Docked (10 page)

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Authors: Rachael Wade

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Docked
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The hot sand burns my toes, but it feels so good, I welcome the pain. My eyes drift shut for a moment as I step onto the beach, and I tilt my head back, willing the sun to sink into my pores. My tote bag hangs from my shoulder, my sunscreen is evenly applied, and the breeze that whips off the ocean caresses my skin. It’s an absolutely perfect day, which started off on the right foot with Tanner in the shower. He was late to the office, though he didn’t seem to care much since he is, after all, the boss. He wasted more time after the shower urging me to program his number into my cell phone, insisting I have it on hand for dinner that evening.

Alvita, the Trident Voyager’s small, privately owned Bahamian Island, is a laidback, tropical paradise, just as picturesque as it promises in the brochure. White, fluffy sand spreads for miles, and the crystal clear, aquamarine water gently laps at the shoreline, as serene as the breeze that sways through the clusters of palm trees along the beach. I spot the row of private cabanas on the far right side and start toward them, looking for the guest check-in counter that Tanner told me to seek out. A sweet older woman with tanned, leathery skin and deep crinkles around her eyes greets me and hands me a key, directing me to the third cabana on the right. I quickly text Lana to see if she’s arrived yet or if she’s still back on the ship.

A feisty tug pulls at my hair from behind as I begin to text her.

“Hey!” Lana bounces forward and wraps me in a hug.

“I was just getting ready to text you. I have a cabana for us.” I smile and hold up the key, dangling it in her face.

“You mean one of those?” She points to the straw huts and her face lights up.

“Yup. Courtesy of Mr. Christensen.”

“Holy shit!” She grabs my hand and begins dragging me toward the cabanas, her other hand securing the brim of her big, floppy hat tighter to her head. Her neon yellow bikini is as loud as her red, wavy hair. “The perks just keep getting better and better!”

“He insisted,” I laugh, letting her tug me across the sand. She’s really hauling ass, as if a million dollars await her under one of the straw roofs. “Slow down, will you?”

“Which one is it?”

,” I glance at the key, “number three.”

We stop in front of the third cabana and Lana hurries me along, barking at me to unlock the side door.

“Oh my God!” Lana squeals when we step inside, running to the glass sliding door that faces the beach. “This is almost better than bread!” She unlocks the door and opens it wide, letting the sea breeze float in. It sends the sheer, white drapes fluttering around the slider, and I step forward to join Lana on the little porch outside. There’s an arrangement of lounge chairs, foliage, and a massive, oversized umbrella that sweeps over the space, providing just the right amount of shade.

“Tanner said something about a fully stocked kitchen.” I look to Lana and shrug.

She runs back inside the cabana, straight to the mini kitchen. It’s complete with microwave, oven, sink, and fridge. She opens the cabinet above the stove and her eyes widen. “An, this is gourmet food. All of it. Holy crap!”

I crouch and open the tiny refrigerator, showing Lana the drink selection. There’s everything from sparkling water and fruit juices to chilled champagne. “He said we could use this place all today and tomorrow, if we want.”

“Heck yes, we want! Okay, I need to call Brie and tell her to get her butt over here. I invited her to be beach bums with us. You don’t mind, do you?”

“Not at all. She’s sweet, I really like her.” I shut the fridge and rise, dropping my tote bag on the counter. “I’ll get us some towels.” I saunter over to the little bathroom and take some from the wicker shelf, laughing as I overhear Lana’s animated conversation with Brie. They’re yapping on about barbeque sauce, chocolate cake, and pineapple daiquiris. Lana mentions to bring an overnight bag and then ends the call, hurrying back outside to the porch. I follow her, tossing a towel onto her lap.

“Thanks,” she says, sliding on her sunglasses. “Oh, look! These stairs head right down to the beach.” She points to the opening on the porch deck, which does in fact lead straight to the sand. “This is perfect, An. I’m surprised the magazine didn’t boot the bill for one of these for us. But you know Ted, he can be such a cheapskate.”

