Descended (32 page)

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Authors: Debra Miller

BOOK: Descended
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“Are you kidding me? I have known Vie for what seems like an eternity and I can say with absolute certainty that she does not think you’re a freak and more importantly she loves you more than anything else in the world. In fact I happen to know that she loves you for exactly the man you are in here,” Gabe said pointing to Carter’s heart.

“Vie left because of me not you Carter. Go find her, she will tell you herself. Tell her what happened here and tell her I am sorry for the things I said. She needs you Carter and you need her. Go to her,” Gabe said dismissing him.

Carter hugged Gabe and thanked him for being honest with him. Then he sprinted to his jeep and screeched around the circular drive to find Vie. Gabe looked up to the stars in the sky and prayed
for a little help before he headed off to meet Raphael and the others. “This is going to be a long night,” Gabe thought to himself.

Meanwhile, Carter was at the Thorne residence knocking at the front door. Henry answered and was surprised when Carter asked to speak with Vie. Henry told him she was not home and thought she was with having dinner with him. Carter explained that she was upset and left abruptly and that he was looking for her. Carter could see the worry on Henry’s face and he assured him that he would find Vie and bring her home safely. Henry asked Carter to call him when he found his daughter and that he would be waiting to hear from him.

Carter went to
house hoping Vie would be there, but no luck. He drove to
all of their favorite places but he
couldn’t find Vie anywhere.  While he was stopped at the traffic light, he gazed up to the sky and saw a shooting star. Carter closed his eyes, making a wish upon the star. He wished that he would find Vie and everything would return to the way it was. Suddenly, he heard something familiar, a sound coming from up the road. It was off in the distance but it beckoned to Carter to pursue it. He drove slowly, following the sound that was getting louder by the second. As he got closer he heard a beautiful voice singing. Carter knew that voice, it was the same voice he heard while standing outside the church. It was Vie, Carter was sure of it. The sound was music to his ears. He listened for a minute, entranced by the beauty in her tone.
voice was truly angelic and Carter sat hypnotized by her harmony.

Carter parked the jeep and ran up the stairs to where the beautiful voice led him, but suddenly he froze. His heart began to race and he felt the walls closing in on him. “What is happening?” he thought to himself. He looked up and that when he realized he standing at the doors of a church. Vie had escaped to a place where she felt comfort and a place where Carter felt fear. He tried with everything he had to pull open the doors and enter the church, but he just couldn’t. Distraught he sat in the corner listening to Vie sing her heart out. He closed his eyes and listened to every word she sang and in those words he knew she was singing to him. Suddenly, a bright light flashed in his mind and he saw a vision of a little girl singing an old Indian nursery rhyme that he remembered hearing a mother sing to her child while visiting the reservation. He couldn’t see the face of the little girl but he was there watching her and feeling so much love. The little girl started to turn around and Carter was anxious to see her face when suddenly the church door opened and Vie stepped out, startled by Carter sitting back in the corner.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

“Looking for you,” he said smiling at her beauty.

“I talked to Gabe. He told me some things. Things about me, things about him?” he said hoping she understood.

“What things?” she questioned.

“Things I needed to know so that I can find myself, my destiny,” Carter said.

“I see,” she said staggered by his confession.

“Vie, I’m just…I’m just so confused about who I am and what is happening to me. I feel like some freak of nature but at the same time I feel like I am finally me,” he said trying to process all of the information.

“I just wanted to be honest with you about what I know and don’t know and I hope with all of my heart and
soul that you will stay with me and help figure
everything out. I’ll understand if this is all too much for you. I mean if you think I am some sort of freak I….”

“Shut up and kiss me,” Vie said throwing her arms around Carter.

“Don’t you know by now there is nothing in this world that would change the way I feel about you. I couldn’t change the way I feel even if I tried. You are what completes me, makes me whole and I never want to be without you,” Vie confessed to Carter.

“Vie,” Carter said.

“Yes,” she replied back.

“You really are my angel,” he said kissing her gently.  “Don’t ever leave me,” he whispered.

“You have my heart and soul forever Carter,” she responded the only way she could.

Vie knew she was going to have to leave Carter and couldn’t promise him anything different. She wouldn’t lie to him under any circumstances. Carter did have her heart and soul forever no matter where she was, that would never change.  Vie felt sick, she was getting light headed at the thought of separating from Carter but ultimately she knew that day would come.  It was killing her to think about it. “How can I ever say goodbye to him?” she thought wrapping her arms tightly around his neck.

“Don’t ever let me go Carter,” she whispered in his ear.

“I promise. I’ll never let you go,” he whispered back.







Chapter 20



Gabriel reached his
rendezvous point where Raphael and the others were waiting for him. Immediately, Gabriel wanted to bring them up to speed about the turn of events with Carter this evening, but to his surprise they had no interest in what he had to say. Raphael took control of the conversation telling his longtime friend it was their turn to talk and his to listen. Gabriel granted their request, interested to hear what they had to say. Raphael announced that he would be speaking on behalf of his brothers, the Guardians.

He talked about the mission at first giving Gabriel details about their progress regarding Lucian’s where-a-bouts. Gabriel listened intently shaking his head in approval. Then Raphael moved on to the next matter at hand, their disappointment in
progress. He could tell by looking at Gabriel’s face that he needed to proceed with caution. He told Gabriel that he and the others did not believe she was ready to be here, that she had not been able to fulfill her part of the mission, and that he needed to call for reinforcements, namely Fallon. Gabriel put his friend on warning that he was out of line without even speaking one word, but Raphael continued anyways.

