Dom Wars Round Three (6 page)

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Authors: Lucian Bane

BOOK: Dom Wars Round Three
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Why did I love doing that to him? I'd never liked doing that. Even
ed about it. But God…sucking him was…out of this world hot. Those sexy sounds of awe and extreme pleasure. I. Loved. Giving him that. Loved it. Not about to deny it either. The look in his eyes when he watched me. The way the blue turned like the sky just before a kick ass storm. The way his full lips parted, his brows drew together in that agony of pleasure.

No, it was more than that. It was
that other look I had to see. I'd never seen that look in a man's eyes. Only in his. It was almost… like he was begging. Begging me for something. Something way bigger than me, way too profound for me, too exceptional. But the look said I knew exactly what it was and I just had to give it.

But…I really didn
't know what he thought I had that was so spectacular. What mixed signal was I giving off that made him think that? I wasn't trying to be something I wasn't. I was just being what he made me. And really…that person was a stranger to me. Maybe he thought I knew that person he brought out and I was pretending when I was the real me. If that was the case, he had it backwards. That woman he made me into was the stranger. And really… I didn't like her. She was foolish and reckless and wide open. Everything I trained myself not to be.

But damn it. I loved being her for a little bit. For Lucian. He deserved it for being so sweet to me. For risking himself, giving himself so freely. Foolish man. So brave. So sexy. So breathtakingly
beautiful. He deserved to have her.

And I deserved…dealing with Mr.

Chapter Seven

"Why do the details matter?" Tara said exasperated.

I reached and placed my hand on her far hip and pulled her to me.
"I want you
to me. What the fuck is wrong with you?" I spared a second to wish we hadn't been ordered to wear jeans and t-shirts except when something else was assigned. I couldn't help wondering what she would choose on her own. I was willing to bet it wouldn't be that prosperity green t-shirt.

Her throat went into those convulsions of exasperated noises.
"Where I
isn't the
" Her squeaky tone said I was behaving like a two year old.

It fucking
the issue. You belong close to me."

She gave me a glare with only her eyeballs.
"You are going to lose this game for us with all of your mushy crap. How am I supposed to keep my game on if all you ever do is…"

I quirked my brow, loving that she
'd said those words. "Being close to me throws your game off? Odd."

What's odd about it," she muttered, looking out the window.

How I can't think unless you're touching me."

She rolled her eyes.

Really," I insisted firmly at her disbelief. "Now, tell me about Mr. Sennat and let's devise a game plan to dominate this challenge."

Ugh. It's…stupid."

Then tell me."

She went silent and I waited in the steady hum of remote highway under the tires. The car suddenly jolted and swerved, followed by the distinct walloping of a flat tire as Steve guided the vehicle onto the shoulder of the road.

"Great," she said in a small voice. "We're going to be late."

It's just a flat, we'll fix it in ten minutes." I got out of the car and looked around at the desolate land all around the single highway. I gave in to the stretch taking over my muscles, then opened my door. "Maybe you should stretch your legs for a bit, love."

Tara got out of the car and I helped Steve get the tools necessary to change the tire.

"Ugh, no, no, no!" Tara cried.

I looked up and she held her phone up, her eyes wide with
it's a stupid sex text

I fought not to be disappointed in her attitude, but that was hard.
"We have a sext, Steve."

He straightened from the trunk and looked at me, briefly clueless. Then that weird smile slowly took over his face and he sent me on my way with a childlike shooing sweep of his fingers.
"I'll ace this tire and you guys ace that." He added an awkward wink that made me eager for the confines of the car.

I got in the car and shut the door.
"What does it say," I said, not looking at her.

She gave an offended huff.
"So enthusiastic."

I gave her a glare.
"Might have something to do with your initial disgust over it."

Well it's not about
it's about the

I nodded slowly, not convinced.
"Just tell me what we have to do."

Well, you'll be happy to know you don't have to do much of anything."

You know me so little, love. I happen to
doing every single thing to you." My anger did a disappearing act when she removed her t-shirt and sat in her sheer bra. The way it squeezed her cute tits made my cock ache.

I suddenly wanted to slide the head of my dick all over her breasts and hard nipples while fingering her pussy with one hand and her mouth with the other. Fuck, yes.

She leaned back and undid her pants and I sat there waiting for instructions. I was pulled back to reality when her forearms hid her tits from me. I looked up to find a pretense of annoyance alongside her clear desire. "Undress."

Yes ma'am." I fucking loved that her command was a breathless whimper. When I was done, I sat back with my legs open and cock in hand. She stared at it and excitement roared through me. "What's next?"

Her eyes flicked up to mine. Already she had that sex-drunk look. My favorite fucking look on her face, god
"I…" She seemed to struggle to think then handed me the phone.

I took it, realizing that I liked how she wasn
't comfortable with vocalizing sexual things. Fucking sweet and adorable. My cock jumped hard as I read the text.

Tara rides Lucian while talking dirty to him.

Dear God. Her talking dirty to me? Could my heart stand that much fucking pleasure? I looked up at her and slid my hips down on the seat and grabbed my cock, making it stand nice and tall. "Hop on sweetheart."

She looked all around, at everything but me, and bit her lip. Finally she made a noise of defeat and moved closer.

I resisted the urge to help her climb onto me, wanting to make sure we scored as high as we could.

Fuck, love. Your pussy is so fucking beautiful, you know that right?" I stroked my cock along her folds when she mounted me. "Yes, let me make it hot baby. Then you can talk to me. Talk so fucking dirty to me." I thrust my hips with a grunt, the heat already unbearable, making me ready to drive relentlessly into her.

