Dial a Stud: Dante's Story (26 page)

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Authors: J. A Melville,Bianca Eberle

BOOK: Dial a Stud: Dante's Story
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Dante frowned, as he stared at me. “Are you serious? I’m not used to being on the receiving end cara. I give it; I don’t generally get it back.”

“Please.” I begged him. “Please, let me try. I would love it and hopefully you will too.”

“This is that important to you is it?” He asked, his eyes searching mine. “If I do this, if I allow you to do this, what if my problem rears its head?”

“Stop thinking you have a problem.” I said, and kissed him.

With just a feather light touch, I moved my lips over his. I didn’t force myself on him, or demand him to open to me. I just continued the slow, unhurried movement of my lips, on his.

After a short while, I felt him start to kiss me back, and I responded, by tracing his bottom lip with my tongue, licking over its softness.

I heard a tiny sound come from him, a low moan or sigh, from his throat, before his mouth opened, and suddenly, it was him kissing me, forcefully.

I opened to him, feeling his tongue immediately sweep over mine as he kissed me, taking control, dominating me. My tongue tangled with his, licking, sucking, curling around his, tasting him, savouring him.

For a while it was like a battle for control. I tried to take over the kiss again, my tongue duelling with Dante’s, but he responded by taking my bottom lip between his teeth, and giving me a sharp nip.

I moaned as my excitement grew. God this man drove me crazy. He was the only man I’d ever been with, who could have me ready to throw off my clothes, and spread my legs wide with nothing more than his lips on mine.

When he suddenly, shoved a hand, under his t-shirt I was wearing, and pushed a finger into me, I gasped with the surprise of having him inside me. He took advantage of me opening, wider still, and thrust his tongue past my lips, where he began a thorough and extremely erotic, exploration of my mouth.

The kiss went on and on, his finger mimicking the action of his tongue, thrusting in and out of me. He kept curling it, applying pressure to my g spot, until I could feel my body tightening, as he began to build me up, towards an orgasm.

I moaned again, wrenching my mouth from his, desperate for air, and as I gasped and panted noisily, I realised what he was doing. He was using his mouth, and fingers, to distract me, from my plan.

With one frantic lunge, before he could push me to the point, where I couldn’t think anymore, or I gave myself over to him, I leapt off his lap. There was nothing graceful about my execution, but then I’d always maintained, I didn’t live up to my name at all.

I staggered slightly, falling against the kitchen bench, in my haste, to put some distance between us, before turning to him, my chest heaving, as I glared at him.

Typically, he looked way too calm, whereas I was puffing away like a damn steam train.

“Don’t even try it mister.” I warned him, and he gave me a wide eyed, innocent look.

“Whatever do you mean cara?” He asked, as he took the fingers he’d had inside me, and raised them to his nose, breathing deeply.

Watching him, I felt my legs wobble a little, but when he then placed them inside his mouth, and sucked the taste of me off them, I nearly ended up in a puddle on his kitchen floor.

“You don’t play fair do you? You’re not going to win this one. Get your ass in that bedroom; get your clothes off, and on that bed, no fucking arguments.” I tried to give him as stern a look as I could, and pointed towards the doorway, as if that would make him realise, I meant it.

I saw a flash of humour in his eyes, before he stood, and gave me a tiny bow. As he turned to leave the kitchen, I was pleased to see the healthy bulge of his erection, through his dark grey sweat pants.

I watched him go, smiling to myself. Damn that man was able to make sweat pants look sexy. I normally hated a man wearing them, but Dante could pull it off, no worries.

“Now it’s time to go watch him pull those sweat pants off.” I muttered to myself, and realising I didn’t want to miss that, I hurried out of the kitchen after him.

Fortunately I made it to the bedroom, just in time to see him remove his t-shirt, and throw it onto the sofa, that sat along one wall.

He hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his sweat pants, and lowered them. He had his back to me, and I propped myself up against the door frame, enjoying the view.

Watching him undress, seeing the play of muscles over his back, and the way they made the barbed wire tattoo appear to stretch and distort, got me curious about it. 

“So what made you choose that tattoo?” I asked, and Dante went to turn to me. “No, keep your back to me. I’m enjoying the view from this side for a change.”

“It wraps around me as a form of protection. It’s to stop me from being hurt, or that’s what it represents cara. It’s a barrier to keep the pain away.” He said, his head angled, so I could see his profile, since I wouldn’t let him turn, right around, to face me.

Something about his words tugged at my heart. He’d suffered so much pain in his life. God, I wanted to change that for him. I suddenly realised, more than anything, I wanted to make him happy.

“I think it’s time for less talking, more undressing.” I told him and he turned his head, far enough to meet my eyes briefly.

