Read Dragon Me to Your Lair: A dragon shifter story (Dragons of Emberside Book 1) Online
Authors: Thalia Frost
I have to find out today whether Skye is a shifter.
If she wasn't, he still wanted her, but if she was, making his case to the clan was so much easier. Besides, dragon mating was the hottest thing in the world—much better than sex in human form or sex with a non-shifter.
Not that all I want is sex.
It was true. He thought Skye was smart, plucky, and a match for his bullshit where most women didn't have a prayer of keeping up with him. She was also kind, though. He could see that in her—and a bit shy. Morighan didn't hold a candle to her. She was all hard edges and meanness that served to get her way.
He'd tossed and turned all night until it was time to go to Skye's. Niall hoped against hope that he could catch her at a compromising moment. It wasn't a gentlemanly thing to do, but he had to know if his suspicions were correct.
The next morning, he covered the distance between the cave and her cottage with speed, anticipation driving him. It was early. Niall had told her he would be at her place around 8 am to do some work right before he had left the day before. She mentioned something offhand about that giving her time to get ready and have a shower before.
Bingo. His plan had hatched. It had been hard for him to avoid shifting, just thinking of Skye in the shower, her sweet body lathered and clean.
“Damn. Quit thinking about it, you idiot. You have a goal here beyond just getting into her pants, which isn't happening today.” He punched himself in the gut, something he often did to center himself in his human body. It was easy to let the dragon mindset take over with its hyper drives for sex and stimulation.
As he approached the cottage, he slowed down and bent over. He fought the feeling of being a sneaky bastard for doing what he was doing.
It's for love and the future of the clan. And to see her naked.
Niall suppressed a laugh, shaking his head at himself.
He moved silently around the cottage to the bathroom window. He knew the blinds didn't come together well, and he could see inside. It wasn't something he had ever wanted to do or tried to do before. Now, it was imperative that he do so. It was worth the risk.
Running water alerted him to the fact that his plan had worked. He waited by the window. She was in the shower. He couldn't see her yet. His pulse thrummed deep inside of him, and he fought with his whole being not to start shifting.
She's going to kill me, she's so desirable.
After what seemed like an eternity, the water stopped running.
Heat built inside Niall's chest as he peered in through the window.
Skye stepped out of the walk in shower, facing toward him. He was distracted by her body, rivulets of water running down her arms and perfect legs. Her skin was white and pinked with heat.
Holy dragon goddess.
He bit his lip as his erection surged to life. Hiding it was no small feat since it was—rather large, especially in human terms. Nine or ten inches was laughable for a dragon shifter in human form.
Everything about Skye was perfect, pastel, pink, and peach. She was the essence of femininity.
But what else is she?
Niall studied her left inner thigh, or what he could see of it as she reached for a towel.
“There.” He licked his lips, hungry for a taste of her.
He knew it was a dragon shape—light brown, as expected. He could see the tail portion of the birthmark, looping to the front of the thigh. “Sweet goddess. She will be my mate.”
Niall wanted to whoop and run inside and take her there and then. He restrained himself with great effort and averted his gaze from her luscious form.
I have to woo her first, and I know just what she'll love.
He looped behind the cottage to a nearby field of wildflowers. Humming a happy tune, he picked a handful, thinking of Skye—her wet body.
“Damn. I have to stop that.” He took deep breaths in and out to avoid shifting and added a few more wildflowers to his makeshift bouquet.
* * * *
No one was outside when she peeked out the windows and the front door. The strange feeling of being watched was only that—just paranoia that sometimes came with a new place.
“Too bad it wasn't Niall peeping in.” She giggled at herself. It had been difficult to sleep the night before. Her lower body tingled, as if ready for something she didn't even fully understand. But Skye knew what had set the desire off—the green eyed hunk who had stayed for tea yesterday.
I won't invite him in today. I have way too much to write, to do...
She sat down at her laptop. The words flowed like water from a magical fountain today. The hero had emerald green eyes, a tall build, and lean muscles. He looked like Niall Gregor.
“Ugh! No.” Skye growled. “This is fiction, not reality.”
Maybe he's inspiring me.
Skye gritted her teeth, not wanting to let her mind stay too long on Niall's muscular torso, his full lips.
She moaned. “Dammit. This is ridiculous. How have I gone all this time, never even slept with a man, and now all I can think about is this guy two days into my new life?” Skye stared into space, willing her mind to go blank to return to the flow of writing she had been in. But her mojo was gone.
“This is stupid.” She slammed the laptop shut with a bang, feeling hot all over.
She needed to move. She couldn't sit in the chair, thinking about him. A walk might clear her head, but he was the last person she wanted to run into.
A knock sounded at the door.
“Oh, great. He has perfect timing,” she whispered. Her heart jack hammered into her chest.
I feel like a sixteen year old girl with a horrible crush.
Skye took her time getting to the door. She felt like Niall would be able to read her thoughts.
“For you.” Niall handed her a purple, white, and yellow bouquet of wildflowers.
“Oh, thank you.” For once all sarcastic comments left her. He couldn't have planned this better if he had read one of her romance novels. When was the last time any man had gotten her flowers—senior prom?
“You're welcome. I couldn't help but think of you when I saw them. Better put them in some water. I think there's a vase or two in the cabinet.” He grinned.
“I don't follow. Why would these make you think of me?” She lifted her chin, doing her best to be regular old, sarcastic Skye. Turning her back on him, she went to find a vase.
He's going to come in. I want him to come in.