“Gabriel, you are far too close to Vie to see what we do my friend. Please Gabriel, step back and take a look. Vie has her own agenda and it is not in the best interest of our mission here. I know you made a promise to her, we all do and you have kept your word by bringing her here with us. But it is time Gabriel; it is time to send her home.” Raphael said looking his friend in the eye.

“Is that what you think?” Gabriel said looking at Raphael. “Is that what you all think?” he said looking out to his army of warriors all hanging their heads in shame of what they felt.

“This is not about a promise I made to Violet to bring her here. Do you really think if I thought for one minute that she was not doing what she was sent here to do that I wouldn’t think twice about sending her back? Do you?” he roared loudly out to his warriors.

“Before each of you voted to send Vie home perhaps you should have asked for an update. I can assure you if you did your heads would be hanging much lower in shame than they are right now. Carter Stone has figured out who he is and he is eager to figure out what is stopping him from becoming who he was created to be. And just to be clear…he did so because of Violet!” Gabriel announced with conviction.

“Find Lucian!”
Gabriel thundered at Raphael “That is what YOU were sent here to do!” he said condescendingly to his face, showing him who was in charge.

Meanwhile Carter called Henry from the car letting him know he had found Vie and that he would be bringing her home soon.  They sat parked outside the church talking about their next step in helping Carter figure out the mystery of the darkness shielding him from his destiny. Vie
decided it would be a good idea to ask Carter some questions she felt might help to shed some light on the subject.

“So what do you think the purpose of your soul is?” Vie asked.

“I don’t know…yet anyways,” he answered. “I guess it is something I need to continue to explore. I can let you in on a little secret though,” Carter said leaning over to whisper in

“And what might that be,” she said smiling playfully.

“My soul is yearning for something right now. Something I want so badly, so badly I can taste it,” he said sweeping he hair to the back of her shoulder and kissing he neck gently and repeatedly.

“Do tell,
” she said feeling the yearning deep in her soul as well.

body began to tingle. She could feel her internal body temperature rising as he moved his lips down her arms kissing every inch of her. The exhilaration was intoxicating and she waited for Carter to respond.

“I’m yearning for a…” he said still kissing her.

“A what?” she said with her eyes closed, body exploding with lust.

“A cheeseburger!” he shouted and quickly positioned himself upward in the driver’s seat and proceeded to start the jeep.

“I invited you to dinner and dinner you shall have,” he said noticing
stomach was growling while he was kissing her.

Carter loved playing the game of cat and mouse with Vie. He especially loved being the cat. In their relationship it was definitely a 50/50 turn at the dominant creature, but tonight it was all Carter. Vie scowled at Carter knowing full well what had just happened.  He took control. She hated anyone being able to control her but there was something about Carter being in control that actually excited her. Although it didn’t make any sense, she felt invigorated by the domination. But
stomach was actually growling and a cheeseburger sounded heavenly. Like with sleep and showers, guardians did not need to eat to sustain them. It was strange to Gabriel how much Vie enjoyed this human pleasure, but she did none the less. She described every bite she took to Gabriel as a mouthwatering, heavenly experience that was like no other. Guardians will eat while in a vessel so as not draw attention to themselves but the food itself is tasteless to them. On the other hand, Vie actually describes each and every flavor that dances on her tongue as euphoric and Gabriel thought it was strange but enjoyed watching her take so much pleasure in it.

After they ate Carter returned Vie to her home safe and sound just as he promised Henry he would. They sat parked outside at
house ready to say their goodbyes. Vie wanted him to kiss her again but wasn’t going to let him know it because it was her turn to be the cat.

“Here we are again,” she said waiting to see what he would do.

“Yep, here we are,” he replied with confidence.

“I guess I should head inside. Henry is probably waiting up for me,” Vie said fiddling with her seat belt.

Carter quickly leaned over, watching Vie struggle with the buckle. His entire body covered hers, again setting off the fireworks within her. Just the scent of his hair resting below her chin was enough to send her into a whirlwind of emotions. She was losing control. Her body was alive with pleasure from the simple touch of Carter on her skin.

Carter unhooked the belt and it snapped back into place, freeing Vie. Then he started to move away as if he were going to let her leave, but then stopped. They gazed into each other’s eyes without saying one word and suddenly they could see what each of them wanted. She could see everything Carter was feeling and he could see into her. Vie was excited by the vision and without hesitation put her mouth to his, opening it slightly, beckoning his tongue to enter. They kissed slowly and passionately and then their bodies collided, pressing against each other harder and faster. Up and down they moved their bodies together, erotically in sync.

Carter grabbed the back of her head pulling her closer and harder into him. Every ounce of their souls ignited and neither of them could pull away. Carter and Vie were so enthralled in their
they did not see Henry approach the jeep. He cleared his throat with an “uh
.” Both Vie and Carter separated immediately with the unexpected interruption from

“Good evening sir,” Carter said respectfully.

“Carter,” Henry said nodding back to him, looking slightly annoyed.

“Sorry daddy,” Vie said with the pouty little girl face she knew Henry could not resist.

“We just …lost track of time.” She batted her beautiful big blue eyes at him knowing all too well forgiveness was to come next.

okay honey, but you do need to come inside now,” he said forgivingly.

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