Desire's Golden Dreams (7 page)

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Authors: Tish Domenick

BOOK: Desire's Golden Dreams
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“And I may need you to suck me into readiness, Hannah,” Wade admitted.

“Come stand by our heads and Hannah and I will take turns licking and sucking until we’ve blown you up into a big hard dagger with plenty of thrust.” Andre laughed at his own joke and Hannah, giddy with trying a new way to fuck, laughed with him.

Wade moved to the head of the bed and grasped the headboard as Hannah took his cock into her mouth.

“Hannah likes to have her toes sucked,” Brady offered. He lay across the foot of the bed and massaged each of Hannah’s insteps.

She squealed with delight. Since she had stopped sucking him for the moment, she stroked Wade’s semi-hard cock as she spoke. “This is sexual overload and I adore all of you. Come play, Rocco.”

“Gladly, my lady.” Rocco sat at her side and sucked at a nipple.

Hannah relinquished Wade’s cock to Andre who greedily slurped it between his lips and slid it down to the hilt.

Wade tightened his grip on the bedstead. “Egad how do you do that without choking? I’m all the way into your—ah stop, stop. I’m ready.” Wade stepped away and climbed behind Andre on the bed.

Hannah sighed. “I’m more than ready.”

Andre drew the nipple, untended by Rocco, into his mouth and used his fingers on her pussy. “Ah, you are so sweet.” He licked his fingers. “I am harder than hard with the anticipation.” He knelt over her and slid his cock slowly into her. “Now, I will not be gentle once Wade enters me. I cannot help it, but I shall grow wild.”

“Do not spare me, gentlemen.” Hannah raised her hips to meet Andre, but was pushed roughly back into the sheets when Wade thrust inside the man atop her. “Oof. Oh, my. I didn’t realize how I would be affected. I love this.” Hannah moaned and thrashed her head back and forth on the pillow beneath her. Rocco pinched the breast that Andre left free and nipped at the one in his mouth.

Hannah was in ecstasy and blocked out everything except the sensations she was being treated to. All of the thrusts into her pussy, all the secondary thrusts from Wade into Andre, the nibbles to her toes, the bites and kneading to her breasts rose to a crescendo of delight. The music went on and on for her since all the participants had reached climax many times before this onslaught and were able to last long and stay hard. She wanted it to go on forever. It was magic.

Suddenly, Wade altered the balletic rhythm and began shoving his cock into Andre with fierce, fast thrusts. This spurred Andre’s cock ever harder into Hannah. At first she was alarmed, but the frantic rhythm soon enveloped her and she was in the throes of their passion. With Brady munching her toes and Rocco punishing her tits, pain and pleasure and pure joy took her to the place she wanted to be.

Brady knelt by her head for the promised blow job. Andre licked Brady’s cock. Brady resisted Andre’s lips , but moaned in joy when Hannah began sucking his cock. He pumped it into her mouth and out with the same frenetic rhythm Wade pumped into Andre.

The men fucking her in tandem didn’t stop their assault as they watched Hannah sucking Brady off. If anything, Wade pounded Andre harder, Rocco pinched and bit her breasts harder and Brady soon spurted over her face.

Hannah could no longer hold off after tasting Brady’s seed. She lingered suspended in the exuberance of climax for several seconds and savored the pain as much as the pleasure when Rocco bit down hard on a nipple. Andre kissed her with his magic lips as her brain exploded into millions of kaleidoscopic blossoms. As she spiraled downward toward earth, Rocco’s cock wetly smeared her cheek and she rooted to it and sucked.

Now Hannah had been satisfied, Wade gave in to the enjoyment of fucking Andre’s ass. He held onto Andre’s hips and shoved and bounced his cock into Andre with abandon. Andre demonstrated how giddy he was with pleasure by spewing into Hannah as he never had before. Only then did Wade’s cum flow into Andre with his yelp of completion.

Grouped together with intertwined hands and legs, they rested and laughed and kissed. “Thank you, gentlemen, for a most enjoyable interlude.” Hannah kissed each of her lovers.

