Dial a Stud: Dante's Story (32 page)

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Authors: J. A Melville,Bianca Eberle

BOOK: Dial a Stud: Dante's Story
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“Hey there sugar. How’s Dante? I heard he’s back. It was heart-warming to hear, how enthusiastically, you welcomed him home. Screaming his name out that loud, I’m sure the neighbours all heard.” He grinned at me, and I rolled my eyes at him, before slapping his arm.

“Do you have anything, remotely resembling a filter, on that mouth of yours?” I asked.

I heard Mel snicker, and Alex shot me a wide grin.

“Aw, I’m just messing with you.” He tried to look apologetic, and failed miserably. “The Italian Stallion’s ok, is he? He didn’t ring me at all, to find out how the business was going. Whatever was going on over in Tuscany, must have kept him busy.”

“I don’t know all the details. I haven’t had a chance, to speak to him about it yet.”

“I heard you two, had far more important things, to attend to.”

“Alex, shut up now, will you?” Mel placed a hand on his arm, in an effort to get him to let up on me.

“Well, you and Mel obviously had a need, to communicate too.” I said sweetly, and he laughed. “Alright, enough with the crap; Dante’s tired, I’m letting him sleep, so no one wake him.” I warned them.

“Yes ma’am.” Alex tipped an imaginary hat to me.






Chapter Twenty One


“Is this fool bothering you?” Dante’s voice came from the doorway, and I turned to him, my mouth instantly watering, at the sight of him.

He had pulled his jeans back on, but not his shirt, and the sight of his bare, muscled chest, was almost too much, for me to handle, without leaping on the man, and having my way with him again.

He walked over to me, his arm closing around my shoulders, and I felt his lips against my hair.

“You didn’t sleep very long.” I said. “Are you rested enough?”

“I woke and you were gone. I missed you.”

“Hot damn, you two have it bad, don’t you?” Alex was grinning, his eyes shifting between the two of us.

“Yeah, we do.” I dropped my head against Dante’s shoulder. “Maybe, one day, you’ll experience it for yourself.” I gave him a pointed look, before turning my gaze to Mel.

I saw Alex’s lips curve up, and a gleam appear in his eyes. Oh yeah, he got what I was saying. He winked at me, before turning to step behind my friend, where she sat, at one of the bar stools. His arms closed around her, pulling her back against him, before he dropped a noisy, smacking kiss on her cheek.

“Now before you two crawled your way out of bed, Mel and I were discussing dinner. We can either go out, but that would mean getting dressed, and I don’t know how you feel man, after just getting back from Italy, but the alternative, is to order in. What do say?”

“Definitely order in.” Dante and I spoke in unison, before grinning at one another.

“Good choice, but what does everyone feel, like sinking their teeth into?” Alex asked, and I rolled my eyes at him. That man turned everything, into a sexual innuendo.

After a few minutes of friendly debate, we all settled on pizzas and pasta. I wasn’t sure if Dante would want that, given he’d just come home from Italy, but he assured me it was fine.

“I don’t eat pasta and pizza every day, just because I’m in Italy. I have a strict menu plan that I stick to, most of the time. I got into the habit of it, when I started working for Dial A Stud.”

“Yeah, that’s one of the hardest parts of the job, sugar.” Alex added. “We have to maintain our bodies. It seems no woman, has a fantasy involving a soft, overweight stud.”

“Are we really that shallow?” I asked. I guess I hadn’t thought about it before. I still felt uncomfortable thinking about Dante, when I’d known him as Arnie, that morbidly obese seventeen year old boy. Would I have wanted him, the way I did now, if he’d still been overweight?

It wasn’t fair, to judge my reaction to him back then. I’d been thirteen years old. I was a late bloomer, probably due to my own, long list of insecurities; I hadn’t been obsessed with boys at that age.

I suddenly realised Alex was talking, and I’d missed half of his response. “Don’t feel bad sugar. We all like to look at pretty things. If it makes you feel any better, men are just as shallow.”




