Dimwater's Demons (8 page)

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Authors: Sam Ferguson

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BOOK: Dimwater's Demons
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“Is that a threat?” the young warlock hissed.

“It is merely an observation,” Cyrus replied. “Perhaps your visions are not as powerful as you claim. In that case, I would do well to work the riddle out on my own.”

“The dagger is still tied with Caspen Manor,” the warlock said. “If you want it, you must look there.”

“I have looked there already,” Cyrus replied.

“Then the other option is to go after Severin directly,” the warlock said.

Cyrus nodded. “I just told the young sorceress about my fight with the shade,” he said.

“You told her of the dagger?!” the warlock shouted.

“No,” Cyrus said. “I told her only that there was an artifact of great power that I was trying to recover. She doesn’t know what it is.”

“Then why tell her anything about it?”

“To whet her appetite. She thirsts for revenge, as I said, and has already discovered that a garunda beast’s blood can aid in slaying shades. I merely gave her a push in the direction I wanted her to go.”

“She will try to hunt the shade,” the warlock said.

“If she is successful, then perhaps I can still sneak up on Severin.”

“Doubtful,” the warlock said. “After your fight with this new shade, I am sure Severin has already been warned of your involvement.”

Cyrus nodded. “Perhaps so, but it is still worth a chance. Let the girl and the dragon hunt down the shade, and then I will interrogate the shade to find Severin.”

“The Order of the All-Seeing Eye wants the girl alive, if possible, so she can join us.”

“And I want the dagger,” Cyrus said. “The deal hasn’t changed.” Cyrus pushed up from the table. “Besides, from what I understand, the order doesn’t care much if the girl dies, just so long as she doesn’t become your enemy, am I right?”

The warlock sat silent for a moment before nodding. “We prefer her allegiance, but we would accept her death as well.”

“Then it is settled,” Cyrus said. “Either her pursuit for revenge will help open her mind to joining your group, or the shade or Severin will kill her, thus ending the threat she poses to you. Either way, your desires are fulfilled.”

“Very well,” the warlock said.

“I must return to the academy. I will keep you informed of our progress.”

Chapter 6



Kyra sat in the library. She had pulled a small end table and a stool into what she now thought of as
part of the library. Even when she wasn’t studying about dragons, she brought all the books she wanted to read to the seventh section on the third floor. Hardly anyone else came to that part of the library, and those who did were either lost, or passing through to another part of the library.

Today, Kyra was not reading about dragons, though she did have the next of the Chronicles of Kendualdern out on the table, along with the notes she had been making as she translated the arcane text, just in case she felt in the mood to continue on with that project. The Chronicles had been the last birthday present she had ever received from her mother, and now that she had gone through Ascension front to back a dozen times, she had recently begun work on Dominion. She paused for a moment, running her hand lovingly over the book’s cover and remembering the night her mother had caught her in Lord Caspen’s study, trying to decipher the titles on this and its companion books. She smirked at herself then, thinking of how strange she was compared to the other apprentices who would be arriving at school in three months. She couldn’t imagine anyone else she knew scaling a wall to break into a forbidden reading room to try and translate ancient runes on a book that was locked in a case.

Shaking herself from her thoughts, she turned to the book she had selected. This morning she was busy studying wraiths. From what she could tell, there was hardly anything in the library that mentioned shades, but there were additional volumes about wraiths. Since the wraith she had killed had been working for the shade who had attacked her and Leatherback, hunting her down for its master, she hoped that by learning the habits of wraiths, she might uncover clues about where the shade might be.

If Cyrus had been able to find his answers, then so would she. The young sorcery apprentice already knew that she could use a dwarf charm, and not necessarily a weapon, to ward against the shade’s most deadly magic. So, now it was a matter of finding garunda beasts so she could harvest their blood.

Unfortunately, none of the books she had read shed any light on garunda beasts. Though they both seemed to be associated with shades, the passages about wraiths didn’t mention the garunda at all. Nor did they say much about where wraiths lived. From everything she could find, it was believed that wraiths lived between the plane of the living and the plane of the dead. It wasn’t known how they appeared, or where they went when they disappeared.

She set the last book she had pulled on wraiths to the side and let out an exasperated sigh as she slumped back into her chair, her body sliding down slightly, forcing her head forward. She closed her eyes and tried to think. She had already looked for books on garunda beasts after reading Ravenel and the Garunda. There were no other books in the library that mentioned the animal.

