Desires of the Otherworld 2: Darkest Hunger (6 page)

Read Desires of the Otherworld 2: Darkest Hunger Online

Authors: Aline Hunter

Tags: #Shape-shifter/Vampire Paranormal

BOOK: Desires of the Otherworld 2: Darkest Hunger
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“Good girl,” he purred. Adding another finger to the first, he worked her pussy as he tasted her breasts. The druglike rush consumed her, taking over her body, and coursed in a path created by his mouth and fingers. It was the most maddening kind of torture as he licked, nipped, and pinched. Yet he was also incredibly gentle, as if worshipping and savoring her response to his touch.

She could taste the climax that was about to bring her shattering into a million particles, experiencing a raw dryness in the back of her throat as her body began to shiver as if on ice. It beckoned to her, a tension deep in the pit of her belly, promising to allow her to know what it meant to be pleasured by a lover instead of the hollow and empty release brought about by her own touch. She whimpered and growled, opening and closing the hands he held firmly in his grasp.

“Feels so good,” she moaned, riding his fingers.

He lifted away, looked into her face, and pressed kisses along her jaw and the corners of her mouth. She ground against his hand and bowed her back, bringing her breasts flush with his chest. She felt his thumb come up and massage the sensitive swollen nub at the top of her pussy, manipulating her clit as her womb tightened in response.

“Fates, yes!” she cried out. Throwing her head back and closing her eyes, she trembled as an orgasm rolled through her. She rode the waves of pleasure, wanting them to last. When she sagged into the mattress, her breaths were nothing more than short bursts and ragged pants. It was impossible to breathe or to move properly.

“Heavenly Moirae, Willow.” Bridon’s impassioned voice was throaty and thick. “You’re beautiful when you come.”

The afterglow of climax evaporated. Damn her wanton soul. She had allowed Bridon to touch her, to bring her to orgasm. This man was the enemy, someone who would change the course of her destiny if she allowed it. All of her declarations of hatred and revulsion didn’t mean shit. She had lain back and given him free rein to do with her as he would.

Just as the oracles and her people said she would.

Angry at herself, she lashed out. “Get away from me.”

“We’re back to that again?” he asked, lapping at the base of her throat.

“Would you stop?” She kicked at the mattress with her feet, ready to get as far away from temptation as possible, only to find her strength was still absent.

“I don’t think you understand. I’ve waited centuries for this.”

“Are you familiar with the expression ‘no means no’? Or do you always do what you want if a woman isn’t interested?”

“If she’s denying what she wants out of pride, absolutely.”

“Or maybe it’s because you can’t get laid unless you delude yourself into thinking like that.”

He sighed and released her hands. She lifted her fingers to feel for the collar at her throat—determined to rip the damned thing off—when Bridon stopped her. He snatched her wrist before she could bring harm on herself.

“It stays on until our bond is consummated.” He lifted his head and gazed into her eyes. He was gorgeous, even in anger. “Heed me, Willow. I won’t squander the second chance I’ve been given by the Fates. No matter how much you might hate me in the beginning for it, I won’t lose you again.” There was a hint of desperation in his tone, and she imagined how difficult it must have been for him to spend centuries alone.

No matter. She had to ignore that. The feelings she was experiencing were irrelevant.

“So long as you get what you want. Never mind my feelings on the matter or the fact that my people will shun me entirely for bedding down with a blood drinker.”

He shook his head, gray eyes flashing. “Nay, what
want. Lest you forget, you are my Chosen. You want me as much as I want you, as it was intended by the gods. Your people will see the wisdom of our keepers and their choosing in time.”

“I don’t want you. I loathe you. I can’t control the way my body reacts. It’s a part of who I am.” She smiled and rolled her hips. “You’re not the first, and you won’t be the last to turn me on, even if you are a leech.”

If she thought he was pissed before, he was steaming now. His jaw ticked, and he grasped her hips, forcing her still. “Don’t ever talk of former lovers to me.”

“Why not? Can’t take it?”

He lowered his torso until they were nose to nose. “I can take everything you have to dish out and more. I’d just hate for you to say something you’ll regret later.”

“I won’t regret a fucking thing I say.” Staring directly into those steely orbs, she reminded him flatly. “I am not Aislynn.”

