Diamond Revelation (4 page)

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Authors: Sheila Copeland

BOOK: Diamond Revelation
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Chapter 6

t was hotter than July in Burbank and it was only mid-June. It was almost ten-thirty in the morning and the streets were eerily quiet. Everyone was inside cooling themselves in some form of air conditioning. Topaz pressed the number six once she was inside the elevator at the Burbank Music building. Despite the coolness inside, she could feel beads of perspiration forming around her hairline and over her full top lip. As the elevator began its ascent, she didn't know why she felt so nervous. Nina had been more than willing to take the meeting and hear her ideas. During Topaz's career, she had sold millions of CDs, which had been certified platinum several times over.

“There is no reason why Nina wouldn't want the Grammy-award-winning, beautiful wife of Dr. Gradney,” Germain reminded her. “Every record label on the planet would sign you to a deal. And don't forget Nina is your best friend and cousin.”

“Isn't that called nepotism?” Topaz, never big on words, learned its meaning just the other night while looking over her son's spelling homework.

“No, baby. Nina signing you to a deal would not be nepotism. If you hadn't already proven yourself, that would be different. If anyone could be accused of nepotism, it would be Nina because she never ran a label.”

Topaz sighed with relief. Germain even offered to attend the meeting with her, but Topaz told him that wasn't necessary. But they were going to have dinner at G. Garvin's later that evening to celebrate the new music deal she would certainly be offered.

So why the hell am I so nervous then?
Topaz asked herself, but she already knew the answer. She couldn't fight off the insecurity about her age. It was a fact she constantly dealt with despite her countless accolades and accomplishments. She knew she was older than most of the artists she deemed worthy competitors. Pop divas were superstars and millionaires at seventeen now, and even though she was still beautiful, Topaz couldn't help feeling that she was as old as dirt.

Jamil's comments about her and Sabre the night of the Divas concert had only helped to fuel her growing fears. His words constantly played over and over in her mind. “If you're gonna lose sleep over any female in the room, this is the one,” Jamil had said, referring to Sabre, whom he called gorgeous. Topaz could see Sabre now all snuggled up under Jamil like she was his woman.

I wonder if they were sleeping together,
Topaz wondered for the first time as she recalled the scene in her mind.
That ho probably was having sex with him,
Topaz concluded. It had only been a few weeks since his fiancée, India, had been murdered. But Jamil was still a man, and Sabre was a pretty young thing. “I'm gonna sign her to a solo deal in a few years and she's gonna blow up. Sabre is a diamond,” Topaz remembered Jamil saying. And it was no secret that Jamil had purchased the five-carat diamond she wore around her neck from Jacob the Jeweler the day after the concert.

That was less than two years ago, and now Sabre was signed to a solo deal. She had indeed blown up. Sabre had the number one song on the radio. Her ever-growing popularity seemed endless. People loved Sabre. She was in demand. Topaz and Baby Doll watched her on
just yesterday.

After I was finally able to get Jamil's words out of my head before my solo performance on VH1, that little bitch had the audacity to walk on stage while I was singing, wearing my dress that she stole from my house,
Topaz remembered angrily.

It had taken every ounce of willpower Topaz had to not go off on Sabre during the song. Topaz still wanted to kill Sabre every time she laid eyes on her, which was all the time now that the young diva was really headed for superstar status.

“Hell no,” Topaz said out loud.
This is an important meeting,
she reminded herself.
This is not the time to trip about Sabre

She looked down at the new pair of Apple Bottoms that she purchased especially for her meeting with Nina. She shampooed and conditioned her hair before she left the house, and it had dried into lots of curly ringlets with gold, blond, and copper highlights. Her lips sparkled with her favorite shade of MAC lip gloss and she had only applied mascara.

After what seemed like forever, the elevator doors opened and Topaz stepped into Revelation Music offices where the receptionist led her to the conference room. Her eyes fell on a framed poster of So Fine's CD cover on a wall. When she saw Sabre, her anger was as fresh as ever. Hood rat, bitch, and a couple of other expletives passed quickly through her mind. Then she saw the plaque from the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences for her last CD that sold over five million copies. Before she could look any further, Nina appeared dressed in the cutest pink sundress and her pink diamond earrings.

