Dragon Knight's Ring (Order of the Dragon Knights Book 5) (15 page)

Read Dragon Knight's Ring (Order of the Dragon Knights Book 5) Online

Authors: Mary Morgan

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #spicy, #Time Travel, #Scotland

BOOK: Dragon Knight's Ring (Order of the Dragon Knights Book 5)
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Frowning, she looked away. “Aye, I am, but I sense…more within me. There are days I can hear whispers of someone calling my name along the breezes. As if the two worlds—past and present cross over. I’m bound by this and the other.” She kept her gaze focused on the animals. “And there’s always these burning questions I carry.”

“Which are?” he asked, bringing Ciar closer to her and Fion.

When she turned back toward Adam, her eyes glistened with tears. “Who is Jamie’s father? Was he a dalliance? Was I married to the man? If so, why hasn’t he searched for us?”

Adam’s heart stilled. A strong urge to tell her everything over took him. Yet, if he told Meggie he was indeed Jamie’s father, he would have to reveal everything about her past. And he deemed she was not yet ready to hear the truth. He clenched the reins so tight Ciar snorted his disgust. “The man surely might be dead, too,” he lied.

She clutched a fist to her chest. “Surely, that would he horrific. Or maybe that’s what happened. The event traumatized me so, that I lost all memories. One of my doctors suggested that when a distressing incident occurs, the mind attempts to block it out. A way of protecting the mind.”

It was a horrific event—the night ye died. One I will nae forget.
Adam cast his gaze once more to the stag. “Your mind has shrouded ye in protection.”

“’Tis time to remove the shroud,” she responded. Meggie nudged her horse forward.

They spent the remainder of their journey in silence—ambling upward at a leisurely pace. Meggie was the first to dismount, and she led Fion over to a wide expanse of grass to graze. Adam got off his horse and removed the basket. Giving a playful smack to Ciar, he watched the horse meander over to the other one.

“I believe he likes Fion,” commented Meggie as she flipped out a blanket onto the ground.

“They make a fine pair. Their offspring would be beautiful.”

Meggie flashed him a smile and then grabbed the basket from his hands. “Men,” she grumbled. “Though Lucas said the same, too.”

Adam was caught off guard by her sudden declaration of her cousin.

She handed him a beer. “What? Ye are finding it hard to fathom that Lucas agrees with ye?”

“Aye,” he stated taking the beer from her. “The man despises me.”

“That he may, but he kens good horse flesh, and Ciar is a handsome animal.”

Adam sat down next to Meggie, watching as she laid out the food. Her cheeks were flushed from the ride up to the ridge and her hair a mass of curls atop her head, making her look like the Goddess he had always loved. Her lips parted when she dipped her finger into one of the small boxes, then licked off the food.

He chuckled. “Ye always did have to have a wee bit before everyone else.”

Her head popped up, her eyes wide in surprise. “Tell me more, Adam.”

Adam propped his arms on his knees. He gazed into her eyes unsure what to say. Taking another guzzle of his beer, he nodded. “First, I have a confession to make.”

“Go on,” she uttered softly.

“We knew each other for several years, not the one time.” He held his breath waiting for her response.

She stared wordlessly next to him. Reaching for a spoon, she scooped out some of the meat mixture. “Aye, I already ken. I’m nae a fool. I saw the lie all over your face.” Meggie handed him the spoon. “Tell me what ye think? I say it needs more salt and dill.”

Shocked by her words, Adam shoved the spoon into his mouth. Savoring the flavors of the meat, he handed the spoon back to her. Licking his lips, he arched a brow at her. “Needs more salt
meat.” Drinking the last of his beer, he set the bottle down.

“The first time I saw ye was in the hills near Urquhart. I was attempting to calm said beast.” He pointed to Ciar. “He was fierce in the beginning. Yet, ye ambled over to him, singing. Ye have always had a way with the animals. Your voice soothes them.”

“And that’s how we met, right? Ye did share this, but was there more?” She handed him another spoonful of the meat mixture.

“Aye. Ye followed me down to the loch, and we talked for many hours. It was the start of our kinship.”

Meggie rested her chin on her knees. “For how long, Adam?”

“Several summers.” He watched her closely, trying to gage her thoughts.

“Hmm…we were in a relationship.”

Baffled by her word, he shrugged. “I dinnae ken your meaning.”

“Were we a couple? Was I your girlfriend? Sweetheart?”

