Discovering Us (10 page)

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Authors: Harper Bentley

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Sports, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction

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I reached up and put my hand on his face then slid it behind his head, bringing him down to kiss me again. Pulling away to look up at him, I said, “I’m more than all right, Jag. That was… unbelievable.” And before I could lose my nerve, I started, “Will you…” Oh, but God, I didn’t think I could take his rejection at that moment as I hesitated to ask the million dollar question. I closed my eyes and cleared my throat, swallowing nervously before opening my eyes to look into his and asked, “Will you make love to me?” Which made me turn every shade of red, of course, on top of making me hold my breath waiting to hear what he’d answer back.

He watched as he smoothed his thumb over my bottom lip before looking at me. “Baby, you sure?” he asked, his navy eyes growing heated before he bent to kiss me again, softly at first before deepening it.

Was I sure? Hell yes, I was sure. I’d been waiting to be with him my whole life. Well, technically three years because I hadn’t thought about sex before then, but still.

“Yes… yes, I’m sure,” I moaned against his lips, my arms wrapping around him, my fingers once again digging into the corded muscles of his back.

He pulled away from me to stand and I scooted up the bed watching as he pushed his jeans and boxer briefs down his hips.

And Jesus, Mary and holy fricking hell. I gasped as I stared at his huge, thick, hard and long erection jutting up proudly toward his stomach. Did I mention it was huge? Or thick? Hard? And long? Yeah, I think I did. I knew it was big because I’d touched it before when I’d given him hand jobs, but seeing it, him, like that? Good lord. I was certain that thing was
going to fit inside me.

With my mouth agape, I looked up at him, pretty sure my eyes were bugging out, to find him smirking back at me.

“Uh, Jag?” I squeaked out.

He crawled onto the bed moving toward me, looking like a predator stalking its prey, the muscles in his shoulders flexing as he moved, the smirk still gracing that beautiful face of his, which made me swallow thickly. When he got to me, he ran his hands up the front of my lower legs, over my knees then slid them up to my thighs, then pushed my legs apart with his knee, making room for his hips to come between my legs and he settled down, lying on top of me.

I was on my bed with Jagger Knox Jensen between my legs.


And we were going to make love.


He touched his lips to mine and pulled back to look down at me, noticing I was still a little wary about him ever fitting inside of me. “El, it’ll be okay. We’ll make it work. Trust me.” He smiled then kissed me again more passionately turning things up as he ran his hands over me, up to caress my breasts, his mouth coming down to suck on my nipple as he rolled the other one between his thumb and finger. My hands latched onto his hair, drawing him to me hard as I arched off the bed when he sucked harder making a deep moan tear out of me. He moved to my other breast, doing the same, which wound me up tight, and seemingly coming from nowhere, another climax shot straight through me.

I panted his name as my body locked up, my hands clutching his hair firmly, my thighs clutching his hips tightly, as white lights flashed behind my eyes and every nerve ending in my body pulsed as if on fire. Good God, this was all so intense.

When I finally caught my breath and regained my senses some, I felt his tip at my entrance and gasped.

This was it. Finally.

“Stay with me, baby. It’s okay. I’ll go slow,” he said before burying his face in my neck, kissing me there lightly as he rocked his hips into mine, inching inside me and whispering to me to let him know if I was okay, telling me I was beautiful, that he loved me, that he’d never wanted anyone but me.

I had my arms wrapped around him tightly, and I knew my fingernails were digging into his flesh, but I couldn’t seem to stop, scared as I was. He’d never hurt me, that I knew, but with each push inside that he made, my nails just dug deeper.

“Relax, El.” He pulled back to look at me, propping himself up on his muscular arms.

But, God, it was such an invasion; he was so big inside of me and it felt so strange to experience it as he stretched me farther each time he pressed into me. After he’d enter a bit more, he’d pull back out only to push in what seemed to be much deeper the next time, making me tense up even more each time.

“Baby, you’ve got to relax. It’s okay.” He brushed his lips against mine. “I love you, El. I don’t want to hurt you. I’ll stop if you want me to.”

