Desires of the Otherworld 2: Darkest Hunger (9 page)

Read Desires of the Otherworld 2: Darkest Hunger Online

Authors: Aline Hunter

Tags: #Shape-shifter/Vampire Paranormal

BOOK: Desires of the Otherworld 2: Darkest Hunger
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The werewolf didn’t look away, staring Trace in the eye, allowing the ramifications of his statement to sink in. “Willow has known for years that this would be her end if she ever crossed Bridon Walkyr’s path. The only way she could ever truly deny him is in death.”

“Why would you come to me with this?” Trace asked warily. “If she died it would mean the end to all your problems.”

“I was her brother’s second in command before he mated. He didn’t want to leave Willow behind when he started hearing the rumors that his pack wouldn’t stand for a vampire queen, but Willow would have tried to fight him if he pushed the issue. He and Savannah had to slip away quietly. I made a vow to him that I would see that she came to no harm.”

“She would have fought her own brother?” The thought added to the alarm he was beginning to experience.

Pounding a fist on the table, the Lycae leaned forward. “From the moment she was born, Willow was told what penalties her choices would bring. There has never been a time when she hasn’t heard what will occur if she allows a pairing between her and Bridon to take place. She has carried the weight of the entire pack on her shoulders since before she could even walk. She has no idea that her brother was in danger from his own pack. She’s been raised to believe that the war between Lycae and vampires is the result of the vampire king.”

“If what you’re telling me is true, your pack will kill you for revealing it.”

“You’re right. If they discover what I’ve done, they will.” The large male sighed and lifted a hand to his neck. “But a vow is a vow. If I didn’t try to intercede, I would be no better than the pack I’ve come to despise.”

Fucking Hades frozen over. It was like a sucker punch to the gut, one you didn’t see coming until it hit hard and fast. Dominic Ward—a member of the Norvallen pack—was telling the truth. Willow would end her life, and upon learning she would never return, Bridon would undoubtedly end his as well.

Two birds, one stone.

Trace saw his brothers enter as he started to stand, apprehension causing his skin to prickle as his dragon half attempted to emerge. Talk about shitty timing. He needed to discuss Eric’s predicament, but his brother had time.

Bridon didn’t.

Colin made it to him first, with the rest of his brothers—minus Eric—following behind him. As his brothers reached him, Trace noticed that Dominic had already slid from his seat and was making his way out of the building.

“I have to go,” he said quickly, before Colin could argue. “Fill me in when I return.”

“This is important,” Colin reminded him and tried to steer him to a chair. “You can take care of other matters later.”

He shook his head, moving away. “This won’t keep.”

Before his brothers could force the issue, Trace strode past them. He shouldered through the patrons and hurried to get outside. Once there, he walked to the back of the building and started to transform. He would have to gather a few belongings before traveling to Arcadia, which would take up precious time. As he transformed, his clothing was reduced to ash. The change was immediate, allowing him to stand as a man and dragon in the same instant.

Once he stood on clawed hands, he shook his body, stretched his wings, and launched into the misty night sky. Since the dawn would come soon—making it one day until full moon—his time was narrowed down to nothing. He only had twenty-four hours to locate Bridon and Willow.

Twenty-four fucking hours.

Since his friend had decided to take his Fated to the magical portal bordering his kingdom, it meant that, while Trace would be able to fly to the castle, he would have to make the rest of the journey on foot.

The clock was officially ticking.

Chapter Eight


Bridon attempted to curb his lust when they finally arrived at their destination. He used this cave, along with several others along the way, each time he traveled to the magikal portal. Large and deep, it provided plenty of safety from the sun, and the hot spring at the very back was the quintessential icing on the cake. As he dismounted he glanced at his Fated. She seemed nervous, refusing to look at him. Instead she stared at her fingers and fidgeted in her seat.

After taking a deep breath, he tethered his nightmare and turned to assist her. She remained silent as he helped her down, although she did move away from his hands as soon as her feet touched the ground. Reminding himself that they had all night, he tethered her nightmare next to his and started removing the pouches and sleeping bags attached to the saddles. The trip provided them only two nights to connect with each other, after which the full moon would rise. Then there would be no stopping what was meant to transpire between them.

