Desire's Golden Dreams (3 page)

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Authors: Tish Domenick

BOOK: Desire's Golden Dreams
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“I didn’t want you to have to hang around outside so we made plans to meet up later,” Melia said.

“Fucking a stranger in the parking lot? Really?” Hannah huffed with hands on hips.

“He works for my dad. We’ve met before.”

“Oh, that’s okay, then.”

“Don’t give me that high-and-mighty look. I really needed that fuck. You don’t know how lucky you are to have that big guy of yours anytime you want.”

“Oh, yes I do know how lucky I am to have Bolt. Come on, let’s get inside before we draw a crowd.” Hannah locked her car and followed Melia into the house. “What do you mean you’ll meet up with him later?”

“Well, I sort of invited him over.” Melia ran up the stairs and into her room.

“Seriously? You invited him over for a booty call?” Hannah burst in on her.

“Yes, Mother Hannah, I did.”

“Someone who works for your father and whose face you’ve seen once in passing? What if your dad wakes up and sees him here or your mom hears you two going at it?”

“Dad is so deaf without his hearing aids, he won’t wake up and Mom sleeps with ear plugs so she won’t hear Dad snoring. It’s the only reason I continue to live here. That and the money I’m saving for shoes. This is not my first foray into crime of passion under my parents’ roof.”

“Okay, I’ll be quiet. I guess you know what you’re doing. Far be it for me to be a killjoy. I’ll be in the adjoining room, right through that door. If you need help, holler.”

“I’m sure Mr. Right Now would like your help, but I want him all to myself.” She shot Hannah a saucy wink. “At least the first time. After that feel free to join in if you want.”

Hannah stopped in the doorway of the next room and turned to Melia, hands on hips. “Please tell me you at least know his name.”

“Names, shames, he has a cock thick as a redwood log. That’s all I want to know tonight. Now, stop judging me. After all, I saved your ass for whatever nefarious deed you’re up to tomorrow.”

“Yes, you did. I’ll say no more.” She took a step toward her room. “Maybe one more thing.”


“Would you mind if I watched from my side of the door?” Hannah couldn’t imagine fucking a man she didn’t know and wanted to see how it was done. Was talking first the norm or did they just go at it in silence?

“Whoo-hoo that would be a real turn-on. Just don’t let him see you. Now, I’ve got to run to the back door and let him in. I have to punch in alarm codes and stuff so we don’t alert the media.”

Hannah grabbed a tee shirt from the walk-in closet between the two rooms Melia used as hers. It had once been the nursery and nanny’s room and had a glass panel in the door so the nanny could check on the baby without walking into the room and waking her. It came in handy now. Hannah could watch without the guy knowing as long as she stayed in the shadows.

While she dressed for bed in one of Melia’s tee shirts, heavy footsteps alerted her to Mr. Right Now’s presence.

Pressed against the wall so as not to be seen, she looked through the glass as Melia and her date undressed each other. Melia gave her a surreptitious wave from hip level at one point. The guy was a magnificent specimen and certainly booty-call worthy. He seemed quite attached to Melia’s generous breasts and sucked and kneaded them with abandon.

He quickly maneuvered her to the bed and lifted her on top of him. They played around a while before Melia slid down his body and gave him a five-minute blow job that had the guy panting and grasping Melia’s hair until Hannah was sure hunks of it would be falling out. Melia laughed when he spurted all over her tits.

“I wanted you drained so you’d last a long, long time inside me. I’ll just be a moment.” Melia threw him a towel from the bathroom doorway before disappearing behind it.

The heat from Hannah’s own pussy had her wiggling and wishing she’d crawled into bed with Bolt before Melia came home to let her in. She ran a hand over her nipples as the guy in Melia’s bed cleaned his cock and stroked it into readiness for Melia’s return.

Bolt had been her first and only bed partner and she’d never desired anyone else, but watching this anonymous man jerk his hand along his cock made her want to join the fun in the next room. The ghost in the mine took over Hannah’s thoughts. She couldn’t wait until tomorrow to see if he actually existed or if she’d conjured him. That kiss…

Luckily, Melia returned sans cum on her tits. She slid into bed beside her booty call and pet his now rigid member while he enjoyed playing with her tits again. They rolled around for a few minutes before the guy pushed up Melia’s knees and began eating her out. Hannah feared her friend’s screams would wake even her deaf father and ear-plugged mother.

