Devil's Despair Box Set: Books 1-3 (34 page)

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Authors: A.C. Bextor

Tags: #boxset

BOOK: Devil's Despair Box Set: Books 1-3
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“Enough catching up. Unless you want me in your lap, move your ass from my spot next to her.”

“I’m heading out anyway, jackass.” Before getting up to walk away, Travis turns to me. “Need anything before I go, Rae?”

Burrowing my body into Ace’s side, smiling at the tension rolling off his body, I reply. “Nope, I’m good. Have a good night.”

“Right. See you guys.”

Bean’s voice snaps just as Ace and I finally get to enjoy a moment alone. He growls after hearing her cuss the oven for burning her pastries. I think she actually called it ‘a piece of shit.’ “Damn it, can a guy get a minute?”

When I release a mild giggle, Ace gets up and turns back to me. He’s annoyed, nothing new there. “Somethin’ funny been said?”

Shaking my head rapidly to avoid the same head-lock he generously offers Sarah when she pokes at him, he grins before walking away.

* * *

Hours later, after my co-shower with Ace, where I was smothered in his care then felt up with his desire, I’m lying with him in our bed. He’s debating about where this will go. I’m not.

Stroking his hard cock in my hand, I can tell by the look on his face that he’s struggling for control. The muscles in his throat are strained, his jaw is ticking, his eyes are closed, and his body remains stiff as he allows me to explore him without interruption.

“Is this okay? This isn’t considered sex, is it?” I’m playing with him, hoping to cause his tight string of patience to snap and give me what I’m desperate for.

Ace was adamant about not ‘fucking’ me until I was healed entirely. He’s afraid he’ll break me further by moving too fast after my near-death. I tried to reassure him of my physical health and explained what he already knew. I was cleared by people in the medical profession. He’s refusing to believe them, citing he knows my body better than they do.

His voice sounds as stressed as his body feels. “Raegan, please stop. I’m not kidding.”

“Trust me?” I ask, using his words.

Covering his eyes with his forearm, he groans as I take his nipple in my mouth, lapping it with my tongue and causing it to pebble.

“Fuck, you’re being a hundred shades of cruel right now. I told you I’m not fucking you, Rae. Can you go to sleep?”

“Hmmm. No. You haven’t answered yet. Do you trust me?”

“For fuck’s sake, you know I do. Why do you keep asking me that?”

Reaching for the scarf from under the covers, I move my body up his and remove his forearm from his eyes. Looking down at him from above, I find his eyes are sweet, reflective, and sincere. I hate to look away from them, let alone cover them, but if I’m going to get him to do what I need him to, this act is a necessary evil.

He lets me pull my hand from under the sheet, but when he sees what I’m holding he acts quickly and grabs my wrist. The sexual tension that the sight of the scarf alone has created is so strong I could swear I felt the bed move.

“What the fuck is that?”

“Blindfold,” I say as I lick his neck.

“For who?”

“You,” I admit as I bite his earlobe.

“I’m not fucking you, Raegan. Stop this.”

“I didn’t ask you for that, did I?”

“Fuck. Whatever. Get this over with.”

I smile into his stomach before sitting up with my elbows braced on his large, tattooed chest. “This won’t hurt, so stop acting as if you’re at the dentist.”

“A dentist wouldn’t taunt me with the needle, Rae. That’s what you’re doing. You’re taunting me, and I’m not giving in.” With his eyes blinded, his hand comes to my face and his palm holds my cheek as his thumb softly and carefully caresses my bottom lip.

Sucking his thumb into my mouth crudely, I feel his hips buck from the bed as he grinds his cock into my stomach while I lay on top of him.

“A dentist wouldn’t do what I’m about to do, either.”

His hiss of frustration releases as I push his hands away from me and slide down his body, using my fingernails to dig into the hard flesh that heats under them.

My thumb moves over the sensitive flesh under the head of his cock. When it does he gives in to a moan and curses softly from under me. As I lick the pre-cum so I can taste him, my own desire starts to flood. I don’t wait. I position over him, open my mouth, and glide him in until I feel him pulsate toward the back of my throat.

“Stop. Swear to Christ, Rae, you have to stop now.”

As his body betrays him, he uses his hips to thrust, allowing his cock to move in and out of my mouth. I hum deeply in answer. This spurs him into a near panic-stricken state.