He didn’t wait for her to follow as he lifted the satchels and walked into the mouth of the cavern. She would come to him. Of that he had no doubt. Even now he could smell her arousal, as well as the pounding of the blood in her veins as her heart accelerated.

“We’re staying in a cave?” she asked softly, breaking her silence.

He glanced over his shoulder. “Is that a problem?”

“No.” She returned to her nervous state, folding her arms over her chest.

He turned from her and continued on, guiding her down the path to where they would remain during the day. His cock became harder with each step, until he knew there would be no way to mask how she affected him. Unlike Aislynn, who smelled of powder and roses, Willow smelled like the forest following a cleansing spring rain. Each time he inhaled, his canines started to ache. While it might be possible to keep his promise about making love to her, he wasn’t certain he could refrain from tasting her blood.

She smelled too damned sweet.

They made it to the circular area deep underground, next to the spring along the back. He sat the satchels down and rolled out the sleeping bags before he pivoted to look at Willow. She had stopped several feet away. The undeniable heat in her eyes told him everything he needed to know. No matter how much time had passed, she hadn’t changed her mind about being with him.

“Come here,” he ordered, forcing himself to remain where he was when all he wanted to do was throw her to the ground, strip her of her clothing, and sample all that she had to offer.

Uncrossing her arms, she did as he said. Each step brought the refreshing smell of pine, rain, and woman closer to him. When she stopped a foot or so away, he remembered Lucian’s warning to remain aggressive and growled, “I said to come here, Willow.”

She blinked, obviously taken off guard by his aggressive tone. He thought she was going to argue, but after opening her mouth to do, so she promptly closed it again. One step put them chest to chest and hip to hip. He lowered his head to her throat and inhaled, biting back the hunger that gnawed at him.

“I agreed to your terms, so it’s only fair that you agree to mine.” He pulled away and gazed down at her, growing rock hard when he saw how cloudy her eyes had become. Her irises were now fully gold in the center, her lids were heavy, and she was breathing shallowly.

“What terms?” she asked breathlessly, swaying so that her breasts brushed his chest.

“For the duration of the trip, you will allow me to drink from you.”

She started to move away, but he trapped her in his arms, forcing her against his body, and allowed her to feel the length of his cock. The moment she recognized what was prodding her belly, her wariness became something else. He knew she wanted him. There was no mistaking the pounding of her pulse in her throat, or the way she moved so slightly that a friction was created between their bodies.

“No way.”

“Why not?” He lowered his head a second time, allowing his breath to caress her skin. She gasped when he licked a line from her throat to her ear above the collar, and wrapped her hands around his arms.

“It’s against our laws.”

“I don’t see your pack here, do you?” He continued tormenting her skin with sharp nips of his teeth, followed by soothing flicks of his tongue.

“No, but…”

He brought his hands down and cupped her ass, shifting his hips so that he rubbed against her. “Let me taste you, Willow. Let me introduce you to how it feels to accept the kiss of a vampire. I’ll bring you to climax from my bite alone.”

“I can’t.” Even as she shook her head, she pulled him closer, digging her nails into his arms.

“Are you sure about that?” He forced his knee between her legs and applied pressure, until he touched the apex of her thighs. She whimpered, pressed her pussy against him, and rotated her hips.

.” She groaned, and her head fell back, allowing him to see the vein he would use to bring them both pleasure.

“You have to say it.” He lodged his leg more firmly against her and used his hands to still her motions. “Tell me to drink from you.”

She shook her head, sending waves of blonde cascading all around them. He removed his left hand from her ass and cupped the back of her head, forcing her to meet his gaze.

“You’ll tell me, or I won’t give you anything at all.”

He started to pull away from her, placing distance between their bodies. She scrambled to pull him closer, clinging to him.

“You said you wanted to continue where we left off.”

He grinned, taunting her. “I did, didn’t I?”

“Damn it.” She narrowed her eyes. “Don’t do this to me.”

“I’m not doing anything to you,” he corrected, pulling her closer. “I’m just waiting for you to tell me what you want.”

“I’ve told you what I want.”

