Dragon Fire (Dragons of Perralt Book 1) (15 page)

BOOK: Dragon Fire (Dragons of Perralt Book 1)
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His eyes sprang open with shock as soon as he registered who stood before him. But the King’s Guard were well trained. Even their young officers knew what to do.

Before Drake could react, the man yelled, “Guards, to me.”

Elsbeth felt her insides turn to stone at their discovery. Drake, of course, didn’t hesitate. He stepped forward and drove the pommel of his sword into the man’s forehead. He crumpled to the ground like a bag of laundry.

Reaching for her, Drake pulled her past the fallen man and into the darkness.

But they were too late. Torches sprang into life Men called to each other, the external sentries turned to see what the commotion was about. They had been spotted. The Princess was escaping.

Drake began to run, his hand pulling her along at a flying pace. Elsbeth fought to keep up with his long strides.

They darted around a white tent and into an onrushing pair of soldiers. Drake dropped her hand, parried a sword thrust while twisting and slicing through the side of one attacker, then spun again and brought his dagger into the chest of the second man.

Elsbeth gasped, it had been so fast, and now two men lay dead on the ground.

He didn’t hesitate but pushed her into the night.

“Run,” he said as he turned to face their pursuers. “I will find you in the forest. Run!”

Elsbeth hesitated. She could not leave him. Not now. He had just returned to her.

“Now, damn it,” he yelled at her as he brought his sword up with both hands. Elsbeth could see several men running towards them.

She must go, it was the only way. If she stayed, they would take her. If she escaped, then Drake could escape.

Turning, she rushed into the night. Her feet pounding into the ground as she fought to get to the safety of the forest. If she could get there, she would be free. No one would find her in the darkness. No one but Drake.

She fought for breath as she ran. Her side began to ache, and her feet screamed with pain in her simple slippers. Yet, she continued to run.

The sound of battle raged behind her. Why didn’t he turn into a dragon? she wondered. Why face them as a man? His dragon could destroy them. He would be free of them if he would but allow himself.

Was he holding back because of her? The thought scared her as she, at last, came to the trees.

Turning, she looked behind her, men were scurrying about carrying torches, searching for her.

Where is he? she wondered, unwilling to go into the forest without him.

Not because she was afraid, the forest felt like home to her now. No, but because she didn’t want to leave him.

“Go,” a voice yelled from the night.

Her brow scrunched as she peered into the darkness towards the camp. Fighting desperately to see who was yelling at her.

Before she could discern what was happening, a shape appeared. A blur of action, as Drake scoped her up and carried her into the forest.

She instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck and ducked her head against his chest. Holding on for dear life as he jumped over obstacles and twisted through the trees.

She was safe, she was free. The forest wouldn’t hurt her. It would protect her. Just as her Drake would protect her.

Yet, he didn’t stop but continued to run.

“They won’t follow us,” she said. “We’re safe. At least for now.”

He slowly came to a stop, his brow creased in concern, his heart pounding in his chest. Drake, she thought, her Drake.

“How can you be sure?” he said.

She laughed. “Everyone knows. There are dragons in these woods. They won’t come in at night. In fact, I’m not too sure if they’ll try in the morning.”

“It doesn’t matter. We’re not staying here to find out.”

He started running again, holding her close to him as he made his way through the forest.

Elsbeth let herself relax in his arms. She wouldn’t be able to convince him. Better to let him do what he must. None of it mattered. Not really. The only important thing was that she had her Drake.


Chapter Twenty

Drake halted on a small hill and slowly lowered her until she could stand on her own. He turned back to search down their path. She was right, his senses told him. They hadn’t been followed.

The dark path was bare. No one had entered the forest after them.

He looked up to the night sky. The new moon had appeared on the horizon. In the far distance, both Flint and Thaddaeus were up and ready. He had felt their presence throughout the night. Ready, not to close, but available if he needed them.

Even now, the two were circling his back trail.

He smiled to himself. Elsbeth would be safe tonight. Nothing would get past the two of them.

Turning, he quietly examined her in the new moonlight.

Her hair had come free, her face was flushed, and her eyes sparkled as she stared back at him.

He gently reached out and caressed her cheek.

“You will be safe tonight,” he said.

