Desires of the Otherworld 2: Darkest Hunger (17 page)

Read Desires of the Otherworld 2: Darkest Hunger Online

Authors: Aline Hunter

Tags: #Shape-shifter/Vampire Paranormal

BOOK: Desires of the Otherworld 2: Darkest Hunger
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“Willow,” he said quietly, standing in the doorway, arms at his sides.

“You’re dead.”

“No, sister mine.” He stepped into the room, coming closer.

“They told me you were dead.” Her voice was as shaken as she was. She tried to calm the erratic beating of her heart and stop the trembling that had overtaken her.

“As you can see”—he reached out and cupped her jaw—“I’m not.”

Her hand quivered as she wrapped her fingers around his wrist. “I don’t understand.”

Sadness crossed his face. “I know.”

Shaking her head, she moved away and let him go. “This isn’t real. I have to be dreaming. My brother is dead.” She glared at Bridon. “You did this, didn’t you? What is it? A spell? Are you trying to bewitch me?”

“It’s not a spell or a trick,” Micah answered before Bridon could. “But you’re right. I’m here because of your Fated, Willow. He’s the reason I’m still alive.”

She frowned, disbelieving. “Vampires killed you. Everyone knows that.”

“That’s what we wanted the pack to believe.”

She looked from Micah to Bridon, genuinely puzzled. “Why would you want them to think you were dead?”

Micah raked his fingers down his face. Then he looked at her in a way that made her stomach sink. “It was the only way to ensure they didn’t keep searching for me, Savannah, and Deacon.”

“Have you lost your mind?” she snapped. “How could you turn your back on the pack like that? How could you allow them to think you were dead?”

Micah’s eyes flared amber, telling her his temper was on a short fuse as well. “Because the pack
me dead.”

She hesitated. It wasn’t possible. Her pack—her family—couldn’t possibly be a threat to their own prince. “That’s not true. They mourned you. They still mourn you.”

His expression softened. “They mourn the loss of what they wanted—a new alpha to guide the pack who wasn’t bloodthirsty or power hungry. Haven’t you ever questioned that? Has it never occurred to you that our father has always had his own vendetta? When he learned I’d mated with a vampire, it was the perfect way to sway my supporters into believing I was a threat to the pack.”

“I am the threat.” She pounded her fist to her chest. “Me, not you.”

“Who has always told you that?” Micah’s tone was somber, his eyes sympathetic. “Who was the one person who always made sure you knew what was at stake if you didn’t do exactly as he said?”

She didn’t want to answer the question, although she and Micah both knew the answer. There had only been one person in charge of her upbringing. A man who made sure that no matter what, his pack would remain intact. Even as the truth began to reveal itself, she tried to deny it. Her father wanted power, certainly, but she didn’t want to believe he wanted it enough to sacrifice his only children to maintain it.

“You know the truth, Willow.” Micah moved closer, until they were within inches of each other. “If you really think back, you’ll see that it’s been in front of you the entire time. Father never intended to pass down his title. He’s always intended to keep it. If you mated Bridon, the vampires would have encouraged Father to step down so they could form an alliance with a Lycae king who wanted peace between the races. That would have meant me claiming the throne. So you were molded and shaped to hate your future Chosen, just as I was forced to stay away from you so you could never know the truth. When I met Savannah, it allowed Father to increase the stakes.” Grasping her arms with his large hands, he said, “He never wanted either of us to take what he feels entitled to, even if it meant destroying us in the process.”

“He said you left the pack because you didn’t want to endanger it.”

“A lie.”

“He said your son would unite the races.”

“A lie.”

“So you’re telling me that everything he’s told me isn’t true? That it’s all been lies?” She stared ahead and saw nothing, unable to fully comprehend what she’d been told.

“No, the oracles were right about one thing. Your mating with Bridon will bring forth the downfall of the pack. Only not in the way you were led to believe.”

She lifted her head, meeting Micah’s eyes. “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

“It should, since I’m planning on challenging Father as alpha.”

“You’re what?” This was what she’d waited on for years. Why had he suddenly decided—after the shit had hit the fan—to vie for his rightful place in the pack? “Why now?”