“Their beauty, how individual each one is, among other things.” She heard the flirtatious note in his voice, and her spine tingled.
“Like...what other things?”
I am not acting like myself at all.
The old feeling she had experienced before was rushing in—the one she fought by writing all the time and not dating. It was pure, unbridled lust. Skye's thighs slipped against each other as she grabbed a vase and walked toward him. She licked her lips, unable to help herself.
He wants me. He actually wants me, and I...well, what do I want?
She desperately tried to think of her fiction, of the bestseller she had 80 plus days left to write, but even that carrot wasn't reward enough to make her turn away from Niall Gregor. He leaned against a chair, looking ripped. His arm muscles were amazing in a tank shirt Skye would have found repulsive on 90% of other men.
“Like the golden color in your hair and the deep blue, almost purple of your eyes, and the pink of your--”
He stopped suddenly, and his cheeks grew pink.
“Of my what?” Skye flushed, too, knowing he meant something illicit.
“Your lips,” he said softly.
“Ah.” Skye busied herself with the flowers. She had a strange feeling he had been thinking of something other than her lips. Sweat trickled down to her lower back. “I'll just put these in a vase, then.”
Before she could react, he was touching her—his movement as fast as lightning, covering the space between them. “Skye, don't you know who you are?”
She tensed, her arm hot where he held it. “A writer, a woman who needs to be working, like I think you're supposed to be doing.” Her voice trembled, and she hated herself for betraying her feelings to him. She wondered if he could tell it was lust that dripped from every syllable she spoke.
What is happening to me? Have I lost my mind?
“No, that's not what I mean at all.” Niall brought both arms around her, and Skye thought she would crumple to the floor with the pure sensation of it.
Her pussy throbbed with need. “Well, what do you mean?” she whispered, unsure she would be able to stand much longer.
“You belong here, Skye. You're much more than you know.” He kissed the back of her neck gently. Then, the heat of his tongue licked and probed and sucked as she moaned.
“Niall, I can't--”
“Yes, you can. But before we do, we need to talk.”
She groaned, wanting him, but glad he had stopped it—whatever it was going to lead to. “Okay.” Skye leaned against him, feeling his large erection hard against the small of her back. It was a new, but welcome sensation.
“You won't believe me, but I can prove it to you.”
At that moment, a pounding started on the door.
“Holy hell. Who is that?” Niall hissed, and the sound was something half human, half animal.
“I have no idea. Let me just see.” Skye cleared her throat, disappointment at the moment being broken flooding through her.
* * * *
Morighan strode through the door, not waiting for an invitation. “Niall, I must talk to you right now. It's important.”
“Morighan, now isn't the time.” He wanted to breathe fire, to incinerate this bitch on the spot.
“Yes. Now. I mean it. Otherwise, you won't like what I public company.” Her eyes flashed cold fire at him.
“Sorry. I have...a work project thing we need to discuss. I have to go. I'll be back later, Skye.” Niall sighed.
Her face fell. He hated seeing that he was the one who was letting her down—the woman he loved and wanted to mate with. He was more sure of that than ever now. And they had been so close to talking, to truly knowing each other.
She doesn't believe this is about work. I wouldn't either.
“Fine. I have to write anyway.” Skye turned her back on him and sat down at her computer.
“Skye, I promise. I'll be back as soon as I can.” The flowers seemed like a sad attempt to get her to notice him now.
“Don't bother. I have things to do.” Her voice was flat, devoid of the passion he had heard only moments before.
Morighan cleared her throat loudly. “Now! Niall.”
Hanging his head, he followed her outside, feeling as if he were going to his doom.
* * * *
They ran, he out of rage, and Morighan, possibly out of a similar emotion.
“Why the fuck did you come there?” He stopped as they reached a clearing.
Morighan motioned him into a small cave that no one would stumble upon. It was hard to even see at all, unless you were a dragon and knew cave entrances like your own face.
“Because I'm letting you know, you're going to be mated to me—forever.” Her eyes flashed that icy fire of blue.
Niall groaned, feeling his cock stir. She turned him on, and the residual passion from his encounter with Skye didn't help any. The woman he loved really brought out the dragon in him, and it had been a fight not to shift during the last few minutes with her.
“Morighan, I like you. I care about you as a sister, but I can't. As soon as I saw this woman, I knew. It was like—fate. This wasn't some arranged mating thing like we have.” He avoided her gaze.
“Look at me, you coward,” she snarled. “You don't have to love me. We are doing this for our clan—to hold it all together. The sex is good, and that's enough, along with our friendship.” She slid over onto his lap in a fluid movement, before he could protest.
“No, I don't want to.”
But she was already sucking on his neck, and heat built inside his chest, a sure sign of the shift coming on. Morighan knew how to change him—fast. She had experience.
“I can feel that you do.” She laughed and rubbed against his cock with her ass.
“The dragon inside of me does, but I love another woman.” Niall ground the words out as she continued to massage him.
“That's fine. Like I said, I don't give a damn about love. But you are going to be my mate. It's decided. The clan is more important than luuuuve.” She bit his neck and sucked hard, and he shouted.
A vortex spun behind his eyes—colors of fire merging.
I'm shifting. I'm lost.
He rose with a roar and breathed fire. He was full of rage and lust. Niall pushed Morighan against the cave wall, pressing her face against it. She hadn't shifted.
What game is she playing?
He didn't know and didn't care. All he knew was that he had to have her—had to mate, or he would burst.
She laughed as he peeled her pants down. “Take me. In less than two months, we will be together, formally.” Morighan pushed her ass against his hand as he cupped it.