Desire (Erotic Vampire Confessions #1)

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Authors: Randi Fang

Tags: #vampire, #erotic romance, #vampire sex, #free ebooks, #vampires and werewolves, #erotic paranormal romance

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(Erotic Vampire Confessions #1)


By Randi Fang


Copyright 2012-2013 by Randi Fang and Ally

Cover artwork by Ally Thomas




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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters,
places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and
are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events,
locales, organizations, or person, living or dead, is entirely



These stories contain
adult and explicit language, situations or images NOT SUITED FOR
CHILDREN, violence, strong sexual content, language, and adult
themes. They contain adult content intended for MATURE READERS
ONLY. All characters depicted in my stories are 18 years or older,
and all sexual activities are of a consensual nature.


Table of Contents



Introductions and Vampire Sex

Confessions by Rose – Confession #1

Confessions by Rose – Confession #2

Confessions by Rose – Confession #3



To all my lovers, past and present, human and
vampire, angel and demon, werewolf or other. You inspired me to
write this book.

To my online friends who expressed interest
in this concept. You gave me the courage to embrace who I really am
and share it with the world. Consequences be damned.



To my current
readers who refuse to leave my side, thank you for braving this
journey with me. I realize this may different cup of tea for you
after reading my current series. And to my beta readers who read
every draft and shared their valuable feedback. I couldn’t have
done it without you guys!


Sex is emotion in motion. ~Mae West



(Erotic Vampire Confessions #1)


Introductions and Vampire Sex

Before we begin, I could start by telling you how I was turned into
a vampire. My last name is not Fang by accident. But I don’t think
I’ll waste time with that. Instead I’ll save that for another

Obviously I have done things that would curl
your toes and straighten your hair or vice versa. [Insert wicked
grin here.] After all, I am a vampire. Let that be the thought that
stays in the back of your mind as you read these confessions. This
one is the first. More will follow as I interview other fans of the
fang. While most times I do want to tell these confessions in the
most favorable and positive light, other times I have to be honest
and share with you what it means to be a vampire, especially if the
interview takes a dark turn. I have to be true to our vampiric
nature. I have to keep that thought in my mind while writing this
and my other stories because being a vampire is very different from
being a human. I suppose I can sum it up like this. Think of a time
when you have been your most emotional. It can be any emotion:
angry, lustful, happy, sad. Take that one emotion and multiply it
time a million. That is the mental state of a vampire. At least,
that’s how it is for me.

Having said all of that, I do need to admit
that I’ve taken the liberty as a writer to alter or embellish some
of these confessions where I think it is appropriate, perhaps just
slightly, or the interview became boring or too technical. What
that means is that I may or may not be telling you the truth. These
confessions may simply be my fantasies or my daydreams. Vampires
can dream too. The confessions presented here may simply be a
version of the truth. I do try to stay close to the stories I hear,
but other times I may fall short. Don’t worry about that. You’ll
enjoy the ride far more if you simply forget about that and strap
in beside me. Don’t get hung up on semantics or facts. And please,
don’t get hung up on the fact that I’m a vampire talking to other
vampires. If you do, you’ll miss the point. We are people too and
we exist beyond our thirst for blood and sex.

I don’t know one writer that I have met
online who tells the truth 100% of the time. We’re all ultimately
professional liars, darling, even us bloggers. Being good at it
just means how well you weave your web of excitement, or in my
case, how wonderfully adventurous my readers are. That’s my goal
for this journey. I want you to enjoy the experience. Period.


Vampires Can’t Have Sex, Can They?

I probably should mention that if you
prescribe to the myth that vampires can’t have sex, don’t read
this. Vampires
have sex. I have had many vampire lovers
who fucked my brains out, even some human, demon, and angel lovers.
So yes, the answer is we can. Another confession I should share
with you. I like to swear. Be ready for that. You may even learn a
few new cuss words. My apologies. And I ask my subjects to tell
their story how ever graphic or vague they want to. Vampires are
not the most trusting sorts, so getting them to divulge anything is

I should also advise you about this too. If
you meet a vampire and he wants to have sex with you, do it, don’t
worry about him draining you dry. Most don’t do that, especially if
you let them know you aren’t “into” dying in their arms. Most
vampires like me, and many of my friends, enjoy a small taste. I
have found sex can satisfy my thirst for blood in a way that
alleviates the overwhelming hunger pains. And I’m not the only one.
But I digress.

Just remember that vampire lovers are the
best lay you’ll ever have as a human. Trust me, you’ll come in the
embrace of a vampire, and you’ll never forget the experience.
However, if you meet any of the vampires who look like zombies with
fangs – we typically call them the death serpents – run and run
fast. According to one of my friends, Rose, they aren’t the nice


Seriously? Vampire Sex?