She held on to my shoulders and closed her eyes then slowly lowered on to my cock.

"Ffffuck, love. All you baby," I gasped, watching my cock disappear into her searing heat. "Fuck me nice and slow,
mm yes,
I fucking like that."

Her moan shot out like she
'd been holding it back and her nails dug into the muscles on my shoulder blades. She made it all the way down and I watched her nipples and tits heave, her stomach tighten with the hard clench of her pussy on me.

Jesus," I gritted out, fighting not to grab her waist, praying she'd command me to. I couldn't resist flicking my hips hard and Tara cried out. "Fucking dominate baby, I'm waiting," I whispered.

Hold me," she gasped.

I sat up and pulled her close to my body, pressing my face into her breasts.
"Fuck, you like that?" The question came unbidden, like my body craved to hear it.

Yes. I love to feel you."

I held on to her shoulders and rubbed my forearms all over her back, pressing her tits into my chest.
"Tell me baby."

Her fingers raked up into my hair, making me dizzy.
"Suck me." She grabbed my head and moved me to her nipple and I obeyed with ravenous urgency. "God, yes. Suck my nipples." She kept my cock buried deep inside her and flicked her hips. "Oh, God yes. Your cock feels so good deep."

I growled and sucked her other nipple.
"Fuck, baby. Talk to me."

Kiss me." She turned my face up with firm hands and dove on my mouth, her hunger picking up speed. "Love to taste you baby," she whimpered in my mouth. "Grab my hips. Fuck me good, please."

Fuck," I groaned, latching desperate fingers to her hips and biting down with a ferocious hunger. I jerked her hard onto me and moved her back and forth onto the head of my cock. "That baby? You want that?"

She cried out, her head falling back.
"Yes, that, Jesus!" She suddenly grabbed my face again and kissed me, her hunger more aggressive. "I want your finger in my ass."

I growled and bit softly at her lip before making her suck my finger and wet it.

"Yes, yes, fuck my ass baby." She lifted up off my cock then slammed back down just as I found her exit.

I teased my way in, the heat in my balls furious.
"You like your ass fucked baby?"

God yes, yes." She reached and began playing with her clit. "Watch me Lucian. I like when you watch me. But don't stop fucking my ass, God don't stop."

I could only focus on not coming everywhere with her words.
gorgeous pussy, your fingers buried in those lips fucking kill me, tell me you know that."

I do, I know, yes. I love to make you crazy, want to make you so hot, baby. Fuck my ass Lucian. Deeper. Fuck my pussy harder. Oh God baby."

She was fucking there. We both were. I moved my finger in and out of her deep and fast.
I want to fuck it with my tongue baby, tell me you like it when I do that."

Lucian!" she cried, riding me faster, harder. Her tits bounced and her finger worked her clit rapidly. "I want to fuck your ass baby, I want to fuck you so good again, tell me I can, please."

Her words brought such a furious orgasm. I pulled her against my body and latched onto her shoulder, working her harder on my cock while I fucked her sweet ass.

"I'm coming! Lucian, oh God, fuck me! Fuck me! Don't stop, don't fucking stop!" Her body locked up with the ecstasy even while I came, vaguely aware that she pulled the fuck out of my hair with the scream of her release and the bucking of her body. I held her hard, fast, and oh so close through it all, declaring to those demons:
All fucking mine. She's mine.

In the eventual return of reality, I heard Steve
's muffled swearing. "God, I think we gave Steve a hard time baby."

What?" She continued to hold my face and kiss me. Any time she did that
sex was a fucking treat. "What do you mean?"

I moaned and smiled in her mouth.
"Imagine it's hard to change a tire while the car is rocking all over the place."

She froze put her head on my shoulder.
"Oh my God. How embarrassing!" she squealed in my ear.

I laughed, holding her closer and pressing her down hard onto my cock.
"No regrets love. You were fucking amazing. Please talk dirty to me at all times of the day, I beg you. I'll give you all my winnings if you did that. Seriously. Fucking beautiful."

She snorted.

Yes, extremely. Naughty and beautiful."

That's an oxymoron."

Fucking no. It's synonymous."

She sighed after a few seconds.
"We better get going."

No. We better not move."

She groaned a little.
"We're already late now."

I don't care. This..." I stroked her body with my hands and arms. "Is worth more than all the money in the world."

More negative sounds, like my words pained her.


You really need to quit."

The pleading in her voice annoyed me.
"Why should I?"

Because what we're doing isn't about that."

I fought to keep her words from penetrating, but like acid, it ate clear through my soul. I gripped her hips and helped her off.
"No, it's not, is it?"

Lucian, it shouldn't be," she said, whining.

I grabbed my t-shirt and wiped myself off, hating how she always ruined something so amazing.
"You sit in here and get your game back on and I'll go help Steve so I don't vomit all over you."

Oh stop it." She put her shirt back on and her little miss pissed at everything armor. "Why do you have to make this into an emotional rollercoaster?"

Amazement made me pause halfway out the door. I looked back at her.
"And why… No…fucking
can you sit there… and pretend that it's not?"

I got out of the car and she followed soon after.
"Okay so this guy, Mr. Sennat? I got him fired. I ruined his life."

I really don't want to do this right now, Tara."

Well we need to," she cried.

Tell it to Steve. Steve, I'll finish."

She gasped.
"I don't want to tell it to

I stooped down and took over putting the new tire back on.
"You act like your problems are my problems, love."

Uh, hello, they are. Team, remember?"

Yes, and Steve is part of the team. Steve, give her an ear, will you?"

I don't want Steve's ear!"

Well that's
fucking bad baby, because you'e not getting mine!"

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