“And I’ve told you what I want in turn.”

Her claws raked his shoulders, and he continued staring into her face. She smelled even better up close—wind, rain, and forest, with a trace of the lavender soap he’d purchased just for her. It wasn’t necessary to repeat his request. He simply waited, allowing her to make the decision for herself.


He arched a brow mockingly. “Yes?”

“You’re really going to make me ask?”

He felt her trembling, could see the need etched all over her face. “Aye, I am.”

"You're a real bastard, you know that?"

“I’ve heard it said a time or two.”

For a moment, he thought she’d refuse. She frowned as she internalized the information, going tense in his arms. Determined to keep her mind with him—then and there—he leaned in and nipped her bottom lip, biting down hard enough to get her attention. Her lips parted as he pulled away.

Lust appeared in her eyes, something he didn’t dare imagine was possible so soon, and she did something he didn’t expect. She lurched upward, wrapped her arms around his neck, and twined her legs around his waist. He kept her balanced against him via the hands around her neck and ass. Then she kissed him, hard and rough, her tongue snaking into his mouth as she moaned.

Mindless and wild, he carried her to the sleeping bags and lowered her to the padded surface. To Hades with being a gentleman. Willow was nothing like Aislynn. She was wild and uninhibited, untamed and brazen as she met each thrust of his tongue. He realized then that the traits she exhibited excited him far more than a demure smile, a wine-colored blush, and whispers of love he’d known so long ago. This was his true Fated. The past was just a means to bring them to this point—now, together.

He released her ass, grasped her face in both hands, and peered into her face. “Say it. Tell me.”

She looked at him with desire-glossed eyes, her breathing frantic. “Do I have to?”

“Tell me.”

He didn’t smile as he pressed his cock firmly between her legs, so that she was unable to lift her hips or move. She went limp beneath him and lowered her hands, until they rested at his waist. Her entire body was quaking, her limbs shivering so hard, it almost made him cave in and give her what she wanted despite her unwillingness to say the words.

“B-Bridon,” she stammered.

He brought his head down and spoke softly into her ear. “Tell me, Willow. No more games. I want to hear you say it.”

Turning her head and baring her neck, she did as he asked. “Drink from me.”

“Again,” he growled, nuzzling her throat. Her pulse throbbed against his lips, drawing him in as his canines elongated.

“Please,” she whimpered, grasping his hips. “Drink from me.”

His fangs hammered painfully, and he embraced the ache. It had been centuries since he’d yearned for this, since he’d felt the hunger that only his Fated could bring to the table.

Once he’d tasted Willow for the first time, she’d always crave his bite. Even if he’d never known the intimacies of sampling his Fated’s flesh in the past, he had taken Aislynn’s blood. Each time they’d met she’d never failed to fall apart in his arms, or beg for another sample. Even if they didn’t merge their bodies, claiming Willow in such a manner would create a bond that she would never be able to deny. No matter what occurred between them, she would always desire it, would always yearn for it—even if she hated herself in the aftermath.

“You’re torturing me,” she rasped.

“Feels good,” he murmured. “Doesn’t it?”

Shifting his pelvis, he allowed her to move against him once more. She twined her legs together at the ankles and pushed her hips upward. As he licked at her skin, she rotated her hips in a circular motion.


“Patience, love.”

“Fuck patience,” she snarled and twined her fingers in his hair, urging him closer.

It was agonizing to deny her, but he wanted the moment to last. So many nights he had dreamed of this moment, imagining how it would feel to hold his beloved in his arms again. Although his fantasies varied, he always knew it would be something uncontrollable, something he would not take for granted again. He built up the tension until he couldn’t hold himself in check any longer. His cock was as hard as a diamond, so damned sensitive he had a feeling that when her blood splashed against his tongue for the first time, he might come right along with her.

Grasping Willow’s hair at the nape, he lapped at her skin above the collar, inhaled deeply, and said, “Hold on to me, love. Brace yourself.”

She did exactly as he told her, draping her arms around his neck, panting as if she were struggling to breathe. Closing his eyes, he took her scent into his lungs one final time, formed a tight fist in her hair, and sank his teeth deeply into her throat.

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