Diamond Revelation (16 page)

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Authors: Sheila Copeland

BOOK: Diamond Revelation
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I wish somebody wanted everyone to know that I was his woman.
Everybody was eating and laughing except Sabre.

“Her kids came on stage, too. Her son looks just like his daddy, and her daughter looks just like her.” Eduardo was still dishing the gossip.

I bet she didn't have Niki up there. She is such a damn liar.
Sabre got a Coke and went outside, but the others were so busy talking about Topaz they didn't even notice when Sabre left.

She just signed a fucking deal and she has Sherwin and Mimi, next thing she'll have Eduardo doing her hair and Dawn styling her clothes. Everybody talking about her is ruining my fucking party. Why is it that no matter what I do, no matter where I go, this fucking bitch always shows up? Well good, I'm glad she's going to be part of the VMG family. We'll see who's hot and who's not. That fucking
will never outsell my CD.
I'm going to blow her old ass right off the charts. Then they'll be asking her ass to open up for me.

Victor came outside on the patio a few minutes later. “Topaz ain't all that, Sabre. She's just an established singer with a track record for selling CDs. I like your music much better.”

“For real, Victor?” There were tears in her eyes. He had never seen her so vulnerable.

“For real, Sabre.” She allowed him to pull her into his arms. Victor held her so tightly she could feel his heart beating, and for the first time in her life, she didn't want to pull away. She stood there in the dark, listening to the sound of the ocean and enjoyed the feeling of someone feeling her.

“Just remember two things,” Victor continued. “You're my superstar, sexy, and no one stays on top forever, not even Topaz.”

Chapter 21

imi traipsed around The Diamond in skinny jeans and a pair of ruby Jimmy Choo satin sling backs, the matching handbag swaying on her arm. Nina and Topaz both raised an eyebrow of interest the moment she entered the restaurant.

“So you're Jade Kimura Ross.” Mimi gave Jade one of her best plastic smiles. “I've heard so much about you and I've seen your work. And Topaz, it's so wonderful to see you again.”

“This is my best friend, Keisha,” Topaz interjected, but Mimi acted as though she didn't hear her, politely dismissing Keisha as being someone unimportant, the way most people in Hollywood did once they realized a person was of no real value to them.

“I still don't understand why we have to do the party here. I was thinking White Lotus, the Roosevelt Hotel, or even the Sunset Room would be so much better.” Mimi practically turned up her nose. “No one wants to travel this far south for anything.”

“We're having the party here because my friends own this restaurant,” Topaz replied firmly.

“Yes,” Nina cut in. “T's concert was here and it was fabulous. Standing room only and there were lots of celebrities. Anyone invited will come because it's for Topaz.”

“Oh, I totally agree, but there is no way we're having the party here if her concert was here. You can never use the same venue twice,” Mimi decreed victoriously.

“That makes a lot of sense to me,” Keisha replied softly. “Maybe you should choose one of the other restaurants like Mimi suggested, T.”

“I'm hiring a celebrity party planner, so there really wouldn't be anything for you ladies to do. Topaz is a fabulous A-list artist, so she must have a fabulous room,” Mimi added, obviously relieved that she would not be forced into using The Diamond.

“White Lotus might be nice.” Nina sighed, trying her hardest to be on her best behavior when she was so tempted to tell Mimi to kiss off.

“You like White Lotus, Nini?” Topaz smiled at her cousin warmly, using one of Nina's pet names.

“White Lotus is so overdone,” Jade cut in.

“What?” Mimi began. “White Lotus is…”

“Totally overdone,” Jade repeated without a hint of a smile.

Everyone focused on Jade with surprised looks.

“What would you suggest, Jade?” Mimi fixed her big baby blues on Jade while Keisha tried not to laugh.

“Why not do something totally creative like having the party at Harry Winston on Rodeo? Topaz is a jewel. So have a party for her at Harry Winston where she can be a topaz amongst the diamonds,” Jade coolly explained. “I get so sick and tired of everyone using the same places over and over in this city. That's why we opened The Diamond, which is celebrity owned. My husband and Eric Johnson are two of the biggest ball players in this city.”

