Doin' Me (23 page)

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Authors: Wanda B. Campbell

BOOK: Doin' Me
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Reyna closed her eyes and prayed for the strength to watch Tyson walk out of her life for good. Tyson was a good man. He didn't deserve the emotional trauma she'd dragged him through. If only she had realized his value sooner and hadn't been so stubborn.
She heard movement from behind, then felt Tyson's hands come around her waist and rest on her stomach.
“What you had with Peyton was animalistic. We made love,” he said into her ear. “I love you, all of you. That includes the life that's growing inside you.”
She spun around in his arms. She had to view his heart through those hazel eyes. The same love she saw the night they'd made love was there, but more intense. “What are you saying? You're willing to raise another man's child?”
“Let me explain something to you.” He kissed her forehead. “When I was in college, I impregnated someone.”
Her eyes widened. “Really? What happened to the baby?”
Tyson went on to explain the ordeal without revealing the woman's identity. “I hated myself, and up until recently, I didn't think myself worthy of another child.”
“It was Paige, wasn't it?” she asked, guessing correctly.
“Yes,” he answered honestly. “But the sexual part of our relationship ended with the pregnancy and subsequent abortion. We've remained friends over the years, but we both felt guilty about our selfish behavior. I think that's why we buried ourselves in our work. We had to overachieve, considering we used our future careers as an excuse not to keep the baby.”
Reyna fingered a loose braid and pondered his words. “So what's the bottom line?”
“So what I'm saying is, you're it for me. You're the missing rib in my life. Are you perfect? No. Neither am I. Do you have baggage? Yes. So do I. At thirty-six, I'm just now learning how to give and receive unconditional love, but if you'll have me, I promise to love you with everything in me and raise the baby as my own. If the baby turns out to be mine—which I believe it will—then it's an added bonus. If Peyton's the father, then I'll adopt the baby. Either way, the baby you're carrying is mine.”
Her fingers massaged his beard. “Oh, Tee, you're a perfect example of God's mercy and grace.” She pulled his head down and kissed him. “You're going to make a great father. We'll take a DNA test as soon as possible.”
He hugged her as close as humanly possible. “If that's what you want. The results won't make a difference to me. I'd rather wait until after the baby's born, when it's safer for both the mother and the baby.”
“I know the results won't matter, but I owe you the truth. Remember, we can handle anything as long as we're honest with each other.”
“Good. When can we get married?” He leaned in to kiss her, but she held his chin.
“Wait. First, I have to say something.”
“Okay,” he responded tentatively.
“I'm not marrying you because I need a father for my child or because I don't think I can do better. Not that you aren't a great catch. I'm not looking for love any longer, because I now love myself. I want to go back to school and eventually open my own practice. I don't want an arrangement. I want and deserve a real marriage, where we're friends, lovers, devoted only to each other in sickness and in health until death. You for me and me for you. It's okay to hide your emotions around our friends and family, but
want to know
of you. I want your heart bare and your emotions raw. I'll give you the same, and I promise to take good care of your heart. And you can't ever leave me, even when I make you mad, which I promise I'll try not to do more than once a week.”
He smiled. “Deal. Anything else?”
“Oh yeah.” She released his chin. “I love you, Tyson Fitzgerald Stokes.” Her eyes misted with happy tears. God had given her the chance to express her feelings face-to-face with the man her heart yearned for.
“I love you more. Now, when will you marry me?” he asked again when their lips parted.
Reyna twisted her mouth. “I'll think about it.”
By the time Tyson finished kissing her again, Reyna had called out a date and time.
“That's only two months from now. Why so soon?”
“I'm pregnant, but I don't want to
pregnant on my wedding day. And I'm wearing white. I'm not a virgin, but I am a new creature in Christ.”
He nodded his approval. “Sounds good to me.”
“Besides, I want to enjoy my wedding night before I get too big. Know what I mean?”
He winked. “I know exactly what you mean.”
“That's enough talking. Reyna, go on and accept that pitiful proposal so we can eat. I'm hungry,” Mother Scott fussed from the other side of the door.
Reyna held three-week-old Destiny Stokes in her arms while enjoying the movement of the rocking chair. Tyson had spared no expense when it came to decorating the nursery for their daughter, who entered the world kicking and screaming, feisty just like her mother.
Relief and joy bubbled in her heart when she beheld her brown-skinned daughter with hazel eyes—born alcohol free—for the first time. Reyna prayed every day that Destiny wasn't Peyton's child. With Tyson's eye color and her skin color, Destiny had to belong to Tyson.
Her husband didn't comment on the physical similarities, but at Reyna's insistence, he submitted to a paternity test, but only after Reyna agreed to allow him to sign the birth certificate. What he did express was his immediate love for their daughter. Like any new father, Tyson broadcast the news to anyone who'd listen. Everyone from the parking garage attendant to the gas station attendant knew Attorney Tyson Stokes was the proud father of a seven-pound, five-ounce baby girl.
