Dimitri's Forbidden Submissive (Submissive's Wish) (10 page)

BOOK: Dimitri's Forbidden Submissive (Submissive's Wish)
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She couldn’t tell if he was mad at her, or Moriz. “Well, if he’d honored his agreement I wouldn’t be here now, would I?”

A smile tugged at his lips. “
. Good point. I am glad he is idiot.” His gaze darkened and she had to resist the urge to squirm as he ever so slowly looked her over. “You are so very beautiful, Rya Marie DeLuca.”

Embarrassed by the almost reverent tone he used, and how tingly it made her feel, she flushed and looked at her toes, admiring the sparkly pink pedicure she’d received before the auction. “I bet you say that to all your girls.”

“Look at me.”

She looked up and her heart gave a hard thud at the commanding, oh-so-very Dom look on his face. Tingles spread throughout her body, flooding her with a rush of hormones that made her want to press her thighs together. Whoa, this man was seriously potent and yummy. “None of those women matter. You…you matter.”


He strode across the room, his big shoulders stretching the white shirt he still wore. Sweet baby Jesus, he was handsome, and she could hardly believe he was really hers, or she was really his. Men like this dated supermodels and actresses, not girls like her. Hell, she wasn’t going to question it. He was sexy as hell and he obviously felt the same about her. Men loved her curves, always had, and Dimitri was hard as a rock for her.

When he reached her he slowly drew her to her feet and stroked his hands down her arms, leaving a trail of goosebumps over her skin. “You are real to me.”

Confused, and more than a little turned on, she swayed closer to him. “I don’t understand.”

“You do not act, do not say what you think I want to hear. Honesty is something very hard to come by in my world. And I do not…I do not allow myself to touch good women like you.”

“Because you’re afraid they’ll be hurt.”

“No, because I know they will be killed.” He suddenly swept her up into his arms. “But I will destroy anyone before they get near you. I can have them killed from two miles away, through a forest of trees, and across a crowded room. No one will ever harm you if I am near.”

Part of her wanted to laugh at the drama of that statement, but she realized he wasn’t being dramatic; he was telling the truth.

“And I’ll kick the ass of any bitch who hurts you.”

His surprised laugh made her giggle. He brought her closer so he could rub his nose against hers. “I cannot imagine you fighting anyone.”

“Hey now. I may be small, but I know how to defend myself. My step-dad made sure of it.”

“Mmmm. You fight woman naked in oil for me?”

“What?” Laughing, she shoved at his chest. “Pervert.”

“I want to see my beautiful girl’s body.” He gently set her on her feet, then sat on the edge of the bed, leaning back on his arms and watching her with dark, glittering eyes. “Show me what is mine.”

A sudden case of nerves settled over her and she cleared her throat. “Just like that?”

. I have managed to control myself, but if I do not get to touch you soon I will rip your one dress off.”

She rather liked that image and really liked how he stared at her with such open hunger. Normally, she was very self-confident about her body. She was curvy, but the men she’d dated never complained. However, Dimitri was ripped. Seriously ripped. Even in his shirt she could tell that man had a magnificent body. Would he be turned off by her belly or her big butt? Shaking her head at her own stupid self-doubts she took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

“It would be my pleasure to show you what is yours, Master.”

His pleased smile gave her the confidence to turn around and slowly lift her dress over her head, revealing her pink silk panties with black lace edging. The satisfied growl he made hardened her nipples, and she looked over her shoulder at him while undoing the back of her bra. His gaze was fastened on her ass and the way he fisted the comforter on the bed showed her just how much her body was turning him on.

That and the very thick erection now pressing against his tuxedo pants.

Moving slowly, she slid her bra down her arms then removed her panties.

He moved so quickly and quietly she wasn’t aware he’d even left the bed before she felt his big, rough hands on her hips. “I like your tattoo.”

She looked over her shoulder and smiled at him. “Thank you. My grandmother was into making her own lace, she supplemented her family’s income with it. My tattoo is a pattern from the lace my grandmother made for my mother’s wedding dress.”