“Hey cuz.” Nina kissed Topaz on the cheek before she arranged her BlackBerry, a tablet of yellow legal paper, and pen in front of her on the conference table.

“That's a very pretty dress,” Topaz remarked. “It goes perfectly with your pink diamonds.”

“Thanks. I got it in a boutique at the Lennox Mall in Buckhead while I was in the ATL.” Nina smiled at Topaz as a few additional people joined them at the table. “I hope you don't mind, but I asked Danny, my A&R executive, and a few other staff members to join us.”

Topaz smiled at them and whispered so only Nina could hear. “I wanted to talk to you, not them.”

“I already know where this is going, girlfriend. We don't have a lot of time. This way we can accomplish everything in one meeting.” Nina folded her arms and reclined in her chair and began making introductions. “So let's do this. Meet Danny, the best A and R man in the business; Cookie, the head of video; and Anita, my executive assistant.”

Topaz gave everyone her best smile.

“I just want to welcome you to Revelation in advance.” Danny was almost blushing. “I've been a fan since your first CD. This is truly an honor.”

Topaz smiled warmly at Danny. She felt herself begin to relax in the chilly conference room.

“That goes double for me.” Cookie smiled at Topaz. “I look forward to working with you to capture your music visually.”

“A'ight, girl. What's up? You said you have something for us to listen to?” Nina demanded excitedly.

“I sure do.” Topaz took out the CD of her songs and placed it on the table. Nina snatched it up and handed it to Danny. “Music maestro.”

Topaz watched as he walked over to the audio equipment and placed the disc in the player. “I've been writing and recording my own material for the last year or so. I've been thinking it's time to do something with it, so here we are.”

Danny cranked the volume as Topaz's voice flowed through the speakers.

Her vocals were strong and clear. The melody was hypnotic and the acoustic guitars soothing. The track was clean except for light percussion that she had programmed. After the third song Danny clicked off the CD.

“I'm speechless.” Danny looked around searching the others' faces. “That was phenomenal, incredible.” He took Topaz's hand and kissed it. “Mesmerizing.”

Topaz was too pleased. She looked at Nina, who was busily writing notes.

“It's a different sound for you,” Cookie began, carefully choosing her words. “Definitely not what I was expecting, but I like it. I like it a lot.”

“It's nice, T. Real nice. Do you have a publishing deal?” Nina inquired.

“No,” Topaz replied, quietly wondering where Nina was going with this particular question.

“We'll have to hook something up for you because the material is absolutely wonderful.”

Topaz finally relaxed now that Nina had given it her stamp of approval. “I'm so glad you like it.”

“However…” Nina cut in. “I don't feel it's right for you.”

“What?” Topaz's mouth dropped open in surprise.

“I agree,” Cookie added quickly. “You're this gorgeous, glamorous pop diva. That's your image. It is so not you.”

“My sentiments, exactly.” Nina tossed her pen on the table. “If you recorded that material, it would prove disastrous to your career.”

“I disagree.” Danny was on his feet. “Young people are looking for the real deal. This is as real as you can get.”

“Young people want to go clubbing. They want music you can dance to,” Nina countered.

“So let her write a couple of dance tunes. If they don't work, we've got plenty of material in Jamil's catalogue to choose from.” Danny winked at Topaz.

“Do you think Jamil would record this material?” It was the first time Anita had spoken during the entire meeting.

Everyone was quiet as they pondered Anita's words.

“No.” Cookie shook her head emphatically. “Jamil was about hip-hop and club tunes.”

“Jamil was also about real raw talent,” Danny cut in. “And that's what this is. We add some instrumentation, poof…we've got some great R&B here. It's neo soul…it's fresh and it's hot.”

“Neo soul artists don't sell as well as pop artists. Topaz is pop,” Nina pointed out.

“This is pop,” Danny countered. “It will sell, because Topaz is singing it.”

“I think Jamil would have loved it, just like I do.” Anita obviously only spoke when she had something to say.

Topaz looked at Nina, who was seated at the head of the table doodling on the pad. She felt a knot forming in her stomach, and she was beginning to sweat profusely.