“Harry Winston. That is so fresh. I love it, Jade!” Topaz grabbed Jade and kissed her.

“Me too.” Mimi smiled and seemed to relax for the first time since she had entered the restaurant. “It's totally fabulous.”

“Girlfriend, you are a creative genius,” Nina added.

“Thank you,” Jade replied coolly.
Don't ever try to put my restaurant down.

“Okay, let's have some lunch and drinks and finish our discussion. You will be joining us, won't you, Mimi?” Keisha's smile was genuine despite Mimi's earlier brush-off.

“That sounds totally fab, Keisha,” Mimi replied.

Topaz and Keisha exchanged glances. It was always so interesting the way someone who didn't know your name earlier suddenly remembered it.

In the middle of a mouth-watering Diamond spread, Mimi exclaimed, “Let's have a reception for Topaz here, afterward. Harry Winston won't hold everyone, so we'll just have press and A-list celebs there, then we can have Part Two here at The Diamond. It totally fits. Harry Winston and The Diamond.” Mimi flashed a brilliant, luminous smile.

“I love it.” Topaz smiled at her girls.

“Me too,” Nina agreed. “It'll be the talk of the town.”

“Not to mention, it's great business for the restaurant. But most important, I get to give my girl a Superstar party.” Keisha put an arm around Topaz and gave her a big hug.

“It's a win–win situation for everyone.” Mimi stood up from the table and picked up her bag. “Harry Winston. Sherwin is going to love it. Ciao, ladies.” Mimi gave everyone a Miss America wave and strutted out the door.

“I saw those Jimmy Choos at the boutique on Rodeo Drive. They didn't have my size,” Nina declared as she stared off into space.

“It's a good thing Mimi doesn't wear the same size as you or that chick would be short one pair of red stilettos with matching bag.” Topaz laughed and pulled her cousin's hair. “Because we all know how much Nini loves her some red shoes.”


Harry Winston was more than happy to lend the store as the site of Topaz's release party for her long-awaited third CD. After all, they were responsible for so many of the jewels that actresses wore to the Oscars; why not host a party for Topaz? They even designed a wonderful topaz and diamond necklace and earrings for her that made the pieces her late husband Gunther had given her seem like mere trinkets.

On the night of the party, Rodeo Drive was roped off and huge screens were set up outside so her fans could participate in the festivities. Searchlights danced across the sky heralding the launch of her
CD. Footage from her live performance of “Superstar” had been made into a video. The song, officially released to radio as a single, quickly climbed to the top of the music charts and stayed there.

For the very first time, Nina and Kyle stood together as co-CEOs of Revelation Music, while Sherwin Katz observed everything like the proud papa. Flutes of champagne and an assortment of appetizers were offered to the press and other VIP guests who were allowed to enter the store.

Sabre sipped on champagne as she pretended to be absorbed in the exquisite jewels on display in the cases. Mimi and Sherwin insisted she attend the party, despite the fact that “Superstar” had knocked Sabre's song out of the number one spot, making her yesterday's news. She watched as the “Black Friends” talked among themselves. They were the only people she really knew at the party. Sky and Victor were attending the reception at The Diamond. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and forced herself to walk over to the group.

“Hello, everyone.” Sabre opened her eyes and found that she was standing in front of Nina.

“Hey, Sabre.” Nina greeted her with a kiss. “You look wonderful.”

Sabre was wearing Versace and she did, indeed, look wonderful. Her glam squad had hooked a sista up. “Thanks, Nina. You look wonderful, too. So when is Topaz arriving?”

“She should be here any minute.” Nina smiled at Kyle, who was too fine in an Armani tuxedo.

“I love the way she sang ‘Superstar,'” Sabre offered.

“We all do,” Nina smiled.

“Mimi mentioned the tour to me. I'd love to be a part of Topaz's tour,” Sabre continued. “Do you have any dates in mind yet?”

“We're thinking about the first of next year.”

