Dragon Fire (Dragons of Perralt Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Dragon Fire (Dragons of Perralt Book 1)
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She advanced, ever deeper, until the water cradled her breasts. She sighed with pleasure. The warm water seemed to embrace her. Pulling the soreness from her. Returning strength to her aching muscles.

Oh, the pure pleasure of it. Nothing had ever felt so good. Sighing she looked back towards camp. She could think of only one thing that might make her feel better.

Chapter Six

Elsbeth sat on a rock as she used a spare petticoat to dry her hair. There would be no lady’s maid to brush it tonight. No hundred strokes to make it glisten.

Maybe she could get Drake to brush her hair. The thought made her laugh. Imagine Drake taking the time to do such a thing. It seemed rather far-fetched.

She ran her brush through her long hair as best she could, then turned to return to camp.

Drake was standing there, at the edge of the clearing, watching her. His brow narrowed in concentration. Their eyes locked for a long moment.

He is thinking of me. He is thinking of what he wants to do to me. Her heart pounded as her mind flew to what she wanted him to do.

To take her, now.

She could see the burning passion in his eyes. The way his glare traveled over her body. The way he licked his lips, as if savoring a favorite meal.

A bolt of fear struck her. She wanted this man, more than was right. Her very soul was drawn to him. Something deep inside of her pushing her towards him.

She felt herself standing, preparing to go to him.

The connection was broken. He looked to the side. His brow creased, obviously upset at having to pull himself away from something he desperately desired.

Her heart fell, he had wanted it, too. But, his honor had held him back. Why? What was it about her that did not draw him the way he called to her?

Sighing, her shoulders slumped as she retrieved her pack.

“All yours,” she said indicating the magical pool.

He didn’t answer. Instead, he reached to pull his cotton shirt up over his head.

Elsbeth froze in place. Those massive shoulders made her almost gasp. Her eyes followed the line of his chest hair down his rock hard stomach to his pants and what lay below.

She could well remember that morning and what had poked at her.

Her cheeks exploded in flame as she quickly scurried back to camp.

She could have sworn she heard a soft chuckle under his breath. Almost like he was perfectly aware of what he was doing to her.

The beast. He should have had the decency to pretend otherwise. Any sophisticated man would have.

He had started a fire, her heart fell a little. Did he think she couldn’t do it? Or, was he just being nice? Her mind traveled a thousand different directions. He was so hard to understand. A mystery that could not be solved.

Three rabbits, already cleaned, each on a spit, sat aside, waiting for his return. How did he get them? she wondered. Probably just scowled at them and they fell over dead.

Everything came too easy for him.

Suddenly, a thought came to her. He would never know, she thought. Yes, she had to. This would be her only chance.

Dropping her pack, she turned to sneak back into the trees.

She was careful with each step. Making sure not to step on a twig, snapping it, and announcing her presence.

Although she took care, she also hurried. She needed to get there in time. Her heart pounded in her chest, her lips became dry. He wouldn’t know, she assured herself over and over.

Bending, she slowly parted the leaves.

Yes, she had been in time.

He stood at the edge of the pool, fully naked.

Her heart stopped. Simply stopped for a moment, as she took in the sight of those wide shoulders tapering down in a strong V to the most perfect butt.

Her hands ached, wanting to reach out and squeeze it.

He took a few steps into the pool. Like her, he was letting himself become accustomed to it

He had huge legs. Like tree trunks.  The water lapped at his knees. A sense of jealousy passed through her at the thought that other women had enjoyed him.

She licked her lips and tried to swallow.

The man was perfect. Every hard muscle defined. Every movement pure grace. It was enough to make a woman forget herself.

Turn around, she silently begged. Please, turn around.

As if reading her mind, he glanced to his left, then turned to walk backwards into the pool.

She had to throw a hand over her mouth to silence a gasp.

She had never seen a man. Not like this. She couldn’t take her eyes away from him. From it.

It will never fit, was her first thought. And, he isn’t even fully aroused. Not like this morning. It had been harder then, demanding.

But still, he was gorgeous. All man. She felt her insides begin to soften. Craving him. Needing him with every part of her soul.

Drake chose that moment to fall back into the pool. Sinking beneath the water, breaking his hold on her. He came up and shook the wet hair from his eyes.

A silly smirk crossed his lips. What is he thinking about? she wondered.

Swallowing, she regretfully backed away. This isn’t right, she said to herself.

How would she feel if he had hidden in the woods and watched her bath? She wouldn’t have been happy at all. No, she told herself as she returned to the camp.

Best to put it aside. She had seen him, her curiosity had been answered. A part of her knew that all future men would be judged next to him. She also knew that all men would be found wanting.

Her throat tightened as she thought about him. She couldn’t get him out of her mind. It was driving her insides into a ball of fire.

The way his hand held hers when he helped her over a log. The ways his hair tickled the tops of his ears. How he had felt next to her that morning. Big, strong, warm, and hard. Oh, so hard.

Chastising herself for being silly, she focused on making the camp. She rolled out the blankets. Placing them next to each other without actually touching. She rearranged the coals and set the rabbits to roasting. Taking the pot from his pack, she started some rice. Just as she had seen him do yesterday.

The smell of roasting meat and the burbling bubble of the pot made her smile. Pleased with herself she sat and fed the fire small sticks.

As she stirred the rice, she glanced back at the blankets. Maybe she could put them a little closer to each other.

“Looks good,” he said from the edge of the clearing. She jumped, did the man ever make a sound? Not unless he wanted you to hear.

