Diablo Blanco Club: Unfair Advantage (28 page)

Read Diablo Blanco Club: Unfair Advantage Online

Authors: Qwillia Rain

Tags: #BDSM Erotic Contemporary

BOOK: Diablo Blanco Club: Unfair Advantage
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Knowing the control Richard had over his body, Bryce wasn’t surprised at the chuckle his friend gave when he heard what he’d whispered to Mattie. What did surprise him was the way Mattie eased free of his hold and turned her face up to Richard. The determination and gleam of challenge lit her eyes and took both men off guard. With a deft maneuver he’d never seen her use before, Mattie gained control by flipping Richard onto his back and straddling his hips.

Keeping his eyes locked on her, Bryce watched as she flexed and rocked over his best friend’s body, her hands smoothing up his sides to his ribs and then over to the dark brown disks buried in the dusting of hair across Richard’s chest. Her lips settled over one while the fingers of her right hand plucked at the other.

Bryce stilled the voice that protested the events he’d set in motion. Yes, they’d been married for three months. Every night she lay in his arms sexually sated, yet willing to continue even when exhaustion muted her cries and tears streaked her cheeks from the repeated orgasms he’d wrung from her.

Despite the numerous times he’d sent her to sleep or awakened her with his cock hard and filling her, he still had to coax her tight sheath into accepting him. Even her back entrance remained snug. Allowing another man to experience the heated clasp of her body made him want to howl, but the thought of sinking into her tight pussy as Richard worked his way up her ass soothed the beast within him. He’d done it in the past with other lovers. This time should be no different, he tried to assure himself.

But it was. Pushing away the thought, he watched his wife.

Seeing her focused on following his instructions, Bryce wondered who would win the ministruggle, Mattie or Richard. Just when his confidence would have leaned toward his friend of nearly forty years, he heard curses fill the room.

“Fucking hell, Bryce, why didn’t you warn me she could do that?” Even as the outburst left Richard’s lips, one hand tugged Mattie’s lips from his chest. “Okay, baby, you win this round, but next time, it’s my turn.” Mingled laughter and groans signaled Richard’s climax as he arched beneath Mattie, nearly throwing her off.

Mattie eased away from the other man. Bryce grabbed the black foil packet from where Richard had left it, ripped it open, and carefully rolled the condom into place. He’d forgotten he’d left some of the doctored prophylactics in the nightstand when he’d arranged for Richard to join them tonight. He’d have to make sure he reminded his friend only to use the gold packets.

Kneeling before him on the bed, she held her hands out to him. “Please.”

“As much as you want, baby,” Bryce assured her. The smile lifting her lips set off a series of explosions in his chest that stunned him. Shaking off the sensations, he pulled his wife into his arms. “You’ll have to come quick, Lawrence. Rich tends to recover fast, and the second time around it takes hours to make him come.”

* * *

Arms bound to the canopy above her head, Mattie knew the scene would mirror the images on Bryce’s canvas. The one she’d seen on their wedding day. Her body quivered with need, having been allowed only one orgasm since she’d met Bryce’s challenge earlier. Behind her, she could feel the heat of Richard’s cock stroke the lubed entrance of her ass even as Bryce focused his attention on adjusting the grip of the nipple clamps he’d put in place.

“You know what to do, baby,” Bryce reminded her, his lips rising to caress hers. “Press down as he goes in and relax.”

She couldn’t help but laugh at the last. Then she gasped as the first few inches slid inside, even as her body did exactly what Bryce told her. “You relax, Halsey.” She chuckled, then groaned, the heat filling her growing to match the pounding arousal the slide of Bryce’s fingers between her labia was creating. “You don’t have his cock spreading your ass.”

That had both men laughing, confusing Mattie until Bryce cupped her cheeks and held her gaze. “Oh, but baby, I have,” he taunted her. The smile on his lips widened just as she felt her eyes go round. “He’s pushed that bat-sized cock up my ass a few times.”

The surprise alone had Mattie struggling to make sense. “But…you’re…and…” Then Richard settled the rest of his length in one smooth stroke, leaving her gasping for air at the images flooding her mind and the heat rolling over her body.

Richard’s response and the laughter it brought out of Bryce barely registered as Mattie felt Bryce’s erection press inside.