“Sounds perfect.” Sabre smiled sweetly. “Hey, Keisha and Jade.” She kissed them both on the cheek. “How's the restaurant doing?”

“Extremely well.” Jade smiled. “You have to come by for dinner some night. Bring your friends.”

“I'll do that,” Sabre replied happily. It felt so nice to belong.

Sabre was in the middle of a conversation with Keisha when motorcycles escorted a limo to the front of the store.

“She's here, you guys,” Nina declared excitedly.

A driver opened the door and Topaz stepped out of a classic Bentley in a sweeping gold Cavalli gown. She looked like Cinderella arriving at the palace except Prince Charming arrived with her. When Germain stepped out of the limo in his designer tux, Sabre felt her heart skip a beat. Lights from cameras flashed as he ushered Topaz up the red carpet, the epitome of Hollywood royalty.

Nina and Kyle were in the center of the store waiting for Topaz and Germain. “I knew you were coming fashionably late, but please, Miss Thing,” Nina teased.

“But, am I not fabulous?” Topaz was glowing.

“Totally,” Nina agreed as Mimi walked up and they both laughed.

Mimi began arranging photos for the press. She called Sabre over to pose with Topaz.

“Hi, Topaz, this is a wonderful party.” Sabre smiled warmly and brushed her cheek lightly against Topaz's. “Congratulations on the release of

“Thank you, Sabre,” Topaz replied happily.

They posed for several photos together before Sabre rejoined the Black Friends. After the photo opportunity, Mimi allowed the press a brief question-and-answer period.

“Topaz, this last CD was so passionate. What was your inspiration?” a woman shouted.

“My wonderful husband.” Topaz kissed Germain on the lips. There was applause, and more cameras flashed.

“Topaz,” a man yelled for her attention. “I understand you were made a substantial offer from VMG. Why sign with the fledgling Suicide Records? Does this have anything to do with the fact that the CEO is your cousin?”

Mimi started to answer for her, but Topaz responded to the question herself. “I signed with the fledgling Suicide, I think you called it, for several reasons. First, it's the label of my first producer, Jamil Winters, who signed me to my first deal. I'd do anything to help Jamil. Second, because of Jamil's great music. You'll find a couple of his songs on my new CD. And third, I did want to work with my cousin, Nina, who is the co-CEO along with her husband, Kyle. Nina has been a part of my career from the very beginning. I chose less money because money isn't everything, but family is, and my family is very important to me.” She took Germain by the hand. “And when I get ready to put out my next CD, I'll discuss it with my family and we will decide what's best for us. Right now, Revelation Music is what's best for this family.”

Everyone cheered as Topaz and Germain kissed again.

“Girl, you told him,” Nina whispered in her ear. “That was amazing.”

“Topaz, I applaud you on your view of family values,” another press person began. “But answer this for me. If you're so big on family, why are you allowing your cousin Nina and her husband, Kyle, to raise your daughter Nicole as their own?”

The room was so quiet you could have heard a rat piss on cotton as everyone waited for Topaz's response. Germain was also silent as the color faded from his face. Nina felt herself shaking, and the wind was knocked out of Kyle. Topaz was as poised and collected as ever when she replied.

“I have no idea what you're talking about.”

“Topaz, isn't it true that this is your daughter?” A woman produced a photograph of Topaz and Germain with Chris, Baby Doll, and Niki that had been taken at the Chocolate Affair.

“Turquoise, who we call Baby Doll, is my daughter. Niki is Nina's daughter.” Topaz was amazingly cool.

“But Nicole has sickle cell disease, and according to the facts, that makes it biologically impossible for her to be your cousin's daughter.” The reporter was relentless.

“Then shouldn't you be talking to my cousin?” Topaz fired back.

“There will be no further questions.” Mimi directed security to remove Topaz, Germain, Nina, and Kyle from the jewelry store. “If there are any further questions about Topaz's music, direct them to me.”

The room buzzed with conversation as Topaz and her entourage were led out of the store.