She smiled, then came into his arms. Throwing her arms around him, she buried her head in his chest and said, “Thank you, I knew you would come.”

He stood there and soaked in her strength, her love.

At last, they separated. He took her hand and led her up the trail. Silently, they walked hand in hand.

“Why didn’t you turn into a dragon?” she asked. “Can you only do it in the forest?”

He laughed, “No, nothing like that. The situation called for stealth and care. Not something dragons are known for. I believed I had a better chance of getting you out as me. Or at least, this me.”

She paused for a moment, her brow narrowed in confusion. Eventually, she nodded, obviously accepting his answer.

“What now?” she asked.

“Now, we rest,” he said as he indicated his campsite. “I’ve been staying here the last few nights.”

Elsbeth glanced at small comforts of his temporary home. His pack off to the side and his blankets laid out by the ring of stones.

Squatting down, he quickly started a fire, there was no need to worry. Nothing would find them, now.

“Sit,” he said. More an invitation than demand.

She quickly scurried to sit on the blankets. Pulling her knees up so that she could wrap her arms around them as she stared into the fire.

“Julian betrayed me,” she said. Shaking her head as if she still found it difficult to fathom. “Even before I had reached him, he had sold his soul to my uncle.”

Drake bit his tongue, now was not the time to say, ‘I told you so.’

Once the fire was going he joined her on the blanket, their shoulders brushed, he closed his eyes and drank in her lavender scent.

Her softness called to him. This close, he could not stop himself from needing her. Wanting her. His heart pounded, his beast demanded.

Swallowing hard he felt an awkwardness come over him. What now? They had said their goodbyes, she had moved on.

Granted, she needed him for a protector. But, what did she want, now?

He turned to look at her. To really study her. Their eyes locked and the old familiar passion began to build between them. He could see it in her eyes. That flaming need for him. The same need he felt for her.

Lifting a hand, he gently pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

“I will help you get your lands back. They will not win. I promise you.”

She sighed into his hand. Her eyes closed as she seemed to melt into his touch.

“I don’t know,” she said. “Everything I have tried has failed. I have no army.”

“You have a dragon,” he said. “A dragon of Perralt. We always defeat our enemies. It is what we do.”

“Yes, but, these are not your enemies, they are mine. Your mother’s rules about not getting involved in other people’s problems. I can’t let you break her will.”

Drake laughed. “Oh, Elsbeth, my mother’s demands no longer apply. They stopped applying the minute I fell in love with you. It is your needs that are mine, now. Your wants and desires that I must help you obtain. Nothing else matters.”

She froze in place as she stared into his eyes, as if trying to decipher a secret code or complex puzzle. Was he telling the truth? He could read it in her face.

“I love you, Elsbeth,” he said. “I have since you walked into that damn tavern. Your head held high, back straight, like you were walking into a council meeting. You are mine, and I am yours. It can be no other way.”

He watched the emotions race across her face as she fought to believe. Seeing that he was speaking the truth she threw herself into his arms, her mouth attacking his, unable to get enough.

“I love you too,” she said between hurried kisses.

“Even though I am a dragon?”

She hesitated for a moment, it was a quick moment, but he saw it.

“I don’t know that I will ever understand your dragon. But, I will love him because he is a part of you.”

Drake stared into her eyes. He knew it would take time for her to accept the dragon inside of him. But, that was alright, they had time.

Taking her head in both his hands, he bent and kissed her. A long, tender kiss that let her know she was the only person he would ever kiss for the rest of his life.

She moaned in the back of her throat and melted into him. Her chest pressed against his, her hands roving over his shoulders.

They both fell to the blankets, rolling in ecstasy as they fought to remove each other’s clothes.

The woman was desperate for him. The woman was a goddess. Her hands pushed his pants lower, then reached for him, groaning when she felt his hardness.

He broke away and smiled down at her, his eyes traveled over her beautiful, naked body. Cataloging every curve, memorizing every feminine swell.

His hands naturally came to her breast, squeezing, caressing. They felt tender, soft, and so tempting. Leaning forward he took a nipple into his mouth and sucked.

She arched her back as is demanding that he take more.

As he continued to feast on her breasts, his fingers traced a long, slow line down her belly to touch her. She was wet for him, already wanting and willing.