“Bossy thing, aren’t you?” I could hear the amusement in his tone. “Well, whatever the lady wants the lady gets.” He said, and pushed his sweat pants over his hips, and down his legs, where he kicked them free of his feet.

Seeing him naked, from the back left me speechless, and I wasn’t often speechless. Damn but he was beautiful; so tall and with wide, strong shoulders, narrowing to his waist, and then that ass. I tried not to dribble down the front of myself looking at it. It really was a beautiful ass. Tight buttocks; muscled and…I needed to touch it.

Silently I crossed the floor to Dante, and cupped those gorgeous ass cheeks of his, one in each hand. Slowly I caressed them, running my palms all over them, feeling him clench under my touch. I gave them a squeeze and a pinch, before slipping one hand lower, reaching between his buttocks.

When I found what I was looking for, I ran one finger back and forth over his tightly puckered asshole. He clamped down harder, which made me smile. Someone wasn’t used to having his ass played with, obviously.

“What do you think you’re doing Grace? You can forget it right now.” He warned.

Bending forward, I dropped my forehead to his back, bringing my hands higher, working them up his sides to his shoulders.

Gently I kissed him between his shoulder blades. “I’m just exploring. You’ve never been on the receiving end of some anal play I presume?”

“No, and I don’t think I want to be either.”





Chapter Seventeen


Deciding I’d better back off since this was about making it good for him, not forcing my desires on him, I moved my hands into his hair where I briefly massaged his scalp.

I loved the feel of his hair. It was long, not wildly so, but definitely long, hanging just beyond his shoulders. The strands were so soft and silky, and I loved to watch them, fall through my fingers.

Dante stood quietly, as I took the time to enjoy his body. Again and again, I moved my hands from his hair, to his shoulders, back and ass, before finally stepping away from him.

“You can get on the bed now, on your back for me.” I told him and watched him do as I asked.

When he lay on his back, I didn’t move towards him straight away, instead taking the time to admire every glorious inch of him. I swear, back, front, coming or going, that man looked amazing.

He watched me, watching him, his chest heaving, just enough, to tell me he was far from being as composed, as he appeared to be. Well, his expression gave little away, but his body was screaming the message at me loud and clear.

I flicked my gaze to his cock, staring at it, in fascination. It rose, long and straight from his body. The head of it, red and engorged, while a scattering of veins, stood out along its length.

He was so big, and although I wasn’t normally one for getting excited over a cock, Dante’s was worth taking the time to admire it. It really was a thing of beauty, it, and that chunky length of metal that speared through it.

I climbed onto the bed, and straddled him, carefully positioning my soaked pussy over him. I could feel his hard length probing at me, stabbing me, as I circled my hips above him.

I didn’t lower myself onto him. This was not about my satisfaction. I knew if I let him inside me now, I’d ride him like a wild woman. I’d end up coming, and I’d have done nothing, to help him.

Instead, I used my pussy to caress the head of his cock, letting him feel me, coating him with moisture, until the rigid length glistened.

Abruptly I climbed off him again, and on hands and knees, crawled up the bed to his shoulders. He watched me, his eyes burning with desire, but he was going to have to keep, the pilot flame burning; I was far from finished with him yet.

I bent down and nipped his lip, before kissing my way over his cheek, and across to one ear. He shivered, just a tiny tremor that ran through his body, but his breathing had quickened; his breaths shallow and rapid.

“I want to tie you up and blindfold you. Will you let me?” I whispered in his ear, and smiled when I heard his harshly indrawn breath. His body jerked, bucking up ever so slightly, and I had to wonder if that meant, he liked the sound of my suggestion.

“No one’s ever done that to me before.” His voice came out on a moan.

“So is that a yes or no?” I asked, grabbing his earlobe between my teeth, and tugging on it gently.

“Yes cara.” He clenched his eyes tightly shut, arching his back, his hips thrusting off the mattress. When he dropped to the bed again, his eyes shot open. “Be gentle with me, please.”

Although, I think the words, were intended to be amusing, when I looked into his eyes, I could see something, pleading, vulnerability? He was pleading with me, not to hurt him, and somehow that was enough, to cause tears to spring, to my eyes.

“Always.” I said softly, and kissed him, licking my way along his lips, before pulling away again.

Climbing off the bed, I told him to stay where he was, while I went off in search, of something, to tie him up with, and to blindfold him.

A smile touched his lips at my words. “Where would I go anyway, dressed like this?”

I shot him a quick grin, and disappeared into his walk in robe, my eyes scanning the area, for suitable restraints, and a blindfold.

One of his t-shirts would do as a blindfold, and after hunting around, I found a bath robe that tied around the waist. I tugged the sash free, and armed, with my finds, I walked, back out to Dante.