“The time has come. The only reason I’ve waited for so long is that I knew eventually Bridon would find you and bring you to me. You had to know what our father is capable of before I engaged him.”


“Our father would have used you as leverage. He would have threatened to kill you to keep me in line. It was too dangerous to do anything but wait.”

“So that was your plan? To bring me here and issue your challenge?”

He nodded. “It is imperative that the pack know we will unite with the vampire race and there will be peace between us. With the backing of Bridon and his kindred, it will be a fair fight. Father might turn the pack against me, but he can never harm you. No matter what happens.”

Willow turned from Micah and stared at Bridon. “This was the secret you couldn’t tell me. Not just about Micah, but about all of it. You knew that you planned to attack the pack.”

“When Micah and Savannah came to me, they were covered in blood from an attack by several of your pack members.” Bridon’s eyes darkened. “My sister could have lost her child.”

“So you faked their deaths?”

Bridon nodded. “I waited until Deacon was born, and I spread the rumor that Micah and Savannah were murdered. Leaving the baby alive meant that we’d cross paths, since I knew that eventually your father would want the child destroyed. Saying his parents were dead would keep your pack from looking for your brother or my sister. The only missing component was you, Willow. We needed you to be safe and understand why it has to be this way.”

“People are going to die. Blood will spill from vampire and Lycae.” She shifted her focus to Micah. “Are you ready for that? Are you willing to put your life at risk?”

Savannah strode into the room with a child on her hip. He was a mixture of his mother and father—with Savannah’s dark hair and Micah’s hazel eyes. He was larger than she expected, taking up a majority of his mother’s arms. Micah walked over to them, kissed Savannah, and took Deacon. Then he turned and faced Willow.

“This is why I’m willing to put my life at risk. As long as our father controls the pack, he’ll never stop trying to find him. He can’t have an heir threatening his throne. I refuse to have that kind of threat hovering over the head of my child.”

All of the pieces came together in a rush, almost too much to digest at once. The prophecy would come true. Her Fated would stand behind Micah as he fought for his rightful place in the pack, and vampire and Lycae would war. As a consequence, the pack would fall only to be reborn. However, in the doing, there would be casualties.

Willow looked at her brother, then his child.

The very existence of the pack was standing before her—Micah with all his strength, devotion, and loyalty, and his son who would inherit the same traits. If something happened to them, the dreams of peace and unity among her clan would never transpire. There would only be more head games, lies, and deceit.

She glanced at Savannah, who watched her quietly.

What would happen if Micah was killed? Would his Chosen have the strength to continue on without her Fated half for the sake of their son? Or would she cave to the loss and leave him without a mother and father?

“I need some time to think.”

It was hard as hell not to look at Bridon as she turned from them and walked from the room. She felt his eyes on her, knew that despite his desire to comfort her he would give her space as he always did. It was a good thing too.

If he knew what she was considering, he’d never let her out of his sight.

Chapter Fifteen


The Otherworld

Marduk Province, City of the Phoenix

Marauder Family Crypt


Yuviette Zidana the Seeing wasn’t surprised when her name echoed through her mirror, informing her that Willow Miloradovic wanted to scry. For years, she’d anticipated this very moment. In fact, she’d cryptically told Willow that when the day came, she would welcome her call. It was all a part of being a volva sorceress and seer who did her part to maintain the balance between good and evil.

Unfortunately, this development came at a shitty fucking time.

Her best friend, Runa, was dealing with some heavy drama with her Fated Draigen. It was drama Yuvi was certain had a happy ending, but in Runa’s fragile state, it meant time was short.

Sighing, she reclined in her chair and waved her hand in front of the mirror. Within seconds, Willow’s furious face greeted her. The Lycae princess was in a large bathroom with the door closed behind her. Yuvi recognized the decor, since she’d been the person responsible for creating the magikal spell that protected the realm from detection. It was insane, really. The Lycae king turned to her to hide Willow, while the vampire king turned to her to hide Micah.

The gods certainly had a sound sense of irony.

“Willow, I see you’ve made it to your brother at last. It’s good to see you again.”