He stood there, bare chested, drying his hair with his shirt. Like a carved mountain. Hard, straight, all man.

She bit her lip and tried not to look at his body. But, it was impossible to turn away.

“So tell me, did you see what you wanted to see? Did you like it?” he asked.

Her heart fell to her stomach. Her cheeks grew hot with shame. He had known. All along, he had known.

“I… I ah, I’m sorry,” she stuttered. “I just, I …” she shut up. What could she say that would make it right?

He chuckled and shook his head.

“Have you ever even seen a man before? A naked man, that is?”

Her stomach rebelled with fear. Why did he have to bring it up? Why talk about it except to embarrass her?

Reluctantly, she shook her head, unable to meet his gaze.

He didn’t laugh at her. He didn’t tease her. Instead, he stepped closer and gently lifted her chin so that he could stare into her eyes.

“You didn’t answer me. Did you like what you saw?”

She couldn’t pull her eyes away from his. Couldn’t control her own thoughts and wishes. She would have sworn the man held her under a magical spell. He had become the center of her universe. The only thing of any importance.

Biting her lip, she slowly nodded.

His eyes blazed with passion as he lowered his head to take her lips with his.

She melted. A simple kiss and she melted into him.

Their time together, her life before, her future. All of it disappeared. There was just now, just him.

Her hands went up to pull him tighter. Traveling over his back. Feeling each hard muscle. Her chest pinned to his, she kissed him back. Kissed him like there was no tomorrow.

His tongue found hers, making her moan deep in her throat. He answered with a groan of lust as his hands snaked down to hold her rear. Pulling her into him.

Suddenly, there were too many clothes. She needed her skin next to his. But how, what was she to do next?

He could read her mind, could tell what she needed before she could even form the thought. His hands slowly unlaced the back of her dress while he continued to devour her mouth with his kisses.

She felt the dress fall away and with it, her petty coat, and then her shift. She kicked it aside. All the time, keeping contact with him. Taking from him.

Her bare breast rubbed against his hard chest. It was as if a fire burned inside of him. The heat and strength radiating off of him made her mind whirl.

His hands returned to her bottom, caressing, squeezing, as he rained kisses down her neck. Her nipples grew erect and hard. Her insides grew wet with excitement and anticipation.

She needed more, needed it now.

Her hands slipped into the waist of his pants and pushed them down. She glanced briefly and froze. He was fully aroused. Ready for her. Wanting her.

She swallowed hard. It would never fit, she thought again. Especially now.

The pure maleness of it captured her, held her in thrall. She could not take her eyes off of him.

He chuckled deep in his throat and gently led her down to his blanket.

His lips immediately went to her breasts. As if he had denied himself too long. Taking a nipple into his mouth, he began to suck and lick.

Her world came alive with new colors and sensations. He had opened a door into a new and strange universe.

His hands traveled over her, caressing, fondling, squeezing. Her hands raked his back as she responded to every touch.

“Oh, Drake,” she whispered, unable to believe what he was making her feel.

He nipped at her shoulder, that special spot where it met her neck.

“You are truly beautiful, Princess,” he said.

“Please. Elsbeth, call me Elsbeth, I love the way you say my name.”

She could feel him smile next to her. “Elsbeth,” he said, “you are as beautiful as a morning sunrise on a misty morn. As sweet as elderberry wine and just as intoxicating.”

His words washed over her. Burying her in emotion and need. She knew it was wrong, but didn’t care. Nothing else in this world mattered but this moment.

She had never felt this urgent need to couple. This need for him to cover her and take her.

Arching into him, she tried to pull at him.

He didn’t move. It was like trying to shift a mountain.

Instead, his hand traveled down her stomach to come to rest at her core. He lifted his head to stare into her eyes as his finger found her.

She threw her head back and moaned as he touched her there. Touched her where no one had ever touched her before.

She felt herself swell with need, grow wet with want.

He caressed and pressed his finger into her. Invading her, touching her as nothing had ever touched her.

Her heart raced. What was he doing to her? She had never felt such racing emotion. Such need and want.

He slowly began to circle her spot. Driving her upward. Driving her to something new, something unknown.

His lips found her breasts as his fingers continued to push her higher.

“Elsbeth,” he said. Her name on his lips sent a warm shiver through her. “There are things you don’t know about me,” he continued.

“I don’t care,” she said. “I know what I need to know.” Stop talking, she thought. Just touch me. Don’t ever stop touching me.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

Her eyes met his, stared into their dark depths. Was she sure? How could he ask her that? Of course she wasn’t sure, but she did know, she wanted him. Needed him.

“Yes,” she said as she nodded her head. She had never been surer of anything in her life.

He smiled and returned to suckling at her breast. Every kiss, every caress driving her upward.

At last, she could stand it no longer, she needed him desperately. Needed him inside of her. Whimpering in the back of her throat, she pulled at him. If necessary, she would beg. She needed him, now.

He relented. Smiling down at her with that silly smirk of his. The one she normally found so infuriating. Now it drove her insane.

“Please,” she asked.

He chuckled to himself.

Smiling down at her, he slowly parted her knees with his legs. She swallowed hard with both fear and anticipation.  She glanced down and saw how big he was.

It was impossible. It would never work. How?

A brief look of understanding passed behind his eyes.

“I’ll be careful,” he said. “Relax,” he added as he positioned himself before her. Taking himself in hand, he pressed himself against her opening.

She naturally tensed, her eyes searching his.

He simply smiled and rubbed himself against her.

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