Double Threat My Bleep (25 page)

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Authors: Julie Prestsater

Tags: #High School

BOOK: Double Threat My Bleep
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“Well, thanks for telling me.” Down goes shot number three. Whoa—that one was kind of hot.

By the time we are through the deck, I'm pretty hammered. I'm giddy like I've never been giddy before. My head is a little groggy. I keep hearing Josh and Dominic shouting out cards. Two—you. Three—me. King—make a rule. Oh goodness, the rules. Whew. I'm glad this game is over, I was seriously getting tired of grabbing my boobs every time I had to take a drink. Josh is evil. I'm surprised he didn't get a chub watching us touch our tits every five minutes.

So I'm sitting here, wondering if my legs will be able to hold me when I decide to get up. I feel wobbly now, and I'm not even walking around.

“It's your man, Meggie, wanna dance?” Travis asks me. I hear the sound of Pitbull blaring from the speakers. These noodle legs of mine are going to have to manage. I never let a opportunity to dance go wasted.

I stick my hand out, and he pulls me up.

I Know You Want Me
keeps repeating in my head, as I dance. Even though it’s Pitbull singing it over and over again, I feel like it’s me singing it to Travis. Have I ever told you I love the beat of his music? As buzzed as I feel, my ass shaking is still working. In fact, it’s really working. The song changes and with each chant of “shots,” I sink lower to the floor, until I’m squatting and almost eye level with Travis’s zipper—the one in the front of his pants. He’s dancing too and with every twitch of his hips, it’s like he’s teasing me, throwing it out there and then taking it back. His hands are in the air, I’m looking up at him, and his staring down at me, and then I have this vision of what this might look like if—you know.

I work myself back up to standing and lean into Travis, until we’re touching. Barely, but still touching. Each beat of the music pushes me closer to him, our bodies rubbing together. I turn around, he puts his hands on my hips, and we dance while we spoon, standing up. I smile to myself. Being single is fun. I get to dance naughty with any boy I want. And that boy just happens to be Travis. I forgot he can dance so well. Pretty freakin’ hot actually. Really, he dances better than Alex. Wait a minute. Alex, who?

I glance around. People are either dancing, playing drinking games at the kitchen counter, or making out in the living room. Yup. Typical kickback when parents aren’t home and the lights are really dim.

The song changes again and it’s another one by my man. I’m loving this playlist. I whip back around and put my hands around Travis’s waist while we dance. He puts his hands up, the music pulsing through us, heat radiating from all my parts, and sweat beading up on my back. This is hot. Travis is hot. People are probably looking at us like they can’t believe two white people can actually dance to this stuff, and dance good too. I know I can break it down.

“Hate to break up this little orgy you guys got going here, but Josh is sick. We need to get him home,” Keesh tells us. I look over at Steph who has a serious case of beard burn. Have she and Dom been going at it while they were dancing this whole time?

“That’s okay. I think we’re ready to go anyway.” Dominic raises his brows up and opens his eyes all wide. I have a feeling I know where Steph and Dom want to run off to.

Travis backs away from me, and I practically stumble over. I didn’t realize how much he was holding me up. Oops.

“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea,” Travis says, putting his hands in his pockets.

Chapter Thirty Two







is the first to get dropped off. Dom and Travis walk him up to his front door, unlock it, toss him in, and run back to the van.

“Oh my gosh, you guys just left him there with puke all over his shirt,” I tell them.

“What did you want us to do? Say hi to his mom and dad?” Dom asks.

We get to Keesh’s house next and luckily, she’s sober now. I wouldn’t want to leave her on her front porch or anything. I definitely wouldn’t take her inside. Her mom would get one look at my eyes, take a whiff of me, and call my parents. No thank you. She gets out and walks a straight line into her house. Easy peasy.

Travis pulls up to my house. He’s doing pretty good in the driving department, like he’s been driving for years.

“Hey, Meggie, where’s your mom and dad?” asks Steph.

“Another couples’ night out. I think Bunco or something totally lame like that.”

“Travis, why don’t you make sure she gets inside alright? It will give me some time to kill my buzz,” Dom tells him.

Travis puts the van in park, and gets out.

“So who’s going to drive Dom home after he drops you off?” I ask him.

“I’m staying at his pad tonight,” he says.

“You guys had it all planned out, huh?”