“No,” he spoke softly, with a trace of sadness, and the anger in his gaze evaporated. “You are not. But you share the soul she once carried. There is a part of her somewhere inside of you.”

“You can’t know that for certain.” She slapped the fingers he had wrapped around her wrist.

“But I can.” He smiled, displaying his slightly pointed fangs. “Aislynn sacrificed herself for her people. She was unwilling to see others suffer in her stead. It was the same as what you did for your friend and her child. I saw the compassion you carry for others in that moment. It revealed more about you and your connection to Aislynn than anything else could have.”

Desperate, she attempted to reason with him. She stopped hitting his hand and became totally serious. “Bridon, you can’t want this. Think about it. We are completely separate races—
. Our people would never accept a union between us. You are going to bring about a war.”

“Wrong again, love,” he said and kissed her neck. “My people have already accepted you as their queen. They have faith in my decision and complete trust in the will of the Fates.”

She refrained from reminding him that his kind were responsible for killing her brother and his sister for a similar union in the first place. “Well…” Her mind went momentarily blank as he dipped his head and flicked his tongue across her areola. “Mine don’t. Our oracles foretell that a pairing with you will bring forth the downfall of my father and our pack.”

He continued adoring her breasts with his tongue. “And like Aislynn, you want to spare your people that future. Don’t you? Not so very different, as I said.”

“That’s it,” she snarled angrily, passion forgotten. She clawed at the hand keeping her wrist trapped. “Get off me!”

Instead of being offended, he threw back his head and laughed, eyes sparkling in amusement. He let her go, lifted away and thrust aside the blanket, and bared his gloriously naked physique to her appreciative gaze. He was perfect in every possible way, as well as totally heedless of the massive erection jutting proudly from his hairless body.

“Your wish is my command, little love. I have to prepare this morn for our departure on the gloaming.” At her puzzled frown, he informed her, “We’re taking a trip. Upon journey’s end, you will have changed your views on your father and your race.” His voice was laced with sexual promise when he added, “And of us.”

“It will never happen,” she told him dismissively and rose from the bed, naked and unashamed. She was a shifter, and nudity was a part of the norm. “You can forget all about those foolish notions, vampire.”

His gaze roamed over her slowly, appreciatively. Then he made three long strides, crossed the distance, and wrapped his arms around her. Skin met skin, and the contact caused them to moan in unison. She knew the attraction was something neither could control and would only get worse over time. They were twin souls, separated when the Fates decided man had become too lax with the gift of his other half. The need to come together would only intensify, especially if she continued to deny it.

“I can smell your delicious heat, little wolf.” Bridon bent slightly, pushing his hips forward until his full length slid between her thighs and against her sensitive folds, making her knees go weak. “You can forget your foolish notions of denying what exists between us. I will have you, and it won’t be by force. You want me too, Willow. Whether you want to or not.”

“Keep telling yourself that.” She resisted the overwhelming compulsion to reach down and palm his cock, eager to learn if it was as hard and thick as it looked. “I’m not going anywhere with you. And I sure as hell will not fuck you like the village whore.”

“Oh, you’ll go with me, and it won’t be because of this.” He glided his hips back and forth, sliding the wide head along her labia, coating it in her arousal. “Although I’m sure if I tried, I could persuade you.”

She was forced to grab on to his shoulders to keep from falling. Her legs felt as stable as water.
He’s as arrogant and conceited as the most dominant alpha
. Damn, if that wasn’t a dangerous thing. If she was drawn to him before, she was attracted to him now. A vampire who had the traits of a Lycae—proud, strong, and determined.

“What makes you so certain?” she asked when she managed to find her voice, off-balance by the way the vampire handled her, as if he knew the ways and logic of her kind.

“Because, love”—he pressed a fleeting kiss to her slightly parted lips, ground gently against her, and reached down to cup her bottom in his hands—“it’s a trip to introduce you to your long-lost nephew.” He released her abruptly and stepped back. “There is clothing for you inside the armoire, and more is packed for our journey. If you’d like a shower, the bathroom is stocked with all the things you’ll need. We depart within the hour. You’ve napped away a majority of the day.”