He rubbed his thumb over the black ink that flowed from her hips to the middle of her back, then followed it to where it ended near her tailbone. “Delicate and sweet, like you. What are these sparkles here and here? Diamonds in your skin?”

She giggled as his thumbs caressed the dimples on her lower back right before her butt. “Those are subdermal implants. Like…ummm…jewels secured beneath the skin.”

“They are sexiest thing I’ve seen. Oh little Rya, the things I am going to do to you.”

Whatever response she might have had died in her throat when he leaned forward and brushed his lips over her tattoo, then traced the pattern with his tongue. She would have stumbled but his firm grip kept her steady. The brush of his beard felt nice against her skin, much softer than she imagined and sort of tickly. Though the last thing she felt like doing right now was laughing.

She was hyperaware of every move he made, how his hands felt so rough against her and how his grip tightened as he began to kiss his way over her right butt cheek, then her left. He paused and his breath warmed her skin a moment before he placed a hard bite on her bottom. The pain zinged through her and she yelped, then moaned as he licked the throbbing skin where he’d made his mark. For some reason the idea of a man placing his bite marks on her always turned her on, but when Dimitri did it, her inner thighs grew slick from her arousal.

“Turn around,” he said in a low, rough voice that made her want to throw herself on him and beg him to fuck her.

She turned, but he kept his hand lightly on her hips so he never stopped touching her. When she faced him she sucked in a hard breath at the way he was looking at her. He knelt and because of their size difference his face was level with her breasts and he was staring at them like he wanted to devour her. She had to admit, she had more than a handful with her double D cup size, and she was used to men enjoying them, but the way Dimitri growled at her made her want his lips on her—now.

Her first instinct was to press her chest to his face, but she remained still. Her body was his to play with; he would let her know what he wanted her to do. The thought was exhilarating and she shivered as he gently rubbed his lips over first her left nipple, then her right. A hard throb started between her legs and she squeezed her thighs together to try to relive the ache.

Licking her lips, she struggled to remain coherent enough to remember how to please him, how to act. Silly as it was, she wanted to impress this man who impressed the hell out of her. She wanted to leave him with wonderful memories to take back to his lonely life. While some people might think he was spinning tales full of bullshit, no one could fake the loneliness she saw in his eyes, a desperation for someone to touch him like he mattered. If someone asked her what the worst thing in the world was, she would say dying alone, and living alone came in a close second.

So, when he looked up at her, she tried to put into her gaze all the warmth she wanted him to feel, to give him what he needed. For Rya, that need to comfort others, to take care of them, to love them was part of what made up her submissive soul. She never felt as alive and complete as when she was making someone else feel good. The flare of heat in Dimitri’s eyes followed by his slow smile had her reaching out and running her fingers through his hair, loving the hints of red in all that dark brown.

He sat back on his heels, his gaze going from her lips to her breasts and finally down to her sex. The gruff, almost purring sound he made as he stroked the curls she kept over her pussy made her breath catch. He stroked one finger over that little patch of hair like he was petting a cat.

“Soft, like bunny fur,” he said with a slight smile. “Part your legs,
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, let me see my cunt.”

Biting her lower lip, she widened her stance and tried not to blush at his blatant appraisal, wondering if he liked pussies with full outer lips and tiny inner ones. An ex-boyfriend had once told her that her pussy looked like a peach. While she wasn’t sure exactly how that worked, she tried to keep that lovely thought in mind. Growing up with the sons of bikers she’d heard more than her fair share of teenage boys talking about women’s bodies in not-so-flattering terms, describing women’s pussies as things like meat curtains and camel toes. They hadn’t known she was listening to them, but her young mind had absorbed all those mean remarks, and it had taken her a long time to get used to the idea that her sex wasn’t ugly.

Still, it was always an act of courage to expose herself to a man for the first time. As he stroked lower, caressing her waxed labia, she couldn’t help the stupid litany of self-doubt. With women it was easier because, well, they had the same parts and Rya found the endless variety beautiful. More than that, it gave her a great deal of pleasure to make a woman feel beautiful, to let her know that her pussy, no matter what it looked like, was gorgeous. It always surprised Rya how many women seemed stunned at her open admiration. She loved it when she could see the shift in their expression from apprehension to near-wonder as Rya worshiped them with her tongue.