“Yeah, well, he wanted to drink so it was the best thing we could come up with,” he explains.

I shrug. “Good thinking. Better than drinking and driving.”


“Come inside. I think they want some alone time. Look, the windows are already all fogged up.” I grab hold of Travis’s waistline and pull him in my house.

“Whoa,” Travis yells, as we both come tumbling onto the floor, the door shutting with a bang. I guess I pulled a little too hard. He’s lying on his back laughing and his smile is super hot.

It’s probably the shots taking over me, but I prop myself up on one arm and lean over him for a kiss. As soon as our lips touch, it’s like an electric current zaps me. No tongue or anything, just a peck, and I’m on fire. I back off and look at him. He looks stunned. And I’m not sure if it’s in a good way or not. I go in for another, wanting to feel that shock again, but he puts his hand out, pushing me back.

Excuse me, I think. You’re telling me no? You’ve been all up on my ass all year long, and here’s your chance and you push me away. What the fuck.

“Sorry, Meggie, not tonight,” he says, whisking my hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear.

I flop myself back on the floor. “Not tonight?”

“Yeah. I’m sorry. But when I pictured our first kiss, this isn’t exactly what I had in mind.”

“So now you’re Mr. Romantic?” I tell him.

“Come on. Don’t be mean. You just guzzled a half a bottle of rum. When I kiss you, I wanna make sure it’s not the alcohol. I want
to want to kiss me.”

“Well I just did want to kiss you. I’m finally a free woman and you killed it.”

“That’s another thing. I don’t want to be sloppy seconds. You just broke up with Alex. I know you’re still thinking about him.”

“Why does everyone keep saying that?” I throw my hands up to my head, grabbing my hair. “Ugh,” I roar.

“Probably because it’s true.” He turns on his side to talk to me. “Remember on the first day of school? When we talked on the bleachers?”

“Yeah, I was being a total bitch to you that day.”

“Uh huh, and I said I’d wait for you.”

“Yeah, like that happened. Let me see…you went out with Amy. And then there was that cha-cha chick Aleeee-cha.”

“Give me a break, Meg. I went out with them once. And nothing happened. I only kissed Amy one time at the party and that’s it. Since then my sophomore year has been a drought.”

“Well, sorry it’s been such a drag.”

“I’m not complaining. It’s just I’ve been waiting for you and I want it to happen, just not like this.”

I turn my head away. He places his hand on the bottom of my chin and tugs gently so that I’m facing him again.

“If and when you’re finally done with Alex, we can try this again. Without the rum,” Travis tells me, sitting up and leaning on a bent knee.

“You suck.”

“Yeah, I bet you wish you could right now.” He turns around and winks at me.

“That’s the Travis I love,” I tease him, as I sit up myself.

“Whoa. Don’t start telling me you love me till you really mean it.”

“You’re an ass.”

“You wanna touch my ass?” he asks, jokingly.

“You’re a dick then,” I yelp.

“You wanna suck my what?”

“Omigod, you’re killing me.”

We both chuckle, gazing into each other’s smiling eyes. He reaches over and pulls me in for a big bear hug. It feels nice.

“You totally killed my buzz. I’m officially sober,” I tell him.

“So do you still want to kiss me?”

I consider the question and completely surprise myself. “Yes actually, I do.”

He grins, looking at my mouth. He wants to kiss me. I know it. He’s thinking. Will he do it? Just when it seems like an eternity for someone as impatient as me, Travis finally leans forward. I lean in to meet him half way. The touch of his lips on mine sends sparks flying. If this was a movie, surely there would be fireworks blasting off over head. His lips linger on mine in a soft pucker, and then it’s over. He moves away from me, eyes still closed, with the cutest smile on his face, melting my heart like Dove chocolate on a warm day.

This kiss was nice, sweet, and innocent. I want to experience it again. Not now though, and I am sure Travis knows this. I’m just not ready. But when I am, it’s great to know Travis will be there for me. Travis, the guy that has driven me abso-freakin-lutely nuts this entire school year with his dirty mind, and annoying jokes. Hmm…only time will tell.


The last day of school seems like it will never arrive. I’ve been busting my ass all week trying to study. I’ve had to make up a lot of time since I was basically brain dead after breaking up with Alex. He actually sent me a text this morning to wish me luck on the last of my finals. For the first time since the break up, my heart didn’t squeeze in pain at the sight of his name on my cell. I think we’ve finally made it to the friend zone. He’s a great guy and I’d be really sad if we didn’t stay in touch as friends.