I feel his hands on the back of my head as he grabs my hair, nearly pulling it at the roots. His other hand removes the scarf at his eyes and he tosses it on the floor, disregarding it completely. I’m being scolded and don’t care at all. “I fucking told you to stop. No means no, and all that shit.”

Neither of us moves as he looks down and watches me lick the sensitive vein protruding underneath the base of his cock. My hand makes its way to his sac and I caress it carefully, never losing eye contact. Another taste of pre-cum hits my tongue; he wants release, but not at my expense.

Letting him fall from my mouth, I sit up and look at him. I take off my camisole and toss it near the scarf then meet his eyes with challenge. “Fuck me now, or I’m finding that vibrating thing I know you have somewhere around here. And when I do, you’re going to watch me as I fuck myself with it.”

“Oh, my fucking God, damn it!” is all I hear before he sits up, grabs me by the waist, and tosses me on the bed under him.

It takes about twenty seconds for him to find the spot inside me and when he does, he sets me free. To quiet my voice, Ace puts his hand over my mouth and continues to thrust into me violently. My climax has soaked us and from the sound of his reaction, I know his isn’t far behind.

“Fuckin’ told you to stop. God, you don’t fuckin’ ever listen to me.” He’s out of breath but continues pounding into me with the deprivation we both feel.

The second he releases his hand from my mouth, my taunting continues. “Fuck me hard, Ace.”

He’s not used to my words being so vile and direct. He’s used to my complete and utter compliance. I didn’t realize the reaction I would get from him hearing me talk like this.

When he grabs my hands in a rush, he braces them above me and pins me to the bed right before he lets go. Half thrusts, gentle groans, and curses are all I hear, but it’s the sight of him that’s astonishing me. His eyes are undeviating as they look into mine, never looking away. Through his climax, Ace has a hold of me: body, heart, and soul. Feeling him release his emotions with such control has been the most beautiful experience we’ve ever had together.

Once he’s done and his breath has regulated, Ace smiles into my chest as his forehead leans against it. “God, I love you so fuckin’ much, but I hate that you’re able to do that to me.”

“Flowers… chocolate… wine…”

“I got it, Raegan. I owe you that fucking date. You’ll get it and you’ll get it soon, okay?”

I smile knowing I’ve got him in a corner, submitting to me in whatever I ask of him, for once.


Three weeks later…


WALKING INTO THE kitchen, I find Ace standing in front of the refrigerator, beer bottle in hand, looking at Decklan’s crayon-colored menu he worked on at the diner the first time we all had breakfast together in Vegas. I had saved it, marking that day as a matter of importance. Ace catches me watching him and turns his face as he smiles at me with admiration, head to toe. Ace’s smirk that showcases a single dimple is worth having this argument. “You’re not wearing that.”

Looking down at my body to the soft, short, cream-colored strapless dress, that I know very well looks reserved and respectful even with its show of skin, I reply to his soft demand as he watches my hand smooth over my flat stomach. “I’m not changing.”

“Rae, we’re going to The Ward,” he says, telling me what I already know before he repeats what he just instructed. “You’re not wearing that.”

Walking to me, he stops shy of contact. I reiterate my point, providing a snapshot of reason as to why I am not changing. “If you make me change out of this, I won’t ever let you see what’s under it.”

“You’d do that, wouldn’t you?”

I nod while answering with certainty. “With enthusiasm.”

Bending down, resting his forehead on mine, he grabs my waist and roughly pulls me to him, leaving his hands lingering on my ass. “Sarah, Mary, and Bean will be here in fifteen minutes. How about you let me see what’s under there
, before we go, and
you can change since you’ll already be out of it?”

The girls are coming to hang out with Decklan. Dad, Ace, and I are going to The Ward to hear the band play a set tonight. Ace got a job at the bar scheduling gigs and taking care of marketing and promotions. From what I understand, this was his position in the band before he quit years ago. He never played an instrument. Even now, I’m unsure why I was never let in on the secret of him being the band’s manager. I haven’t questioned any of them about this only because I hadn’t really given it too much thought.

Kissing his rough jaw that’s lined with two-day growth, I explain the ridiculousness of his plan. “Fifteen minutes isn’t near enough time for you to enjoy what I’ve got waiting for you under here.”

