Double Dip Dilemma: A Cozy Mystery (Caesars Creek Mystery Series Book 5) (3 page)

BOOK: Double Dip Dilemma: A Cozy Mystery (Caesars Creek Mystery Series Book 5)
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We stood in a circle waiting for Sammy to answer. “Well, Colton and I are worried about Jeremy. He’s the nicest guy and the breakup of his parents really affected him. He was always a straight A student and his grades fell miserably after their divorce. He even went through a depressed period, especially when his mother moved away. He’s just now getting his grades back up, despite the crap Sandra keeps throwing at him.”


I could tell this was upsetting to Sammy. Sam was a nurturer. She hated to see people mistreated and this Sandra Morgan was definitely getting to her.


Stormi put her hand on Sammy’s arm. “Don’t worry my girl. I’m sure this will blow over.” Sammy nodded and bid us goodbye. Stormi looked at me and said, “I had to tell her something, but this could go either way. Hopefully the kid isn’t involved, but from everything Sammy and Colton have said, it doesn’t look good.”


I shook my head. “I agree, but remember you also mentioned she may have done something to the car herself.”


Stormi opened her car door. “Hey, I wouldn’t put it past some of these weirdoes. I mean she seemed genuinely upset, but who knows.”


We said our goodbyes and Winchester and I headed home. Waiting for us was Brandon with a home cooked meal of pork chops, steamed asparagus, and mashed potatoes and gravy.


I kissed him hello as Winchester curled up on the couch. “Like Bruce I’m going to have to start dieting myself if you keep cooking these big meals.”


“Nonsense,” Brandon said as he pulled me into an embrace. “But I should cook a little healthier. I’ll get right on that…next week.”


I laughed and we sat down to eat. “So what do you think about this afternoon’s conversation regarding the accident?” I asked as I spooned myself a small portion of the mashed potatoes.


“Not sure,” Brandon answered as he took a bite of his pork chop. “If someone messed with her vehicle, he or she would have to know the mechanics of it. Of course they could also look online and probably find out all the information they need to know.”


I crunched into an asparagus spear. “So that puts us back to square one. It could be anyone with an internet connection.”


Brandon took a sip of his iced tea. “True, but I think you’d still have to know a bit about how a vehicle operates to ensure you tinker with the right objects. That’s why it’s hard for me to think this woman would do that to herself. If she cut her own brake lines, which is what we’re all speculating, that’s putting yourself and others at great risk. Despite what my sister threw out there, I can’t see it happening.”


I nodded. Brandon had a point. Surely, no one with a lick of sense would do that. We spent the rest of the evening sitting on my back porch enjoying the warm weather with a glass of iced tea before the winter chill would keep us from doing so. We looked forward to the upcoming concert, unaware of the havoc that was yet to unfold.









The streets surrounding the courthouse square were blocked off, allowing more seating for the concertgoers. The large stage was set in front of the courthouse steps and speakers and large video screens were installed in places around the grounds so people who weren’t sitting in front of the stage could still view the action.


When Brandon, Winchester and I entered the area with our chairs and cooler, we saw Stormi as she waved her arm high over her head. We took off in that direction and found her and Greg along with Paige and Bruce already set up. Paige had brought several blankets to lay the food on. Other people were doing the same…eating, talking, and having a good time before the concert started. We saw Charlie sitting up front with a few of his buddies. I was happy to see he was out and about as I hadn’t seen him the last few days in his usual spot in front of the hardware store. I thought perhaps the excitement of almost being plowed down might have finally gotten to him. But he looked as dandy as ever.


We saw Trixie and her husband Ben streaming through the crowd with their picnic basket and chairs. Bruce ran over to them and guided the couple to where we were sitting. Winchester barked out a greeting as well.


Trixie bent over to give Winnie a proper hello. “Hello little man. Have you been a good boy? No potty business in the house or chewing on Momma’s new shoes, right?”


Winchester barked twice and Trixie took that as an affirmative on being a proper doggie.


We girls gathered our chairs in a huddle to talk. Trixie wanted to know about the accident with Sandra Morgan. “I read in the paper the police think foul play may be involved. Did you girls notice anything peculiar?”


Stormi took a swig from her water bottle. “Unless you mean Ol’ Charlie sitting amongst the ruins smoking his cigar like it’s another day in the park…no.”


Trixie laughed. “That doesn’t surprise me. The old coot could sit in the middle of a stampede and wonder what the fuss was about.” We chuckled at the thought.


“Actually I don’t remember anything out of the ordinary,” I said. “Well of course the entire situation was out of the ordinary, but as far as noticing anything unusual about her car…I couldn’t tell you. She kept saying she had no brakes. Stormi, did Greg ever say anything to you?”


We all looked at Stormi. She leaned in so Greg couldn’t hear her and we all bent forward to listen. “I tried to pull it out of him but the man’s got an iron will. I used food, back rubs, even my..umm…womanly wiles if you know what I mean.”

She leaned back in her lawn chair as we looked at her with mouths agape. Paige spoke first.


“Good grief woman, did he cave or not?”


Stormi shook her head. “Like I said…iron will.”