I chuckle, picturing our boss agonizing over the travel expenses. He really has no need to agonize. He’s very well off, and the magazine is the top travel publication on the market, but he’s always had a dramatic streak. “He sure can.”

“Brie’s on her way.” Lana cracks open a water bottle and takes a seat on one of the lounge chairs. I join her. “So, let’s hear it, love! How was your night with Tanner? Are you seeing him again? I take it you are, if he gave you this!” She gestures to the cabana, flipping her red waves over her shoulder.

“It was different,” I say casually, intent on driving her mad. My expression remains indifferent, but I don’t know how long it’ll last. Lana’s too good.

She rips her sunglasses off and sits up, crossing her legs. She scoots to the edge of the lounge chair and leans forward, her shifty eyes narrowing into thin slits. “He was amazing, wasn’t he? He rocked your world, Anya Banks.” She gives me a push, poking my arm. “I’m not buying that blasé answer for one freaking minute.”

“He was okay.” I pull my legs up onto the chair and scoot back, pretending to yawn.

“Oh my God, Anya, that hickey is huge! What are you, sixteen?” She reaches over and swipes at my neck and I jump up, scrambling inside for my compact.

“Oh, I’ll kill him,” I mumble, frantically digging to the bottom of my tote. Lana’s keeling over in laughter outside, thoroughly enjoying herself.

I freeze.

“There’s no hickey.”


“You sneaky bitch.”

“Serves you right! Now tell me what happened.” She crosses her arms and lifts her chin, and I throw my bag down, walking back outside to meet her.

I groan. “He was amazing.”

“I knew it. How rough was he? He’s a biter, isn’t he?”

I burst out laughing. “A biter? No, Lan.”

“Well, come on, give me something, here!”

“He was…gentle.”

Her head juts back. “What?”

“Yup. A little bossy, but very considerate. His body is…
.” I sigh, recalling his cut, athletic build and those piercing eyes as they hovered over me.

“Well, I’ll be damned. Just goes to show you can never peg ‘em! I was sure that man was rough.”

“I’m sure he is sometimes, right?” I look at her questioningly.

“Excuse me, how would I know?”

“I don’t know, don’t you have some weird kinky radar or something? You seem to know it all when it comes to this stuff.”

“Pure instinct, my dear.” She waggles her index finger at me like a stern teacher. “That instinct just usually happens to be right on target. So, are you still doing dinner tonight? To finish the interview? I can’t wait to check out your notes. This review feature is going to be solid, especially now that you’re banging the captain.”

I reach over and tap the edge of her hat. It bends down and springs back into place. “He’s not the captain.”

She opens her mouth for a snarky comeback, but she’s cut off by my phone’s ring tone. I trot inside to answer it, feeling a little butterfly flutter in my stomach when I see Tanner’s name. He couldn’t stay away for more than an hour.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“I have a problem.”

My heart leaps—he sounds serious. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m trying to get out of here by noon, but I can’t find a number I need.”


“It was on a sticky note.”

Relief sails through me. “That’s all?”

“What do you mean, that’s all? You messed with my damn sticky notes and I now I can’t find the number!” An amused giggle surfaces, and that only ticks him off more. “Anya, this is serious.”

“Sorry.” I snort. “Let me think. A number. Okay…” I squeeze my eyes shut and pinch the bridge of my nose. “Ah! It’s yellow. Look in the yellow stack.”

He curses under his breath and the sound of paper rustling drifts over the line.

“You are aware that keeping important information on sticky notes isn’t the brightest idea, right? We have wonderful technology to keep us organized nowadays. You need to get up with the times, Mr. Christensen.”

“I don’t believe I asked you for an opinion on the matter, Miss Banks. And I sure as hell didn’t ask you to organize my desk.”

“Someone’s grumpy this morning.”

“Found it.” He sighs audibly. “I’m very grumpy. Not an hour ago I had a beautiful, obedient woman pinned to my shower wall, and now I’m stuck at a desk trying to play catch up.”