All became quiet after Melia was satisfied, but the peace only lasted a few seconds before the duo were at it again. Melia always said she liked being on top. She pushed her guy onto his back and slowly slid down his shaft with a contented sigh. She controlled the rhythm, first slow then fast and furious. Melia’s ass bouncing on that fat cock made Hannah so wet she had to use her fingers on herself to relieve the pressure building in her groin. The three of them came together and Hannah slid to the floor, exhausted.

The shower in the next room was turned on but went silent when the lovers closed the bathroom door. Hannah went to bed thinking of tomorrow and her visit with a ghost. What craziness. Ghosts don’t exist. Then, whose kiss continued to burn on her lips? Whose touch was making her hot even now? Would the spirit, ghost, apparition, whatever it was, really be there again or had she imagined the whole episode?

Since Melia’s father had left for work and her mother had gone to an appointment with her hairdresser, Hannah had breakfast with the kitchen help before Melia woke up the next morning. She’d heard moans of passion every time she woke up during the night. Mr. Right Now must have stayed until dawn. Her friend would not be up for hours. Good, she didn’t have to explain anything to anybody and she’d told no one except Melia where she was going. Her father would forbid her going alone if he got wind of her intentions. But he was off to his offices in Sacramento and would be gone all day. Melia would never tell. One never-to-be-broken rule between Melia and Hannah was that secrets were sacrosanct. Hannah wolfed down some toast and coffee and lit out as quickly as prudence would allow.

Chapter Two


Bolt only had half his concentration on his father as they walked toward the area where the sick cow had been isolated. He couldn’t figure out Hannah’s strange behavior after she’d been in the mine alone for only a few minutes. They usually talked about it if something was bothering one of them, but all she wanted to do was fuck. No conversation, no foreplay, just raw sex. It wasn’t like her not to want to talk and cuddle. The sex had been great, he had to admit. Anyone would think he was crazy to complain about it, but something seemed off about her. If he didn’t know better, he’d think she’d seen a ghost.

“This is the animal we were worried about. See how his stomach bounces when he walks and how slowly he moves?” Buck Carmody had to shake his son’s shoulder to gain his attention. “Where are you, son?”

“Sorry, Dad, I was thinking of something else.” Bolt bent to examine the animal’s eyes, then stood to watch the cow meander slowly and stiffly away from them. The veterinarian took over from the worried lover part of Bolt’s attention. The cow was definitely not well. “He does seem a bit gaunt. Wise of you to take him away from the herd. No use spreading whatever this is to the other stock. Looks like he’s going to rest under that tree. If he does, I’ll be able to do a preliminary exam right there.”

After a cursory look at the animal’s limbs, mouth, ears, Bolt took a rectal temperature. “This early in the morning his temp shouldn’t have risen naturally yet. Have you examined his manure for mucus or blood?”

“No signs of anything unusual since we pastured him here.”

“Good, and his temp is normal. Have one of the hands keep a log of his behavior for the week I’m here and I’ll check on him every day. If he improves, fine. If not, I’ll do some lab work before I leave.”

They walked back to the ranch house for a big breakfast. At the long wooden table in the kitchen, Bolt spent most of the time trying to text Hannah instead of eating. His father gave him some raised- eyebrow looks, but didn’t say anything. Jewel, his stepmother, puttered about and chatted but didn’t question Bolt.

Later, as they rode out together to check some fencing, Buck turned to Bolt. “Havin’ trouble with that filly of yours?”

“No, no trouble. I just can’t seem to locate her this morning. She seemed out of sorts yesterday so I wanted to make certain she was okay today.”

“You know, son, that Jessica up the road a piece is mighty sweet on you and with a body like hers you could have some fun before you get hog-tied to Hannah.”

“Dad, I have no interest in Jessica. She comes on too strong and if I were to look for another woman, I’d want to do the pursuing. But I am not now nor will I ever be looking for anyone else. I love Hannah.”