Chapter 22

hat the hell was all that about?” Germain asked the moment they were back inside the limo. Kyle and Nina couldn't look at each other as they sat across from Germain and Topaz.

“Absolute madness.” Topaz laughed nervously. “Nina and Kyle, you guys throw a hell of a party.” Topaz fished around in the cooler and found a bottle of Cristal. “Kyle, would you do me the honor of popping the cork on this baby and pouring us all a glass? I sure need one after all that craziness.”

By the time Kyle handed everyone flutes of champagne, Topaz's glass was empty. She handed her glass to Kyle for him to refill. “So are we off to The Diamond for Part Two of this soiree?”

Nina looked at Topaz like she was crazy. “You want to go to The Diamond?”

“Yes! Keisha and Jade planned a fabulous party. People are waiting for us. What would it look like if we didn't show up because of some outrageous lie and an obvious attempt to sabotage the release of my new CD?” Topaz was on her third glass of champagne.

“She does have a point.” Kyle was finally able to look at his wife.

Germain was still dazed. “Baby, who would want to do something like this to you?”

“Dr. Roslyn Lawrence,” Topaz replied firmly.

“Who is Dr. Rosalyn Lawrence?” Germain demanded.

Nina poured herself another glass of champagne. She couldn't wait to hear how Topaz was going to explain this one.

“My former sister-in-law.”

“Your former sister-in-law?” Germain looked puzzled.

“Gunther's little sister.” Topaz placed a hand on her forehead, then she broke into tears. “How long must I pay for that mistake of a marriage?”

Germain pulled her into his arms where she cried for several minutes. He took out a handkerchief and dabbed at his wife's tears.

Topaz sniffed and continued. “Before you and I remarried, I tried to let Baby Doll have a relationship with his family even though Gunther hated them. I thought it was the right thing to do.”

Nina interlocked her fingers with Kyle's as they rode in silence.

“It was, sweetheart.” Germain was too good to be true.

“He left a will and he didn't leave his family a cent. Gunther had a son almost the same age as Baby Doll who I knew nothing about until Rosalyn decided to sue me for a portion of the estate. It got real nasty. We were in and out of court, and things were being written in the tabloids.”

“I remember that now. Kids were saying things to Chris in school,” Germain added.

“I couldn't go anywhere. It was crazy. So Keisha told me to settle. She told me to give the tramp that had Gunther's baby and his family some money. My lawyers drew up an agreement that had one stipulation. His family would not be allowed any further contact with Baby Doll. Rosalyn called me a few weeks ago and said her dad was sick and he wanted to see Baby Doll, and I told her no. Then she told me I'd be sorry. I guess with all the publicity for
she obviously decided this would be a good time to ruin my life.” Topaz's voice cracked and there were tears in her eyes again.

“But where would she get an idea to make up something as crazy as Niki being your daughter? It's not true, is it?”

Nina didn't realize she was squeezing the life out of Kyle's fingers.

Topaz sat up and looked Germain in the eyes. “Baby, why on earth would I give away my child? Tell me, when did I even have a baby? You've been with me these last six years.”

Germain looked thoughtful. “That is true.”

Nina relaxed somewhat.

The limo pulled up at The Diamond. “Shall we go inside and continue this party? We're not going to let that psychotic bitch ruin the biggest night in our careers, are we?” Topaz smiled at Nina and Kyle.

“No way,” Nina agreed. “Let's do this.”

They all ignored the paparazzi as they got out of the car and walked into The Diamond as couples. Big-screen monitors were mounted throughout the club where the party was at a high. Mimi's event planner had redecorated the club, bringing in special furniture, statues, and fabrics…it looked like an Egyptian palace. Sean met his brother and led them over to a special VIP section to a reserved table.

“How's everyone doing?” Sean spoke softly.

“We're all good, man.” Kyle gave his brother a hug. “The ladies are ready to party so here we are.”

Jade brought out a magnum of champagne and joined them at the table. “Can I get you guys anything?”

“Babe, just send over a waitress. I know my brother's gonna want something from the bar,” Sean whispered in his wife's ear.