Take love, the thirst for blood, and kinky
sex and what do you get? Vampire sex, pure and simple. Or maybe
that’s just me. I still think I should have named this series,
Vampire sex instead of Erotic Vampire Confessions. Anyways…When I
decided to sit down and begin looking over my past relationships, I
realized maybe my sex life is as complicated as my life as a
vampire is, and it’s all because of my need for blood. With that
being said, I also realized that I have to talk about it, and I
have to examine it. I can’t just
examine it because I
think a lot of the reasons why I hesitate to settle down into one
relationship with one person, or in my case a werewolf, is because
of my overzealous sexual appetite. Ultimately, someday I’ll have to
decide who I do want to live happily ever after with. Together,
forever? When you’re a vampire and you have an eternity to figure
it out, it becomes a big topic of concern.

I think that’s why I started this project, to
seek out other vampires and ask them these questions. Blood and
sex. Those are the two topics that continue to come up next to
their relationships with humans. That’s always lingering in the

And yes, vampire sex is similar to human sex,
but it’s more intense, more seductive, more savage, more
everything. Or maybe I should say that it can be all of those
things. Think of all the things you may want to do sexually with
your partner, but you are afraid to tell him or talk about it. When
you become a vampire, you forget your inhibitions. They fall away
and you’re willing to try anything at least once. That’s how it was
for me, and many others I’ve talked with.

So yes, seriously, vampire sex. When I
realized this simple fact, that humans should understand what
vampire sex really is, I decided humans needed to hear about

Pussycat, are you ready? [I like calling
people ‘Pussycat,’ so get used to it.]


Warning Time

As I said in the above warning that you
probably forgot to read, these stories contain adult language,
situations or images not suited for children, violence, (did I
mention violence?), strong sexual content, language, and adult
themes. They are intended for mature readers only. Don’t say I
didn’t tell you.


First Segment

My first interview is with a vampire we will
call ‘Rose.’ I’m not going to ‘out’ her and tell you who she is.
You may have read her blog because, like me, she is online a lot
and she loves to write or blog I guess. If you haven’t read my
blog, I can tell you her father was demon, one of the seven Princes
of Hell actually and he turned her. Soon after their relationship
ended badly. Probably because she ripped his heart out. Literally.
We vampires tend to have an issue with anger management.

She doesn’t have a loving relationship with
her family. Even before killing her father, she was the outcast.
Her friends, human and vampire alike, have become the people she
cares about. Her real family. Our first interview is below.



(Erotic Vampire Confessions #1)


By Randi Fang


Interview by Randi Fang with ‘Rose,’ blogger,
vampire, lover of mankind. Recorded September 15, 2011 at a café in
Union Square, San Francisco, CA.

Hi Rose, thanks so much for
joining me for this interview. I really appreciate your being
available. You're very kind to open up your busy schedule for

Rose arched an eyebrow at me and did that
infamous clicking noise with her teeth.

What are you talking about? I
see you all the time. Why are you acting like we don't know each

I’m an idiot. I’m sorry. Have
you thought about what I asked you to do?

Coming up with a few
confessions I can share with your readers?


I have actually. I have one
to tell you about really. A juicy one. I hope this is what you are
looking for. It’s not too freaky. You said to not start with
anything freaky, right?

That’s right. That sounds
great! But just one? I thought you’d have more than that.

Politely I smile at Rose as I notice her
green eyes sparkle brilliantly in the low light setting of the
cafe. I arrived early and found a table for us in the back away
from the holiday crowds.

Rose nodded and dipped her finger in the cup
of green tea sitting before her. I motioned to a waiter and pointed
at my empty cup of soda.

I wasn't sure what I wanted
to tell you at first, so I thought one would work for now. I can
give you more later. You know? So what are we supposed to do

You talk and I’ll record. I may
ask you a question or two here or there, but I don’t want to
interrupt you to break the flow of the story. Okay?

Rose’s green eyes grew lazy as she studied
me. Hastily she dried off her index finger and reached for her
iPhone when a text message came in.

Just a second.

She pushed up the sleeves of her long black
fitted knit top. I noticed the skull image on the front of the
shirt looked oddly out of proportion. Rose is a very attractive
lady, even though she doesn't spend a lot of time on fixing herself
up. It's a natural sort of beauty, high cheekbones, full lips, a
little button nose, long shiny black hair, and a toned physique
held in a slender frame for her 5’ 9” height. I surmised to look
away before I become more envious. If she was bi-curious at all,
I’d invite her to some of my events, but I knew better than to
bring it up. Rose loved the cock. Period.

I glanced up at Rose as she held a hand in
front of me, staring at her phone as her thumb blurs in motion. I
flipped through my notebook hoping to pretend I was looking at my
questions instead of her beauty.

The waiter brought me a fresh soda and I
noticed Rose’s attention shifted to the table.

How can you drink that stuff?
It looks nasty and it hisses.

How can you drink blood

I pointed to the greenish yellow liquid in
her cup.

My beverage looks weirder than

She rolled her eyes at me, a gesture I have
seen on more than one occasion. Briefly she nodded and ignored me
as she resumed playing with her phone. I waited for her to respond
to a few more text messages and emails. Then I took my life in my
own hands. The legends about Rose being a vampire who had tasted
angel and god blood intrigued me. I knew she was far more powerful
than I’d ever hope to be, but as our interviews began I had to test
the boundaries I had with her.

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