knew, all too well, about souls mating, even the souls of the Guardians. Once they are linked, it becomes impossible to separate them and with free will still being a choice for the guardians Gabriel knew Vie was at risk. If the council found out they would yank her from the mission immediately. He decided not to report the information Vie shared with him to
but instead he decided to keep a close watch on the two young warriors.

“Vie are you alright? I have to go now, Carter will be waiting for me” Gabe said grinning in delight.

“What are you planning Gabriel?” Vie said looking at him knowing all too well how Gabriel trains his guardians.

“Oh, not to worry Vie.
I’ll have your “boy…friend”, for lack of better words, returned to you in one piece I promise” he said crossing his heart.

Gabe looked at the clock and told Vie he was late. She asked how late and he said three hours. Vie scolded him saying that wasn’t very nice and Gabe just laughed telling her that waiting would teach him patience and added it was something he failed to teach her. She pushed him out of her window yelling back to him that patience might be a virtue by tardiness is unacceptable! Gabe took flight and was gone.

Gabe arrived back at the ranch and Carter was sitting on the front stoop of the gate house waiting, to his surprise, patiently. Gabe didn’t say it out loud, especially to Vie, but he had become fond of Carter. The boy had qualitie
s that were admirable and an aura
about him that
was principled and righteous. In fact Carter was a lot like Gabriel divine in every way. He felt connected to Carter immediately, just as Vie had, right from the very first day they met.

“Good morning Carter” Gabriel said.

“More like afternoon” Carter muttered under his breath.

Gabe heard his comment and flashed his wincing smile pretending not to hear him. He asked Carter if he were ready to get started and Carter responded with an enthusiastic yes. Gabe opened the refrigerator and grabbed a large brown bag out of it and put it in his nap sack. Then he picked up another nap sack that was empty and threw it over his shoulder. He walked to the door and opened it and walked out on to the porch.

Gabe looked back to C
arter and said “are you coming?” I don’t have all day you know” he added waiting for Carter to join him.

They headed down the trail with the hot sun beating down on them. Although Carter wondered where they were going he said nothing predicting that Gabe was waiting for him to ask the question.  Carter felt as though his silence was just a game, a battle of wits, and he was just waiting for Carter to inquire about their destination. They walked for miles without speaking a word and then Carter spoke.

“So Vie is stopping by tonight?” Carter said looking for a reaction. Even though Vie had told Carter that their relationship was strictly platonic Carter felt a vibe that said otherwise coming from Gabe. He felt as though Gabe had feelings other than friendship toward Vie and was testing his theory in conversation. Gabe did not respond at all so Carter asked if he heard what he said and then Gabe replied.

“I’m not deaf, of course I heard you I just didn’t think a statement required a response only questions. So if you want me to answer you then maybe you should ask me a question” Gabe said walking faster now.

“Ok” Carter said annoyed. “Here’s a question for you…Are you bothered by mine and
relationship?” he asked bluntly in question form.

“Nope” was the single word response he gave Carter without even batting an eye.

“Well I don’t believe you” Carter said challenging more than a one word answer. Again, Gabe gave no response. Then he looked at Carter quickly noticing the frustration in his eyes and replied coyly “I’m sorry, I was waiting for the question.”

Carter was more than annoyed that Gabe was playing word games with him and decided to just flat out ask him what he really wanted to know.

“Is there or has there ever been anything more than friendship between you and Vie? That’s the question I am asking!” he said with a stern monotone voice.

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