Eric and Keisha appeared. Keisha took a seat by Topaz. She looked Topaz directly in her eyes and Topaz looked away. Keisha always seemed to be able to read her innermost thoughts and she couldn't handle it.

“What's up, girlfriend?”

“I'm good.” Topaz locked her fingers with Germain's.

“Can y'all believe what they did to my juke joint now?” Eric was always good for a laugh.

“Honey, how many times have I asked you not to call the restaurant a juke joint? People might get the wrong idea.” Keisha looked at Eric and shook her head. “I'm kinda feeling this décor though.”

Topaz's beautiful face continually lit up the screen on the monitors. She had recorded a great dance track, and people were on the dance floor. “Come on, baby. Let's go dance.” Topaz popped out of her chair and pulled Germain behind her.

Nina watched them as they danced. They really seemed to be having a good time. Keisha was also watching them. She picked at the food on her plate and had very little to say to anyone. Topaz and Germain returned to the table laughing.

“What's up, cuz?” Topaz smiled at Nina as she took a seat next to her. It was obvious that she had consumed a great deal of champagne.

“Can we get out of here for a minute?” Nina's eyes were intense.

“Sure, I need to go to the powder room anyway.” Topaz spoke briefly to Germain before she followed Nina out of the club.

“Let's use the bathroom in here.” Nina led Topaz to the office Jade shared with Keisha, opened the door, and then quickly closed and locked it behind them. “You deserve an Oscar for your performance.” She spoke so only Topaz could hear.

Topaz made no comment but went into the restroom and returned several minutes later. “I'm ready.”

Nina looked at her like she was crazy. “Ready for what?”

“Ready to go back to my party with my husband.”

There was a knock at the door and Keisha walked in. “How are we doing?”

Topaz rolled her eyes. “Not now, Keisha. I'm on my way back out to the party.”

“I'm sure you won't be missed for a minute. Sean and Eric took the guys up to their new billiard room. Germain will survive without you for a few minutes.” Keisha opened her refrigerator and took out a Coke. “You guys really need to come out with the truth about everything before things really get out of hand.”

“Topaz, what did you tell her?” Nina exploded.

“I didn't tell her anything, but you and your big-ass mouth just did.” Topaz's eyes were stormy.

“Don't fall apart now, you two. No one told me anything. I figured it out after you returned from Europe with Niki,” Keisha calmly explained.

“What?” Topaz and Nina chorused.

Keisha simply nodded.

“Why didn't you say anything?” Nina demanded.

Keisha took a long swig of her Coke. “For several reasons. First, I prayed and hoped to God I was wrong. I didn't want to be right. For you guys to go to that length to keep a secret, I'm sure you thought you had a very good reason.”

Neither Topaz nor Nina said a word. They just sat there looking very tired and very defeated.

“How did you know?” Topaz managed to whisper.

“Despite the obvious things?”

Nina looked like she was going to be sick. “What obvious things?”

Keisha drank the last of her soft drink. “Niki's beautiful golden eyes…I've never seen anyone with those eyes but you, Topaz. Even though your mom and Nina's mom are sisters, those eyes did not come from your mother's side of the family, they're from your father. When we were little girls I remember you telling me I got my golden eyes from my daddy.”

Topaz looked like a wilted flower. “Go on,” she mumbled.

“Niki can sing like you. She looks nothing like Nina or Kyle. Nina, you never looked the least bit pregnant. I've heard of people not showing, but girlfriend, I was never convinced,” Keisha finished.

No one made eye contact as the ladies all sat there in an uncomfortable silence.

“Kyle's in on this too, isn't he?” Keisha broke their awkward silence with yet another probing question.

“Yes,” Nina whispered.

“Damn.” Keisha hit the desk with her fist. Topaz and Nina practically jumped out of their chairs. “Why do you always do this to Germain? He's a good man. He doesn't deserve all of your lies and deceit.”

A huge tear pressed itself out of Topaz's eye and rolled down her cheek. “No matter what you or anyone else thinks, I love my husband very, very much.”

“Then tell him the truth!” Keisha shouted.