“Like that club of yours is any smaller?” Richard eased back, then thrust upward before adding, “Shit, I walked funny all weekend after you reamed me with that beast.”

“Why do you think I kept Mattie in bed the first three days we were married?” Bryce assured his friend even as he pushed deep, hissing at the squeeze of her wet walls around him.

Mind spinning with the knowledge that her husband and his best friend had fucked each other as well as with the sensations bombarding her body with the double penetration, Mattie’s fingers gripped the leather above her. Aching with the desire building in her center, she wrapped her thighs around Bryce’s waist and tried to match the rhythm of the men. As one would advance, the other would retreat, leaving her breathless and confused, but desperate for more. Out of frustration and need, she gave in to the urge and growled, “Why don’t you boys quit the reminiscing and…
ahhh, God yes, there, Bryce
…” She gasped for breath. “And just fuck me already.”

Richard’s laughing response came first. “Hmm, Bryce, sounds like the creamy filling has a few complaints about our sandwich.”

“We wouldn’t to disappoint, now would we, old friend?” Bryce replied.

Against her ear Richard whispered, “Better watch what you wish for, baby, it may be more than you can handle.”

Fingers threaded through her damp, tousled curls just as Bryce smiled down at her. “No coming without permission.”

The gleam in his eyes had Mattie crying out. This was definitely going to test her ability to control her body. She shivered at the slide of skin against skin, the sounds of bodies connecting, sheathing one within the other. His pleasure magnified hers and she flexed her internal muscles, caressing first Bryce, then Richard, learning what made each man moan and curse and striving to increase their arousal.

* * *

The room was darker than she ever remembered it being and her place in it was wrong. She should be in the doorway, Lyssa standing beside her as she watched the scene unfold. Instead, she could feel the warmth of Richard’s body along the front of her own and Bryce’s heat against her back. Within her chest, she could feel her heartbeat increase as the bedroom door slid silently open and a figure moved into the room. Neither man sharing her bed moved as the intruder halted at the foot of the bed. The scream boiling up within her was locked behind her lips, unable to escape.

“You were supposed to be a good girl,” the man told her, his voice matter-of-fact, no anger or disgust evident in the tone

Some part of her knew it was a dream. A nightmare. As each element unfolded, Mattie could see both the memory that created the nightmare and the new elements her mind had decided to include. She watched herself rise in the bed, her bare breasts hidden behind the fall of her hair. “
I am, Daddy. I am a good girl

He shook his head. “No. A good girl doesn’t fuck two men. She doesn’t allow herself to be used.”

“You don’t belong here, Daddy. You aren’t supposed to be here,” her protests began, then turned into a cry of alarm as the man she faced raised his left arm, revealing the pistol gripped in his hand. Both men began to stir in the bed.

The barrel of the pistol shifted its focus away from her. “Which one caused this?” Her father’s voice was coldly furious as his gaze moved from Bryce to Richard, then back to Bryce.

“Don’t. I’ll be good. Just don’t hurt them.” Mattie could feel herself shaking, trying to think of something to say that would keep her father from using the pistol on her husband and friend.

“Tell me.” Her father’s voice was cold and unrelenting.

Her trembling increased. “I promise I’ll be good. I promise.”

Richard’s hand brushed her shoulder as he began to rise beside her, and the gun went off once, then a second time.

As his body fell back onto the bed and Bryce’s toppled as well, Mattie lunged up, screaming, pleading. “I’ll be good, Daddy. I promise.” Again and again she cried her promise, her head buried against her upraised knees, her arms crossed over her head as she rocked forward and back on the bed

Cursing and the sudden wash of light barely registered. Even Bryce’s arms pulling her close couldn’t drag Mattie from the nightmare’s grip. The spray of blood, the loud reports of the pistol, and her mother’s screams fading into silence kept playing over and over in her mind.

“It’s okay, baby,” Bryce whispered, holding her close, his hand brushing through her tangled hair.

She couldn’t talk; the sobs rendered her speechless, mute, the memories of what her father had done to her mother and what had come next making it impossible to do anything but burrow closer to her husband’s heat.


“What the fuck was that all about?” Richard demanded, his fingers shaking as he raked them through his close-cropped hair before swallowing down half his scotch in one gulp.

