Don't Forget to Dream (48 page)

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Authors: Kathryn Ling

BOOK: Don't Forget to Dream
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"Rhyla you have go up there," Lady Emelia said smiling broadly at her.

"But why.
Why would he want to talk to me, here, now?" she said in confusion and anxiety.

"You will be fine Rhyla.
must stand before him," her mistress insisted. Rhyla looked up to the King, waiting patiently as the murmurs a
round him subsided.
Lady Emelia squeezed her hand in encouragement. Slowly she rose from her seat, conscious of the crowded room watching her but forgetting them in the instant she caught Callum's eye. His shock clearly equalled
he had not been a party t
o any discussions
. Standing slowly
and smoothing her skirts
she started forward. Carefully placing one foot before the other she made her way to the dais. Gracefully she managed to climb the stairs and curtsy deeply before King Liam.

"Rhyla, you have surprised and saved us from great sorrow in fighting a
longside our son, Prince Callum. You fought
as if you were one of the guardsmen, an act of bravery and skill for one untested, out
numbered and a young women.
proceeded to care for the wou
nds our son
sustained in that ambush, and ultimately played a significant role in saving his life.
This act of bravery you carried out
when you were seriously injured as well. If you were one of my guardsmen you would be promoted and rewarded as fit but this is an unusual circumstance. After great consideration we would bestow upon you a title of Ladyship. You will be taken in as a ward of the Black Swan Estates in the care of Lady Emelia. You have already demonstrated to Lady Emelia your skill in managing the lands
. You were
by her side
when she needed help after the fire
and your care and sensitivity
was welcomed by those of that Estate.
They will no doubt benefit from your continued guidance."

After a moment of silence a soft buzz filled the hall but none of it seeped through into Rhyla's fumbling thoughts. How could this be possible? She
had never heard of such a title being granted,
but what did she know of nobility and their actions. She glanced at Callum, seek
ing some confirmation or rebuff.
passed and she couldn't pull her eyes away. His mouth hung open in shock but suddenly turned from gaping disbelief to pure joy. At seeing
he change in him Rhyla suddenly
burnt with the happiness her Prince displayed. Her still stumbling thoughts
could not fathom his excitement.
stomach churned with uncertainty and doubts but somehow his encouragement gave her the strength she needed.

"How can this be?" she asked the King in a bare whisper.

For her ears alone he spoke, "I am the King, I can do as I see fit. We owe you a great deal for what you did for Callum. There are many here in the Palace who think very highly of you and hold you dear to their hearts. I look forward to getting to know you better over the coming months and years."

Rhyla curtsied again, "Thank you King Liam. I fear I am without words."

"I am not s
urprised. Return to Lady Emelia.
shall talk later," he said gently.

Rhyla turned and realised the rumbling noise surrounding her was the clapping and cheers of the crowded hall, most notably from the back of the hall. Realising it was all for her brought such a deep blush to her face that she bowed her head and quickened her step
to her
seat. Once she was seated,
King Liam raised his hands for silence.

"Lords, Ladies, guardsmen and gentlefolk, this concludes the formalities for the day. I would only add that we spare a thought for those who are no longer with us,
bravery and determination in defending this nation sadly resulted in the loss of their lives. As we reunite this evening for the festivities I would ask that you raise a toast in their memory." With that the King offered his hand to his Queen and the royal family departed the dais and down the length of the hall, to a fanfare from the guardsmen.

Rhyla sat
silent in her own confused, baffled thoughts, barely aware of their departure. Those around her slowly departed from the hall as their status or rank dictated. Gently Lady Emelia rea
ched over to clasp her hand which she
reassuringly squeezed.

"I don't understand," Rhyla whispered.

"We wanted to ensure you were suitably rewarded for what you have done for us." Lady Emelia smiled warmly at her again, "The estates will go to the
crown through Aletta. My brother's estates from my husband are to
o far away for him to take both.
only has one son and his d
aughter is suitably married.
will have to assign som
eone to tend it of their behalf and as
ward of the estate that can be you if you so desire. Dratton
can be your home now,
as it
was mine as a child

"You would do this for me?" the doubt and confusion clear in her tone.

"I have. You have become another grandchild to me my dear," the old lady assured her, "I have made few new friends in recent years but I feel you are one of them. I need to know that you shall be cared for once I am gone from this life."

"Of, don't speak of such things," Rhyla said looking up sharply at her.

"I have to be realistic at my age. Come let us retire to the sunroom to rest for the afternoon. You shall be expected to dine with me at dinner tonight," Lady Emelia added as she started to stand.

Rhyla stood and turned
. To her dismay she suddenly became aware of the just uttered words
"Dine, tonight! I will be sitti
ng with you, a
t the royal table?"

"Well yes my dear. I am always seated at the royal table and as my ward so shall you." Lady Emelia couldn't suppress a brief chuckle at the instant pallor of her face, "Come now, we aren't that frightening are we."