“Jamil loved Topaz,” Nina began quietly. “He signed her to her first deal. He produced her second album and wanted to sign her to this label to produce her third. He'd be on the phone with legal right now nailing out the details of the contract. But would he sign her to do this material? I worked very closely with Jamil over the years…I was almost his wife, so I think I know him and his music pretty well, which is why I've been given the task of running Revelation Music. Based on that…I have to say no. It's too risky, and the label can't afford to take any chances right now.”

Topaz couldn't believe what she was hearing…and from Nina, who had been a part of her career from the beginning and by her side ever since.
No from my blood?
Although Nina had a sister, she and Topaz were closer than close. Topaz still couldn't believe what she was hearing. Danny handed Topaz the CD with an apologetic glance as the others left the conference room.

“No hard feelings, right cuz?” Nina held out her arms to give Topaz a hug. “It's only business.”

“It's only business,” Topaz agreed. She kissed Nina on the cheek, dropped her CD in her bag, and left the building as quickly as she could.

Chapter 7

raffic on Robertson Boulevard between Third Street and Beverly Boulevard, the heart of the interior design district, was always congested. Probably because of the paparazzi and other stargazers trying to catch celebrities at The Ivy or some fancy boutique like Kitson that the younger celebs were known to frequent.

Nina was seated on the sunny patio of The Ivy at her favorite table where she could people watch. She ordered an apple martini while she waited for Sky and Sabre, who were running late. A waiter seated Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher at a nearby table. She popped out of her seat to greet the host of
and his wife. Nina had been Ashton's contact when the show wanted to punk Topaz.

Back at her table, Nina made note of information Ashton had given her about an upcoming event he wanted Topaz to attend. She sat there staring at the slice of apple in her drink.
It seems like no matter what I do in this business, my connections to the real players in Hollywood are always because of Topaz

Nina constantly tried to create a distinct separation in her life between her and Topaz, but things always seemed to begin and end with her famous cousin. Even though she had written an intriguing
New York Times
best-selling novel about her adventures in Hollywood, they had come from her life as Topaz's personal assistant and cousin. It didn't help Nina's ego when her editor insisted that she mention her relationship to Topaz in Nina's brief biography on the back of the book. Nina's first real high-paying job had been as Topaz's assistant. She met Jamil, her best friends, and even her husband either through or with Topaz. But this new position at Revelation Music was an opportunity for Nina to leave her own personal mark in the industry.

Her BlackBerry vibrated. She read the message and quickly typed a response and looked up to see Sky speaking with the maitre d'. She studied Sabre as the ladies approached her table.
As gorgeous as Sabre is, she has no real star power
, Nina realized. That je ne sais quois—the “it” factor—that special something that made her stand out in a crowded room, unlike Topaz who stopped traffic everywhere she went.

Nina thought about the meeting with her cousin for the thousandth time and wondered yet again if she made the right decision.
Did my desire to separate my life from my cousin's subconsciously factor into my decision to pass on her music? The songs were exceptionally good. I didn't know Topaz could write like that.

“Always go with your first inclination,” Kyle always told her.

No one wants to see Topaz trying to be India. Arie…just like no one would want to see India. Arie trying to be Topaz,
Nina reassured herself.

Sabre and Sky walked over to the table as Nina wrestled with her thoughts. “Ladies.” Nina stood and greeted them warmly. “I'm so glad you could make it.”

“Sorry we're late, Nina, but the traffic was terrible.” Sky had on a banana-colored sundress with sandals. She had pinned her hair up, and the gold chandelier earrings were the perfect accessory for bare shoulders and marvelous skin. Sabre had on faded jeans and a “Baby Girl” T-shirt. She could have been some cute teenager at the mall rather than the hottest thing in music.
Someone really needs to groom her,
Nina couldn't help thinking. After they ordered lunch and drinks, Nina went right to work.

“Sky, how would you like to be a Revelation artist?”

Sky's eyes widened with surprise. Sabre was equally shocked.

“Me?” Sky finally blurted out.

“Her?” Sabre sputtered without thinking.

“Yes, of course you. Why not you?” Nina sipped a fresh martini. “You were a member of So Fine. You should have your own deal just like Sabre.”

“Wow. I never thought about being a solo artist.” Sky's humility was refreshing.

A waiter served them lunch.

“Did you think about being a solo artist when you were in the group, Sabre?” Nina poured dressing on her salad.