“I could come keep you company. We could get a jump start on finishing that interview.”

“The interview wouldn’t happen. I’d have you sprawled out on my desk in two seconds flat. I’m already distracted just thinking about it.”

Dazed, I shake my head and try to find words.



“Are you enjoying the cabana?”

“It’s lovely, thank you.”

“It’s the least I can do for writers from Four Corners Elite. I have to get going. Relax, have fun, and call me if you need anything.”

I’m still floating on cloud nine, swimming in the imagery he just painted for me.


? Yeah, sorry.”

“I’ll see you this evening. Wear something with easy access. You’ll thank me later.” There’s a click and he’s gone.

I hang up and stare down at the phone, my jaw dropping. “The smug bastard,” I mumble.

“Was that Tanner making a booty call already?” Lana strolls inside and over to the kitchen.

“Not exactly.”


There’s a knock at the door as I drop the phone onto the table. “Probably Brie,” I say, hurrying over to greet her. As soon as I open the door, I’m confronted with an armful of paper bags. I can’t even see Brie’s head over the pile.

“Sorry, I went a little overboard.” She peeks her head around to watch where she’s going. I dart forward and scoop two of the bags out of her hands. “Thanks! I about died carrying these things. Don’t ask me how I made it all the way up the road.”

“Oh, you brought the good stuff!” Lana cheers, rushing up to give us a hand. She’s already digging through the bags as she carries them, drooling when she pulls out some fresh donuts. “Where did you find all of this?”

“There’s a little store right next the snorkel shop, at the end of the dock as you come onto the island.”

“This calls for champagne,” Lana declares, opening the donut box.

“It’s not even noon,” Brie laughs, setting the bags down on the kitchen counter.

“Oh, that won’t stop her,” I say, searching the cabinet for some flutes. “Trust me, it’s better to just join in on the crazy.” I help Lana pop open the bubbly and Brie unloads the rest of the junk food, packing the already-tight cabinets until they’re overflowing. There’s more food there than I can eat in a week, but I don’t doubt Lana and Brie will down most of it by tomorrow.

“I swear, you’re a bottomless pit.” I pinch Lana’s side and she bumps my hip. She snatches up her glass and a plate of sweets and then heads out to the porch. Brie and I follow, settling into the lounge chairs. Of course, we chat food, food, and more food, and occasionally fill each other in on life back home: what we do for a living, all of the places we’ve traveled and those we’ve yet to travel, and how chocolate gives sex a run for its money. Lana sneaks in some details about Tanner and me, but I don’t elaborate much. The truth is I still don’t know much about the man, but I’m hoping that will change tonight when I finally get to interview him.

Twenty minutes later, my sides ache from laughter, and I’m so full, I might burst. There’s no way I can eat tonight with Tanner, and if Brie and Lana keep up their banter, there’s a good chance I’ll pass out. I announce I’m heading down to the beach for a swim and leave Lana and Brie to chat, swiping up my towel before strolling down the porch stairs. My steps slow as I inch closer and closer to the shore, but I push on, knowing this is nothing like the Atlantic Coast back home. There are no big waves, no rough currents, and the water is so clear, you can see your feet.

I toss my towel down and slowly wade in, comforted by the contrast. The water is as warm as a soothing bath. I’m safe here. I can swim here. I can and
do this.

“Anya, is that you?” A voice floats toward me and I pivot around, lifting my sunglasses.


“Hey, how’s it goin’?”

I smile and turn to stroll toward him. He’s clad in a pair of blue board shorts, and I discover he has some sexy tattoos on his shoulders. “Just about to take a swim. Sorry we lost touch the other night, Lana’s attention span is pretty short.”

“Yeah, I gathered that.” He laughs good naturedly and pushes his hand through his dark hair, his eyes sparkling. “Carlos is around here somewhere. We’re sitting down that way.” He points in the other direction and I follow his gaze, scanning the other end of the beach. “Figured I’d take a walk and check out the island. Care to join me?”

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