Dimitri's Forbidden Submissive (Submissive's Wish) (5 page)

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He did and Katya smiled at him. “Tell her thank you, and that if she ever would like my service again it would be my honor.”

Speaking Russian, Dimitri asked her, “Was she that good at eating pussy?”

Katya actually shivered before replying, “Oh, yes.”

“Go, get your clothes and collar from the bathroom along with Rya’s things.”

He smirked and turned back to Rya who was watching them curiously. “She said you eat pussy very well and she would be honored to serve you again.”

Rya actually blushed. “Okay.”

He laughed, his mouth watering to taste her again. “Does my filthy talk arouse you?”

Turning away, she shrugged. “I don’t know.”

Not liking her hiding from him, he wrapped his hand in her silken hair and made her look up at him. “No hiding from me, Rya. Does it make your pussy wet and swollen when I say dirty things?”

Her pupils dilated and she nodded. “You have the sexiest voice. You could read a menu and it would make me wet.”

He laughed and placed a quick kiss on her lips before releasing her. Katya was back, once again wearing her see-through brown sheath dress along with her collar and leash. He took the leash and handed it to Rya, then took Rya’s clothes from Katya. He turned his back and waited until she was dressed before he stepped into her personal space. Energy arced between them strong enough that he would not have been surprised to look down and see sparks.

Rya looked up at him, then back down to the ground. “Well, thanks again.”

He shook his head. “No, I am walking you to Tusya’s room. That is not up for debate.”

“I don’t want him to be mad that you were with us, even though you weren’t really

“He will not be. I have had Katya many times with his permission. He is more her protector than her beloved.”

A cold look flashed through her eyes and his soft, smiling girl disappeared as she stood straighter and lifted her chin. “I see.”

There was a knock on the door and a moment later, Ilyena, his brother’s current supermodel-beautiful blonde girlfriend, and two of her friends, Betta and Dominique came in. All three were nude and covered in glittering body paint. Ilyena wrapped her arms around him and gave him a quick kiss while Betta and Dominique stood on either side of him and pressed their bodies against his.

“Hello, Master,” Ilyena purred in Russian. “Alex sent us to come get you. We are playing in the dungeon and he could use a hand. There are seven of us and one of him. We need your cock.”

Ilyena had been dating his brother for around three months and he knew that Alex would soon break up with the beautiful blonde. While Dimitri couldn’t date women for fear of falling in love, Alex didn’t have that problem. His brother was immune to loving any woman.

From his right came a soft, hurt sound and he looked up to find Rya watching him with a pained look in her eyes.

Dominique whispered, “Did we interrupt something?”

Assuming his usual cold, arrogant smile he shook his head and said in Russian, “Not at all. Go tell my brother I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Betta leaned up on her tiptoes and gave him a heated kiss that he barely returned before giving him a puzzled look. “I look forward to serving you, Master.”

He slapped her ass and noted how Ilyena was watching him too closely. “Go. I need to return Katya to her Master.”

The three women left, and when he turned to look at Rya, he found her staring at him with an expression of complete disgust.

“What is wrong?”

“Nothing.” She gripped Katya’s leash hard enough that her knuckles turned white and the auburn haired submissive shook her head at him as she walked past like he’d done something wrong.

Baffled at her sudden change in mood he followed Rya as she walked through the lodge with Katya’s leash in her hand. They passed several groups of people and more than one submissive asked Dimitri if he would like to play later. Every time a woman said his name, Rya would stiffen further so that by the time they reached Tusya’s room, he swore her ass was clenched hard enough to crack walnuts. Frowning at her, he knocked on Tusya’s door before Rya could.

A few moments later Tusya opened it and his smile turned to a frown when he spotted Dimitri. “What are you doing here?” he asked in Russian.

Rya spoke up first. “It is bad manners to use a language I don’t understand.”