He circled his fingers around her vital core. Touching, teasing, taking her higher. Still, he sucked and fondled her breasts while his fingers slowly entered her.

“Oh, Drake,” she moaned.

The way she said his name sent a shaft of pure joy through him. This was his woman. This was his love.

He continued to touch and probe, to kiss and taste. Always building her need. Always giving her want she wanted.

His insides began to burn. His mind began to lose itself to the beast inside of him. He must have her.

Shifting his body, he readied himself before her.

Opening her eyes, she looked up at him as he hovered above her. Reaching up, she gently brushed the hair from his eyes. Giving him a look of pure love and admiration, she smiled and said, “My dragon.”

He could withhold himself no longer. He burned to have this woman.

Slowly, ever so slowly, he entered her. Her soft, warm, velvety core taking him in.

So tight, so unbelievably tight.

This is where I belong, he thought. Inside this woman. The world was perfect.

Elsbeth reached up and pulled him down on her as she ground herself into him.

“Yes,” she exclaimed as he buried himself into her.

He couldn’t stop himself, nothing could stop him from taking what he needed.

Thrusting, over, and over, He pushed them both higher.

She rose to meet him, demanding he give her more, faster.

He pounded into her tightness, the pressure building inside of him demanding to be released.

“Yes, please,” Elsbeth screamed as she climaxed around him. Squeezing, shuddering. “Yessss.”

Her pleasure sent him over the abyss into ecstasy. He exploded. His energy flowing through him, exploding into her.

The world stopped, there was only her, wrapped around him.

Reluctantly, he rolled to the side, leaving her warmth. Elsbeth moaned at the loss of him. Turning with him, she lay her head upon his chest and sighed.

“Oh, Drake,” she whispered. “What are we going to do?”

He laughed as his hand roamed across her back, caressing her, letting her feel his love for her.

“The first thing we need to do is establish some new rules,” he said.

“Rules? I thought you hated rules,” she said.

“Not for me, for you.”

She flinched, “What rules?” she asked hesitantly.

He smiled at her concern.

“Number one,” he said, “I am yours to command. In all things, except your protection. When it comes to that, I am in charge. Everything else is yours.”

He could feel her smile into his chest.

“Oh, does that mean if I say you have to take me to a ball, or an ambassador’s party, you have to go.”

Now, it was his turn to hesitate. “Yes,” he grunted. “But, don’t abuse it.”

Elsbeth smiled. “What about if I ask you to get me something to drink, or make a fire, or carry me across a stream?”

Again, he hesitated. This woman was going to be difficult.

“Yes,” he said finally. “But, don’t forget, you will be in my bed each night. There is always a price for girls who misbehave or abuse their power.”

She laughed and shook her head.  “That is sort of what your mother said.”

“What exactly did she say?” he asked as his hand traveled across her silky skin.

“She said that I could make you do anything, if I but loved you.”

“My mother has a habit of getting involved where she doesn’t belong.”

Elsbeth hugged him and draped a leg over his, obviously wanting to get as close as possible.

“Rule number two,” Drake said. “You can never ask another for protection.”

“What? I can’t go beg Prince Julian?”

He growled under his breath, “NO.”

“Very well, I understand,” she said. But, he could tell she was secretly pleased with his jealousy.

“Rule number three,” he said, pausing for a moment. “I am a dragon. A grumpy dragon. There will be times when I am less than thoughtful. I will say and do things that upset you. It is the beast inside of me. The beast that will protect you always. When I am less than kind, you must forgive me. Not right away, but eventually. I will not change. I will not become what you want. But, I will always be what you need.”

Elsbeth didn’t respond. His heart jumped as he waited for her answer. Would she accept him as he was? All of him. Both of him.

“I have a rule,” she said finally. “A rule that must never be broken.”

“What might that be?” he asked as he held his breath.

“That you love me. That you never stop loving me. My heart would stop beating if you ever stopped loving me.”

Drake smiled to himself. She had created a rule it was impossible to break.

“Very well,” he said. “I accept your terms.”

“This wasn’t a surrender negotiation,” she said with a laugh.

“Oh, in many ways, it was my dear,” he said as his hand returned to her rear.

“Enough of talking,” he said as he trailed sweet kisses down her neck. “What is your first command?” he asked, knowing full well what she wanted.


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