His eyes turned to me, before dropping to the items, I held in my hands, one eyebrow quirking up.

Now that I was ready to restrain him, I had to think about how I was going to do it. He’d never been restrained, but I didn’t exactly have a lot of experience restraining someone. Actually, I had no experience.

“Hold your hands out.” I said. “Together, so I can tie this around them.” I held out the belt from the bath robe.

He immediately complied, and I clumsily tied his wrists together. It wasn’t that good a job. If he really wanted to be free, he’d easily pull out of the knots, I’d tied, to hold his hands together. I wouldn’t be, graduating, from BDSM School, any time soon, if there was such a thing, that is.

“Raise your hands to the headboard.” I told him, and he complied. I quickly tied the other end of the belt, to the decorative metal, that spanned the area, between the corner posts of the bed.

Once he was restrained, I sat back on my heels for a minute, to admire, not only my handiwork, but the sight of Dante, trussed up and vulnerable.

He looked magnificent of course. With his arms over his head, it stretched his body out, and seeing him with his abs tense, his ribs popping, in and out of view, as he breathed heavily, nearly had me salivating over him.

I straddled him again, grasping his cock in one hand, and gently I lowered myself, taking the blunt head inside me. Slowly, my eyes on his, I circled my hips, feeling that piercing teasing my delicate flesh.

I repeated the movement, making sure I didn’t take him deeper, inside me. All the time I watched his face, seeing his nostrils flare, as he breathed in sharply, before his mouth fell open and a deep, guttural sounding groan, burst from him.

Smiling, I lifted myself off him, despite the protests of my own body. This was driving me crazy too. I wanted to sink down onto him, and ride him, like he was a bronco, at the local rodeo.

I had to control my urges though. This was not about me, this was for him, so reluctantly I climbed off him again, and picked up the t-shirt, fashioning it into a makeshift blindfold.

When I shifted closer to him, I saw his eyes widen, and a flash of anxiety crossed his face. He was nervous and something about that, struck a chord with me, and I felt him take over another little piece of my heart.

“Relax, I won’t hurt you.” I tried to reassure him, just before I placed his t-shirt over his eyes, and somehow managed to tie it at the back of his head. Not well, but it was doing its job, he couldn’t see anything anymore.

Now he was tied up, and couldn’t see, I was suddenly confronted with a moment of panic. What the hell did I do now? I wasn’t a shrink. I didn’t know what to do, to ease Dante’s mind, to help him, not really. I would have to operate purely on instinct, and hope I gave the man the orgasm to end all orgasms.

I stuck a finger between my legs, and swept it through the moisture of my arousal, until it was wet and glistening. Reaching over to Dante’s face, but being careful to not make contact with him, I held it close to his nose.

I saw his nostrils flare, and I knew he’d realised what he could smell, when his cock jerked, and I saw a bead of pre cum, well up at the end.

I got a small burst of delight to see it. Things were functioning just fine it would seem. There were definite possibilities, for a satisfying orgasm for him, if I got this right.

Again I dipped a finger into my wet pussy, but this time, I swept the moisture across Dante’s bottom lip, painting it. He groaned, shifting restlessly, tugging at his restraints, but not hard enough to slip free of them.

“Taste me.” I said softly, and his tongue immediately darted out, licking his lip, from one side to the other. Again I saw his cock jerk, another bead welling to the top, and tipping over, to roll languidly down his rigid length.

I bent over him, kissing him, my lips moving over his, tasting myself on his skin. He responded to my kiss but the moment he tried to take over, I pulled away.

Placing my hands either side of his head, I straddled his stomach, lowering myself onto him, enough that he’d feel how wet I was. Slowly I rocked back and forth, coating him with my juices, before I bent down, and nibbled a pathway, from his ear to the base of his neck. I could feel the frantic beat of his pulse under my lips, and again, I felt a moment of jubilation that I was exciting him.

“Cara.” His endearment for me, was torn from his throat, ragged and strained.

“What is it Dante, baby.” I crooned at him. “What do you want?”

His face contorted briefly, and I felt his hips buck up under me. “Fuck, you’re enjoying this, aren’t you? I like that, I like that you called me baby. No one’s ever called me, by any kind of endearment before.” He bucked again. “I think you know what I want. I want to be inside you.”

“Well, there are a lot of possibilities, aren’t there?” I spoke softly. “Where do you want to be? Do you want to be in my pussy, my ass, or would you like to be in my mouth, with my lips wrapped around you?”

Dante shifted restlessly under me. He began to speak, all in Italian though, so I couldn’t understand him. I almost didn’t need him to translate; I think the frustrated tone of his voice, spoke volumes to me.