A drip of sweat rolled down the side of his face and I knew it was taking a lot of restraint for him to take his time with me, trying to make it easier for me. “No, keep going,” I said, trying to relax, focusing on him, the feel of him, his smell, spicy and manly, watching his chest and arms flexing, his abs bunching and unbunching each time his hips rolled forward then back. He slid further inside, which felt fine until he hit a barrier and stalled.

And that kind of hurt. He remained still above me waiting for me to adjust, but the fullness inside was too much as I pushed at his shoulders, squirming under him, trying to get his huge appendage out of me. But in doing that, something inside of me hit something else just right which felt really good, and I guess my body wanted more, because I arched up suddenly. And then he was all the way in. I looked down to see us connected completely then back up at him, my eyes great big.

“How do you feel? You okay?” he asked, his voice ragged as he searched my face for any signs of despair.

“I— I’m good,” I whispered looking at him still wide-eyed. He kissed me softly, then he slid out of me and pushed back inside slowly, watching me, making sure I was okay. And I was good,
was good. Better than good. It was amazing. “Yes, that’s it, Jag. God, yes, do that again,” I breathed out then moaned as he pulled out then eased back inside.

He kept up that same slow, steady pace and I closed my eyes, focusing on how it felt. And it was perfect.

I’d read all the romance novels and talked to my friends, but never did I imagine it would be like this. I was so attuned to him right then, more than I’d ever been before and it was amazing. Every nuance of what he was experiencing, of what I was experiencing, what
were experiencing, was laid out right there between us, and there was no hiding anything.

“Not gonna last, El. Been a long time. Sorry…” he said in a gravelly voice. “Wanna feel you come around me, though…” He leaned down and kissed me deep and wet, then slid a hand between us to work on me again, setting my body on fire, making my breath come out in gasps as I felt the buildup starting again from where his fingers caressed me, the waves of heat radiating throughout every part of my being. The push and pull of his hips was getting me hotter, the slow pump taking me even higher. “That’s it, baby, come for me.” God, he knew my body so well, the subtleties that he could sense when I was about to hit my peak.

Suddenly, it was too much; it felt as if he was consuming me, devouring me, possessing every last inch of me… and I loved it. I cried out his name as my climax slammed through me, my body arching off the bed, my core clamping onto him, as I lost myself around him.

When I floated back into myself, I opened my eyes to see him gazing down at me, the look in his eyes one of reverence but laced with concern.

“Was that okay?”

I reached a hand up to cup his face. “So good,” I whispered on a breathy sigh, looking into his soulful eyes. God, all my firsts with him had been perfect.

“So good,” he echoed, touching his lips to mine before he started moving inside me again, this time harder, stronger, more urgently as he sought his own climax.

I was in awe watching him as he gazed down at me, driving inside me, his shoulders bunching up, neck muscles tightening as he got closer to his finish. His thrusts then got shallower, tighter, as he pumped faster, harder, deeper before his body went rigid, his eyes squeezing closed as I saw the corded muscles in his neck stick out as he slammed inside deep before he threw his head back and with a curse came hard inside me. His body shuddered with his release before he collapsed on top of me, his breaths coming rapidly as he buried his face in my neck.

Oh. My. God. Sexiest thing I’d ever seen. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and kissed the side of his head, his hair damp with sweat, loving how he felt on top of me, around me, inside me.

This was another memory I knew I’d keep with me forever, one that I’d hold deep in my soul until my last breath.

He pulled back and looked down at me, eyes twinkling, crooked grin in place. “That was… God… that was good, El.” He dipped down and kissed the side of my mouth, then moved his lips over my jaw and down to my neck.

I yawned. “It was,” I said, not being able to keep my eyes opened anymore.

I heard him chuckle in the space between my neck and shoulder, and then I was out.



I woke up to the sound of laughter coming from the living room. Turning over, I saw that Jag was gone. My heart jumped when I thought that he might’ve left. Then my heart fell when I wondered if I’d dreamed his being there. But as I got out of my bed and turned to throw the covers back up, I blushed when I saw the evidence on my sheets that he’d actually been there, that he’d taken my virginity. I pulled on a sweatshirt, no bra, and panties and shorts then stripped the bed, throwing the sheets on the floor in a pile, getting new ones out of my closet, making the bed back up. Gathering up the sheets off the floor, I left my room and went to the laundry room, throwing them inside the washing machine and starting it.