"No my Lady. I apologise. This is going to take a little getting used to. An hour ago I thought I would be forced to return home, to rebuild my farm."

Lady Emelia glanced at her, a little shocked by the unexpected comment. "Return to your farm! I do not wish to
you to such an uncertain fate my dear. No one expects you to be who you are not. You may have to accommodate a different wardrobe and approach to life, but I know it is within your ability." Rhyla silently thought there was a great deal more to being noble than the way you dressed, and she doubted she had it in her.

With Rhyla supporting Lady Emelia as she had always done they made their way to the little sunroom. Elsie was beaming when they met her at the back of the hall and hastily raced off to fetch tea. As they made their slow but steady way through the halls to the sunroom Rhyla passed many whom she
had considered friends. Every one smiled warmly at h
er and dropped curtsies or bows.
had always done so when she was in her

presence but now she was forced to consider they would be changing their behaviour around her as well. No longer would it be acceptable for her to drop by the kitchens or servant

s hall, not that she really did that much before
she had to admit, but now it would not be appropriate for her to do so. So much would change.

Arriving at the sunroom door Rhyla did not knock
but immediately opened the door.
was well known to be the favoured place of Lady Emelia, s
o was rarely otherwise occupied, e
xcept on this occasion. Entering the bright and comfort
able room Rhyla pulled up short as
standing patiently waiting by the window was Prince Callum. Rhyla immediately dropped into a deep curtsey, looking down in a bid to hide her apprehension and discomfort.

"No need to curtsey so deeply my dear," Lady Emelia said by her side. "You are a lady now with links to the royal family, but you will adjust with time, I will teach you."

"Thank you my lady," Rhyla said, still struggling to comprehend, "It will take time to adjust." She managed to meet Callum's gaze but could not understand why he was grinning like a little boy with a box of sweets.

Elsie arrive
d behind them with a laden tray.
seeing the Prince she dropped a brief curtsey, "Should I fetch another cup my lady?"

"No Elsie, I think I will take my tea in my rooms," Lady Emelia said. "I think a little rest will refresh me
for the evening." Rhyla turned
to escort her mistress but was forestalled, "You stay and chat with my grandson Rhyla, I am sure he can advise you on your new role within the household."

yla started to stammer but what
could  she
, "Yes my lady."

"Good, I shall see you for dinner." With that the lady departed, with Elsie at her side.

Rhyla lo
oked back tentatively to Callum.
still grinned like a childish fool. She slowly closed the door, taking her ti
me to think of what this was
surely he couldn't
simply be that happy for her.
turned to fa
ce him. In doing so she
was overwhelmed as he scooped her up into his strong embrace, lifting her from her feet and swinging her around, laughing wildly as he did so. The feel of his arms and the
scent of him were over powering.
was instantly lightheaded and felt herself sag against him as he placed her back onto her feet.
He did not release her or speak.
was a struggle to push against him, to free herself from the embrace she had dreamt of for so long and had been denied.

inally she could look up at him. She stepped
away and
tried to form
words even as she longed to
collapse against him once again.
was so comfortable in his embrace. "You shouldn't
done that Prince Callum, even in private. It will only cause further confusion."

He continued to grin even in view of her discomfort. "That is where you are wrong Rhyla. Oh so very wrong," he said stepping forward to take her hands in his once again.

"I don't think I am mistaken by your father'
s displeasure the other morning, a
nd I have not heard that there has been an alteration in the treaty with Gayndar. You are still to wed Princess Annabel once she is of age," she replied, the pain clear in her tone.

"But that is where you are wrong," he said enthusiastically. Rhyla could only look at him in utter confusion. "It is early enough for my father to change the
I don't have to marry their Princess."

Rhyla's mouth opened but no sound emerged for several moments as she comprehended his startling news, "You don't have to marry her?"


"I don't understand."

"Then I shall keep it simple."

"Please do."

"Rhyla... I have told you how I feel." Rhyla began to pull away from him but he held h
er hands tightly. "Wait, please
listen to me. I love you. I never dreamt
of finding love. It is not a princes

prerogative. But then I met you. I will admit that from the moment I saw you I wanted you as
any man wants a beautiful woman.
I am a little ashamed to say that but it is a simple truth. When I saw you working at the inn, you were completely unaware of whom you were serving, bu
t it didn't matter.
the way you conducted yourself, I knew you were more than a simple tavern girl. Everything I have seen of you since has confirmed and magnified my respect for you. I can't say when I first realised I loved you but it feels as if I always have. I know that you love me." Rhyla opened her mouth to interrupt but he continued over her. "No let me finish. When my father made the declaration today, of granting you ladyship and giving you status as

ward I was shocked. He hadn't made a single comment to me in warning. Then I realised what it meant. I spoke to him immediately and he no longer requires me to marry Princess Annabel. He has given me my freedom. I may choose my own bride." He paused
waiting for her response but no words came. R
hyla looked at him in confusion.
Why was he saying these things? Was it to torture her; t
o find a few more months in her company before he was forced to leave her again?

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