Dial a Stud: Dante's Story (11 page)

Read Dial a Stud: Dante's Story Online

Authors: J. A Melville,Bianca Eberle

BOOK: Dial a Stud: Dante's Story
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I heard a soft chuckle from Dante, which vibrated against my back. “Oh, I’m beginning to see what the problem is. You think we aren’t attracted to you, because we didn’t come in you. Unless it’s requested of us, we never come inside the client. It is not our pleasure we’re here for, it is yours. Sometimes we don’t get to reach our own release, until we go home. You are very beautiful. This has nothing to do with you.”

“You know, you’re not what I expected. I thought you would be very businesslike, come in, do your job and go.”

“We don’t want to be just like any other high class escort agency. We want our clients to experience the more personal touch. That’s why we don’t have any, ‘no touching or kissing’ rules, like some do. The only rules we have, that are not open to negotiation, are the use of condoms, dental dams and the masks.

I digested Dante’s words for a few moments, until his quiet words brought me back to the present.

“I’m going to pull out of you cara. This cannot be comfortable for you, being pinned between us.”

Silently I snorted. I could think of far worse things, than being sandwiched between these two, and it wasn’t that uncomfortable anymore, having them both filling me, as they were. Of course, I wasn’t sure how I’d feel by tomorrow. Walking might be challenging, and I was guessing a nice soft pillow for sitting on, might be in order.

“I want you both to come, please.” I said softly, but the two men heard me. When I glanced down at Alex, he had raised his eyes, and appeared to be looking over my head. Dante dropped a kiss on my shoulder, which surprised me. For someone who was being paid to be here, he was far more, touchy, feely than I would have expected, someone in his line of work to be.

“This is still your fantasy. You set the scene for us. How would you like us to come? Where do you want us? We are your instruments, your tools, to use as you wish. How do you want us cara?” Dante’s voice washed over me softly.

“I want you to kneel over my body, so I can touch you. Not sexually, just light caresses, while I watch you both, make yourselves come over me. Now that would be hot.”

“Do you want condoms on or condoms off for that sugar? Something like you’re describing, is about the only time, we can go without. Just means we’ll make a bit of a mess of you. We’ve been primed a long time, you know.”

For some reason despite these men being strangers to me, I wanted to see them come. Alex was hot, and he’d fucked me to one spectacular orgasm, before Dante had taken my ass’s virginity, but if I was completely honest with myself, it was Dante I was drawn to. He had a strange kind of familiarity about him. I felt like I knew him, I was deeply attracted to him, and yet, slightly despondent, because I knew after tonight, I would probably never see him again. Well, not unless I paid for his services again. It was tempting, but not practical, to spend that kind of money, all the time. Plus, a part of me knew, if I called Dial A Stud too often, I’d be ruined for life, for other men.

“I’m going to pull out of you now Grace.” Dante took my hips in both hands. I braced myself, as he slowly eased his way out. The muscles gripped him, until finally with a little kind of pop, the head of his cock, and the piercing, with the nearly pea size metal balls, left my body.

I groaned; the feeling of him no longer inside me, a strange mix of relief, and disappointment. My introduction to anal sex had been far more rewarding, than I’d expected.

Without Dante against my back any longer, I lifted off Alex, and collapsed on the bed by his side. He immediately rose to his feet, once I was off him though, and both men shifted in closer to me. They pulled off the condoms they both wore, and took their straining cocks in hand. Alex began a more frantic pace, his grip firm. as it slid up and down, his engorged length.

Dante was more relaxed, or so he seemed. I could see the desire in his rich brown eyes, as he stroked his cock with more leisurely movements.

I knew to watch them would be exciting, even an ego boost for me, but I hadn’t really expected to become aroused, by the sight of them jerking off, over me.

Reaching out with one hand, I cupped Alex’s balls, and saw his body jerk from my touch. He was close. I could tell he wouldn’t last much longer.

I slipped my other hand between my legs, and centred in on my clit, rubbing it in an almost agitated manner.