We all chatted about various topics, until our food arrived, and even after we’d eaten, we still talked. I learned more about the things Dante liked, and vice versa.

I enjoyed the interaction, between Alex and Dante too. He was far more reserved than Alex, but their friendship obviously worked. I also got to see, how Alex had been there, to look after Dante, when he was fresh back, in Australia from Italy, in a different state, and with no job or friends.

I didn’t relish listening to their talk of work, back when they’d both been studs. I didn’t want to think too hard, about Dante being with dozens of women, even if they were clients, and paying him.

Of course, inevitably, the conversation turned to Mel’s fantasy. I hadn’t had a chance to speak to Dante, and get his feelings on the matter, since he’d obviously, had far more pressing things on his mind, when he’d showed up at my door.

They were delicious, sexy, extremely satisfying things on his mind, and I smiled to myself, just thinking about our time together, earlier.

“Now if that isn’t a cat that got the cream expression, I don’t know what is.” Alex’s voice dragged my attention, back to the others. “Just what are you thinking about sugar? No, don’t answer that, I think I can guess.” He turned his customary, wide smile on me.

Dante’s focus shifted to me too, and I felt myself blush. At my reaction, Alex laughed, and even Dante raised an eyebrow at me, the hint of a knowing smile on his lips.

“Dante and I haven’t had a chance to discuss this yet.” I said hastily, wanting to stop their little game of ‘Guess what’s going through Grace’s head.’ “We need some time to talk about it first.”

“What are you feelings on the matter cara?”

“It’s not sex where we change partners is it?” I looked to Alex and Mel for confirmation.

“Grace, we discussed this. I’m not looking to swap partners. I don’t want to mix it up, and like I said, I love you, but I’m not sticking my tongue down your throat, or anywhere else for that matter.”

I sighed. “I know, I just need to be sure, we’re all on the same page. This is purely an exhibitionist thing, isn’t it? We all fuck in front of each other?”

“You would be surprised how many people get turned on, either watching a couple have sex, or by being watched. You have experienced this first hand, don’t forget.” He pointed out, and I felt hot colour flood my cheeks.

“Aw sugar, were you watching us earlier? So it was your eyes I felt boring into my ass.” Alex teased.

I felt myself getting even hotter, but it was Dante that warned him to back off.

“I returned Grace to her home. We did not expect to find you and Melanie, indisposed on the lounge.” He pointed out.

I gaped at Dante. Damn that man made everything sound sexy. He might be seen, as kind of reserved and stuffy, with his speech, but to me it was sexy as hell, and it took all my control, not to leap on him, and have my way with him.

“Yeah, what he said.” I nodded. “We didn’t intend watching you. It was pretty obvious, you were both about to come.” I looked from Alex to my friend. “So, let me ask you this. If we’d walked into the room, freaked you both out, which would have led to you stopping, which of course, would mean, no orgasm; would that have been a better alternative to holding back, waiting for you both to come, then revealing ourselves? You tell me, just in case, we walk in on you again, down the track.”

“Nice comeback.” Alex conceded.

“Do you think we can discuss this like adults?” Mel interrupted the banter between Alex and me.

“As I said, I haven’t had a chance to discuss this with Dante yet. It’s going to feel a little weird, I know it will, but I do admit, it was hot to watch you two fucking.”

“I am prepared to grant Melanie her fantasy cara.” Dante’s response, took me by surprise.

“Really?” I frowned. “You’re sure that’s a good idea? I don’t want you to suffer…” I trailed off, reluctant to finish the sentence, when we were with Mel and Alex.

“I think you and I need to have a talk.” Dante’s hand closed around my arm, as he dragged me from the kitchen. I had to break into a run, for a few steps to keep up with him, and I was suddenly worried, I’d angered him. I hadn’t meant to possibly offend or upset him; I simply wanted to protect him.

It was only when we were in my bedroom, and Dante had shut the door behind us, that he released me, and I braced myself for his possible wrath.