Like her father, Destiny's maternal and paternal grandparents doted on her. Since her birth, Jewel had visited every morning, staying until noon to allow Reyna time to rest. After much prayer, the Stokes had fully accepted Reyna into their family. Tyson loved Reyna, and from what the Stokes could tell, Reyna reciprocated that love. Beverly Stokes had resigned from several charity boards to free up time to spend with the baby and Reyna on a regular basis. Judge Stokes hadn't made it official, but he contemplated reducing his court hours. Reyna and Tyson didn't doubt Destiny would address her grandfather as Grandpa Judge.
“I love you.” The words came out muffled against Reyna's neck as Tyson knelt behind the rocking chair and kissed her on the neck.
“I love you more.” Reyna tilted her head back to give him better access. “I didn't hear you come in. When did you get home?”
He lowered his head and briefly met her lips. “A few minutes ago. We won, but I'm glad the case is over. Now I can spend more time with my family.” Little Destiny's bright eyes caught his attention. “Hey, sweetie. How's Daddy's baby girl doing?” The back of his right index finger stroked Destiny's cheek. That was when Reyna saw the envelope from Pace Laboratories tucked underneath his arm.
Reyna shifted little Destiny in her arms and pressed her against her bosom. Her heartbeat accelerated as she searched Tyson's face for a clue as to what the test revealed. She found none; Tyson was too busy talking to Destiny.
“The DNA results are back.” Her voice quivered. “What does it say?”
Tyson ceased the baby talk and placed the envelope on Reyna's lap. “I don't know. I didn't open it.”
“Why?” She squeezed Destiny tighter, as if to protect her.
Tyson stood and, with some resistance, removed the baby from Reyna's arms. After kissing her forehead, Tyson laid Destiny in the crib. He turned back to Reyna and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Sweetheart, there's no need to be afraid. I'm not going anywhere. Open it.”
Reyna nodded but didn't speak. This was a defining moment. Their moment of truth. Could Tyson really accept her daughter if she proved not to be his? Would he abandon Destiny, like David Mills had abandoned her?
Her hands shook vigorously as she ripped the envelope open. Seconds later, a loud groan escaped Reyna's lips and tears cascaded down her cheeks.
She bowed her head. “You're . . .” The sob that was lodged in her throat broke forth, and she couldn't finish.
Tyson gently pried the paper from her shaky fingers and read the findings, then fell to his knees in front of her. He cupped her face with both hands and lifted her head, forcing her to look at him.
“Thank you for my daughter,” he stated, then kissed her until her sobs turned into laughter.
Discussion Questions
Reyna was raised in the church and served in the church. However, she didn't have a good understanding of God or a solid relationship with Him. Is this common among churchgoers?
Pastor Jennings and Jewel were strict and rigid when it came to Christianity. Were you surprised by their past? Why or why not?
Reyna's “church only” upbringing and adult life left her naive. In your opinion, how important is it for Christians to have a balanced life?
Reyna experienced abandonment and neglect by her parents. Do you think that made her an easy target for manipulation?
Why do you think it was so easy for Reyna to dismiss Tyson's advances and good intentions and instead settle for an abusive relationship?
Tyson was a Christ follower, and yet he fell victim to sexual sin. Did his shortcomings surprise you? What do his actions after the event say about his character? Are accountability partners necessary in our Christian walk?
Reyna suffered emotionally after her father moved away. How important is it for blended families with small children to maintain a healthy relationship?
Peyton considered Reyna an easy target, describing her as needy. How important is it for women to feel good about themselves before entering into a relationship?
Mother Scott and First Lady Drake were prayer warriors and nurturers. Although at times their delivery was cold and blunt, their love was evident. Do you feel the modern church could benefit from more church mothers with their characteristics and personalities?
Reyna detested her mother, only to learn she'd traveled a path similar to Jewel's. Do you find that the traits that irritate you the most about others are ones you recognize in yourself?
Do you think Reyna will maintain her sobriety?
Who do you think is Destiny's biological father?
About the Author
A romantic at heart, Wanda B. Campbell uses relationships to demonstrate how the power of forgiveness and reconciliation can restore us back to God and one another. Wanda is a graduate of Western Career College. In addition to building a career in health care, she is currently pursuing her bachelor's degree in biblical studies. She currently resides in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband of twenty-four years and two sons and enjoys spending time with her grandson.
She is an award-winning author of six Christian fiction novels. Visit the author's Web site, to learn more about her literary happenings @:
.Wanda loves hearing from readers.You can contact her at [email protected] .
Urban Books, LLC
78 East Industry Court
Deer Park, NY 11729
Doin' Me Copyright © 2013 Wanda B. Campbell
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.
ISBN: 978-1-6228-6161-3
This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.
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