“Shit sugar, you don’t play fair.” Alex ground out, just as his body jerked, and I watched cum shoot from his cock, and land on my stomach. He immediately followed it up with another. In fact, his body bucked several more times, his orgasm holding him in its grip, until he’d finished decorating me in cum.

Finally spent from his release, Alex dragged his jeans back on, and collapsed onto the chair by the bed, to watch his friend, colleague, whatever they called each other, bring himself, to orgasm, on me.

Dante had bullshit control. I’m talking amazing control. That would be amazing with a capitol A. He’d been hard for nearly the two hours they’d been here, he’d fucked me and not come, and now he was toying with his cock, acting like he had all the time in the world, to make himself come.

He didn’t though, and I knew the two hours were nearly up. Was he actually going to make himself come before he left, or would he play this game, and take care of business when he was alone? Hell, he might even have a girlfriend. It wouldn’t be an easy profession to accept your boyfriend or girlfriend having, but I knew some couples did deal with their partner, being a hooker. It was all to do with the condoms. That barrier took it from personal to business, or so I’d heard. Of course how much truth there was in that, I had no idea. I couldn’t accept my boyfriend doing that, condom or no condom. He was still sticking his cock in other women and I could never get used to that.

Dante surprised me by climbing back on the bed, and straddling my legs. One hand continued to rub up and down his cock, but with his other one, he brushed my hand aside, and took over caressing my clit.

I groaned, long and low. Something about his touch, just felt so much better than when I’d done it.

“That’s it cara. I want you to come for me, and when you do, I’m going to come so fucking hard, all over you.” His voice was husky, but I detected a note of urgency in it. He was getting close now. He was harder to read than Alex, but I could see his need to come, in the tension that held his body, totally rigid. His thighs were tense, his breathing laboured, and there was a fine layer of sweat, coating his gorgeous body.

As his control began to slip, I felt it in the more desperate movements, of his fingers on me. It thrilled me to see cracks appearing in his control. It turned me on and secretly, I felt empowered by it. Me, fall over her own feet Grace, had this stunning creature, this man with a body for sin, about to lose all control.

Dante was fucking good, there was no denying that. Despite having already had a few orgasms, the last one beyond my wildest expectations, he was still determined to push me into another one. He didn’t even have to. My time with the studs was up, and yet he was not making any effort to go. Of course, that might not be because he appeared to be making it, his life’s mission, to make me come again. It could just be because he wanted to come, before he had to dress again. Hell, I wouldn’t want to try and pull those tight leather pants, over that erection either. It was looking painful now, all red and angry looking.

Taking me almost by surprise, my orgasm suddenly washed over me, and I saw the flash of triumph in Dante’s eyes, as he pulled his fingers from me. I could see they were all wet and glistening, from coming over his hand.

“Perdonami, bella signora.” His eyes met mine, something in them drawing my attention. They looked to be pleading with me, but then they rolled back in his head briefly, and he cursed loudly in Italian.

I couldn’t take my eyes off his face as it contorted, and twisted, as if he was in agony. Every jerk of his hips, every shot of cum from his cock, registered in his expression.

When he finished, when his body had no more to give me, he apologised, and grabbed wads of tissues from the box by the bedside. He kept his eyes on the task, as he gently wiped me clean of his, and Alex’s release, that had been splattered over me.

Alex jumped up, and I caught some sort of look that passed between the two men. My instincts told me something was going on, I just didn’t know what. 

“Thank you sweet cheeks; it’s been a hell of an evening, but sadly our time is up. Alex announced, and started gathering up his shoes and socks.

“Thank you.” I told him, reaching up to kiss his cheek. “It was incredible, thank you.”

Alex shot another grin at me, before turning his focus on Dante, and again, something passed between them.

“You can go now Alex. I wish to speak with Grace alone.” Dante surprised me with his words.

Alex nodded and finished dressing, checked his pockets, pulled out a set of car keys and kissed me again. “Don’t you worry about me sugar; I’ll let myself out.” He assured me, and with one final grin, he was gone, leaving me alone with my gorgeous Italian stud.