Adam took his thumb and captured a lone bit of food near her lip. Popping the tasty piece into his mouth, he heard her indrawn breath. “Ye were mine, Meggie. Stubborn, defiant, strong, and ye embraced each day with love for all.”

“What happened?” she asked.

“Ye left.” Standing, Adam moved away. Never a patient man, he wanted to blurt out everything, shake her into remembering. Frustration slithered inside of him. Walking over to an old oak, he braced his hands against its rough bark. He heard her approach, but kept his back to her.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, and then surprised Adam by placing her arms around him.

Her touch seared straight to his soul, fracturing a place within his heart that had been sealed since her death. He broke free from her embrace and turned around. Grasping her face with his hands, his eyes roamed over her features. Seeing her lips part, he could no longer control the man that longed to taste what had been stolen from him. His entire being seemed to be filled with waiting, and he grew weary of the fight.

Lowering his head, his tongue traced the soft fullness of her lips. Then he brushed a feather light kiss on her mouth. It was divine bliss when their lips touched. “Do ye want me to stop?” he asked, breathing the words against her cheek.


Reclaiming her mouth, Adam crushed her to him. This time, he devoured her soft lips and drank in their sweetness, slipping his tongue inside her mouth. Her moan slid deep within him, and he trembled. His emotions whirled and skidded. Unable to stop, he turned her against the tree, cupped her breast with one hand, and deepened the kiss. His cock throbbed to be inside her—to be one with her again.

Grasping his head, she leaned more into him. Her mouth demanded more of his, and he plundered deeply. When her hands slipped under his shirt, he growled in pleasure. Breaking free from the kiss, he lifted her and carried her to the blanket. Bringing them both down, his hand caressed her curves. As he gazed at her flushed face, he saw neither fear nor hesitation in her eyes. “Tell me what ye want, Meggie? For if I continue, I fear I will nae be able to hold back.”

His heart pounded when she freed her sweater from her body, leaving only the delicate material over her luscious breasts. She gave him a sensual smile. “Did we ever make love, Adam?” When she slipped free from her trews, he could have sworn his heart stopped for a moment. The sight before him left him speechless as she knelt in front of him.

“Many times,” he answered as his mouth grazed her earlobe. Sitting up, he removed his jacket and shirt. He watched as her gaze darkened.

“Was I forced to leave ye?” She sprawled out lazily on her back.

He lowered himself back down next to her. Removing the clip from her hair, he let the thick mass of curls tumble free.

“Aye,” he said softly, shoving aside the images of the night she died. “Ye have not answered my question, Meggie.”

She placed a hand on his chest—her touch soft and gentle when she traced a path down his abdomen. Snatching her hand, before she lowered it onto his rock hard erection, he brought it to his lips.

“Why can’t we enjoy the moment? Is it too much to ask, Adam?”

Turmoil and confusion clouded his mind. His body screamed to take her, but he wanted both—the past and the present Meggie. Regretting his next decision, he moved off the blanket. Fisting his hands on his hips, he stared out at the loch below. The sun shimmered on the water, reminding him of the beauty of this place he had long forgotten.

“What’s wrong, Adam?”

He kept his gaze outward for fear if he saw her in barely naught, he would relent. “I dinnae want only a moment. I desire everything.”

“But what if I can’t give ye
?” her question a mere whisper on the breeze.

His body shook with emotion. Turning back around, he strode over and pulled her into his arms. “I am not a patient man, Meggie. Ye once said it was my worst flaw, so I will wait. Wait for a mere slip of memory to return to ye. For some hope that ye do remember. This is not a passing fancy for me. ’Tis more.”

A lone tear slipped down her face. “I have this fierce need for ye. Did I love ye?”

“Och, my bonny Meggie. Ye must find your own answers.” He held her quaking body in his arms.

“Stop,” she sobbed, struggling to get out of his arms. Adam released her and stood back. She picked up her sweater and pulled it on over her head. He could see and feel her anger and resentment in her eyes and her abrupt movements. “Ye are a mixture of puzzle pieces, Adam. One moment, kissing me savagely, the next, acting like a monk. Afraid to touch me. To tell me anything. I wonder if the Adam I knew before was fearful—”

Adam grasped her around the waist and silenced her words with a kiss that was filled with his anger. His tongue invaded, demanded, and she gave back. He took her gasp into his body, filling his soul. When she wrapped a leg around him, his desire boiled. Breaking free, his breathing was labored. “I fear naught, for I have already lost all.”