“Look, I’m sorry Dante, I didn’t mean to upset you, or embarrass you, in front of the others, but I…” My apologetic ramble was cut off abruptly, when his lips slammed down on mine.

I felt his arms close around me, cupping my ass before I was yanked forward; my body curved into his. His lips moved over mine urgently, hungrily, and I could do little more, than cling to him, opening, to give him access to my mouth.

His kiss was like sex, intense, erotic, and highly pleasurable. By the time he released me, I staggered, before clinging to my bed, gasping for air.

“Are you alright?” I finally asked.

Dante stepped up to me again, his hand cupping my chin. “I’m fine Grace. I’m not angry with you, not at all. I just felt compelled to kiss you. I love you, and I love that you are concerned about what it will do to me, to act out your friend’s fantasy. I don’t want to do it, but I will. I will do it because it is important to Melanie, and she is a good friend to you. She is also looking after my friend. I think there is love blossoming between them too, and that makes me happy. So, we will do the fantasy, and I don’t want you to think about what it will do to me. If I can’t come, don’t concern yourself. As I’ve said, it was quite common, to not come with clients anyway. No one will think it odd, so don’t you worry.” He bent to kiss my hair. “You can make me feel better when we’re done with the fantasy, how about that? I will look forward to our time alone afterwards. I want to keep all my orgasms for you.”

“Ditto.” I said, reaching up to kiss him briefly. “I guess we’d better get back out to the others, and work out when we’re going to do this.”

“Come on then. Let’s get back to them, and work this out. It can’t be tonight. I need a little time, to recover from the time zone difference, now I’m back from Tuscany.”

“Oh hell no, definitely not tonight, I presume it will need some planning? You and Alex would know how to plan it, so Mel gets a night to remember. I want her to get a wonderful night Dante. After all, I had one. I will never forget the night, you and Alex, helped to bring me my fantasy.”

Dante’s hand came out to stroke my cheek. “You have no idea what a stressful night that was. I couldn’t believe that I was with you, that finally I had my Barbie. I was excited and nervous, desperate to show you who I was, scared to reveal myself, wanting you, and resenting that I had to let Alex have you to, that through it all, I had to maintain, some level of professionalism, when all I wanted to do, was go all caveman on you, throw you over my shoulder, and lock you away.”

“Well no matter how we started, we have each other now.” I said softly. “Once we get through Mel’s fantasy, we will be free to enjoy each other.”

“When that night is over cara, I wish for you to consider taking a holiday. I would like to take you to Italy. I want you to come and spend some time, at my vineyard in Tuscany. Will you think about it?” He asked, his eyes searching mine.

“Oh Dante, I’d love to.” I told him, a huge smile on my face.




For the next couple of days, Dante and I only spoke on the phone. He was busy, with something to do with Dial A Stud, recruiting new studs, Mel seemed to think, from what Alex had told her.

I wasn’t entirely buying their excuse. I got the impression, something was going on with Dante, but I wasn’t sure what. He’d been a little restless, and almost pensive, since returning from Tuscany.

I know he’d had an offer, from a neighbouring vineyard, to buy it, but something told me, selling it, wasn’t what he wanted to do.

That place held special meaning to him. He may have made his life back in Australia, but I suspected his heart, would always be in Tuscany. Sensing that about him just made his invitation, for me to come with him, when he went back out there, in a week or so, that much more special. He wanted me at the place, which probably held more meaning to him, than any other place.

The day before the night, that would be Mel’s fantasy experience, was spent with both of us working on a joint project. Its deadline was dawning, and I wanted to try and get all immediate jobs completed, or moving along, so I could free up some time for Tuscany.

“What time are the boys arriving again?” Mel asked; her eyes on the clock in our office.

I looked too, and saw it was 4pm. Dante and Alex weren’t due for another five hours. That would give us time to eat, shower, get ourselves ready for the evening, and drink. Wine was definitely, going to play a part in this evening’s plans. I was feeling nervous, not only for myself, but I worried about Dante, and how he would handle things.

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