Down to the Wire

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Authors: Shannon Greenland

Tags: #Suspense

BOOK: Down to the Wire
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one misstep and the mansion
will explode.…

In our wet suits, we flutter-kicked our way through the dark ocean. Wirenut first, me second, and TL brought up the rear.

Water plugged my ears, permitting me to hear only my heartbeat and slow deep breaths.

Through my night goggles, I kept my vision focused on Wirenut’s fins.
One misstep rigs the mansion to explode.

Talk about pressure.

We made it through the fence and continued underwater around the island to the east side.

We exited the water and stripped our diving gear, then piled it on the sliver of rocky beach.

From his vest, Wirenut pulled four pressurized suction cups. Two he strapped to his knees and two he held in his hands. TL and I did the same. Air release controlled the suction, allowing for silent attachment and release. They worked on any surface.

Wirenut turned to us, touched his eye, and held up one finger.
Watch closely. One at a time.

TL and I nodded. Wirenut suctioned onto the stone and began a spiderlike crawl. I scrutinized his form, memorizing his technique and rhythm.

He made it to the roof and signaled for me.

One misstep rigs the mansion to explode.

With a deep breath I suctioned onto the wall.



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Shannon Greenland


down to
the wire


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Copyright © Shannon Greenland, 2007

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Greenland, Shannon.

The specialists : down to the wire / by Shannon Greenland.

p. cm.

Summary: GiGi, a sixteen-year-old computer genius living undercover with a group of teenaged prodigies, goes on a mission with Wirenut, the electronics specialist, when a deadly neurotoxin is stolen and hidden in a small Mediterranean country.

[1. Espionage—Fiction. 2. Orphans—Fiction.] I. Title. II. Title: Down to the wire. PZ7.G8458Sod 2007

[Fic]—dc22 2006102666

ISBN: 978-1-101-65067-7

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Thanks to all the girls who gave their critiquing brilliance: Glen McGafferty, Tara Greenbaum, Mari Lacroix, and Courtney Nighbert.

Tons of hoorays for my fab plotting group: Shelly Gilchrist, Tara Greenbaum, and Britta Harris.

A toast to you, Nadia Cornier, for being the coolest agent ever.

And one for you, too, Karen Chaplin. You are, hands down, the dream editor.

To all my young adult friends at Teen Lit Authors, you gals are the best group.

And to all my family in alphabetical order, so none of them will complain I’ve left them out: Bill, Jason, Jim, Mark, Max, Melinda, Naomi, Sharie, and Susan. Thanks for being the best support group a gal could ask for.

Table of Contents

Teaser for
The Specialists: The Winning Element


Using his homemade,
handheld computer, the HOMAS B28, Frankie flipped through prescanned floor plans.

Impenetrable. That’s what all the suppliers, media, and tech journals were bragging about the Rayver Security System.

We’ll just see about that.

He tucked the B28 in his zippered thigh pocket and pulled out a granola bar.

Unwrapping it, Frankie studied the dark New Mexico Museum of History from the sidewalk. Easy enough to get in the front door. Standard nixpho lock with a keypad. Any kindergartener with half an IQ could do it, too.

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