Eventually, the men left the bed to refill the tub in Hannah’s dressing room and those in other rooms down the hall. After they’d soaked, Wade played host and brought bread and wine and cheese and ham from the upstairs kitchen. While the others ate, Rocco talked.

“I heard they found a quartz mine on Ophir Hill east of Grass Valley.”

Brady nodded. “Yeah, that’s what they been saying. It’s supposed to be a rich vein thirty or forty feet.”

Hannah set down her wine glass. “I thought Grass Valley was all placer camps where they washed gold from riverbanks and gulches.”

“No, you’ve been too busy raising Princess to notice. A couple years ago they found gold embedded in quartz veins in the hills above Wolf Creek.” Rocco ripped a slice of ham from the slab on the table. “The reason I mentioned the new one is I’ve been thinking of prospecting again.”

Brady patted him on the back. Our mine is not enough for you?”

“The money is more than enough, but I miss the hunt. I thought I might go prospecting for quartz up in the Sierras.”

Hannah narrowed her eyes. “What exactly does that mean? Will you be prospecting under the aegis of our mining company or on your own? It takes money, as you well know, to pull gold from quartz. Do you want us to back you?”

“I can handle the expense on my own if you prefer. What’s the consensus? Andre, you don’t have a say since you’re not a partner in the mine or mining company, but you can express your opinion.”

“I agree with whatever cherie says. She is the best at making business decisions of any of us. But may I go with you if you go?”

Rocco’s face betrayed his distaste at the thought of partnering with Andre. “We’ll see. Wade, what are your thoughts?”

“I’m against any outlay of money at present.”

Brady stroked his chin. “Let me see if I have this. You’ll go prospecting and if we, or rather the mining company, stake you, we’ll share in the profits. If we don’t, you’ll go anyway and we get none of the profits, but you’ll get a share of the company’s profits even though you’re not here working with us. Is that about it?”

“Relax, Brady. I can see you getting your dander up.” Wade patted Brady’s back. “Answer truthfully, Rocco. Do you want to go it alone?”

“I think I’d feel less pressure that way. I’m a geologist. I love digging up rocks, but you shouldn’t have to pay me for it.”

Hannah stood and faced him. “What about our family? Are you leaving us for good?”

He took her in his arms. “I’ll always love you, all of you. I love Princess and watching her grow makes me want a family of my own. I have to get on with my life sooner or later. My mother and father are delighted that you sold them your Plantsville ranch for practically nothing, but they won’t be content until their only son gives them some grandbabies.”

Hannah wiped tears from her eyes. “I understand, really I do. Go with our blessing.” She turned to the others. They nodded.

Wade cleared his throat. “About the mining company—”

“Since only the four of us own it, I don’t have to explain to Gus and Sam. I am giving my fourth to Princess. She can use it for her dowry one day.”

“That’s very generous of you. Are you sure?” Hannah asked.

“Yes, and if I strike, I’ll certainly register with your, uh… Why don’t you name it, The Princess Mining Corporation since she will now have the largest percentage of it?”

Hannah grinned. “I can’t thank you enough, Rocco.”

“Yes, you can. Before I leave, I would like a weekend alone with you here.” Rocco turned to the others. “Any objections?”

No one protested. Hannah raised a glass. “To the Princess Mining Corporation with Princess Hannah Tolliver as its new president.”

They drank to the new venture.

Chapter Six


San Francisco, Present Day


Slim came back to full form looking tired and tense. “I’m afraid I’m all talked out. This going back and projecting what I hear to you is a lot more strenuous than I thought it would be. Anyway, it’s getting late. You’ll have people worried about you if you don’t get back.”

Hannah hated to leave the story in the middle. She checked her watch. “Oh my, I had no idea so much time had passed. I felt like I was in that bedroom with you. I do need to get home. Dad will be frantic.” She hitched her bag over a shoulder and stood. “So, Rocco left the family group?”

“Yes, but the family allowed them a weekend together before he left. It was a weekend he and Hannah would never forget.”

“I want to hear about it. Did he find a quartz mine? Did he ever return to the family or did he have one of his own?”