Buck dismounted to check the rust on a section of fence. “I get that, but Hannah’s the only woman you ever had. Although I don’t often agree with your mother, she thinks Hannah is wrong for you and I think she may be right for once.”

“Whoa, Dad. Are you actually saying you listened to something your ex-wife had to say? That’s a major miracle.” Bolt hopped down and joined his father on the ground hoping to deflect the tone this conversation was taking and keep it as light banter.

Buck put his hands on his son’s shoulders. “That girl has had her hooks into you for years, since before either of you had a chance to know what you wanted in a mate. I realize you didn’t have time to play the field when you were in school all these years. Now, you have time. Use it to find out what you really want and need in a woman.”

“Dad, I’m an adult. I know what I want and it’s Hannah.”

Buck dropped his hands, took out a pad and pen, and made a note of the place with a rusty fence. Head dropping, he walked back to his horse and mounted. “I just don’t want you to make the same mistake your mother and I did. You should see what’s out there before settling down. Spread your wings. Get some experience before promising to be with one woman for the rest of your life.”

Bolt also returned to his horse. “No, I don’t need more experience. I’m content and I’m certain Hannah’s all I ever want or need.”

Buck shook his head. “You’re a poor sap. But I’ll say no more.” He made another note on his pad and stuck it back in his jacket pocket.

They rode along the periphery of the pasture making notes and talking about cattle and ranching. When they’d traversed the length and breadth of the field, they dismounted and refreshed their horses at a stream. Buck paged the ranch hands riding fence today to report where they’d noticed breaks, rust, or weak links.

While his father was otherwise occupied, Bolt found a live spot for cell reception and tried texting Hannah again. It was nearly noon and he hadn’t yet received a response to any of his messages to her. Hannah was always good about making some reply, even if very busy at work or in the middle of a conference. She’d told him she had a day or two off since Walt had closed the office for some reason. Hannah had been perplexed, but was glad to have the mini-vacation. Bolt was beside himself not being able to reach her. He closed his eyes and thought of her.

She’d been wild yesterday... When she whipped off her tee and sweatpants and stood naked among the trees, she’d looked like a wood nymph from a fairy tale. Her sliding onto his cock had always been one of his greatest pleasures, yet this time seemed different, more intense. She’d tightened her muscles around him and before she began bouncing on him like a jackhammer, she’d tensed and released and tensed and released until his cock was harder than he’d ever remembered. She’d been glorious, setting the rhythm faster and harder than she usually liked it. Most of the time, she liked to fuck slowly. She always said she wanted to savor every nerve ending inside her as it was scraped by his cock.

His pleasant reverie suddenly died when he thought about her words. Dammit, she’d called for someone named Brady. What the heck was that all about? She acted like she didn’t recall saying it, but he was not mistaken. She had called out for another man to join them while his cock was inside her. What had she wanted from this Brady? Was she dreaming about double penetration? It was creepy. He almost felt he’d been untrue to the real Hannah while fucking this doppelganger of a wild woman who’d all but raped him.

This was nuts. His father was off his pager and ready to ride out again. “Dad, I have to go back to Mom’s for an hour or two. I forgot something.” The trip would take ninety minutes each way, but, he had to see Hannah. He had to be sure nothing was wrong. Maybe she wanted something he hadn’t done. They had spoken about ass fucking before. Hannah had mentioned doing it that way a few times and Bolt had always refused, thinking he’d hurt her. But if it’s what she wanted, he’d give it to her.

“Your mother will have whatever you need sent out here for you with someone.”

“No, there’s something I have to do in town myself. I’ll be back tonight.” He left his father scratching his head and felt bad about it. Hannah was his one concern right now. He had to see her and know she was all right. He was finished with his apprenticeship and ready to start his own business as soon as the loans were paid off. But none of his plans or goals mattered if Hannah did not share in them. He was foolish to worry. Hannah was a capable woman and could take care of herself, but her strange behavior yesterday set his nerves on edge. Whatever was wrong, they’d fix it together the way they always solved problems in the past. They had come a long way together.

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