Kyra jerked her head to the side, cracking her neck a bit to relieve the cramp that had crept up on her during her library session, and then she reached out for a nearby book on dragons. If she couldn’t find answers today, then at least she could have a bit of fun learning more about dragons.

Suddenly a hand was on her shoulder and she jumped in her chair, uttering a high-pitched squeak and jolting around.

“Easy there, it’s just me,” Kathair Lepkin said as he backed away a pace.

“Why must you sneak up on me?” Kyra asked.

“Just havin’ a bit of fun,” he said with a boyish grin. “Sorry, shall I go back out and knock?”

“No, how about you go out and stay out?”

“Ouch,” Kathair said as he moved around to look at the books on the table. His blue eyes scanned the titles and he reached out to turn one of the books over.

“It’s research,” Kyra said.

“Mhm,” Kathair mused as he inspected another two books. “Quick question,” he said.

“What is it?” Kyra asked impatiently.

“Why are you hunting the garunda?”

Kyra’s mouth dropped open. Other than Cyrus and Leatherback, she hadn’t told anyone about wanting to find the shade, and only Leatherback knew she was actively hunting the garunda, so how had Kathair guessed her secret? “I don’t know what you mean,” she said as she collected herself and sat up straight. “These books are about wraiths.”

“Yes, but you are hunting garunda,” Kathair said. “I bet you are trying to find a connection between the wraiths and the garunda, am I right?”

“Kathair,” she began.

“Ooo, you know I hate that name,” he said as he scrunched his face into a sour expression.

know I don’t like it when you sneak up on me,” Kyra fired back.

“Listen, I’m more than just good with a sword, I have a working brain. It isn’t too hard to see what you are doing here.”

“It’s that obvious?” Kyra asked.

Kathair smiled wide and winked. “Well, that, and you left your book bag open behind you and I can see that you have the story of Ravenel and the Garunda in there.”

Kyra breathed out and pushed Kathair away from the table. “Now you are going through my things,” she snorted.

Kathair shrugged. “Actually, your bag tipped over, look for yourself.”

Kyra turned around and saw that in fact the bag had spilled over, and the book he mentioned was on top. “Still,” she said as she collected her things into the bag and propped it against the table leg. “How did you gather that I was hunting garunda if you saw one book about them and all of these books about wraiths and dragons?”

Kathair put a finger to his nose. “I told you, I’m smart.”

Kyra shook her head, but couldn’t hide the grin emerging on her face.

“Listen,” Kathair said as his tone lost its playfulness and became serious. “The truth is, there have been some strange attacks in the countryside. I have overheard the dragon slayers talking about it, but they won’t tell me exactly what is happening. All I know, is some dark creatures are prowling around. I don’t mean to pry, but given how your mother was murdered, I started looking into it.”

“Why?” Kyra asked defensively.

Kathair leaned in and spoke in hushed tones, glancing over his shoulder before speaking. “I meant no offense, just, it seemed odd that these attacks are happening more and more now. I was with the dragon slayers for a couple days after I saw you in the woods. I listened when they thought I was sleeping. It seems that they hadn’t heard about these animals, or any attacks, until after your mother was murdered. So, naturally I thought it might all be connected. I started researching it too. I found a connection between wraiths and garunda, and then I found a connection between the garunda and shades.” Kathair pointed to Kyra’s book bag. “There is another copy of this book,” he held up the volume containing Ravenel and the Garunda, “here at the academy, but it’s in the headmaster’s library.”

“What were you doing in the headmaster’s library?” Kyra asked, a quick thrill of excitement shooting through her at the thought of another student willing to break into a forbidden location for the sake of a book.

“Never mind that,” Kathair said. He reached behind his back and pulled a small book out that had been tucked into the back of his pants. “This is a journal from a wizard. It talks about the connection between wraiths and garunda beasts.”

Kyra snatched it out of the boy’s hands and opened the first page. She looked down and saw the name printed upon the page and then looked back up to Kathair with unbelieving eyes. “This isn’t
wizard’s journal. This is Headmaster Herion’s journal!”

Kathair shrugged. “Don’t get caught with it,” he suggested. “Listen, I have to go, but tomorrow morning we are supposed to go and meet with a farmer to the south. I guess he sent a falcon to the school and said his sheep have been attacked every night for the last week. At first he thought it was wolves, but now he wants the school to send a wizard to help him. The attacking animals are leaving the dismembered carcasses on the ground for the carrion birds. It’s like whatever is killing the sheep is doing it for fun.”