“Rocco was always lucky. He found another rich mine, registered it with The Princess Mining Corporation, and moved back to Plantsville to what used to be Hannah’s ranch. His father and mother, as I mentioned, had bought the ranch from Hannah. She sold it for less than it was worth to finance her real-estate activities and to thank them for caring for it for two years.” Slim guided Hannah back through the mine.

“Did Rocco have his own children?”

“Yes. He had four or five, maybe six. Married a lovely Italian lady educated in Italy and they lived in Venice half the year. I believe her father was a city official. Rocco met her when he took his parents on a tour of their home country.”

“How about Andre? Did he ever find his own gold?”

“Here we are at the mouth of the cave in rapidly dimming light. Best get to your car and out of the hills before dark. I’ll tell you about Rocco and Hannah’s weekend and about Andre the next time you come.” He took her shoulders and pulled her to him.

They gazed at each other for several seconds before they kissed. This time Hannah was neither shocked nor dismayed. She entered into it as an eager participant, using her tongue the way Bolt liked. Her ardor made a world-weary spirit moan. “Damn, I want you,” he whispered.”

Hannah didn’t reply. She couldn’t, as breathless as she was. Her body knew she felt the same way, but she wouldn’t allow her mind to accept it. She and Bolt had something special. No ghostly spirit was going to spoil it for them.

On the ride home, Hannah dismissed thoughts of her attraction to Slim. He wasn’t real, she tried to convince herself. He was a fantasy. Everyone fantasized once in a while. It didn’t mean anything.

She reined in her emotions and pondered her ancestor’s ability to love and feel married to four men at the same time. And what amazing woman could hold so many men with such unwavering loyalty? Was it truly possible?

Bolt always said he’d stick by her no matter what, but she doubted he meant while she slept with other men, not even one other man. But he might feel differently if she were the center of a ménage with him right there all the time. In her fantasy the other man was a spirit and not an actual human. Bolt would have to accept her fucking someone else under those circumstances. She shook her head at such fanciful thoughts. No, never. Of course he wouldn’t. At a red light, she pulled out her cell to text him.
Luv U
, she pressed into the text and hit
before the light changed.

Most likely Bolt wouldn’t get it for several days. Out on the range checking cattle, he’d have no cell reception. His father’s property was several thousand square acres. They had strategically placed cabins out in certain fields so cowhands could be more comfortable for a night or two.

Perhaps going club hopping with Melia tonight would keep her from thinking about Slim’s kiss and what it all meant. Her body was not quite as agitated as it had been last time she’d seen Slim. Perhaps the kiss satisfied her. Huh, she hadn’t been satisfied with a kiss since she was eighteen and Bolt stripped off all her clothes in the hay loft. She’d loved the way he looked at her and came all over her tummy without penetration the moment he first sucked her nipple. And she had come all over his fingers.

Back then it had been building in her for weeks. The way his gaze raked her naked body from top to bottom did her in. Of course, she couldn’t leave him high and dry, so she posed on a bale of hay and let him fuck her. She came twice more, once as he shot his load into her and again as he pulled out. For weeks after, they’d been scared to death she’d get pregnant. They never again fucked without a condom. That is, not until she started on the pill in college.

If they had been able to figure a way to marry, they’d be together now. Bolt was in debt until his vet business prospered enough to pay it off. The expensive equipment needed by a horse and cattle vet soaked up all he was able to save and his monthly payments on his college loans never seemed to dent the principle. If his mother relented and signed over the trust left to him by her father, he could pay off everything at once. No way was that likely to happen. Alice May Carmody hated Hannah. For some reason, Bolt’s mother thought “that Janes girl” was going to ruin her son and make his life miserable. Although Hannah had never given the woman reason, Alice May was certain Hannah was a slut who would sleep around on the man she married. Alice was not going to see that happen to her son.

Was her sudden yen for Slim proof that Bolt’s mother was right all along? No! She’d not been tempted to stray even once in more than ten years. That could certainly not qualify her as a slut.

A ghost wouldn’t have sperm. Now, why had that popped into her mind? She would never cheat on Bolt, not even with a ghost. She drove past the guard at the gate of her home without the usual wave and parked in the six-car garage seconds before her father.

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