Walking into the living room, I saw Rebecca and Ross sitting on the couch talking to Jag who was in the recliner, looking handsome as ever. When he saw me, his hotness level went up twenty bajillion levels because the look on his face was so adoring, it made my stomach go all melty inside.

I smiled shyly at him as I walked over to where he sat, falling into his lap when he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me down.

“Hey,” he said with a smile before kissing me softly.

“Hey,” I said back then cupped his face with both my hands and leaned in to kiss him again, this time much more deeply, with tongue and everything, moaning into his mouth until I heard someone clear their throat. Crap! I’d forgotten Rebecca and Ross were in the room. I pulled back and looked at Jag, my face scrunched up in embarrassment before saying, without turning to look at Rebecca and Ross, “Hey, guys. Sorry. Forgot you were here.”

Jag chuckled at that, spreading his hand at the back of my head and pulling me to him so he could touch his lips to mine again. “You’re just too damned cute, baby,” he said against my lips.

I blushed before turning to face my roomie and her boyfriend and waved like an idiot. “Hey.”

“Hey,” Rebecca said with a snort. “Nice of you to get out of bed, sleepyhead.”

“What time is it?” I asked her.


“What?” Jeez, Rocket Fuel sure was a freaking time sap. “How long have you been here?” I turned and asked Jag with a frown finally getting to the questions that’d been swirling in my head ever since I’d turned over to discover him in bed with me.

“I got here around eleven this morning,” he said into my hair as he kissed the side of my head.

“Speaking of,
did you get here?”

“I drove,” he told me with a shrug.


“Yes, drove.”

“You drove thirteen hours to come see me?”

He sighed and looked over at Ross then rubbed a hand over the back of his neck as if embarrassed. “Yeah.”

“So you drove thirteen hours… just to come see me…”

He let out a breath. “Baby, when I got those pictures of you and that guy, I lost it. I couldn’t stand that he was touching you when I haven’t been able to in almost three months. I couldn’t take it any longer. Got in my car and left.”

“But you have practice…”

“Yeah. I called Coach and told him I had a family emergency.” His blue eyes pierced mine.

“You did that because you were jealous?”

He nodded slowly at me. “That and I needed to see you.”


Then a thought hit me. A not so good thought. A thought that kind of pissed me off.  “Did you think I was going to cheat on you?”

He cupped my face with his hands, smoothing a thumb back and forth over my lips. “No, babe. I told you I don’t worry about
doing anything. It’s all those bastards out there hitting on you that pisses me off.”

Hm. Well, at least he trusted
. And he’d driven all night just to be here. “Oh, God, you must be so tired!”

“Not the first time I’ve pulled an all-nighter, El.” He chuckled. He’d moved his hand from my lips to rest on my thigh where his thumb continued moving back and forth.

“We picked up your car and brought it back,” Rebecca said then.

I’d forgotten all about it. Seriously, Rocket Fuel had turned me into a flaming idiot, making me forget things, lose time, and just generally be slow to think at all. Never indulging in the toxic stuff again. “Thanks, Bec,” I turned and looked at her with a grateful smile.

She comically raised her eyebrows all,
wanting the down low on what’d happened between Jag and me. Her actions were so obvious that I blushed as I looked back at her, my eyes bugging out trying to get her to stop, knowing Jag was watching our interchange.

“Dude, I need you to look at my Bronco. I think it’s getting ready to throw a rod,” Ross said to Jag, sparing me even more embarrassment, thank God. Ross was a classic car lover like Jag and had driven his ’72 Bronco since before he and Rebecca had started dating.

“You mind, babe?” Jag asked, smirking at me absolutely knowing that I’d be giving Rebecca all the details of our tryst once he and Ross went outside.

“Not at all,” I answered him, narrowing my eyes at his smirk. Well, I’d just give him more to think about. I leaned in and whispered in his ear, “Meet me in the shower later.” Then I hopped off his lap with a smirk of my own, walked over and grabbed Rebecca’s hand to pull her up off the couch and with a wicked smile over my shoulder at Jag, sashayed back to my room tugging my roommate along with me.

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