Dimitri was surprised at the unexpected bolt of jealousy clawing at his stomach when Tusya’s expression softened as he smiled at Rya. With a low growl, Dimitri moved a step forward so his hip pressed against Rya, and became angry when she quickly stepped away. Frowning, Tusya held out his hand and Rya placed the leash in it. He blatantly ignored Dimitri and said in a gentle voice to Rya, “Would you like to join us for lunch in our room?”

“No, she wouldn’t,” Dimitri said with a low growl.

“Actually,” Rya stepped into Tusya’s room and gave Dimitri a dismissive look. “I would.”

“Rya,” he said in a warning tone, not above beating Tusya’s ass in order to get her out of his room.

She narrowed her lovely eyes at him. “Thank you for lending me your room, but it is too far crowded for my taste.”

Tusya watched this exchange with a small smirk while Katya stared at Rya as if she’d lost her mind. “Rya, I did not know they were coming.”

“Like I said, it’s none of my business whose throat you stick your tongue down. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’re going to have lunch.”

That fucking bastard Tusya shut the door in Dimitri’s face, and for a moment, he was tempted to kick it down. He’d never before had to deal with a woman who cared that he had sex with other women as long as he continued to have sex with her. Monogamy was too much like a relationship and he did not do relationships, yet the hurt on Rya’s face when the submissives started kissing and fondling him upset him as well.

For a long moment he stared at the closed door, then turned away and tried to figure out why the thought of going back to the dungeon and fucking beautiful women no longer appealed to him.



Chapter Four



Dimitri sat in the chair still facing the bed in his room, staring at the rumpled sheets of his bed. Stefan had texted him that he had some interesting information on Rya and now Dimitri waited for his call with his mind totally occupied by the little American submissive. He still couldn’t believe she’d dismissed him like that. Then again, he was almost ashamed to admit that it had been a long, long time since he’d considered the feelings of the women he kept as company, and letting the other woman touch him after the moment he’d shared with Rya was in poor taste.

It wasn’t that he didn’t know how to treat a woman; he always treated his friends’ submissives well. He pampered them and made sure they knew he appreciated being allowed to join them in the bedroom and dungeon. Not because he wanted to take them from his friends, though he was often a third in the bedroom with them, but because he could safely care for those women. He could give them affection without having to worry that they would be killed. He could care for them and give them pleasure without worrying that they might fall in love with him. Or at least, he tried. He’d made the mistake early on of allowing a few women to care too much, causing the breakup of relationships when the women left their men for Dimitri, only to learn that he had no interest in them on their own.

Now, he made sure to keep the boundaries firmly in place, only allowing himself to care for a few of his friend’s wives and submissives. People like his friend Nico and his wife Catrin. They loved each other deeply and Dimitri never had to worry that Catrin would want anything more from him than fun and friendship. More importantly, they both knew his situation and were well aware of the consequences of his loving someone. The main reason he enjoyed being with married couples was so that he could feel cared for, even if it was just for a moment. Pathetic, he knew, but the older he got, the more the reality of his life chafed.

Swearing at himself for being a fool, he stood and began to pace, anger replacing the dangerous longing. How could such a brief amount of time with a woman he barely knew upset him this much? Why was it that she seemed like a catalyst that set his heart into motion, which made him want…more? It was bullshit, he should go join Alex and fuck the women until he passed out, but his dick didn’t even twitch at the thought of seven beautiful submissives eager to please him. It was almost like they were fake, sex dolls that he would use to masturbate while Rya was a real, warm, soft woman.

He could still taste her kiss.

His phone rang and he answered it as soon as he saw Stefan’s name. “What did you find out?”

“Rya Marie DeLuca, twenty-six years old from Buffalo, New York. Never married, no known criminal record, decent credit score, and well educated.”

These all sounded like normal things, nothing that would have caused Stefan to say he had a surprise. “And? She sounds like a typical woman.”

“She is, but her family is not.”

Tired of Stefan beating around the bush, Dimitri growled out, “Get to the point.”

“Rya’s mother is married to the current vice-president of the Ice Demons Motorcycle Club, New York chapter.”