After we ate, Stormi and I gathered the used paper plates and cups into plastic bags and set off across the courthouse lawn to dump them into one of the trashcans scattered throughout the area. We dumped the bags into the can and as we turned to leave, a woman ran up to us. It was Sandra Morgan.


“Oh I’m so happy to see you both,” she exclaimed. “I’ve wanted to stop at your shoppe and thank you two for keeping me calm the other day.”


We introduced ourselves properly and then I asked, “How are you feeling?”


Sandra crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Physically I’m fine. I was a little sore the next day, but that was the extent of it, thank God. But mentally I’m a basket case. To think someone may have deliberately tried to sabotage the brakes and steering…”


Stormi stood up straight. “Steering? What was wrong with the steering? You said the brakes didn’t work but the steering didn’t either?”


“No, I couldn’t steer the car. That’s why I plowed into that parked SUV,” Sandra explained.


“How scary that must have been for you,” I replied.


“It still is,” Sandra exclaimed. “I’m afraid whoever messed with my car might try again…and this time succeed in finishing me off.” Sandra looked at Stormi. “I see you’re with Officer Manning…has he said anything about the case? Like are there any suspects?”


Stormi shook her head. “He doesn’t talk police business with me.” Sandra looked away as Stormi gave me the side eye.


Sandra pointed off in the distance. “I have a feeling my stepson might be in the thick of it.”


We looked to see where she was pointing and there was Colton, Sammy, Jeremy and another girl we didn’t know. We assumed it was Jeremy’s girlfriend.


“Why would you think that?” Stormi asked. I could tell she was fishing and I was hoping she’d pull in a thumper.


Sandra sighed. “We don’t get a long very well. Maybe it’s teenage angst, who knows, but all we do is argue. I think it would benefit him more if he went to live with his mother. He doesn’t listen to me as an authority figure. Always saying he doesn’t have to do anything I say since I’m not his mother. Now my other stepson, we get a long just fine, but then he’s younger.”


At that moment, Paige walked up. “I thought I better see what was taking you two so long.” She looked at Sandra. “Hi I’m Paige Murphy.”


“Paige, this is Sandra Morgan…the lady in the car accident the other day,” I said.


“Oh,” Paige said. “I didn’t recognize you. I was there at the accident.”


“You were?” Sandra asked. “Everything was such a blur.”


“Actually the man that was there helping is Paige’s husband,” I explained.


“Oh yes, I remember him and Tara and Stormi. Oh wait, is Sammy your daughter?”


Paige nodded. “Yes she is.”


“She’s such a lovely girl. I wish Jeremy could find a girl like her.”


Stormi pointed towards the young people. “Looks like he has a girlfriend.”


Sandra stared at the girl. “Unfortunately yes he does. I don’t think she’s the best influence on him though.”


At that point, the emcee took the stage and we said our goodbyes to head back to our lawn chairs. I could tell Paige and Stormi were itching to talk about the latest developments but it would have to wait. I snuggled next to Brandon with Winchester in my lap as we listened to country tunes and watched the sky turn orange and pink. Tomorrow would be soon enough to dust off our amateur sleuthing skills and put them to work.










On Monday after the concert, we were unusually busy. People coming in placing ice cream cake orders for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. While it was still a week and a half away, people knew it best to order the cakes early. I appreciated it too as I could  hire extra help the week of Thanksgiving. Since the shoppe was busy with customers most of the day, Stormi and I didn’t have a chance to go over the conversation we had with Sandra Morgan. Before we knew it, Sammy and Colton entered the shoppe with Jeremy Morgan, his little brother, and his girlfriend.


Stormi saw them first. “Well hello there kiddoes. Colton are you going to introduce your friends?”


Colton set his backpack down in a chair. “This is my friend Jeremy, his little brother Joshua, and Jeremy’s girlfriend Amber. This is Stormi and Tara.”


We said our helloes and asked if the kids wanted anything. Joshua was a miniature version of Jeremy, with short brown hair and green eyes. Amber had a creamy complexion with dark reddish brown hair. The boys were well mannered and Amber was quiet.


“How about an ice cream cone? Amber, Joshua…would you like something?” I asked. I couldn’t get Amber to say anything, although I could tell she was eyeing the strawberry twirl.


“How about a double dip of strawberry Amber?”


She nodded in the affirmative.


“Coming right up,” Stormi replied. “Anybody else?”


Jeremy and Joshua wanted chocolate shakes while Colton preferred an orange and vanilla smoothie. Sammy put her Frozen Scoop apron on while the kids sat down at a table to partake of their goodies. “Where’s Winchester?”


I scooped vanilla ice cream and orange sherbet into the blender. “He’s at the groomer’s. Brandon is picking him up later.”


We served our guests their ice cream concoctions. As Sammy walked towards the swinging door that led to the back room, she motioned for us to follow her. I tried to be subtle but Stormi flew like the wind to get back there and see what Sammy had to say. When I walked through the door, Sammy was near the back of the store waiting for us. We huddled in a circle so we could hear her whisper.


“So what do you think?” Sammy said in a hushed tone.


Stormi shook her head. “About what?”


Sammy had that look her mother Paige would get when dealing with Stormi. “About Jeremy and Amber.”


Stormi shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know what you mean. They seem fine to me. Of course I only served her a two dip strawberry cone….was I supposed to get some vibe from her?”

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