Sabre nodded her head up and down as she swallowed a bite of her burger. “I always wanted to be a solo artist. The group helped get me there.” Sabre reached for the ketchup.

“I never knew that.” Sky looked at Sabre.

“Yes, you did. The other day you said that I was the one who always wanted to be Topaz when we were little,” Sabre defended.

“But we were just kids and we were pretending,” Sky fired back.

“You used to pretend to be her too,” Sabre countered.

“Maybe you were pretending, Sky, but Sabre was obviously very serious. That's why she's a solo artist now.” Nina buttered a hard roll while Sky sat back in her chair and reflected on Nina's words.

“So what do you want to do, Sky?” Nina asked.

“I love singing. I did background vocals on Sabre's CD. We wrote a couple of songs together. I love being in the studio, but I love performing the most.”

Nina laughed. “All of this passion from someone who was only pretending to be a singer. Have you been working on your rhymes?”

“Not as much as I should,” Sky confessed.

“You were so great on ‘First Kiss'. I'm surprised Sabre didn't ask you to rap on a cut.” Nina smiled at Sabre.

“Yeah, why didn't you ask me to rap on a cut?” Sky looked at Sabre.

“I didn't think about it and neither did any of my producers.” Sabre crunched on a dill pickle spear.

“Sky.” Nina was back in control. “Jamil has a great catalogue of unrecorded material and I'd like to get you in the studio with several producers. I think JD would be the absolute perfect producer to team you up with. I'd like to get Jermaine to do a couple of tracks. Let's get you in the studio and see what kind of magic we can create.” Nina took out her BlackBerry and quickly made a call.

“Hey, Nita. Can you hook me up with JD? I want to get Sky in the studio ASAP.” Nina looked up and smiled at Sky, who was ready to explode from excitement.

“Sabre, I'm going in the studio with Jermaine Dupree. I can't believe it.” Sky's voice was two octaves higher than normal.

Sabre carefully chewed on a carrot.

Nina was still on the phone. “Yes, I'm with Sky at The Ivy right now. We were just finishing lunch. Can we be there in forty-five minutes?” Nina looked at Sky, who eagerly bobbed her head up and down. “Cool beans.” Nina clicked off her cell.

“You can ride to the studio with me, Sky.” Nina gave both girls a plastic smile.

“Sabre, you should come, too,” Sky suggested.

Nina opened her mouth to speak, but before she could say anything, Sabre spoke up.

“I have to meet Victor. I'm doing Nick Cannon's show this evening.” Sabre took out her Sidekick. “I gotta go now.”

“We need to leave now, too. We don't want to keep Jermaine waiting.” Nina paid the bill with a black American Express card.

The three of them stood curbside waiting for the valet with the cars.

Sky was elated. “Sabre, this is too cool. Now we can be superstars together. I'll tell you everything…”

“You a star?” Sabre laughed nastily as she cut Sky off. “You definitely got jokes. Me and you will never be superstars together. I'm the only star up in this piece, babe.” She put on a pair of sunglasses and placed a hand on her hip. “You can be all up in the studio with JD, Jay-Z, and Diddy, but it ain't gonna help your nonsinging ass.”

Sky stared at Sabre, speechless and amazed.

Nina, who had been on the phone, missed the exchange between the former group members and best friends. She clicked off her cell and smiled at the girls. “I can't get over the two of you pretending to be Topaz when you were younger. That is so cute. I can't wait to tell T,” Nina commented.

VMG had upgraded Sabre's PT Cruiser to a C class Mercedes. A couple of photographers snapped away as she got into it.

Hollywood's It girl.
“Humph,” Nina grunted out loud.
The media is too powerful. It can make you anything it wants you to be.

The attendant parked the Bentley in front of Nina. She carefully scrutinized Sky as she walked around to get inside. She was a very pretty girl with an excellent figure. It wouldn't take much grooming to mold her into a great solo artist. The time she spent as a member of So Fine had adequately prepared her. Nina was more than willing to navigate Sky into the major leagues.

Yep…I know Sky can do this. She has everything Sabre has, plus she can rap. If Topaz no longer wants to be a pop superstar, then I'll just have to create another one.

As Sky got into the car, Nina relaxed for the first time in weeks.
Finally…I'm going to make a name for myself in this business.

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