He frowned, Rya had mentioned something about a club then closed down. “What does that mean?”

“In the United States, some of these motorcycle clubs are criminal organizations. They are like Bratva, but different. Still organized crime, but more about freedom and money than seeking social status or political control of cities.”

“Are you telling me Rya is like the daughter of a Bratva lord?”

“Yes and no.” Stefan sighed. “From what I was able to gather the Ice Demons MC deals mostly in drugs, with some gun running, and prostitution on the side. They own a couple of strip clubs, repair shops, and several other legitimate business, and they have alliances with other MC groups.”

“Any affiliations with the Bratva?”

“Only secondary. No direct dealings that I could find, but I have not dug very deep. Their information is surprisingly secure and I would need to use one of our hackers to break into it. I did not think you would want me to possibly insult them by breaking into their system and potentially getting caught.”

“No, no that would be bad. But Rya, is she involved in any criminal activities?”

“Not that I can see. Like I said, she has no arrest record and appears to be a fairly normal girl, considering she was raised in the environment of the MC. They treat their women, at least those that they marry or consider theirs, very well. Since Rya is the step-daughter of a high standing member, and also the daughter of a former member, it would be logical that she was treated well.”

Taking a seat again in the chair, Dimitri stared at the spot where Rya’s head had lain. “What else?”

“She has traveled quite a bit. All to vacation destinations.”

“Anything unusual? Any sign that she might be working for the Ice Demons and doing their business overseas?”

Stefan laughed. “No, I don’t think so.”

“How do you know?”

“Look at her social media sites. That woman loves to take pictures of everywhere she’s been. She has quite an adventurous streak and has visited many places and done daring things like sky diving and swimming with sharks in a cage. I’m emailing you the links to her different social media sights, you can take a look for yourself.”

“Thank you. So in your judgment you do not think she could be a spy?”

Most people would have laughed at that question, but Stefan, like Dimitri, had been born into the Bratva, so he understood the constant need for a level of precaution most would consider paranoid. “No, she is simply an unusually beautiful woman with a taste for adventure.”

“Lose all the information you have on her. I want no record that she’s been researched. Understood?”

“Of course.”

“Thank you, Stefan.”

“I hope you are enjoying yourself, Dimitri. I will see you when you get back. We will drink and you can tell me if this girl was as good in bed as she looks. She has many pictures of her in a bikini and I would love to get my hands on her. Those tits…I’d suck on them until she was sore.” Stefan made a pained noise and Dimitri gritted his teeth.

Dimitri almost told him to fuck off, but that would have alerted Stefan that Rya meant more to him than a simple night of sex. While he trusted Stefan to a point, the only person he trusted with his life, and Rya’s life, was Alex. “I will see you next week.”

After hanging up, he sat back in the chair and tapped his lips. So Rya came from a family similar to the Bratva. He wondered if she knew about the club’s criminal dealings; he would bet she did. No matter how careful people tried to be, they would eventually slip up and say something around her. If Rya had been raised among these bikers, then she would have seen or heard something that would have tipped her off. And he remembered the way she’d said ‘Club business’, as though just those two words would end a conversation. She was loyal, and he liked that.

More importantly, he remembered how she had spoken fondly of the men who helped raise her. If she could love them in spite their criminal dealings, maybe she could…

No. Absolutely not. He would not even think it. To do so would be torture. For years,
, he’d managed to make a life for himself under the restrictions of the world he’d been born into, and while he wasn’t happy, he survived. He just had to hold on a little longer, to wait for the bastard who sired him to die so they could end the bloody feud and move on.

If the old man wasn’t so well-guarded, Dimitri would be tempted to kill his father himself. But if he did, he would be signing his own death warrant. He had too many people, good people within their family, who were depending on him and Alex to take over the Novikov Bratva. If he or Alex died, there would be a blood bath as the rival factions battled for supremacy, not to mention the outside families that would make war. No, he knew his lot in life, and it did not involve indulging his fascination with Rya.


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