She pushed him away and started to dress.

Grabbing his clothes, he stormed off in the direction of his horse not trusting himself to be around Meggie a moment more. He understood her irritation for it mirrored his own. However, he would never be content with only a moment. Nae, he had to have her completely. With each step he took, his mood worsened, and the shadows danced before his eyes.

Seeing Ciar, he gave a whistle. The damnable animal looked his way but then trotted toward Fion. “Bloody beast.” Pinching the bridge of his nose, he tried to calm his racing heart and cock. Blinking several times, he whistled once again. Except this time, Fion turned and ambled his way, Ciar not far behind. Adam hastily threw on his shirt and jacket.

When his horse drew near, Adam lunged for the reins. “So now ye do her bidding? Ye have gone soft.”

“He’s more wise than most,” uttered Meggie as she mounted her own horse. “I’m sure ye can find your way back to Aonach.”

Adam smacked Ciar on the rump. “Go follow your new mistress,” he ordered.

He didn’t need to command Ciar twice. The horse took off trotting down the hill.

Deciding to take his time back to Aonach, Adam clearly needed to cool his mind and body. Would it have been so wrong to give her what she wanted—what he craved? Adam had taken her virginity on the ridge many moons ago. But it was different then. Now…

He bent and picked up a stone and flung it far. Breathing in deeply, he headed toward the loch. A dunking in the cold, icy waters would quench the raging fire of desire that coursed through him.

Perchance then, he would see more clearly.

Chapter Fourteen

“Once upon a time, people believed in the Good Folk. Now, they leave that belief to the children.”

Urquhart Castle—October 1207

“Is the threat of snow keeping you from the lists this morning?” chided Deirdre as she strolled up to her husband, tucking her arm within his.

Angus drew her more closely to him and kissed the top of her head watching the swirl of mist creep around the loch. “Nae. I am only observing the water. I shall join the others shortly.”

Peering over the edge, Deirdre looked around. “Is it the Great Dragon? Is she here?”

“Nae. Something far more powerful.”

“Lachlan?” she asked in a strained voice.

Memories of that wretched night haunted everyone at Urquhart. From his own family to the children. Though it had been many moons since Lachlan nearly burned down the castle, nightmares still haunted many within its walls. “Dinnae fear. He poses no threat here. His presence is gone.”

“Yet, something is troubling you, Angus.”

He cupped her chin and smiled at Deirdre. “I am nae troubled, wife. I cannae account for this feeling.”

She snuggled deeply against Angus. “Maybe it might be about something else. Me?”

Angus held her away from him. Seeing the blush staining her cheeks, her shy manner, and twisting her fingers in her gown, he couldn’t fathom what could have undone his warrior wife. “What is wrong with ye?” he demanded.

She marched away from him, bracing her arms over the stone wall. “As if you haven’t noticed. My grumpy behavior, fits of outbursts, sleeping past dawn, which you know I can’t stand, and eating more than my own husband! The list is endless, but I only have ten fingers to count them on.”

Shock soon turned to realization what she was spouting about. Grasping her to him, he lifted her high and twirled her around. “Ye are with child!”

Smacking him in the chest, she ordered, “Put me down. You’ll hurt your back.”

Angus roared with laughter. “Wife, I shall carry ye even when ye are heavy with our child.” His mouth covered hers hungrily, savoring the taste of her. Trailing a path of kisses along her neck, he murmured, “The greatest news ye could have given me.”

“I’m scared, Angus,” she admitted softly. “What if something goes wrong?”

He broke free and stared into her eyes. “Ye are fearful only because Fiona had a difficult child bearing.”

Deirdre placed her hands over her abdomen. “She almost lost the baby.”

Angus placed an arm around her. “Aye. And Alastair nearly brought the castle down with his own fear of losing her.”

“How could I forget?” Deirdre mused. “You, Duncan, and Stephen had to hold him down when Matilda stated she thought Fiona and the baby were dying.” She visibly shuddered.

Taking her hands within his, Angus brought them both to his chest. “No harm will come to ye and our bairn. He is strong. A MacKay. I order it to be thus.”

Deirdre arched a brow. “One, you cannot predict what’s going to happen in a pregnancy—
. Two, our babe might be a she. Would that upset you, Laird MacKay?”

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