“We kept everything a secret to protect Jade.” Nina's voice trembled as she spoke.

“Jade?” Keisha repeated. “What does she have to do with this?”

Nina looked at Topaz, who was dabbing at the corner of an eye with her finger. “Sean is Niki's father.”

“Are you sure?” Keisha was whispering now.

“Yes, I'm sure. I ought to know who I slept with,” Topaz yelled.

“Girl, would you be quiet?” Nina looked at Topaz like she was crazy. “You remember when Jade and Sean were having problems?” Nina said to Keisha. “We didn't want to see them get a divorce over one night that was a huge mistake.”

“You guys are so considerate,” Keisha replied sarcastically.

“Look, whatever was wrong in Jade's marriage was wrong before Sean and I slept together,” Topaz said defensively.

Keisha made no comment. She simply shook her head. “Y'all are too messy. This is a mess…a huge mess.”

“If Jade knew Topaz had a baby by Sean, she would have him in divorce court so quick he would still be trying to figure out what happened,” Nina offered.

“And if she finds out she still might divorce his ass,” Topaz added.

The office door opened and Jade appeared in the doorway. “What's going on in here, you guys?”

Everyone was so shocked by her abrupt entrance, no one said anything.

“Are you guys keeping secrets from me?” Jade giggled.

Topaz stood up and smiled. “No, sweetie, we're not keeping anything from you. I just got a headache and came in here to get away from all the noise. I'm feeling better now, so I'm going to find Germain.” Topaz made a quick exit as Jade took her seat.

“I guess she would have a headache after all that drama at the press party. Can you believe that reporter actually accused Topaz of having a baby and giving it away? She's better than me, because I would have cursed her out.”

“That's why she's a superstar. The girl is a professional,” Keisha smiled. “Are the guys still upstairs, Jade?”

“Yes, they were talking about playing poker and ordering hot wings.” Jade laughed.

“Is anyone still at the party?” Keisha questioned.

“Oh yes,” Jade laughed. “As long as there's free food and drink, no one's going home.”

Keisha went back into the club where things were still in full swing. Topaz was dancing with Usher. When the song was over, Keisha went and dragged her off the floor. “You need to get Germain and get out of here.”

“He's playing poker with the guys, Keisha.” Topaz was irritated.

“So get him out of that card game and take him home so you guys can talk.”

“We talked in the limo on the way over here.”

“Did you guys tell him Niki really is your daughter?”


“Why not?”

“Because he's fine with things the way they are. I told him all about Rosalyn.”

“As in my father's top researcher Dr. Rosalyn Lawrence?”


“What does
have to do with this?” Keisha demanded.

“She called me and told me if I didn't allow Baby Doll to spend time with her father, I would be sorry.”

“She threatened you?”

“She's a psychotic hatin' bitch.”

“So you didn't let her see Baby Doll?”

“You were with me at my attorney's office when I set up the stipulations of the agreement that her family signed.”

The ladies were seated back in VIP at Topaz's abandoned table.

“Oh, this is too crazy. What made her think Niki was your daughter?”

“She said something about me and Germain both having the trait, and Nina and Kyle not having the trait, so Niki couldn't be their daughter.”

“Oh my God…T…the blood drive for the Chocolate Affair. She knows all of our blood types.”

“She sure does.” Topaz paused to speak to Shemar Moore, who had stopped by her table.

“Topaz, Germain has the trait?” Keisha's eyes were about to pop out of her head.

“She said he did.”

“Oh my God…that means Niki could be Germain's…”

Topaz put her hand over Keisha's mouth before the rest of her words could escape. “She's not, so don't even think it. We weren't together then.” Topaz couldn't handle hearing the question that had stayed on her mind ever since Rosalyn's crazy-ass phone call.

“Wait…now I remember. The first time Niki had a crisis Jade came up to the hospital and she mentioned that Sean had the trait because she saw it in some paperwork she had to fill out for their insurance policies.”

“Niki is Sean's baby.”

“I don't think Niki looks like Sean either.”

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