“Okay class,” Mr. Marino shouts. “The last final just came in. You are free to talk until the bell rings, and then congrats, you’re all juniors.”

What a dork. I can’t believe Keesh is still gushing over that guy. The novelty wore off for me a long time ago. As soon as he starting dishing out tons of homework and coming up with random quizzes, he started looking a lot less hot.

“So you guys going to graduation tonight?” Travis asks.

“Nope. Steph is going with Dom’s parents and they kind of want it to be a special night for them since this is their last official night as a couple,” I explain.

“What are you guys gonna do tonight then?”

“Sleep,” I grunt. “I need sleep. I’ve been studying for like eighty hours a day this week. I can barely keep my eyes open. I fell asleep twice during the final.”

Keesh and Travis chuckle. But I’m serious. I’m tired.

“What are you and Josh doing?” Keesh asks.

“We’re gonna kick it at my house. Nothing big. Just chill and get ready for the parties this weekend.”

“That’s a good idea. We should relax until then,” Keesh says, staring off in the direction of our teacher.

“Yeah, I need to give my liver a break,” I tell them.

They chuckle again, but I’m serious. My liver is going to be dead by the time I graduate.

The bell rings, and we’re on our feet.

As we make our way down the aisle of desks, Keesh stops in front of Mr. Marino who is high-fiving everyone on the way out. She says goodbye and thanks him for a wonderful year. Then she does the unthinkable. She throws her arms around him and gives him the hug of a lifetime. I wish I could see her face. I can just picture the ecstasy in her smile right now. What’s weird is that I think I just caught Mr. Marino sniffing her neck. Eww. Sicko. I’m not going to even mention that to Keesh. She’d get all hot just thinking about it and probably throw more at him than a hug.

We meet Steph, Josh, and Dominic outside.

“We’re juniors, we’re juniors,” I chant, raising the roof as I dance.

“I’m graduating, I’m graduating,” Dominic says in return, and we all congratulate him with hugs and fist bumps before leaving him and Steph behind.

This is it. Keesh, Josh, Travis, and I. We’re the big bad juniors, and we’re about to walk home. I chuckle at the thought.

Another year down, two more to go.

One of us seriously needs to get a car.


It's been over a week since graduation. School's out and I'm bored out of my mind. Thank God for girls’ day out. Keesh, Steph, and I are going to get mani-pedis today. I think I might get my eyebrows waxed too. Why not? I'm gonna be a big bad junior now. I guess it's time I start acting my age and giving a shit about the way I look. Not that waxing will transform me into some gorgeous sexy woman with one rip of hair, but it might make me feel a little older, prettier.

“So how are you holding up?” Steph asks me as soon as we plop into the chairs to soak our feet.

“You're asking me how I'm doing and you're the one who just ended your perfectly happy relationship with your super nice and sweet boyfriend?”

“Yeah, but we knew this was going to happen. We've been preparing ourselves for this for weeks. I'm okay. Really, I am. But you…we know you're still not over Alex, and now this mess with Travis. I'm surprised you even got out of bed this morning,” Steph says.

“Ain't that the truth,” Keesh chimes in.

“Wow, you guys. Seriously. You think I'm this little lovesick puppy or something. I'm good. I don't think you ever get over your first love, but I'm finally okay with Alex and I not getting back together. It's better this way. I don't feel so angry anymore. Like I used to be pissed all the time because he wasn't right here.”

“And Travis?” Keesh asks.

“Ah, we're good, totally chill.”

“So is anything gonna happen between you guys?” Steph inquires.


“Why not? If you're over Alex, then what's stopping you?” she continues questioning me.

“Now’s not the time. Travis isn’t convinced I’m done with Alex.”

“So you gonna convince him?”

I pause before saying, “When the time comes, maybe. But I want to try something different next year.”

Keesh sits up and turns to me. “What's that?”

“I wanna go the whole year without a boyfriend. I wanna be single. I wanna go to all the dances with different guys. I wanna go on dates and talk to a lot of boys on the phone. I just want to be free to do anything with anyone. And then maybe, if I find someone I like, I might be with him senior year.”

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