“Surprise me.” He finally ground out, and I grinned to myself. I found it strangely satisfying, to see this gorgeous man beneath me, slowly but surely unravelling.

I didn’t bother responding to his words, I simply slid my body lower on his, making sure, that again, he could feel my need for him.

I felt the hard ridge of his erection at my back and I rose, holding it, as I worked my way over it, rubbing the head through my folds.

Dante moaned and cursed under his breath, when I didn’t stop, but instead continued on down his body, until I was sitting low on his thighs. He responded by flexing his strong muscles under me, but I barely noticed, as all my attention was on his cock, that strained up hard in front of me.

Carefully I closed my hands around it, squeezing gently. When he responded with another drop of pre cum, I rubbed my thumb over it, smearing it around the head of his cock. He was so hard, under my touch. Surely he couldn’t leak this much pre cum, and not come? He was so beautiful to watch, caught up in the passion and torment of what I was doing to him.

Slowly I began to slide my hands, up and down his considerable length, repeating the action several times, alternately squeezing him, and cupping his heavy balls.

As I worked him through my hands, I kept an eye on his face. He didn’t say anything, but his breathing was very loud in the otherwise quiet room. I could see he had his head pressed hard into his pillows, and the veins in his neck stood out thickly, under his skin.

His chest rose and fell rapidly, his biceps flexing within the confines of the belt, that held him tied to the bed, and his hips shifted restlessly, pressing his cock more firmly into my grasp.

Abruptly, I released him, sitting back on my heels, to wait for his reaction.

He bucked up, as much as he could when I was sitting on him. “Fucking hell cara. You’re trying to drive me crazy, aren’t you? Come, you’re making your point. I feel like I could explode at any moment. You’re doing it for me, please, please; I need to be inside you now. What do you do to me? It’s so different with you. Let me into that hot little cunt of yours.” His words were husky, frantic and raw with emotion.

“No Dante.” I said quietly. “You’re not ready, and I’m not finished with you yet.”

A couple of violent expletives passed his lips and he yanked on his restraints again. “How much more fucking ready, do you think I’m going to get? I’m so hard, it hurts cara. Please, you’re hurting me now. Is this what you want is it, to hurt me?” His tone was cajoling and I smiled to myself. Who would have guessed he’d have a flare for the dramatics?

“Aw…poor baby.” I cooed sympathetically, although I wasn’t feeling sorry for him at all, not really. I wanted him this worked up, and the fact he was admitting he was, excited me. “If you’re so close to coming, don’t let me hold you back.”

Dante let loose with another string of what I could only assume were expletives. They were in Italian but the force with which he was spitting them out, I just knew he had to be swearing. Even swearing and with frustration rolling off him in waves, the man was still as sexy as sin.

“I…can’t. You…know…I…want…to…be…inside…you…to…come.” He threw the words at me, one by one as he writhed around on the bed.

I smiled with my growing satisfaction, safe in the knowledge he couldn’t see me. “Will this do?” I asked, just before I bent forward, and took him into my mouth.

As soon as I closed my lips around him, sucking him, as deep into my mouth, as I could, I heard him groan. “Jesus Grace.” He cried out, just as he thrust, hitting the back of my throat.

Bloody hell, that was a bit too much, having him that deep, and I blinked frantically, when my eyes began to water from having such a lot of Dante’s cock in my mouth.

I closed my fingers around the base of him, to control the depth, and slowly I eased him in and out of my mouth. God he was big though,, and it was a weird feeling trying to suck on him, with the metal rod through the head of his cock.

I kept clanking my teeth on it, and finally had to curl my lips around them, to protect myself, and him from injury. After sucking him as deep as I could a few times, I released him and began to lick up the length of him, with long, slow sweeps of my tongue, from balls to tip.

I felt him jerk, and without stopping what I was doing, I raised my eyes, to see how he was reacting. His body was strung tight, the muscles bulging in his arms and chest. I could see his abs flexing as he panted hard, like he’d just run a marathon or something.

As I watched him, I licked my way around his broad head, before dipping into the hole in the tip of his cock. A burst of salty flavour hit my tongue, and I knew he was close.

“Holy fuck, oh hell, hell. You might not want to keep me in your mouth, because I’m going to COME!” He finished on a shout.

I felt elation explode inside me at the knowledge, that I’d done it, I was going to make this huge, powerhouse of a man, come; that I, lacking in grace, Grace had the power to bring him undone. He was going to reach that point of no return; he would be at his most vulnerable from my hands and mouth. ‘Why don’t you throw a few more clichés in with that lot?’ The voice in my head said with a trace of sarcasm, momentarily distracting me.

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