“How much did you know?”

She would have laughed if she didn’t think it would piss off the enraged woman glaring at her through the mirror. “How much do I
know would be a better question. I’m assuming you’ve contacted me because you want to leave Munell and reunite with your dear old daddy?”

“You know why I have to do this. You know what will happen if I don’t return.”

“Save your brother, your Fated, and your nephew by killing the big, bad wolf,” she replied. “It’s admirable to stop a bloodbath before it starts, I’ll give you that. You’re thinking for yourself for the first time in your life. Kudos, chica. But what makes you so sure I can help you?”

“Don’t treat me like a fool,” Willow snapped. “You’re the one who shaded me all those years. I know you are capable of sending me there.”

“Well, you see, creating a charm to teleport you to where you want to go isn’t an issue. Pulling you through the mirror…” She tapped the glass and caused it to ripple. “That might be a bit of a problem. It requires a lot of juju. I don’t do that kind of thing for free.”

Willow’s eyes narrowed. “Name your price.”

“The daemon who created the enchantment that captured you has been trying to find out the source of the magik that shaded you. I want your word that you’ll never reveal our connection. After I do this for you, mum’s the word.”

“Consider my lips sealed.”

“Sorry, I’m going to need a little bit more than that.”

“I give you my vow,” she said dutifully, binding herself to her word. “I’ll never tell the daemon where the source of the shade originated.”

Yuvi tried not to let her relief show. If Lucian put two and two together, he might come sniffing around to ask questions. That simply wouldn’t do. It was best to keep as far away from the man destined to her by the Fates as possible.

“Alrighty then.” She smiled and motioned in front of her. “Put your hand on the mirror and try to keep quiet. This might hurt a little.”

Willow moved forward and pressed her palm against the glass. Yuviette nodded and closed her eyes, calling on the magik within her. It was true that she could travel with ease through the mirror. Bringing something back, however, drained her power so quickly, she’d be lucky if she could create a simple love potion for a week afterward. She reached through the glass, which became as pliable as water, found Willow’s forearm, and wrapped her fingers around her wrist.

“Okay, wolf girl. Here we go.”

The moment Yuvi started pulling Willow through the mirror, she felt energy seeping from her like blood from a wound. Sweet cheesecake, this was going to be harder than she expected. She focused on the magik within her, calling on everything it had to give. As she did, the darkness within her tried to rise to the surface.

Not good.

She let go, breaking the contact. Dabbling with dark magik was never smart. Not when it wanted to own your soul.

Willow stumbled from the mirror with a dazed expression on her face. “What’s going on? Why didn’t it work?”

She didn’t answer as she reached for the light within her, forcing it to the surface to combat the darkness. They fought each other—the good versus the evil. After several intense seconds, the darkness receded until she didn’t feel the horrible temptation to take the more powerful magik offered to her—magik that would change her into something that would have to be destroyed.

. This wasn’t good at all. It seemed that with each passing month the darkness within her became stronger.

Shaking aside the thought, she said, “I’ve got good news and bad news.”

Willow approached the mirror warily. “The good news?”

“I can’t bring you through the mirror, but I can pass you a charm that will allow you to transport to any place you picture in your mind.”

“And the bad?”

“The realm you’re in will sense the charm the minute you invoke it. The instant that happens, it will set off an alarm. If you were hoping to keep your plans to yourself, it ain’t happening. They’ll know you’ve transported, and all things considered, I’d wager they’ll know exactly where you’re headed.”

“You’re sure?”

She tapped a finger to her temple, smirking. “All-seeing, remember?”

“How long does it take for the charm to work?” Willow combed her fingers through her hair. “How much time will I have?”

“It will take a few seconds for the charm to activate. You’ll need to speak your destination and picture it in your mind. As soon as the magik has a lock on where you want to go, it will take you there. As for how much time you’ll have…” She softened her smile and answered, “The hourglass has already been turned, bugaboo.”

Willow stopped and stared Yuvi in the eye. “You’ve seen how this goes. You know what the outcome will be. Will I harm Bridon or my brother if I go? Am I making the right choice?”

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