Once Alex had gone, and taken that big personality of his with him, I suddenly felt a strange attack of nerves, being alone in my home with Dante. What on earth could a male escort want to talk to me about?

“So, what did you wish to speak to me about?” I climbed off the bed, with as much dignity as I could, given I was naked, and slipped on my robe from earlier.

Dante frowned briefly, before reaching out to pick up his leather pants, and pull them on. I couldn’t help myself and watched him, as he dressed, watching the play of muscles under his skin. The barbed wire tattoo I’d wondered about, did extend right around him, in a continuous link, I noticed.

When he was dressed, he turned to face me, and I struggled not to openly gawk at him. The man was too damned sexy. He needed to speak to me for some reason, and I’m sure he didn’t want me almost drooling over him, while he did it.

He didn’t say anything for a moment, just stared at me. I could see the mounting tension in his body, and my heart began to beat faster. What the hell was going on?

“Is it normal for any of you to stay in the home of your client, beyond what they have paid for?” I finally asked to break the silence.

Dante’s eyes shifted to mine. “It’s complicated cara. I…I’m…I own Dial A Stud.” He finally ground out, and I swear you could have blown me over with a feather.

“What? So you not only own the company, you’re hands on too?”

His eyes shifted away from mine, and I could see he was suddenly uncomfortable. “I haven’t actually worked as a stud, since I bought the business, six months ago. You’re my first client, since I became the owner.”

Now I really was becoming confused. If he owned Dial A Stud, why the hell did he come to my home, when he would have had studs, to do the work for him?

“I don’t understand.” I stared at him in confusion. “Were you short of studs, for this evening or something? Was that it?”

“No, no cara. I had to be here for you. I couldn’t send any of my studs to fulfil your fantasies. I just couldn’t. Not when I have wanted you so much. From the moment I first saw you, I have wanted you.”

Now I was definitely confused. He’s always wanted me? If I wasn’t so bewildered by what he was saying, I’d probably be doing cartwheels around my bedroom, that this stud, this stunningly gorgeous creature, wanted little old me. There were no cartwheels though, for two reasons. One, I couldn’t do cartwheels, and two, right now, I had no idea what the hell he was talking about.

“I don’t understand. Have we met before? You do look kind of familiar, and I admit that I felt something, when you arrived. You remind me a lot of someone I met recently to be honest. Still you couldn’t be him…” My voice trailed off, as I studied him more closely.

“It pleases me to hear that you feel something too, Grace. You should always trust your instincts.” He raised his hands to his head, and my eyes shot open wide, when I realised he was going to remove his mask.

As I watched him untie the thin black straps, I suddenly knew. I didn’t really even need him to remove the mask; realisation just kind of hit me. It slammed into me in fact.

When Dante untied the straps and the mask fell away from his face, I knew who I would see. I’d had that light bulb moment, that blinding flash of clarity, call it what you will. When the mask fell away, the man staring back at me was the man who had plagued so many of my dreams, since that night. It was him, the God like creature from the club. It was Dan. I smirked slightly at that. No wonder the name didn’t seem to fit him, it was too simple for a man like him, and it sure as hell wasn’t Italian. No, he was a Dante, that’s for sure. He was also a liar; manipulator and he’d conned his way into my home, fucked me, and helped me fulfil my fantasy. Hell, I’d let him come all over me, and the whole damn thing was a lie? I’d walked away from him that night. I’d denied him basically, and he’d found a way to take advantage of me anyway. I was so fucking angry right now.

“You bastard.” I spat the words out in an ominously quiet tone. “I told you no that night and yet you still found a way to get what you wanted? Plus it cost me a lot of money? You bastard. How could you do this to me? I want you to get the fuck out of my house.”

“No cara, please. I’m sorry, but I wanted to see you. I am very much attracted to you. I shouldn’t have done it, but I didn’t actually plan it, it’s just that, there’s more…” His voice trailed off momentarily. “How could I have known you would call Dial A Stud? I didn’t know. It was only when I overheard Sally getting your details, and I saw the name she’d typed into the computer, I knew it was you.”

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