Grinding his semi-hard cock into me, the dress bunches slightly at the waist. I disregard possible wrinkles and enjoy the feel of him against me. “Then wear the fuckin’ dress.”

My laugh is cut short as he takes my mouth in his and uses his tongue to silence me.

* * *

“About time you guys showed up.” Hayden is anxious. He looks nervous and with this being the first time he’s meeting my dad, I’m wishing he would calm down and not cause anyone worry.

“We’re not late, we’re almost thirty minutes early. Why do you look stressed?” He doesn’t answer my question but looks around for Ace as if sensing he may need back-up.

After leaving my dad with Hayden, man-talk ensues and I take a second to look around for Travis. He’s already on stage setting up his gear and when he looks up, he does a double-take of me. Eyeing me up and down he smiles, most likely already understanding the stress this dress has caused me.

Walking toward him, I smile at Ace as he stands at the bar waiting for our first round of drinks. We’re sitting at our usual table, and Dad and Hayden continue making small talk.

“Hey, Rae. You looking forward to tonight?” Travis asks, and he realizes immediately that I have no knowledge of what’s to come.

“What? What do you mean?”

Cutting me off, he spies Ace walking toward me from behind. “Nothing. Ace said it’s ‘date night’ and has been bitching about it all fuckin’ week. You haven’t heard us play in a while, so I hope you like what we’ve done.”

Ace gives him a wide-eyed stare before he bends to put his face in my ear. “Baby, I need to work. Go sit with your dad. Tell Hayden to get his ass moving, and I’ll be with you guys in a few.”

“What about our date?”

“You’re getting your date, damn it. Did you not like the flowers?”

Ace brought chocolates to bed with breakfast this morning. This was part one, he said. Flowers were delivered at two o’clock. That was part two, he said. The kiss was part three, and I got that and more in the shower before I dressed in what he deems as non-appropriate bar attire.

“I’m missing the wine.”

Grabbing my ass and squeezing roughly, he whispers in my ear, “You’ll get that, too, if you’d just do as I asked and let me work for a few minutes.”

“Fine,” I say with boredom, but my tone is a lie.

After I make my way back to the table, the lights dim as Dad and I had just started the discussion about the kind of rock music the band frequently plays. Dad’s taste in music is the same as mine. I grew up listening and loving the classics. Dad is reluctant to sit in a crowded bar, with women half his age, jamming to music that he describes as “loud screaming words about nothing.”

The spotlight hits the center of the stage and, as ever, Hayden’s presence causes women to unleash their inner sluts and run over each other in a fury to get closer to him. He smiles seductively into the microphone upon seeing the passion at his feet.

Once a man whore, always a man whore.

Usually, before they begin, Hayden has something to say and wrestles the crowd into a frenzy. Tonight, though, the music starts before introductions are made. Undertones of familiarity line the notes but I can’t place the song… until Hayden starts to sing its first verse.

“What the hell are they doing to Neil?” My dad’s rightfully confused. He has no reason to understand why a group of young men would add a rock-like revolution to one of our favorite tunes,
Forever in Blue Jeans

I can’t stop smiling at Hayden’s somber face. He’s being forced to sing this, and he’s failing miserably at his attempts to feign enthusiasm.

As the song progresses, I find Marlee in the crowd standing below Toby in her usual place. She’s smiling and tapping her thigh with her hand to the beat of the music. Toby looks down at her as always and gives her his signature wink in appreciation for her presence. I was once so fond of what they had. Now having it, I’m thankful to them for showing Ace what it means to have someone of such importance.

Travis scans the room. He holds the same protective nature in him as Ace does. When he doesn’t find any threat, he looks to our table and his perfect white-toothed smile makes its appearance while playing the keyboard to the first
song he and I ever shared together.

Ace is nowhere to be seen. He takes his job here seriously, and I’m sorry he’s missing this set, not that he would enjoy it.

Once the song is over, Hayden takes a drink of his beer and steps back up to the microphone. In his words, I feel the lecture radiate from him and onto me. “This isn’t our usual playlist, I’ll have you people know. I’m doing this as a favor to a very important friend and his girl. If you guys will show some patience, I’ll get to the good shit later.”

Wow, Hayden. Your enthusiasm just touched us all. I’m overcome with gratitude.

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