Bryce shrugged, his own drink unsteady as he raised it to his lips and sipped. His gaze didn’t leave the open door to the bedroom. He shivered at the chill the water dripping from his hair and down his back produced. Twenty minutes of holding his wife under the pounding spray of the shower had finally calmed her enough so he could coax her back to bed. Wrapped tight in his shirt as well as the heavy velvet robe he’d unearthed in the closet, she’d curled into a ball and drifted off.

“Don’t go all quiet on me, Bryce. Give me some kind of idea what could possibly make Mattie wake from a dead sleep screaming her head off.” Richard refilled his glass at the bar before dropping onto the sofa.

Feeling decades older than his four, Bryce eased into the matching chair adjacent to the sofa. “I fucked up.”


“I rushed her.” He sipped at his drink, processing through the steps he’d taken to introduce Mattie to a ménage. He wondered if his own need to force normalcy into the chaotic emotions jumbling his mind had him ignoring the warning signs that his wife wasn’t ready to accept another man into their bed yet.

Richard nodded. “She didn’t seem comfortable at first. But later…”

“I should have waited.” Bryce rose and paced the carpet in front of the sliding glass doors leading onto the roof garden.

“That still doesn’t explain her panic. The screaming.”

Bryce watched the shudder ripple through his friend. He suspected he knew what Lawrence had been reliving in her nightmare. Making Richard privy to her history would be necessary if they were to avoid a repeat of the same thing. “It happened when she was eleven.”

His tone must have alerted Richard to the seriousness of his information. “What? You said she hadn’t been—”

Before his friend could draw the wrong conclusion, he continued, “She saw it all. According to the report I had compiled just after she started working for us, Lawrence’s father forced his way into the apartment where she was living with her mother and Lyssa.” After refilling his drink, Bryce returned to the chair and sat down. “Details are sketchy, but the police officers who responded reported that Aaron Lawrence was drunk and enraged that his ex-wife was involved with a new man. He dragged her to her mother’s bedroom. Shot her mother and the new lover. Lyssa had grabbed Lawrence and ran for the door, but somehow he got in front of them. There was a struggle. Lyssa was shot, but there was a rifle in the closet. Before he could shoot either of them again, Lyssa shot him with the rifle.”

“Oh God.” Richard leaned back in the sofa, his face pale.

“Neighbors had called the police. They arrived with an ambulance in time to find Lawrence curled around Lyssa in the closet, holding onto the rifle.”

“If Mattie was eleven, then Lyssa was—”


A soft cry from the bedroom had both men on their feet and across the room. Still curled in the center of the bed, Lawrence shifted restlessly beneath the covers.

“Listen, I’m going to take her home.” Bryce was careful to keep his voice quiet.

Richard nodded. “I’ll head out too.”

“We’ll have to—”

His friend waved him off. “No more until
says she’s ready, Bryce.”

Another whimper from the bed had Bryce moving into the shadowed room. “Yes. We’ll wait.” Settling onto the mattress, he brushed the hair from his wife’s cheeks. He didn’t pay attention to the sound of Richard collecting his belongings or the whisper of the elevator as he left. Gathering a T-shirt from the dresser, he tugged it on, then his socks and boots. Pulling an extra blanket from the closet, he bundled Mattie up. “Let’s get you home, baby.”

Chapter Sixteen



Dana’s voice from her doorway had Mattie raising her head. The swimmy feeling was slow to dissipate, but she smiled at the receptionist. “Yes?”

“I’m heading down to sandwich shop for some lunch. Would you like me to pick anything up for you?”

Mattie’s cheeks heated at the memories of the weekend. Richard’s reference to her being the filling in his and Bryce’s sandwich skittered through her mind again, before memories of the nightmare that turned everything upside down prodded her. Bryce had been very careful with her all day yesterday. It had her unnerved and scared that he’d begun rethinking her suitability as his sub. Forcing her thoughts to the present, she nodded, reaching for the drawer she stored her purse in. “Yes, could you get me a ginger ale and a tuna on wheat.”

“No pepper jack cheese and spicy Italian?” Dana teased as she crossed the carpet and collected the five-dollar bill Mattie held out to her.

Shaking her head, Mattie grimaced. “No, my stomach is giving me fits today. I’m hoping something bland will help settle it.”

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