Dimitri slid his thumb easily between her outer labia and through the wetness there. That was yet another hang up she had. Was she too wet? What some guys called a sloppy pussy? Did Dimitri like the fact that she had more natural lubricant than most women? Did he…

Her thoughts splintered into a thousand pieces of light as Dimitri leaned forward and began to lick her pussy. Unlike most men who just dove right in, he took his time, lapping at her while making an almost constant low, growling noise. She shivered and clutched at his head, unable to keep her hands out of his hair. Something about holding onto him like this made her feel safe and she widened her stance further, trying to give him as much room as possible to access her with his wonderful, sinful tongue.

Jesus Christ, Dimitri had a really long tongue, and when he gently parted her swollen lips to lick at her center she trembled at the electric sparks of pleasure screaming through her body and lighting up her nervous system.

“Master,” she said in a half sigh, half pleading moan.

He didn’t respond, just continued to explore her sex, avoiding her clit until she was wiggling, trying to get him to touch her there.

He stopped abruptly, then stood, towering over her. “Go on the bed, on your back.”

She wanted to touch him, to remove his clothes, to do something to please him but his stern gaze had her meekly complying with his demands. Shit, it was like he had some kind of mental control over her, making her obey him without thought. She lay back on the bed and watched him as he went to the closet, her body restless with sexual hunger as she waited for him. He returned with a large black bag and she couldn’t help but smile at the sight of what she was pretty sure was his toy bag.

Looking up at her, he gave her that almost grin of his. “You have any body issues?”


He frowned, then said, “I tie you up, any places would be hurt? Any injuries?”

“Oh, you mean do I have any injuries that might hurt if you tie me up. Nope.” She grinned at him. “In fact, I’m pretty flexible. I do yoga.”


He pulled out two odd looking pieces of leather. They almost looked like laced up black leather restraints that would be worn over the forearms, but were much bigger. He must have seen her confusion, because he gave a soft chuckle.

“What is your safeword, little Rya.”


Looking up from his bag of tricks, he arched a brow. “Cookie? Like the treat?”

“Yeah. It’s kind of a joke, but I’ll always remember it.”


“Well, I grew up with a bunch of boys. Most of the club members had sons, with only myself and four other girls, so trash talking was part of my life.” She caught his confused frown. “Trash talking is like…when guys say things to each other that sound mean but aren’t. Like—shit this is hard to explain—like if we were playing cards and you got a bad hand and complained about it, your friends would make fun of you and call you a whiner or a girl or something. Well, if someone is acting weak and whiny, we ask them if they want a cookie. Like a little kid that needs a sweet to make them feel better. Am I making any sense?”

He gave her a look that was hard for her to decipher, but nodded. “
. I understand. When I spar with my friends we trade insults.”

“You spar? What style? Can I spar with you sometime?”

Looking completely nonplussed, he stared at her like she’d lost her mind. “You want to spar with

Without thinking she sat up, then crawled across the bed to him, trying to give him a mean look. “Just because I’m small doesn’t mean I’m not tough.”

He stared at her, then began to laugh, full-on, busting-a-rib laughing. Annoyed, she poked him in the ribs. “Don’t make me hurt you.”

His laughter cut off abruptly and he flattened her on her back in a lightening quick move, his weight pinning her there in the most delicious way possible. For a long moment he looked down at her, then slowly shook his head. “You are different submissive.”

“In a good way or a bad way?”

“Good. I am used to more…meek? Follows orders, no talking back.”

“You mean boring?” She leaned up and rubbed her lips against his, sighing when he shifted and his hard cock pressed against her thigh.

“I think you are what Americans call a brat, yes?”


“I might have been called that once or twice.”

He stroked her hair back from her face and she turned her cheek, nuzzling into his hand. “Then I will need to be strict with you.”

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