Kyra nodded. “You want me to go with Leatherback tonight,” she guessed.

“Not hardly,” he said quickly as he backed away. “Apprentices should never get involved with such things.” He winked at her. “However, if you and your dragon can keep quiet, maybe you can find what is attacking the sheep.”

Kyra sighed through her teeth and shook her head. “If we get caught, then the farmer will announce that there is a dragon.”

Kathair’s smile faded and he nodded. “It is risky, but I thought I should tell you, just in case it is connected with your mother. If you don’t want to go, then I will be going with the dragon slayers. I can report back to you with what I find if you like.”

Kyra shook her head. “No, we’ll go. Where is the farm?”




Only once the moon was high in the starry sky did Kyra climb up to sit upon Leatherback. The dragon purred, and then went deathly silent as it waited for her instructions. She took in a few steadying breaths, but it did little to slow her racing heart. She reached out with a slightly trembling hand and stroked Leatherback’s neck.

“Ready?” Kyra asked in a whisper.

Leatherback nodded his head.

Kyra took in one more breath and then tapped Leatherback twice on his neck. She held on tight to the makeshift harness she had placed upon him as the giant animal lurched backward and arched his back upward. He leapt so high that he cleared the tops of the aspens in the grove by thirty feet before he needed to engage his wings. One mighty flap bowed the treetops toward the ground and shook leaves from the branches as dragon and rider were propelled upward. The wind bit down, cool and crisp on Kyra’s face and shoulders. They ascended upward until they broke through a large cloud, hoping to use its cover to avoid being seen.

“South,” Kyra said as they levelled out in the air. “We are looking for a farm that is secluded, nestled in some hills to the south of Borshen.”

Leatherback growled and started flapping his wings more earnestly. The mist from the clouds below wafted out and upward, curling behind them as they soared through the night sky. Kyra kept her eyes upon the stars above for much of the journey. Her feet were secured in leather stirrups, so she let go of the reins with her hands and held her arms out to her sides. She closed her eyes as the wind rushed all around her, her body lifting and falling gently as Leatherback pumped his wings.

The two flew for over an hour in the darkness. The moon was high at their backs and the clouds were beginning to thin. Leatherback scanned the area below. As they passed over the small town of Borshen, they saw only a few buildings with any amount of light coming from their windows, all the rest were still and quiet.

Ten minutes later, they were soaring over a large field nestled between great, rolling hills. Even from their great height, Kyra could see the sheep sleeping in groups. As they passed over the flock, Kyra saw a small campfire.

“We’ll have to be careful,” Kyra said. “If the shepherds spot us, we’ll be in trouble.”

Leatherback purred softly and tilted his head just enough to look at her and offer a short nod. He understood.

The dragon banked slightly to the left, soaring in a wide arc to return to the hills. They then circled the sky long enough until they found a safe place to land. A thick copse of trees stood atop a hill on the northeast side of the valley overlooking the sheep. It was also downwind from the flock. The dragon gently descended and touched upon the ground as softly as if he were no bigger than a robin. Leatherback then bent low to the ground, huddling up against the trees to help conceal himself.

Kyra stayed in her spot, sitting upon the dragon’s back and scanning the area around them. Every once in a while, a sheep would bleat and move a few paces before laying back down in the valley, but no beast came for a long time. The young sorceress was almost worried that it would not show at all. Or, perhaps the beast was coming from downwind also, and would smell Leatherback before it approached. Time crawled by as she kept searching the darkness.

Finally, she saw something appear atop a hill to the north. Leatherback had seen it to, for he lifted his head and turned to taste the air. Kyra couldn’t make out detailed features in the soft moonlight, but she could see the animal’s silhouette. It sat upon its haunches and turned its head, presumably scanning the valley. Soon, a second animal came and sat beside it.

Kyra’s heart jumped. Had she been lucky enough to catch two garunda beasts?

One of the animals moved along the top of the hill, and Kyra got a good look at the creature’s profile. Her heart sank. This was no garunda beast. It wasn’t even four-legged. It walked upright upon two legs. It had long, curved arms that swung in front of it as it walked, counter-balanced by three tails that swished in the night behind it.

Kyra thought back to the research she had done. She was sure she knew what this creature was. It wasn’t a garunda, but it was still a dark, evil monster. She bent low to Leatherback, hoping to remain hidden from the two creatures that were now stalking down the hill toward the valley.

“Are you ready?” Kyra asked.

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