She stood—confused, aching, and empty—as he walked out of an adjoining door and closed it behind him.


Bridon walked into the adjacent bedroom. His cock was aching, and his balls felt like lead weights. Taking on the role of a dominant was easier than he thought, control and confidence exuding from him naturally. With Aislynn, he’d always had to play the gentleman. With Willow, he could allow the animalistic side of himself free rein. Despite his best intentions to detest being so brash and demanding with his Fated, he discovered he enjoyed it. Even more importantly, so did she.

Fates, but she smelled amazing. She was so beautiful as she woke, framed on the pillows by her long strawberry blonde hair, her full pink lips soft and eager against his. It took all of his control not to slide farther down the bed and bury his cock inside her. She was so wet, hot, and needy. He probably could have taken her if he tried. Or in the very least, he could have tasted her…

“By the smile on your face, I’d say it went well,” Ian chided mockingly, turning to face Bridon instead of the fireplace.

Instead of scowling, Bridon’s smile went wide, and Ian’s eyes bulged in shock. “She’s exceptional, Ian. More than I ever could have hoped for.”

“Did you consummate the bond and speak the words?” Ian glanced down at Bridon’s neglected arousal and cleared his throat. “I suppose not.”

He shook his head but retained the grin. “When she woke, we were…indisposed. My mind was elsewhere.”

Ian chuckled and turned away to face the fireplace as Bridon made his way to the armoire across the room. There was much to reveal to Willow, but the time and place were not of his choosing. There were others of her kind who were due the honor of explaining things to his Fated. He had already given his oath on the matter. Soon, she would meet Deacon, the baby boy who would unite two different and warring races—vampire and wolf. Sadly, it wasn’t going to be a happy family reunion. Too many factors prohibited it.

“Don’t you fear that she will flee during the daylight hours of your journey?” Ian questioned in concern. “You won’t reach the barrier for at least a week, and you have the full moon well before that.”

“Lycae are devoted creatures when it comes to family. Willow will want to see her nephew. She never would have stepped into the entrapment otherwise. If nothing else, the promise of meeting him will keep her at my side.” He hesitated when broaching the subject of the full moon. If the bond between them wasn’t consummated sexually before then, it would soon be. Fated Lycae couldn’t resist the pull of the moon when in the presence of their mates. He chose to answer evasively, sliding into his most comfortable and worn pair of leather pants. “I’ll handle the heat of the moon when the time comes.”

Ian chuckled. “I’m sure you will.”

Bridon pulled a thin shirt over his head, followed by an expensive sweater. He wore the added material not for himself but for Willow. The nights in the Otherworld were often cold, especially in the fall, and his Chosen might not care for the chill, being an abnormally warm-blooded creature. The problem was, as a vampire, his skin was naturally inclined to be brisk.

He had fed hours before he had taken his Fated to bed, needing to appear as normal as possible. Soon the deception would be revealed, and she would learn how his body was constructed and worked. It was something that always happened after a feeding. The body became warm from sustenance and slowly grew cool.

Ian couldn’t have timed his next question better, considering where his mind was. “What do you plan on eating while you’re in the wild? I’m sure your Fated won’t relish the thought of donating blood for the cause, and you’ll grow weak if you attempt to sustain yourself on animals.”

“If she won’t allow me to drink from her, I will use charms to transport back to feed,” he answered uncomfortably, knowing the direction Ian was headed. “I’ve already discussed the possibility with Lucian.”

“And when you hit the enchanted barrier? What then?”

The enchanted barrier—a magikally shaded and mostly uninhabited area that kept the child and the secret of his whereabouts hidden. It was necessary so none could find him. It was also the reason Bridon couldn’t simply warp from here to there with Willow, making travel on foot mandatory. The barrier sensed any magik or magikal ability, including transporting. Once that happened, the portal would move, and they’d have to make a longer journey to their destination.

“By the time we reach the masked area, the moon will be full in the sky. She won’t be able to deny me, even if she wants to.” He lifted his face, met Ian’s shining blue eyes, and stated, “She’ll be too far gone.”

* * *

“Damn him!” Willow snarled. Her body felt entirely wrong, keyed up but not in a “let’s wrestle” kind of way.

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